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Nos Financiers en robe de chambre, 1891 (print)

Nos Financiers en robe de chambre, 1891 (print)

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Nos Financiers en robe de chambre, 1891 (print)

ICA4884661 Nos Financiers en robe de chambre, 1891 (print) by Gruen, Jules (1868-1938); ( Nos Financiers en robe, 1891_8_1 - Illustration by Jules Gruen (1868-1938): Houses of the Buttes Chaumont Societe des immeubles de France - Social, Housing, Architecture Urban Planning - Patron/Bourgeois, Clerc Emile); Photo © Caricadoc

Media ID 33087958

© © Caricadoc / Bridgeman Images

Bourgeoisie Mecene Patron Art Urbanisation Caricadoc


> Architecture > Country > France

> Fine Art Finder > Artists > Melton (after) Prior

This print, titled "'Nos Financiers en robe de chambre', 1891" by Jules Gruen, takes us back to a time when the bourgeoisie ruled the financial world. The image showcases a group of wealthy financiers dressed in their comfortable robes, seemingly at ease within their opulent surroundings. Gruen's illustration offers a satirical commentary on the power dynamics of the era. These men, who controlled vast fortunes and influenced economic policies, are depicted in an almost comical light. Their relaxed attire suggests a sense of entitlement and detachment from the realities faced by ordinary people. The Buttes Chaumont Societe des immeubles de France serves as the backdrop for this scene. This architectural marvel represents urbanization and progress during that period. It symbolizes how these financiers played a significant role in shaping cities through their investments in housing developments. Emile Clerc, portrayed here as one of these influential patrons or benefactors (mecene), adds another layer to this artwork. His presence implies that he was among those who supported artists financially but also highlights his connection to the bourgeois class. Through Gruen's masterful use of caricature, we are reminded of both the influence and excesses associated with finance capitalism at that time. This print is not just an artistic creation; it serves as a historical document capturing societal attitudes towards wealth and power during late 19th-century France. Caricadoc's photograph preserves this thought-provoking piece for future generations to appreciate its artistic value while reflecting upon our ever-evolving relationship with money and social hierarchies.

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