Abandoned Child Collection
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"Lost and Found: The Tale of an Abandoned Child" In the depths of history, a timeless story unfolds. Like the biblical Finding of Moses, depicted in a mesmerizing oil painting from 1580, this abandoned child's journey began with uncertainty and hope. In another illustration for Tom Jones by Henry Fielding, engraved delicately on paper, we catch a glimpse of the child's resilience amidst adversity. The echoes of despair resonate through time as we encounter plate 11 of The Disasters of War series from 1810-14. An etching that portrays the abandonment suffered by innocent souls during times of conflict. It serves as a haunting reminder that even in our darkest moments, children are not spared from the cruelties inflicted upon them. A poignant scene captured on the back cover of L'Assiette au Beurre magazine in September 1908 reveals "Guilty Childhood. " Titled J'aime le vin, je fais l'amour (Vieille Ariette), it exposes society's neglect towards those who have been forsaken at such tender ages. Returning to Fielding's masterpiece once more, his engravings illustrate both heartbreak and redemption within their intricate lines. They mirror the Finding of Moses with an Elegant Couple, Servant and Hunter painted on wood - reminding us that sometimes unexpected allies emerge to rescue these abandoned souls. Amongst these historical narratives lies Peter the Wild Boy – a famous German feral child whose lithograph from 1869 captures his untamed spirit while highlighting society's struggle to comprehend his existence. Banished but never forgotten is he who defied societal norms. As we delve further into history’s archives, Histoire de l'Hopital presents us with "Vue de l'orphelinat de Santa Maria della Scala à Sienne, " revealing an orphanage where young lives were shaped by abandonment since birth.