"After Robert Nanteuil: A Glimpse into the Late 17th and Early 18th Century Engravings" Step back in time with Jean Petre's exquisite engravings, capturing the essence of an era long gone. Explore the world of French nobility through Henry de Beringhen Premier Ecuyer du Roy et Chevalier ses Ordres, a portrait that exudes elegance and grandeur. Delve into the intellectual realm with Nicolas Parfaict Abbe de Bouzonville's engraving, which showcases his scholarly pursuits and deep contemplation. Francois Tallemant's 17th-century engraving sheet offers a glimpse into the vibrant literary scene of that time, brimming with creativity and imagination. Experience the captivating artistry of Felix Vialar's mezzotint sheet from 1680, where every stroke tells a story. Marvel at Francois-Michel Le Tellier marquis de Louvois' powerful presence captured in ink on paper. Discover Le cardinal de Coislin's engraved sheet from 1661, showcasing religious devotion intertwined with artistic finesse. Madame Bouthillier Marie de Bragelogne's reverse copy reveals her grace and poise frozen in time. Louis-Isaac Lemaistre de Sacy's intricate engraving transports us to a bygone era when knowledge was revered above all else. Jean Rouille takes us on a visual journey through his mesmerizing engravings from 1702 - each stroke revealing hidden narratives waiting to be discovered. Finally, Etienne Dalligre Chancelier de France brings forth an air of authority and wisdom through his masterful depiction on paper. These engravings offer more than just images; they provide windows into history itself – glimpses into lives lived centuries ago.