"Discover the rich history of Active Allahabad: From Indigo Factory to British Influence" Step back in time and explore the fascinating story of Active Allahabad, a city that has witnessed remarkable transformations over the years. One of its significant chapters begins with the establishment of an Indigo factory, where Vats Oscar Mallitte British revolutionized the production process. In 1829, Loading vat plant by Oscar Mallitte British marked a turning point for agriculture in this region. The introduction of Luggie measuring lands cultivation technique further enhanced productivity, while Sowing drills brought efficiency to farming practices between 1829 and 1905. The collaboration among Group Indigo beaters under Oscar Mallitte's guidance strengthened both community spirit and agricultural output during this period. Another notable invention was the Persian Wheel introduced by Oscar Mallitte in 1829-1905, which revolutionized irrigation techniques. Witness Tumnie turning up lands as part of traditional farming methods influenced by Oscar Mallitte's ideas. Cutting Indigo plant fields became more efficient with Loading Carts designed by him. The construction of Indigo factory Loading Vats showcased British engineering excellence. Planter Bungalow built in 1829 stands as a testament to the architectural influence brought by Oscar Mallitte and his fellow Britons. During times of drought, their expertise helped bail water efficiently from wells to sustain crops. Inside Drying House, witness how they meticulously preserved Indigo cakes on shelves – a process perfected by Oscar Mallitte himself. This attention to detail ensured high-quality products were delivered consistently. Active Allahabad owes much of its development and progress to these historical milestones achieved through innovation and collaboration between Indian farmers and their British counterparts led by visionary like Oscar Mallitte. Join us on this journey through time as we celebrate Active Allahabad's vibrant past shaped by indomitable spirits who left an indelible mark on its landscape.