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Alertness Collection

"Nature's Alertness: From the Scottish Wildcat to the Red Deer Stag" Discover the captivating world found in the diverse landscapes of Devon, England, and Scotland

Background imageAlertness Collection: Wet black Labrador Retriever dog (Canis lupus familiaris) at the dog beach, male, domestic dog

Wet black Labrador Retriever dog (Canis lupus familiaris) at the dog beach, male, domestic dog

Background imageAlertness Collection: Caffeine crystals, light micrograph

Caffeine crystals, light micrograph
Caffeine crystals. Polarised light micrograph of crystals of caffeine (1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine). Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system increasing alertness and deferring fatigue

Background imageAlertness Collection: Red deer (Cervus elaphus) stag in the snow, Scotland, March

Red deer (Cervus elaphus) stag in the snow, Scotland, March

Background imageAlertness Collection: Red deer stag (Cervus elaphus), Scottish Highlands, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

Red deer stag (Cervus elaphus), Scottish Highlands, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

Background imageAlertness Collection: Scottish wildcat (wildcat) (Felis silvestris), Devon, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Scottish wildcat (wildcat) (Felis silvestris), Devon, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Background imageAlertness Collection: Caracal (Caracal caracal), Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, East Africa, Africa

Caracal (Caracal caracal), Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, East Africa, Africa

Background imageAlertness Collection: Young urban Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) standing on a wall at night. Bristol, UK, September

Young urban Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) standing on a wall at night. Bristol, UK, September. Nominated in the Melvita Nature Images Awards competition 2014

Background imageAlertness Collection: Rainbow Lorikeet, (Trichoglossus haematodus)

Rainbow Lorikeet, (Trichoglossus haematodus), adult on tree, Cuddly Creek, South Australia, Australia

Background imageAlertness Collection: Illustration, Kittis Hog-nosed Bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai) hanging upside down, side view

Illustration, Kittis Hog-nosed Bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai) hanging upside down, side view

Background imageAlertness Collection: Rocky Marciano Postcard. Rocky Marciano Postcard

Rocky Marciano Postcard. Rocky Marciano Postcard

Background imageAlertness Collection: Plumed Basilisk (Jesus Christ Lizard), named because it can run some meters over water; Arenal

Plumed Basilisk (Jesus Christ Lizard), named because it can run some meters over water; Arenal, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica

Background imageAlertness Collection: Gun dog with pheasant, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Gun dog with pheasant, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Background imageAlertness Collection: Western screech-owl (Megascops kennicottii) in flight, The Pond, Amado

Western screech-owl (Megascops kennicottii) in flight, The Pond, Amado, Arizona, United States of America, North America

Background imageAlertness Collection: Malaysian Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) pink colour morph, camouflaged on an orchid

Malaysian Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) pink colour morph, camouflaged on an orchid. Captive, from Malaysia

Background imageAlertness Collection: Malaysian Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) white colour morph camouflaged on an orchid. Captive

Malaysian Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) white colour morph camouflaged on an orchid. Captive. Originating from Malaysia

Background imageAlertness Collection: Ostrich portrait

Ostrich portrait
Close up of emu head. Varese, Italy

Background imageAlertness Collection: Albino Monacled Cobra, Naja kaouthia, coiled and ready to strike with its hood extended

Albino Monacled Cobra, Naja kaouthia, coiled and ready to strike with its hood extended. India, Asia. Captive situation

Background imageAlertness Collection: Close up of emu

Close up of emu

Background imageAlertness Collection: Cartoon, cuckoo clock with hands pointing to nine o clock

Cartoon, cuckoo clock with hands pointing to nine o clock

Background imageAlertness Collection: Bengal cat up a tree

Bengal cat up a tree

Background imageAlertness Collection: Hoatzins (Opisthocomus hoazin) perched in tropical rainforest, Tambopata Reserve

Hoatzins (Opisthocomus hoazin) perched in tropical rainforest, Tambopata Reserve, Peru, South America

Background imageAlertness Collection: Arctic Fox (Alopex / Vulpes lagopus) standing on ridge, during moult from grey summer fur to

Arctic Fox (Alopex / Vulpes lagopus) standing on ridge, during moult from grey summer fur to winter white. Dovrefjell National Park, Norway, September

Background imageAlertness Collection: Young urban Red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Bristol, UK. August

Young urban Red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Bristol, UK. August

Background imageAlertness Collection: RF- Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) reflected in pool, Worcestershire. November

RF- Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) reflected in pool, Worcestershire. November

Background imageAlertness Collection: Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) carrying chick on back, The Netherlands, May

Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) carrying chick on back, The Netherlands, May

Background imageAlertness Collection: Schnabeligel, (Tachyglossus aculeatus)

Schnabeligel, (Tachyglossus aculeatus)
Short-beaked Echidna, (Tachyglossus aculeatus), adult feeding portrait, Mount Lofty, South Australia, Australia

Background imageAlertness Collection: Smilodon on a mountainside

Smilodon on a mountainside

Background imageAlertness Collection: Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus)

Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus)
An adult snake warms itself in dappled sunlight before moving off to patrol the border of the lake for food such as frogs

Background imageAlertness Collection: Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) with young, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Northern Cape

Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) with young, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, Northern Cape, South Africa, January

Background imageAlertness Collection: RF - Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) on log in snow. Scotland, UK. December

RF - Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) on log in snow. Scotland, UK. December

Background imageAlertness Collection: Four Cedar waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) feeding on Crabapple (Malus sp) fruit, Ithaca

Four Cedar waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) feeding on Crabapple (Malus sp) fruit, Ithaca, New York, USA, February

Background imageAlertness Collection: Pine marten (Martes martes) portrait, Ardnamurchan Peninsula, Scotland, August

Pine marten (Martes martes) portrait, Ardnamurchan Peninsula, Scotland, August. Highly commended in the Portrait category of the BWPA (British Wildlife Photography Awards) Competition 2016

Background imageAlertness Collection: RF - Red Deer stag (Cervus elaphus) in snow-covered pine forest. Scotland, UK. December

RF - Red Deer stag (Cervus elaphus) in snow-covered pine forest. Scotland, UK. December

Background imageAlertness Collection: Red deer stag (Cervus elaphus) in heavy snow, Cheshire, UK, March

Red deer stag (Cervus elaphus) in heavy snow, Cheshire, UK, March

Background imageAlertness Collection: Cape Buffalo, South Luangwa NP, Zambia

Cape Buffalo, South Luangwa NP, Zambia
A herd of Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) creat a dust cloud on their way to a water hole

Background imageAlertness Collection: Snowy Owl, (Nyctea scandiaca)

Snowy Owl, (Nyctea scandiaca), adult on branch alert, , Pelm, Kasselburg, Eifel, Germany

Background imageAlertness Collection: Rainbow lorikeet

Rainbow lorikeet, (Trichoglossus haematodus), adult on tree, Cudlee Creek, South Australia, Australia

Background imageAlertness Collection: Rock Dassie (hyrax) on top of Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa, Africa

Rock Dassie (hyrax) on top of Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa, Africa

Background imageAlertness Collection: A large Rajasaurus roars in an attempt to scare two Indosuchus away from their kill

A large Rajasaurus roars in an attempt to scare two Indosuchus away from their kill
A large Rajasaurus bellows in an attempt to intimidate two Indosuchus dinosaurs away from a dead Titanosaurus. A pack of small Compsosuchus watch while they eat scraps of meat in the foreground

Background imageAlertness Collection: Gun dog with shooting cap, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Gun dog with shooting cap, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Background imageAlertness Collection: Impala (Aepyceros melampus) buck chewing its cud, Kruger National Park

Impala (Aepyceros melampus) buck chewing its cud, Kruger National Park, South Africa, Africa

Background imageAlertness Collection: King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) in strike pose, Malaysia

King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) in strike pose, Malaysia

Background imageAlertness Collection: Badger (Meles meles) cub amongst long grass, Dorset, England, UK, July

Badger (Meles meles) cub amongst long grass, Dorset, England, UK, July

Background imageAlertness Collection: Burchells Plains zebra (Equus quagga), Akagera National Park, Kigali, Rwanda, Africa

Burchells Plains zebra (Equus quagga), Akagera National Park, Kigali, Rwanda, Africa

Background imageAlertness Collection: Meerkat -Suricata suricatta- with pups, Wilhelma Zoo, Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Meerkat -Suricata suricatta- with pups, Wilhelma Zoo, Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Background imageAlertness Collection: Head of whippet, one ear pricked up, front view

Head of whippet, one ear pricked up, front view

Background imageAlertness Collection: Red deer stag, Glen Etive, Highlands, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

Red deer stag, Glen Etive, Highlands, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe

Background imageAlertness Collection: Illustration, African Wild Dog (lycaon pictus), side view

Illustration, African Wild Dog (lycaon pictus), side view

Background imageAlertness Collection: Illustration of Madagascar Ground Gecko (Paroedura pictus) standing with tongue out

Illustration of Madagascar Ground Gecko (Paroedura pictus) standing with tongue out

Background imageAlertness Collection: African Wild Dog (Painted Dog) (African Hunting Dog) (Lycaon Pictus), Zambia, Africa

African Wild Dog (Painted Dog) (African Hunting Dog) (Lycaon Pictus), Zambia, Africa

Background imageAlertness Collection: Dog, boxer, brown, portrait

Dog, boxer, brown, portrait

Background imageAlertness Collection: Black pug lying in front of the front-door in the sunshine

Black pug lying in front of the front-door in the sunshine

Background imageAlertness Collection: Blackbird -Turdus merula-, male, collecting insects in its beak

Blackbird -Turdus merula-, male, collecting insects in its beak

Background imageAlertness Collection: Western Lowland Gorilla -Gorilla gorilla-, Cameroon, Central Africa, Africa

Western Lowland Gorilla -Gorilla gorilla-, Cameroon, Central Africa, Africa

Background imageAlertness Collection: Gray and white cat looking out of a window, portrait, Germany

Gray and white cat looking out of a window, portrait, Germany

Background imageAlertness Collection: Hamster -Cricetus cricetus-, alert young in a meadow, Austria

Hamster -Cricetus cricetus-, alert young in a meadow, Austria

Background imageAlertness Collection: Rhesus Macaque monkey mother and baby on ancient shrine, Swayambhunath Stupa (Monkey Temple)

Rhesus Macaque monkey mother and baby on ancient shrine, Swayambhunath Stupa (Monkey Temple), Kathmandu, Nepal, Asia

Background imageAlertness Collection: Male Annas hummingbird displaying colors, San Luis Obispo, California, USA

Male Annas hummingbird displaying colors, San Luis Obispo, California, USA

Background imageAlertness Collection: Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) (dassie), Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa, Africa

Rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) (dassie), Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa, Africa

Background imageAlertness Collection: Swift Fox (Vulpes velox) family of a vixen and four kits, Pawnee National Grassland

Swift Fox (Vulpes velox) family of a vixen and four kits, Pawnee National Grassland, Colorado, United States of America, North America

Background imageAlertness Collection: Hare -Lepus europaeus- on a summer meadow, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Hare -Lepus europaeus- on a summer meadow, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Background imageAlertness Collection: Corncrake -Crex crex-, listenting to a rivals song, Middle Elbe region, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

Corncrake -Crex crex-, listenting to a rivals song, Middle Elbe region, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

Background imageAlertness Collection: King Charles Cavalier Portrait

King Charles Cavalier Portrait

Background imageAlertness Collection: Greyhound (Canis familiaris) crouching and turning sideways, side view

Greyhound (Canis familiaris) crouching and turning sideways, side view

Background imageAlertness Collection: Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa, Africa

Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa, Africa

Background imageAlertness Collection: Illustration of female Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda or Fennecus zerda) with two young

Illustration of female Fennec Fox (Vulpes zerda or Fennecus zerda) with two young

Background imageAlertness Collection: Tawny owl (Strix aluco), peering from behind a pine tree, United Kingdom, Europe

Tawny owl (Strix aluco), peering from behind a pine tree, United Kingdom, Europe

Background imageAlertness Collection: Common buzzard (Buteo buteo), flapping wings on the ground, United Kingdom, Europe

Common buzzard (Buteo buteo), flapping wings on the ground, United Kingdom, Europe

Background imageAlertness Collection: Wild dog, Okavango Delta, Botswana, Africa

Wild dog, Okavango Delta, Botswana, Africa

Background imageAlertness Collection: Two Weimerarner retrievers

Two Weimerarner retrievers
Two Weimeraner retrievers against white background

Background imageAlertness Collection: Tree squirrel (Smiths bush squirrel) (yellow-footed squirrel) (Paraxerus cepapi)

Tree squirrel (Smiths bush squirrel) (yellow-footed squirrel) (Paraxerus cepapi), Kruger National Park, South Africa, Africa

Background imageAlertness Collection: Harriss hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus), Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, Arizona

Harriss hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus), Sweetwater Wetlands, Tucson, Arizona, United States of America, North America

Background imageAlertness Collection: Chipmunks, San Francisco, California, United States of America, North America

Chipmunks, San Francisco, California, United States of America, North America

Background imageAlertness Collection: Three cute baby Lionhead bunnies in a row

Three cute baby Lionhead bunnies in a row

Background imageAlertness Collection: Red deer stag (Cervus elaphus) during rut on lookout, Exmoor National Park, Somerset / Devon

Red deer stag (Cervus elaphus) during rut on lookout, Exmoor National Park, Somerset / Devon, England. October

Background imageAlertness Collection: Female Black-footed cat (Felis nigripes) with kitten, at edge of burrow

Female Black-footed cat (Felis nigripes) with kitten, at edge of burrow. These animals have been radio collared as part of the Black-footed Cat Project, Karoo South Africa

Background imageAlertness Collection: RF- Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) male perched on branch of flowering Eastern

RF- Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) male perched on branch of flowering Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis). Dinero, Lake Corpus Christi, South Texas, USA

Background imageAlertness Collection: Hungarian vizsla standing in long grass one leg raised, Connecticut, USA. October

Hungarian vizsla standing in long grass one leg raised, Connecticut, USA. October

Background imageAlertness Collection: Portrait of a wild female Bobcat (Lynx rufus) kitten playing, Texas, USA. September

Portrait of a wild female Bobcat (Lynx rufus) kitten playing, Texas, USA. September

Background imageAlertness Collection: Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) female, alert whilst looking at Puma (Puma concolor) on on opposite slope

Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) female, alert whilst looking at Puma (Puma concolor) on on opposite slope, portrait. Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia, Chile. November

Background imageAlertness Collection: RF - European ground squirrel / Souslik (Spermophilus citellus) in grass with daisies

RF - European ground squirrel / Souslik (Spermophilus citellus) in grass with daisies, Gerasdorf, Austria. April

Background imageAlertness Collection: RF - Brown hare (Lepus europaeus) adult in arable field, Scotland, UK, August

RF - Brown hare (Lepus europaeus) adult in arable field, Scotland, UK, August

Background imageAlertness Collection: Splendid fairy wren

Splendid fairy wren
A splendid fairy wren in its habitat

Background imageAlertness Collection: White lipped tree frog

White lipped tree frog
A white lipped tree frog perched in the bow of a piece of wood. It has a black background

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"Nature's Alertness: From the Scottish Wildcat to the Red Deer Stag" Discover the captivating world found in the diverse landscapes of Devon, England, and Scotland. In Europe's United Kingdom, witness the untamed grace of a Scottish wildcat as it prowls through its natural habitat. Marvel at the caffeine crystals under a light micrograph that symbolize our own awakened senses. In Bristol, UK, a young urban red fox stands tall on a wall at night, showcasing its keen awareness amidst an urban backdrop. Meanwhile, in snowy Scotland during March, a majestic red deer stag demonstrates its heightened vigilance against nature's elements. Venturing further across continents to East Africa's Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, encounter the fierce caracal with eyes sharp like daggers. Witnessing this predator reminds us of their innate ability to stay alert in order to survive. Closer to home in Costa Rica's Arenal region lies the plumed basilisk or "Jesus Christ Lizard, " named for its extraordinary skill of running over water for several meters. This remarkable feat exemplifies adaptability and quick reflexes honed by evolution. From tropical rainforests comes another vibrant example - behold the rainbow lorikeet perched gracefully on a branch. Its vivid colors serve as both camouflage and warning sign within its lush surroundings. Even nocturnal creatures possess exceptional alertness; observe Western screech-owls soaring through The Pond in Amado with silent precision. Their acute hearing ensures they never miss a beat while navigating their darkened realm. Returning closer to human companionship is man’s best friend - watch as a gun dog proudly retrieves pheasants from Buckinghamshire fields. Trained for obedience and attentiveness, these loyal canines embody unwavering focus alongside their human counterparts. Lastly, let us not forget about our smallest marvels – Kittis Hog-nosed Bat, hanging upside down with a side view.

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