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Adult Male Collection

EDITORS COMMENTS"Capturing the Essence of an Adult Male: A Glimpse into History" Step back in time to witness the incredible speed and agility of a cheetah's full sprint

Background imageAdult Male Collection: British Shorthair Cat, tomcats

British Shorthair Cat, tomcats, blue and cream, on bed, British shorthair cats, tomcats, blue and cream, on bed, carthusians, mammals, mammals, animals, domestic cat, domestic animal, pet

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Frisky orange kitten playing with his caring mother cat. Funny ginger kitty

Frisky orange kitten playing with his caring mother cat. Funny ginger kitty

Background imageAdult Male Collection: The docile dog, dog makes male on command

The docile dog, dog makes male on command, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century model, around 1890, Record date not stated

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Summer holidaymakers at the Bauernhof want to visit a stable

Summer holidaymakers at the Bauernhof want to visit a stable. Goat pen, billy goat fending off, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, Record date not stated

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Acanthocystis turfacea, species in the family Acanthocystidae

Acanthocystis turfacea, species in the family Acanthocystidae, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Barrel jellyfish (Rhizostoma octopus)

Barrel jellyfish (Rhizostoma octopus), also called cauliflower jellyfish, is a species of jellyfish in the genus Rhizostoma in the family Rhizostomatidae, Historical

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Pentacrinus caput Medusae, belonging to the starfish family

Pentacrinus caput Medusae, belonging to the starfish family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Partridge barrel snail or partridge barrel snail

Partridge barrel snail or partridge barrel snail, Tonna perdix is a snail of the barrel snail family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Real pear snail, pear whorl snail or Hindu bell

Real pear snail, pear whorl snail or Hindu bell, Turbinella pyrum, Syn.: Xancus pyrum is a snail of the family Turbinellidae, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: 1. purpura haemastoma

1. purpura haemastoma, red-mouthed limpet or red-mouthed rock snail is a species of snail in the family of spiny snails 2

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Live-bearing swamp snail, Paludina vivipara

Live-bearing swamp snail, Paludina vivipara, lace swamp cover snail, Viviparus contectus, a freshwater snail of the swamp cover snail family, Historic

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Phylliroe bucephala, tree snail

Phylliroe bucephala, tree snail, a parasitic species of pelagic nudibranch, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Phylliroidae, Historic

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Various forms of the genus Limnaea

Various forms of the genus Limnaea, genus of the mud snail family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Green velvet snail

Green velvet snail, Elysia viridis is a marine species of the genus Elysia in the family Placobranchidae in the suborder of gullet snails, Historical

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Common spherical snail, Acera bullata

Common spherical snail, Acera bullata, a species of marine gastropod mollusk, a marine hind gastropod mollusk of the family Akeridae, Historical

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Common whelk (Buccinum undatum)

Common whelk (Buccinum undatum), a species of snail from the family of horn snails, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Stingray angelfish, Pontobdella muricata

Stingray angelfish, Pontobdella muricata, is a species of marine angelfish in the family Piscicolidae. It is a parasite of fish, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Syllis ramosa, a species of polychaetes worm in the family Syllidae

Syllis ramosa, a species of polychaetes worm in the family Syllidae

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Serpula contortuplicata, species of tube-forming annelid of the family Serpulidae

Serpula contortuplicata, species of tube-forming annelid of the family Serpulidae, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: European crayfish (Homarus) gammarus and Caribbean crayfish (Panulirus argus)

European crayfish (Homarus) gammarus and Caribbean crayfish (Panulirus argus) is a decapod crustacean of the crayfish family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, Thornback ray (Raja clavata)

Fish, Thornback ray (Raja clavata), cartilaginous fish from the skate family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, japanese sawshark (Pristiophorus japonicus)

Fish, japanese sawshark (Pristiophorus japonicus), is a shark from the saw shark (Pristiophoridae) family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, Great Spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus stellaris) or Great Catshark

Fish, Great Spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus stellaris) or Great Catshark, is a species of shark in the Catshark family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, Ruffed Shark, also Ruffed Shark or frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus)

Fish, Ruffed Shark, also Ruffed Shark or frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus), Ruffed Shark family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, Blue shark (Prionace glauca) (Selachii)

Fish, Blue shark (Prionace glauca) (Selachii), Requiem shark family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, Cayman fish, longnose gar (Lepisosteus osseus) (Lepisosteidae)

Fish, Cayman fish, longnose gar (Lepisosteus osseus) (Lepisosteidae), Species from the family of bony pikes, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus)

Fish, Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus), is a species of fish from the sturgeon family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, conger, Conger conger, or sea eel

Fish, conger, Conger conger, or sea eel, species of the genus Conger of the family Congridae, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, electric eel, Electrophorus

Fish, electric eel, Electrophorus, Gymnotus electricus, genus of fish from the family of knife eels, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, wolf herring dorab, Dorab wolf herring

Fish, wolf herring dorab, Dorab wolf herring, fish species from the genus Chirocentrus of the family Chirocentridae (Chirocentrus), Historic

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, vendace, whitefish or emperor vendace albula

Fish, vendace, whitefish or emperor vendace albula, freshwater fish from the family of salmonids (Coregonus) and moray and Baltic vendace, Coregonus maraena, also called vendace or whitefish

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish (Salmonidae) 1. European grayling (Thymallus thymallus)

Fish (Salmonidae) 1. European grayling (Thymallus thymallus), bony fish of freshwater, family, 2

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, 1. lake trout (Salmo trutta) lacustris

Fish, 1. lake trout (Salmo trutta) lacustris, freshwater fish of the genus Salmo, family of salmonids, 2

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, pike (Esox lucius), is a predatory fish and belongs to the family Esocidae

Fish, pike (Esox lucius), is a predatory fish and belongs to the family Esocidae, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, swallowfish, Exocoetus volitans

Fish, swallowfish, Exocoetus volitans, fish from the flying fish family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, 1. aland, also called orfe (Leuciscus idus) or ide (fish)

Fish, 1. aland, also called orfe (Leuciscus idus) or ide (fish), species of fish in the carp family, 2. roach (Rutilus rutilus), roach, loggerhead or the swallow, Leuciscus erythrophthalmus, 3

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, tremor catfish or electric catfish

Fish, tremor catfish or electric catfish, Malapterurus electricus, predatory fish from the electric catfish family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, Plaice or european plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)

Fish, Plaice or european plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Order Flatfish (Pleuronectiformes), Family Plaice, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, lesser sand eel (Ammodytes tobianus)

Fish, lesser sand eel (Ammodytes tobianus), an elongated marine fish, family of sand eels, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, 1. burbot (Lota lota), bony fish of the burbot family

Fish, 1. burbot (Lota lota), bony fish of the burbot family, Kota vulgaris, 2

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, butterfly blenny (Blennius ocellaris)

Fish, butterfly blenny (Blennius ocellaris), Blenny family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, monkey goby (Neogobius fluviatilis)

Fish, monkey goby (Neogobius fluviatilis), a species of fish, goby family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, flying fowl (Dactylopterus volitans)

Fish, flying fowl (Dactylopterus volitans), species of bony fish from the flying fowl family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, sea scorpion, Myoxocephalus scorpius

Fish, sea scorpion, Myoxocephalus scorpius, is a species of fish from the family of fathead minnows living in the North Atlantic, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, celestial peeper (Uranoscopus scaber)

Fish, celestial peeper (Uranoscopus scaber), also called sea monkey, a fish of the order celestial peepers and common petrels, also great petrels or petrels (Trachinus draco)

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, Channel fanfish, Large scale mackerel (Gasterochisma melampus)

Fish, Channel fanfish, Large scale mackerel (Gasterochisma melampus), Fish from the mackerel family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, pilot fish (Naucrates ductor)

Fish, pilot fish (Naucrates ductor), a fish from the family of the spiny mackerel, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, garter fish (Lepidopus caudatus) or scabbardfish

Fish, garter fish (Lepidopus caudatus) or scabbardfish, a fish of the genus Lepidopus, hairtail family, Trichiurus lepturus, living above the seabed and in open water, benthopelagial, Historic

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, 1. brown meagre (Corvina nigra) syn

Fish, 1. brown meagre (Corvina nigra) syn. species of fish in the umber family, 2

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, Sea toad, black scorpionfish (Scorpaena porcus)

Fish, Sea toad, black scorpionfish (Scorpaena porcus), Fish from the scorpionfish family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, 1. ringed sea bream, Diplodus anularis

Fish, 1. ringed sea bream, Diplodus anularis, also small silver sea bream, a fish of the sea bream family, Sargus annularis, 2

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, banded archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix) or splashfish

Fish, banded archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix) or splashfish, family of archerfish, Toxotidae, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, 1. aspro zingel, Zingel, a species of fish from the family of the true perch

Fish, 1. aspro zingel, Zingel, a species of fish from the family of the true perch, 2

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Fish, 1. European sea bass or sea bass

Fish, 1. European sea bass or sea bass, Labrax lupus, 2. painted comber (Serranus scriba), species of fish in the sawfish family, 3

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Wormworm, Caecilia tentaculata is a soil-dwelling blind worm

Reptiles, Wormworm, Caecilia tentaculata is a soil-dwelling blind worm, Gymnophiona of the earthworm family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, common mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) is the largest and most widespread species of newt in the olm family

Reptiles, common mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) is the largest and most widespread species of newt in the olm family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Giant salamander, Megalobatrachus maximus

Reptiles, Giant salamander, Megalobatrachus maximus, Cryptobranchidae are a very primitive family in the order of caudates, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum)

Reptiles, Tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum), more precisely tiger salamander, is a representative of the cross-toothed newt family, Historical

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is an aquatic Mexican caudate of the cross-toothed newt family

Reptiles, Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) is an aquatic Mexican caudate of the cross-toothed newt family, Larva, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, palmate newt (Triturus helveticus) syn

Reptiles, palmate newt (Triturus helveticus) syn. cf

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra)

Reptiles, Fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) is a European amphibian species from the family of the true salamanders, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, common surinam toad (Pipa pipa)

Reptiles, common surinam toad (Pipa pipa), is a South American frog of the tongueless family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptile, Common, Common or common midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans) is a frog in the family Alytidae

Reptile, Common, Common or common midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans) is a frog in the family Alytidae, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, blacksmith tree frog (Boana faber)

Reptiles, blacksmith tree frog (Boana faber), syn. Hypsiboas faber, also called Smith, is a member of the tree frog family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, European tree frog (Hyla arborea) is a frog belonging to the family of tree frogs

Reptiles, European tree frog (Hyla arborea) is a frog belonging to the family of tree frogs, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, East African short-headed frog

Reptiles, East African short-headed frog, Breviceps mossambicus is a species of amphibian in the short-headed frog family, belonging to the genus Breviceps, Historical

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, agile frog (Rana dalmatina) belongs within the order of frogs to the family of true frogs

Reptiles, agile frog (Rana dalmatina) belongs within the order of frogs to the family of true frogs, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Moor frog (Rana arvalis) belongs within the order of frogs to the family of the true frogs

Reptiles, Moor frog (Rana arvalis) belongs within the order of frogs to the family of the true frogs, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, common frog (Rana temporaria) belongs to the genus of the true frogs in the true frog family

Reptiles, common frog (Rana temporaria) belongs to the genus of the true frogs in the true frog family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, green frog (Pelophylax esculentus) or Rana esculenta

Reptiles, green frog (Pelophylax esculentus) or Rana esculenta, also called water frog, belongs to the order of frogs of the family of the true frogs, Historical

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, tuatara (Sphenodon) or Tuatara punctatus is the only recent species of the family Sphenodontidae

Reptiles, tuatara (Sphenodon) or Tuatara punctatus is the only recent species of the family Sphenodontidae, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Star tortoise, Testudo elegans

Reptiles, Star tortoise, Testudo elegans, Indian star tortoise is a monotypic species of the tortoise family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Forest tortoise, Testudo tabulata

Reptiles, Forest tortoise, Testudo tabulata, Forest tortoise is a species of the genus Chelonoidis in the family of tortoises, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, big-headed turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) is the only species in the family of big-headed turtles

Reptiles, big-headed turtle (Platysternon megacephalum) is the only species in the family of big-headed turtles, Platysternidae, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, The, Southern yacare caiman (Caiman crocodilus yacara) Syn

Reptiles, The, Southern yacare caiman (Caiman crocodilus yacara) Syn. belongs to the alligator family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Stumped crocodile is a representative of the family of the true crocodiles (Osteolaemus tetraspis)

Reptiles, Stumped crocodile is a representative of the family of the true crocodiles (Osteolaemus tetraspis), Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus)

Reptiles, Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) is a species of crocodile from the family of the true crocodiles (Crocodylia), Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, american crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) is an American representative of the family of the true crocodiles

Reptiles, american crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) is an American representative of the family of the true crocodiles, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Moccasin snake

Reptiles, Moccasin snake, North American copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) belongs with its five subspecies within the family of copperhead, Historical

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, European horned viper (Vipera ammodytes)

Reptiles, European horned viper (Vipera ammodytes), also called sand viper, horned viper, sand viper or European sand viper, is a species of viper family, Historic

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Puff adder (Bitis lachesis) (Bitis arietans)

Reptiles, Puff adder (Bitis lachesis) (Bitis arietans), obsolete, also common puff adder, is a venomous snake of the viper family, Historical

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, European horned viper (Vipera ammodytes)

Reptiles, European horned viper (Vipera ammodytes), also called sand viper, horned viper, sand viper or European sand viper, is a species of viper family, Historic

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, asp (Vipera aspis) belongs to the viper family

Reptiles, asp (Vipera aspis) belongs to the viper family, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageAdult Male Collection: Reptiles, Adder berus is a small to medium sized venomous snake of Eurasia from the viper (Vipera) family

Reptiles, Adder berus is a small to medium sized venomous snake of Eurasia from the viper (Vipera) family, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

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"Capturing the Essence of an Adult Male: A Glimpse into History" Step back in time to witness the incredible speed and agility of a cheetah's full sprint, as depicted in this digitally restored reproduction of an original 19th-century artwork. Marvel at the grace and power exuded by this majestic creature. Travel to Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany, in 1880, where you'll find Artillery School and Engineering School bustling with aspiring minds. This historic image offers a glimpse into the educational institutions that shaped young men's futures during that era. Experience Pentecost outdoors with a family immersed in nature. Children frolic around their parents as they enjoy a delightful picnic amidst lush surroundings. This heartwarming scene from 1881 Germany showcases the timeless joy of familial bonds. Journey to Russia as we witness Pope offering blessings and solace to a family residing in Siberia. This digital reproduction of an original 19th-century artwork captures the historical significance of religious figures providing comfort even in remote corners of the world. In contrast, observe the harsh realities faced by families struggling financially through an eviction scene from Rome in 1880. Standing helplessly under pouring rain after being unable to pay rent, these individuals endure hardships that transcend time. Marvel at The Basilica of Caius and Lucius built by Augustus himself for his beloved grandsons. Serving as both a court and stock exchange for merchants or businessmen, this architectural marvel symbolizes power and prosperity during ancient times. Witness history unfold during Emperor's consecration ceremony held in historical Rome; though its exact date remains unknown, this digital reproduction from the 17th century encapsulates regal pomp and grandeur associated with such events. Join us at Steyr around 1880 for a festive speech delivered at a forest farmers' celebration. Amidst joyful revelry among numerous attendees representing various families united by tradition, experience the vibrant spirit of Austrian culture.

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