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1,846 Items
Abstract watercolor art Collection508 Items
Botanical illustrations in watercolor Collection3,947 Items
Colorful nature scenes Collection2,664 Items
Contemporary botanical art Collection154 Items
Detailed plant studies in watercolor Collection3,092 Items
Floral watercolors Collection1,774 Items
Impressionist style watercolors Collection6 Items
Landscape paintings in watercolor Collection138 Items
Nature-inspired artwork Collection2,664 Items
Realistic floral paintings Collection1,774 Items
Still life watercolors Collection473 Items
A Red Legged Patridge and a Covey of Grey Patridges by Corn Stooks (pencil and w / c)6448737 A Red Legged Patridge and a Covey of Grey Patridges by Corn Stooks (pencil and w/c) by Thorburn, Archibald (1860-1935); 22.8x36.8 cm; Private Collection; ( Thorburn)
Dry Flower BouquetTreechild
Oak Tree or Quercus, Victorian Botanical IllustrationVery Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved Victorian Botanical Illustration of Oak Tree or Quercus: Plate 43
Spruce Pine Tree or Pinus Picea, Victorian Botanical IllustrationVery Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved Victorian Botanical Illustration of Spruce Pine Tree or Pinus Picea: Plate 43
Tilia Tree or Lime and Linden, Victorian Botanical IllustrationVery Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved Victorian Botanical Illustration of Tilia Tree or Lime and Linden: Plate 43
Beech Tree or Fagus, Victorian Botanical IllustrationVery Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved Victorian Botanical Illustration of Beech Tree or Fagus: Plate 43
Birch Tree or Betula, Victorian Botanical IllustrationVery Rare, Beautifully Illustrated Antique Engraved Victorian Botanical Illustration of Forest Trees and Plants: Plate 44
Nature Inspired Abstract Watercolor (Day 62)Mauro
Fleur De CotonSylvie Demers
Strawberry Bush-"Hearts Bustin with Love"(Euonymus Americanus), 1930Strawberry Bush-" Hearts Bustin with Love" (Euonymus Americanus), 1930
Minimal natureMaira Ribena
Leafy SilhouettesAlisa Galitsyna
Labiatae or Lamiaceae, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)DGA1260808 Labiatae or Lamiaceae, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Evergreen shrub spontaneous in Italy, by Francesco Peyrolery, watercolour, 1752; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Verbenaceae, Bleeding Glory-bower (Clerodendron thomsoniae)DGA1260807 Verbenaceae, Bleeding Glory-bower (Clerodendron thomsoniae), Evergreen shrub native to tropical Africa, by Maddalena Lisa Mussino, watercolour, 1866; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Verbenaceae, Five-leaved Chaste Tree (Vitex negundo)DGA1260806 Verbenaceae, Five-leaved Chaste Tree (Vitex negundo), Deciduous shrub native to tropical and subtropical Asia, by Giovanni Antonio Bottione, watercolour, 1770-1781; ( Herbal)
Polemoniaceae, Wild Sweet William (Phlox maculata)DGA1260803 Polemoniaceae, Wild Sweet William (Phlox maculata), Herbaceous perennial plant for flower beds, native to Northern America, by Giovanni Antonio Bottione, watercolour
Polemoniaceae, Jacob's Ladder or Greek Valerian (Polemonium caeruleum)DGA1260802 Polemoniaceae, Jacob's Ladder or Greek Valerian (Polemonium caeruleum), perennial herbaceous plant for flower beds and rocky gardens spontaneous in Italy, by Giovanni Antonio Bottione
Apocynaceae, Bush Allamanda (Allamanda neriifolia Hook)DGA1260796 Apocynaceae, Bush Allamanda (Allamanda neriifolia Hook), Temperate greenhouse shrub with persistent leaves, native to Brazil, by Maddalena Lisa Mussino, watercolour
Fragrant Snowbell (Styrax obassia)DGA1260792 Fragrant Snowbell (Styrax obassia), Styracaceae, deciduous shrub for hedges, native to Japan, watercolour, 1765; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)
German Statice (Limonium tataricum)DGA1260790 German Statice (Limonium tataricum), Plumbaginaceae, Herbaceous perennial plant for rocky gardens, native to South-Eastern Europe, watercolour, 1770-1781; ( Herbal)
Fringed Loosestrife (Steironema ciliatum)DGA1260788 Fringed Loosestrife (Steironema ciliatum), Primulaceae, Herbaceous perennial plant for flower beds, native to Northern America, watercolour, 1770-1781; ( Herbal)
Primrose (Primula cortusoides)DGA1260785 Primrose (Primula cortusoides), Primulaceae, Herbaceous perennial plant for flower beds native to Siberia and Japan, watercolour, 1812-1837; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Alpenrose (Rhododendron ferrugineum)DGA1260784 Alpenrose (Rhododendron ferrugineum), Ericaceae, shrub with persistent leaves for rocky gardens, spontaneous in Italy, watercolour, 1765; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Strawberry Tree, (Arbutus unedo)DGA1260783 Strawberry Tree, (Arbutus unedo), Ericaceae, evergreen shrub for hedges also cultivated for its fruits, spontaneous in Italy, watercolour, 1765; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Button Heath (Erica lateralis Willd)DGA1260782 Button Heath (Erica lateralis Willd), Ericaceae, evergreen shrub for flower beds native to Southern Africa, watercolour, 1849; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Spotted Laurel (Aucuba japonica)DGA1260781 Spotted Laurel (Aucuba japonica), Cornaceae, deciduous shrub for hedges, native to Japan, watercolour, 1812-1837; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)
European Cornel (Cornus mas), CornaceaeDGA1260779 European Cornel (Cornus mas), Cornaceae, small tree or shrub grown for its fruit, spontaneous in Italy, watercolour, 1755; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)
Alpine Sea Holly (Eryngium alpinum)DGA1260777 Alpine Sea Holly (Eryngium alpinum), Apiaceae or Umbelliferae, Herbaceous perennial plant for flower beds and rocky gardens, spontaneous in Italy, watercolour
Ladies' Eardrop (Fuchsia coccinea Soland)DGA1260774 Ladies' Eardrop (Fuchsia coccinea Soland), Onagraceae, Temperate greenhouse small shrub, native to Brazil, watercolour, 1841-1843; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis)DGA1260773 Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis), Onagraceae, Herbaceous biennial plant for flower beds native to Northern America, watercolour, 1781-1802; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Hardy Begonia (Begonia evansiana)DGA1260761 Hardy Begonia (Begonia evansiana), Begoniaceae, Herbaceous perennial plant for flower beds, native to China and Japan, watercolour, 1812-1837; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Winged-stem Passion Flower (Passiflora alata)DGA1260758 Winged-stem Passion Flower (Passiflora alata), Passifloraceae, Climbing shrub, native to Peru, watercolour, 1837; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)
French Tamarisk (Tamarix gallica)DGA1260754 French Tamarisk (Tamarix gallica), Tamaricaceae, deciduous small tree or shrub for hedges, spontaneous in Italy, watercolour, 1770-1781; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)DGA1260750 Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus), Malvaceae, Shrub with persistent leaves for temperate greenhouse or flower beds, native to Asia warm regions, watercolour, 1754; ( Herbal)
Common Hollyhock (Alcea or Althaea rosea)DGA1260748 Common Hollyhock (Alcea or Althaea rosea), Malvaceae, Herbaceous biennial plant for flower beds, native to Eastern Asia, watercolour, 1765; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Annual Mallow (Lavatera Trimestris)DGA1260747 Annual Mallow (Lavatera Trimestris), Malvaceae, Herbaceous annual plant for flower beds, native to Mediterranean regions, watercolour, 1770; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
American bittersweet (Celastrus Scandens)DGA1260740 American bittersweet (Celastrus Scandens), Celastraceae, shrub native to Northern America, watercolour, 1770-1781.; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)
Smoke Bush or Smoke Tree (Cotinus coggygria)DGA1260738 Smoke Bush or Smoke Tree (Cotinus coggygria), Anacardiaceae, deciduous shrub spontaneous in Italy, watercolour, 1765.; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)
Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis)DGA1260737 Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis), Euphorbiaceae, Suffruticose herbaceous plant for flower beds and oil extraction, native to tropical regions, watercolour
Scarlet Plume (Euphorbia fulgens)DGA1260735 Scarlet Plume (Euphorbia fulgens), Euphorbiaceae, Temperate greenhouse suffruticose plant native to Mexico, watercolour, 1841-1843.; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Heteropteris chrysophylla (Malpighiaceae)DGA1260732 Heteropteris chrysophylla (Malpighiaceae), warm greenhouse evergreen shrub, native to Southern America, watercolour, 1837.; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)
1) Common Flax (Linum usitatissimum)DGA1260727 1) Common Flax (Linum usitatissimum), annual plant, 2) Flax (Linum tenuifolium), perennial plant (Linaceae), 1 derived from Euro-Asian cultures, 2 for flower beds and rocky gardens
Nasturtium or Indian Cress (Tropaeolum majus)DGA1260725 Nasturtium or Indian Cress (Tropaeolum majus), Tropaeolaceae, herbaceous annual plant for flower beds native to Peru, watercolour, 1765.; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Bermuda buttercup (Oxalis pes-caprae)DGA1260723 Bermuda buttercup (Oxalis pes-caprae), Oxalidaceae, herbaceous perennial plant for flower bed borders, native to Southern Africa, watercolour, 1781-1802.; ( Herbal)
Cactus Geranium or Prickly Stemmed Pelargonium (Pelargonium echinatum)DGA1260721 Cactus Geranium or Prickly Stemmed Pelargonium (Pelargonium echinatum), Geraniaceae, herbaceous plant for flower beds, native to Southern Africa, watercolour
Ornamental Clover or Red Trefoil (Trifolium rubens)DGA1260714 Ornamental Clover or Red Trefoil (Trifolium rubens), Fabaceae, Perennial herbaceous plant for flower beds, cultivated in Italy, watercolour, 1754; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Wild Laburnum (Calpurnia lasiogyne E)DGA1260713 Wild Laburnum (Calpurnia lasiogyne E, Meyr.), Fabaceae, Temperate greenhouse deciduous shrub, native to Southern Africa, watercolour, 1812-1837.; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus)DGA1260709 Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus), Fabaceae, Annual plant native to tropical America, watercolour, 1781-1802.; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)
Common kidneyvetch (Anthyllis vulneraria)DGA1260708 Common kidneyvetch (Anthyllis vulneraria), Fabaceae, herbaceous perennial plant for rocky gardens, spontaneous in Italy, watercolour, 1770; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
White Lupin (Lupinus albus), FabaceaeDGA1260706 White Lupin (Lupinus albus), Fabaceae, Perennial herbaceous plant for rocky gardens, spontaneous in Italy, watercolour, 1765.; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
1) Mountain Avens (Dryas octopetala)DGA1260697 1) Mountain Avens (Dryas octopetala), dwarf shrub, 2) Alpine Avens (Geum montanum), herbaceous perennial plant, Rosaceae, For rocky gardens, spontaneous in Italy, watercolour
1) Dark Stonecrop, 2) Goldmoss StonecropDGA1260684 1) Dark Stonecrop, 2) Goldmoss Stonecrop, 3) Mountain Houseleek, 4) Thick-leaf Stonecrop, 5-6) Stonecrop, 7) Annual Stonecrop, 8) Sempervivium hirtum
Mexican day flower or Blue spiderwort (Commelina coelestis)DGA1260616 Mexican day flower or Blue spiderwort (Commelina coelestis), Commelinaceae by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolour, 1806-1812; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Bog Arum or Marsh Calla (Calla palustris) Araceae by Giovanni Antonio Bottione or Francesco PeyroleryDGA1260613 Bog Arum or Marsh Calla (Calla palustris) Araceae by Giovanni Antonio Bottione or Francesco Peyrolery, watercolour, 1770-1781; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Papyrus sedge or Paper reed (Cyperus papyrus)DGA1260611 Papyrus sedge or Paper reed (Cyperus papyrus), Cyperaceae by Giovanni Antonio Bottione, watercolour, 1770-1781; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)
Foxtail millet (Setaria italica), Graminaceae by Francesco Peyrolery, watercolour, 1765DGA1260608 Foxtail millet (Setaria italica), Graminaceae by Francesco Peyrolery, watercolour, 1765; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)
Northern Whitecedar (Thuja occidentalis)DGA1260604 Northern Whitecedar (Thuja occidentalis), Cupressaceae by Giovanni Antonio Bottione, watercolour, 1765; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century. Iconographia Taurinensis)
Sensitive or Bead fern (Onoclea sensibilis)DGA1260598 Sensitive or Bead fern (Onoclea sensibilis), Polypodiaceae by Giovanni Antonio Bottione or Francesco Peyrolery, watercolour, 1770-1781; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Campanulaceae, Balloon Flower (Platycodon grandiflorum or grandiflorus)DGA1260849 Campanulaceae, Balloon Flower (Platycodon grandiflorum or grandiflorus)
Cucurbitaceae, Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes anguina)DGA1260845 Cucurbitaceae, Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes anguina). Herbaceous climbing plant native to tropical Asia, by Francesco Peyrolery, watercolour, 1765; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Caprifoliaceae, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb)DGA1260840 Caprifoliaceae, Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb), Shrub native to Himalayan regions, by Angela Rossi Bottione, watercolour, 1812-1837; ( Herbal, 18th-19th century)
Caprifoliaceae, Guelder Rose or Water Elder (Viburnum opulus)DGA1260837 Caprifoliaceae, Guelder Rose or Water Elder (Viburnum opulus), Deciduous shrub cultivated and spontaneous in Italy, by Giovanni Antonio Bottione, watercolour, 1765; ( Herbal)
Rubiaceae, (Bouvardia hybrida Hort)DGA1260836 Rubiaceae, (Bouvardia hybrida Hort.) Temperate greenhouse shrub with persistent leaves, native to Brazil, by Maddalena Lisa Mussino, watercolour, 1861; ( Herbal)
Rubiaceae, Brazilian Firecracker Vine (Manettia cordifolia Mart)DGA1260835 Rubiaceae, Brazilian Firecracker Vine (Manettia cordifolia Mart.), Temperate greenhouse plant, native to Brazil, by Maddalena Lisa Mussino, watercolour, 1865; ( Herbal)
Scrophulariaceae, Hebe or Titirangi (Hebe speciosa Cockagne et Allan)DGA1260822 Scrophulariaceae, Hebe or Titirangi (Hebe speciosa Cockagne et Allan), Shrub with persistent leaves, native to New Zealand, by Maddalena Lisa Mussino, watercolour
Solanaceae, Common Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)DGA1260820 Solanaceae, Common Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), Herbaceous Annual plant for the production of tobacco and flower beds, native to Southern America, by Francesco Peyrolery, watercolour
Solanaceae, Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna)DGA1260816 Solanaceae, Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade (Atropa belladonna), Suffruticose deciduous plant used as medicinal plant spontaneous in Italy, by Francesco Peyrolery, watercolour
Flower and petal drawing - "Paintiings of flora of the Roman States" by Pietro Andrea Matthioli (or Mattioli)BL5394718 Flower and petal drawing - "Paintiings of flora of the Roman States" by Pietro Andrea Matthioli (or Mattioli, Matthiole, Matthiolus) (1501-1578)
Red flowers IEMELIEmaria
Watercolor Rose bouquet. Transparent orange flowers with branch and leaves isolated on white. Hand painted vintage arrangement. Botanical illustration Watercolor Rose bouquet
Frida Portrait WatercolorMelloi Art Prints