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Amun Collection

EDITORS COMMENTS"Unveiling the Mysteries of Amun

Background imageAmun Collection: Book of the Dead

Book of the Dead
Detail from the Book of the Dead of Cesmedhed khonsu, Amons (Amun) musician

Background imageAmun Collection: Egypt, Luxor, Karnak Temple, Temple of Amun & Sacred Lake

Egypt, Luxor, Karnak Temple, Temple of Amun & Sacred Lake

Background imageAmun Collection: Egyptian gods

Egyptian gods
Illustration of a Egyptian gods

Background imageAmun Collection: Temple of Khonsu at Karnak, Ancient Egypt

Temple of Khonsu at Karnak, Ancient Egypt
Temple of Khonsu at Karnak, located in the southwest corner of the precinct of Amun in Luxor (ancient Thebes)

Background imageAmun Collection: Karnak Temple Complex, Egypt - Great Pillars, Hypostyle Hall

Karnak Temple Complex, Egypt - Great Pillars, Hypostyle Hall Date: circa 1930s

Background imageAmun Collection: Akhenaten. Amenhotep IV (sometimes given its Greek form, Amenophis IV, and meaning

Akhenaten. Amenhotep IV (sometimes given its Greek form, Amenophis IV, and meaning Amun is Satisfied), a Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, ruled for 17 years and died in 1336 BC or 1334 BC

Background imageAmun Collection: Karnak Temple Complex, Egypt - Avenue of Sphinxes

Karnak Temple Complex, Egypt - Avenue of Sphinxes Date: circa 1930s

Background imageAmun Collection: Amun, detail from relief with Amun and Mut

Amun, detail from relief with Amun and Mut
DGA3027340 Amun, detail from relief with Amun and Mut, Temple of Hibis, Kharga Oasis, Libyan Desert, Egypt, Egyptian civilization, Dynasty XXVI; ( Amun)

Background imageAmun Collection: Relief with emperor making offering to Amun

Relief with emperor making offering to Amun
DGA3027687 Relief with emperor making offering to Amun, Temple dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu, Deir al-Hagar, Dakhlah oasis, Egypt; ( Relief with the emperor making an offering to Amun)

Background imageAmun Collection: Cameo;Cameo with a Ptolemaic King and Zeus Ammon, 2nd century B.C. Creator: Unknown

Cameo;Cameo with a Ptolemaic King and Zeus Ammon, 2nd century B.C. Creator: Unknown
Cameo;Cameo with a Ptolemaic King and Zeus Ammon, 2nd century B.C. Additional Info: Carved in cameo technique is a double portrait of two heads facing left

Background imageAmun Collection: Oval portrait of a bearded man wearing a helmet with the horns o

Oval portrait of a bearded man wearing a helmet with the horns o
Oval portrait of a bearded man wearing a helmet with ram's horns, horns of Ammon, the symbol of Egyptian god Amun

Background imageAmun Collection: Egypt, Luxor, Ancient Egypt Museum

Egypt, Luxor, Ancient Egypt Museum
DGA571796 Egypt, Luxor, Ancient Egypt Museum, statue of King Thutmosi III from Temple of Amun at Karnak

Background imageAmun Collection: Relief of Ramses II making offering to Mut and Amun

Relief of Ramses II making offering to Mut and Amun
DGA3027477 Relief of Ramses II making offering to Mut and Amun, temple of Horus, Edfu, Egypt, Egyptian civilization; ( Relief of Ramses II making an offering to Mut and Amun)

Background imageAmun Collection: Monumental gate of Great Temple of Amun, Tanis, detail, Egyptian Civilisation

Monumental gate of Great Temple of Amun, Tanis, detail, Egyptian Civilisation
DGA920602 Monumental gate of Great Temple of Amun, Tanis, detail, Egyptian Civilisation; G. Dagli Orti /© NPL - DeA Picture Library

Background imageAmun Collection: Diorite statue of god Amon protecting Tutankhamen

Diorite statue of god Amon protecting Tutankhamen
DGA519785 Diorite statue of god Amon protecting Tutankhamen, Egyptian civilization, New Kingdom. 1347 B.C.; Louvre, Paris, France; ( Egyptian civilization, New Kingdom)

Background imageAmun Collection: Cartouche of Ramses II, Great Temple of Amun

Cartouche of Ramses II, Great Temple of Amun
DGA921268 Cartouche of Ramses II, Great Temple of Amun, Tanis, Egypt, Egyptian civilization, New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty; © NPL - DeA Picture Library / W. Buss

Background imageAmun Collection: Relief with Tito making offering to gods

Relief with Tito making offering to gods
DGA3027692 Relief with Tito making offering to gods, Temple dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu, Deir al-Hagar, Dakhlah oasis, Egypt; ( Relief with Tito making an offering to the gods)

Background imageAmun Collection: Relief with Tito making offering to Amun

Relief with Tito making offering to Amun
DGA3027684 Relief with Tito making offering to Amun, Temple dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu, Deir al-Hagar, Dakhlah oasis, Egypt; ( Relief with Tito making an offering to Amun)

Background imageAmun Collection: Relief depicting a sovereign making an offering to Amun and Amunet

Relief depicting a sovereign making an offering to Amun and Amunet
DGA3027735 Relief depicting a sovereign making an offering to Amun and Amunet, Temple of Hibis, Kharga oasis, Libyan desert, Egypt, Egyptian civilization

Background imageAmun Collection: Egypt, Statue representing the God Amun as a ram that protects the Pharaoh Amenhotep III (circa 1388-1353 B)

Egypt, Statue representing the God Amun as a ram that protects the Pharaoh Amenhotep III (circa 1388-1353 B)
DGA572836 Egypt, Statue representing the God Amun as a ram that protects the Pharaoh Amenhotep III (circa 1388-1353 B.C.), eighteenth dynasty, red granite; ( 15th-14th Century B.C)

Background imageAmun Collection: Egypt, Luxor, Ancient Egypt Museum

Egypt, Luxor, Ancient Egypt Museum
DGA571793 Egypt, Luxor, Ancient Egypt Museum, statue of King Thutmosi III from Temple of Amun at Karnak

Background imageAmun Collection: Amenardis I, divine wife of Amun

Amenardis I, divine wife of Amun
DGA921409 Amenardis I, divine wife of Amun, statue from Karnak, Egypt, Egyptian civilization, 25th Dynasty; Egyptian National Museum, Cairo, Egypt; ( Cairo)

Background imageAmun Collection: Temple of Roman period dedicated to Amun

Temple of Roman period dedicated to Amun
DGA921521 Temple of Roman period dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu, Deir El-Hagiar, Dakhla Oasis, Libyan Desert, Egypt, Egyptian civilization, 1st century BC; © NPL - DeA Picture Library / C

Background imageAmun Collection: Relief with Tito making offering to Amun

Relief with Tito making offering to Amun
DGA3027690 Relief with Tito making offering to Amun, Temple dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu, Deir al-Hagar, Dakhlah oasis, Egypt; ( Relief with Tito making an offering to Amun)

Background imageAmun Collection: Reliefs with offering scenes, Temple dedicated to Amun

Reliefs with offering scenes, Temple dedicated to Amun
DGA3027681 Reliefs with offering scenes, Temple dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu, Deir al-Hagar, Dakhlah oasis, Egypt; ( Reliefs with offering scenes, Temple dedicated to Amun)

Background imageAmun Collection: Egyptian Amun Re

Egyptian Amun Re
In Egyptian mythology, the god Amun Re was the great god of Thebes. This ancient Egyptian statue depicts him wearing the solar disk with two tall plumes

Background imageAmun Collection: Egypt, Luxor, Karnak Temple, Sacred Lake

Egypt, Luxor, Karnak Temple, Sacred Lake

Background imageAmun Collection: Eine Reise um die Welt

Eine Reise um die Welt
Wir machen jetzt eine Expedition nach Oberägypten. Hier lag in grauer Vorzeit Theben, die alte Hauptstadt des Reiches. Hier erbauten die Herrscher Tempel und Paläste von wahrhaft gewaltiger Größe

Background imageAmun Collection: Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzüge durch -gypten

Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzüge durch -gypten
Deshalb nannte sich der neue König, der dem Sturm nicht widerstehen konnte, nicht mehr Tut-ench-Aton, sondern Tut-ench-Amun. Er verleugnete also das Werk seines Schwiegervaters

Background imageAmun Collection: Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzüge durch -gypten

Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzüge durch -gypten
Von Tut-ench-Amun wußte, wie erwähnt, die Geschichte wenig zu künden. Desto mehr von seinem Vorgänger, Amenophis IV

Background imageAmun Collection: Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzuge durch Ogypten Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzüge durch -gypten

Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzuge durch Ogypten Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzüge durch -gypten
Das gewaltigste Bauwerk der Totenstadt ist das Ramesseum, ein nach Beendigung der Hethiter-Kriege dem Amun errichteter Tempel. Das ist der Süd-Eingang

Background imageAmun Collection: Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzüge durch -gypten

Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzüge durch -gypten
Die Beschreibung des Tempel würde allein den Raum eines Vortrages füllen

Background imageAmun Collection: Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzüge durch -gypten

Im Wunderland des Nils - Streifzüge durch -gypten
Vom mittleren Reich ab gab es drei hauptsächliche Kultusstätten in Theben, Elephantine am oberen Nil und in Memphis

Background imageAmun Collection: Relief of animals and plants offered to Amun by Thutmose III upon his return from campaign of Syria in 1465 BC

Relief of animals and plants offered to Amun by Thutmose III upon his return from campaign of Syria in 1465 BC
DGA3025911 Relief of animals and plants offered to Amun by Thutmose III upon his return from campaign of Syria in 1465 BC, Botanical Garden Room, Karnak, Theban Necropolis, Luxor, Egypt, New Kingdom

Background imageAmun Collection: Colossal head of Ramesses II, entrance to Temple of Amun (Unesco World Heritage List)

Colossal head of Ramesses II, entrance to Temple of Amun (Unesco World Heritage List)
DGA921297 Colossal head of Ramesses II, entrance to Temple of Amun (Unesco World Heritage List, 1979), Luxor, Detail, Egyptian civilization, New Kingdom, Dynasty XIX

Background imageAmun Collection: Stele of lady Taperet, wooden stele painted on both sides

Stele of lady Taperet, wooden stele painted on both sides
DGA518600 Stele of lady Taperet, wooden stele painted on both sides, side B: Taperet praying god Atum, the setting sun, Third Intermediate Period

Background imageAmun Collection: South propylaea of Temple of Amun

South propylaea of Temple of Amun
DGA920170 South propylaea of Temple of Amun, Karnak, Luxor, Thebes (Unesco World Heritage List, 1979), Egypt, Egyptian civilization, New Kingdom

Background imageAmun Collection: Sacred Lake, Temple of Amun, Karnak

Sacred Lake, Temple of Amun, Karnak
DGA920169 Sacred Lake, Temple of Amun, Karnak, Luxor, Thebes (Unesco World Heritage List, 1979), Egypt, Egyptian civilization, New Kingdom, Dynasty XVIII by Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC); G

Background imageAmun Collection: The Palestine Campaign of Shashang I

The Palestine Campaign of Shashang I
DGA916798 The Palestine Campaign of Shashang I, outer wall of south wall of Great Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Amun, Karnak Temple Complex (Unesco World Heritage List, 1979), Detail

Background imageAmun Collection: The god Amon-Ra, illustration from Pantheon egyptien

The god Amon-Ra, illustration from Pantheon egyptien
TBM201463 The god Amon-Ra, illustration from Pantheon egyptien: collection des personnages mythologiques de l'Ancienne Egypte by Jean-Francois Champollion

Background imageAmun Collection: Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses (engraving)

Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses (engraving)
3646972 Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses (engraving) by German School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses)

Background imageAmun Collection: The despoiled coffins of Meryet-Amun at Deir el Bahri, 1929

The despoiled coffins of Meryet-Amun at Deir el Bahri, 1929
A page from The Illustrated London News entitled: An Egyptian Queens tomb looted: the despoiled coffins of Meryet-Amun at Deir el Bahri. 1929

Background imageAmun Collection: Amenhotep II, schist statue, reign of Amenhotep II

Amenhotep II, schist statue, reign of Amenhotep II
DGA923818 Amenhotep II, schist statue, reign of Amenhotep II, from Courtyard of Cachette, Temple of Amun, Karnak. Egyptian Civilisation, New Kingdom, Dynasty XVIII

Background imageAmun Collection: Amenhotep II, schist statue, reign of Amenhotep II

Amenhotep II, schist statue, reign of Amenhotep II
DGA923819 Amenhotep II, schist statue, reign of Amenhotep II, from Courtyard of Cachette, Temple of Amun, Karnak

Background imageAmun Collection: Egypt, Luxor, Karnak Temple, Temple of Amun

Egypt, Luxor, Karnak Temple, Temple of Amun

Background imageAmun Collection: Egypt, Luxor, Karnak Temple, Temple of Ramses II

Egypt, Luxor, Karnak Temple, Temple of Ramses II

Background imageAmun Collection: Egypt, Luxor, Karnak Temple, Colossi in Temple of Amun

Egypt, Luxor, Karnak Temple, Colossi in Temple of Amun

Background imageAmun Collection: Alexander the Great kneeling before the High Priest of Ammon

Alexander the Great kneeling before the High Priest of Ammon, between 1530 and 1536

Background imageAmun Collection: Karnak Temple. Dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Luxor, Egypt

Karnak Temple. Dedicated to Amun, Mut and Khonsu. Luxor, Egypt

Background imageAmun Collection: Royal crown, found in Ballana, Nubia, 3rd-4th century (silver & precious stones)

Royal crown, found in Ballana, Nubia, 3rd-4th century (silver & precious stones)
XIR206972 Royal crown, found in Ballana, Nubia, 3rd-4th century (silver & precious stones) by African School; Egyptian National Museum, Cairo, Egypt; ( ram-headed god of Ancient Egypt;)

Background imageAmun Collection: Coin Depicting the God Zeus Ammon, 247-221 BCE. Creator: Unknown

Coin Depicting the God Zeus Ammon, 247-221 BCE. Creator: Unknown
Coin Depicting the God Zeus Ammon, 247-221 BCE

Background imageAmun Collection: Scarab: Ram (Amun), Egypt, Second Intermediate Period-New Kingdom, Dynasties 17-18

Scarab: Ram (Amun), Egypt, Second Intermediate Period-New Kingdom, Dynasties 17-18 (about 1650-1295 BCE)

Background imageAmun Collection: Scarab: Hieroglyphs (Red Crown, nfr- and nb-Signs: Trigramme of Amun), Egypt, New Kingdom

Scarab: Hieroglyphs (Red Crown, nfr- and nb-Signs: Trigramme of Amun), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-19 (about 1550-1186 BCE)

Background imageAmun Collection: Scarab: Hovering Falcon over Name of God Amun, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20

Scarab: Hovering Falcon over Name of God Amun, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE)

Background imageAmun Collection: Statuette of the Theban Triad, Amun, Mut, and Khonsu, Egypt

Statuette of the Theban Triad, Amun, Mut, and Khonsu, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period, Dynasty 21-31 (about 1069-332 BCE)

Background imageAmun Collection: Plaque: 15 Scarabs / Amun is Satisfied, Egypt, Middle Kingdom

Plaque: 15 Scarabs / Amun is Satisfied, Egypt, Middle Kingdom
Plaque: 15 Scarabs/" Amun is Satisfied", Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12 (about 2055-1650 BCE) OR New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE)

Background imageAmun Collection: Plaque: Amun is in Luxor, Egypt, New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period (

Plaque: Amun is in Luxor, Egypt, New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period (
Plaque: " Amun is in Luxor", Egypt, New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period (?) Dynasties 18-25 (about 1550-664 BCE)

Background imageAmun Collection: Plaque: King in Chariot Shoots Enemy / King Seated in the Barque of Amun, Egypt

Plaque: King in Chariot Shoots Enemy / King Seated in the Barque of Amun, Egypt
Plaque: King in Chariot Shoots Enemy/King Seated in the Barque of Amun, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18-19 (about 1570-1186 BCE)

Background imageAmun Collection: Seated statue of the god Amon protecting Tutankhamun, New Kingdom, c

Seated statue of the god Amon protecting Tutankhamun, New Kingdom, c
XIR113553 Seated statue of the god Amon protecting Tutankhamun, New Kingdom, c.1336-1327 BC (granite) by Egyptian 18th Dynasty (c.1567-1320 BC); height: 220 cm; Louvre, Paris

Background imageAmun Collection: Ramesses IV (1153-1147 BC) offering incense to Isis and Amon-Re, seated on a throne

Ramesses IV (1153-1147 BC) offering incense to Isis and Amon-Re, seated on a throne
CHT201595 Ramesses IV (1153-1147 BC) offering incense to Isis and Amon-Re, seated on a throne, copy of a wall painting from his tomb in the Valley of the Kings

Background imageAmun Collection: Symbol of Chnouphis or Kneph, one of the forms of Amon from the

Symbol of Chnouphis or Kneph, one of the forms of Amon from the
CHT176666 Symbol of Chnouphis or Kneph, one of the forms of Amon from the Pantheon Egyptien by the artist, 1823 (colour litho) by Champollion

Background imageAmun Collection: Colossal head of Ramesses II (1298-32 BC) New Kingdom (photo)

Colossal head of Ramesses II (1298-32 BC) New Kingdom (photo)
JB117459 Colossal head of Ramesses II (1298-32 BC) New Kingdom (photo) by Egyptian 19th Dynasty (c.1292-1187 BC); Temple of Amun, Luxor, Egypt; eJohn Bethell; Egyptian, out of copyright

Background imageAmun Collection: Donation stele, with texts in hieroglyphs and demotic, probably from Semabehdet

Donation stele, with texts in hieroglyphs and demotic, probably from Semabehdet
TFM63487 Donation stele, with texts in hieroglyphs and demotic, probably from Semabehdet (Tel Balamun) dated 301 BC (limestone) by Egyptian Ptolemaic Period (332-30 BC); height: 53 cm; Freud Museum

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"Unveiling the Mysteries of Amun: Exploring Ancient Egypt's Most Revered Deity" Step into the world of ancient Egypt and discover the captivating realm of Amun, one of the most powerful gods in Egyptian mythology. From the sacred halls of Karnak Temple Complex to the enchanting Temple of Khonsu, this divine journey will leave you spellbound. Inscribed within the pages of the Book of the Dead, Amun's name echoes through time as a symbol of life and rebirth. As you wander through Karnak Temple Complex, marvel at its majestic Great Pillars and immerse yourself in its awe-inspiring Hypostyle Hall – a testament to Amun's grandeur. Venture further into Luxor, where Karnak Temple stands proudly alongside its Sacred Lake. Here, devotees once gathered to pay homage to their beloved deity and seek his blessings for prosperity and protection. Amidst these hallowed grounds lies an intriguing relief depicting Alexander the Great receiving Amun-Ra's divine blessing. This temple dedicated to Amun Mut & Khons witnessed countless rituals performed by pharaohs seeking guidance from their celestial patron. As you stroll along the Avenue of Sphinxes that stretches across this mystical land, let your imagination transport you back in time when Africa's sun bathed these magnificent structures with golden rays. The allure continues with artifacts like The Great Harris Papyrus – a priceless treasure from Thebes that reveals insights into religious practices during Ramesses IV’s reign. And not far away rests Alexander Sarcophagus, an exquisite masterpiece crafted centuries ago in honor of this legendary conqueror. Finally, stand before another mesmerizing relief capturing Alexander himself humbly bowing before Amun-Ra. In this sacred space where divinity meets mortal existence, witness how faith transcends boundaries and connects humanity throughout history. Join us on this extraordinary expedition through ancient Egypt as we unravel secrets hidden within the temples, monuments, and artifacts dedicated to Amun.

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