Acte Collection
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"Captivating Acts Unveiled: From Cartoons to Engravings" Bravo, Mr George. This hilarious cartoon showcases the comical talent of a character named Mr George. A tribute to Irish Fenian Jeremiah O Donovan Rossa is beautifully depicted in this thought-provoking cartoon. The English actor, Mr William Creswick, steals the spotlight in this captivating cartoon portrayal. Miss Harriett Vernon shines as she takes on the role of The Prince of Japs in this animated and enchanting cartoon scene. A striking portrait captures the essence of Mr John Coleman, an influential figure brought to life through clever caricature. Gladstone and the Irish Vote are at odds in this politically charged yet amusingly illustrated cartoon piece. Immerse yourself in Goetz de Berlichingen's Act V as he finds solace with Bohemians - a powerful engraving that evokes emotion. Witness Achilles' impassioned imprecations during Iphigenie's fourth act through a mesmerizing engraving from Racine's tragedy. Step into Hamlet's world with a stunning depiction of the second act's set design - an engraved masterpiece that transports you instantly. Lord Salisbury and William Gladstone engage in a witty exchange within this satirical yet insightful political cartoon composition. John Bull shares his thoughts on William Gladstone through humor-filled illustrations that shed light on their relationship. Join John Bull as he visits William Gladstone at his dental practice - an entertaining twist on their dynamic portrayed through clever cartoons.