Allen Unwin Collection
Discover the mesmerizing works of El Greco through Allen Unwin's captivating collection
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Discover the mesmerizing works of El Greco through Allen Unwin's captivating collection. From the religious masterpieces like 'Heilige Familie' (The Holy Family) and 'Mariae Verkundigung' (The Annunciation), to the powerful portrayals of saints such as 'Der Heilige Hieronymus Als Kardinal' (Saint Jerome as Cardinal) and 'Der Heilige Ludwig' (Saint Louis), each painting immerses you in a world of divine beauty. Experience the profound emotions conveyed in 'Kreuztragender Christus' (Christ Carrying the Cross) and 'Christus Am Kreuz, Mit Zwei Stiftern' (Christ on the Cross Adored by Donors). Delve into the spiritual depth captured in 'Heiliger Petrus' (Saint Peter) and witness the dramatic scene depicted in 'Espolio', where Christ is disrobed. Marvel at El Greco's skillful brushstrokes in his portrait of Cardinal Nino de Guevara, titled 'Don Fernando Nino De Guevara'. And don't miss his breathtaking landscape masterpiece, 'Toledo', which transports you to a picturesque cityscape. Finally, be moved by El Greco's interpretation of biblical events with his rendition of 'Die Tempelreinigung' (Christ Cleansing the Temple). Immerse yourself in this extraordinary collection that showcases El Greco's genius and unrivaled talent.