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Antenna Collection

"Exploring the Intricacies of Antennas: From Honey Bees to Spacecraft" Buzzing with Sensory Wonders

Background imageAntenna Collection: Honey Bee (Apis mellifera), internal anatomy, cross-section

Honey Bee (Apis mellifera), internal anatomy, cross-section

Background imageAntenna Collection: Red-barbed ant, SEM

Red-barbed ant, SEM
Red-barbed ant (Formica rufibarbis), coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). This ant is common in mainland Europe, but rare in the UK

Background imageAntenna Collection: Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn and and its moon Titan

Cassini spacecraft orbiting Saturn and and its moon Titan

Background imageAntenna Collection: Underside of Arecibo radio telescope

Underside of Arecibo radio telescope
Arecibo radio observatory. View of the underside of the dish antenna of the Arecibo radio telescope, the worlds largest

Background imageAntenna Collection: Cassini-Huygens probe at Saturn, artwork

Cassini-Huygens probe at Saturn, artwork

Background imageAntenna Collection: Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Praying Mantis - Magnification x 30 (if print A4 size: 29)

Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Praying Mantis - Magnification x 30 (if print A4 size: 29)
LRDS-392 Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Praying Mantis Magnification x 30 (if print A4 size)

Background imageAntenna Collection: Ant, SEM

Ant, SEM
Ant. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of an ant (family Formicidae). One of its compound eyes (red) is seen, as well as two long antennae that are mounted on the head between the eyes

Background imageAntenna Collection: Culex mosquito, SEM

Culex mosquito, SEM
Culex mosquito. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Culex sp. mosquito. The mosquitos head is dominated by its large compound eyes (brown spheres)

Background imageAntenna Collection: Honey bee, SEM

Honey bee, SEM
Honey bee (Apis mellifera), coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM)

Background imageAntenna Collection: Head of a honey bee, SEM

Head of a honey bee, SEM
Head of a honey bee (Apis mellifera), coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). The compound eyes (one seen) are either side of the antennae

Background imageAntenna Collection: Lovell radio telescope

Lovell radio telescope. This large radio telescope dish is located at the Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire, UK. It has a diameter of 76 metres

Background imageAntenna Collection: stick, wild, wildlife, creepy, crawly, legs, closeup, macro, habitat, fauna, trees

stick, wild, wildlife, creepy, crawly, legs, closeup, macro, habitat, fauna, trees, close, up, natural, antenna, phasmatodea, outdoor, australian, life, beautiful, green, background, one, bug

Background imageAntenna Collection: Moth antenna, SEM

Moth antenna, SEM
Moth antenna. Coloured scanning electron micro- graph (SEM) of an unidentified moths antenna

Background imageAntenna Collection: Asian giant hornet head

Asian giant hornet head
Asian giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia), close-up of the head. This is the worlds largest hornet, found in temperate and tropical Eastern Asia

Background imageAntenna Collection: Apollo 16 lunar rover, artwork

Apollo 16 lunar rover, artwork
Apollo 16 lunar rover. Artwork of the US astronaut John Watts Young (born 1930) driving a lunar rover on a performance test run on the Moons surface

Background imageAntenna Collection: A large antenna operated at Deep Space Station 41 in Australia

A large antenna operated at Deep Space Station 41 in Australia
This 26 meter (85 foot) antenna operated in Woomera (Island Lagoon), Australia at Deep Space Station (DSS) 41, established in August 1960

Background imageAntenna Collection: WW2 - British Majorcoats and Khassadars at Chitral

WW2 - British Majorcoats and Khassadars at Chitral
WW2 - British Soldiers (one on radio - far left) with Khassadars of North Waziristan, at Chitral (then Northern India, now Pakistan), close to the border with Afghanistan. Date: circa 1940

Background imageAntenna Collection: Fruit fly, SEM Z340 / 0699

Fruit fly, SEM Z340 / 0699
Fruit fly. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the head of a fruit fly (Drosophila busckii). Its two compound eyes (red) are seen on either side of the head

Background imageAntenna Collection: Fruit fly, SEM Z340 / 0700

Fruit fly, SEM Z340 / 0700
Fruit fly. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the head of a fruit fly (Drosophila busckii). Its two compound eyes (red) are seen on either side of the head

Background imageAntenna Collection: Fire ant

Fire ant
Watercolour 405 by the Port Jackson Painter, entitled Mong, from the Watling Collection

Background imageAntenna Collection: Radio masts with radio waves

Radio masts with radio waves
Radio masts, conceptual computer artwork. The concentric rings represent the radio waves or microwaves being transmitted by the central mast

Background imageAntenna Collection: Policeman riding a Triumph motorcyle

Policeman riding a Triumph motorcyle
A police rider turning a corner on his Triumph motorcycle, fitted with white legshields and a front numberplate (denoting this picture is pre-1975)

Background imageAntenna Collection: Dragonfly head C018 / 2394

Dragonfly head C018 / 2394
Dragonfly head. Close-up of the head of a dragonfly (order Odonata), showing its large compound eyes (left and right). Each compound eye is made up of numerous simple eyes called ommatidia

Background imageAntenna Collection: Blackfly antenna

Blackfly antenna
Scanning electron microscope image of a blackfly antenna (x 350). These long sensory organs feel and taste objects as well as sensing vibrations and smells (x 1.1K)

Background imageAntenna Collection: The HMS Collingwood and seaplane

The HMS Collingwood and seaplane
The HMS Collingwood with a seaplane flying overhead. A St Vincent Class Dreadnought Battleship, launched in 1908, commissioned in 1910 and scrapped in 1922

Background imageAntenna Collection: Pompilid spider wasp C018 / 4316

Pompilid spider wasp C018 / 4316
Pompilid spider wasp (Pepsis ruficornis), close-up photo. This specimen was found in the Dominican Republic. It is coloured metallic dark blue and purple with yellow antenna

Background imageAntenna Collection: Very Large Array (VLA) radio antennae

Very Large Array (VLA) radio antennae
Very Large Array antennae. View of several dish antennae which make up the Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope near Socorro, New Mexico, USA

Background imageAntenna Collection: The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

Background imageAntenna Collection: The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

Background imageAntenna Collection: The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

Background imageAntenna Collection: The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

Background imageAntenna Collection: The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

Background imageAntenna Collection: The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

Background imageAntenna Collection: The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

Background imageAntenna Collection: The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

The Beromuenster national transmitter was a transmitter for German-language medium-wave radio in Switzerland

Background imageAntenna Collection: One Tower

One Tower
Amr A. Rahman Mohamed

Background imageAntenna Collection: Ruins of Pergamos, Amphitheatre, c

Ruins of Pergamos, Amphitheatre, c. 1870, Turkey, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, Asia

Background imageAntenna Collection: Beautiful Glasswing Butterfly (Greta oto) on a leaf with raindrops in a summer garden

Beautiful Glasswing Butterfly (Greta oto) on a leaf with raindrops in a summer garden. In the amazone rainforest in South America. Presious Tropical b

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 10.11.1991, View from the French Cathedral in east direction to the TV Tower

Germany, Berlin, 10.11.1991, View from the French Cathedral in east direction to the TV Tower, Berlin Cathedral, (Gendarmenmarkt / former Platz der Akademie), Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: American transmitter on Hohenpeissenberg On the left in the valley

American transmitter on Hohenpeissenberg On the left in the valley, the Raisting earth station, which went into operation in 1964, Bavaria, Germany, Sixties, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 17.10.1991, View to East_Berlin

Germany, Berlin, 17.10.1991, View to East_Berlin, TV Tower, seen from the Jumping, Crane, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Osterne, 12.11.1991, Open day in a former missile site of the NVA

Germany, Osterne, 12.11.1991, Open day in a former missile site of the NVA, (now Bundeswehr), radar station, antennas, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Radio Exhibition IFA

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Radio Exhibition IFA, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower, Hurray Germany, politicians rubber dolls, Rita Suessmuth, Helmut Kohl, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, Way to the S-Bahn station Messe Nord / ICC

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, Way to the S-Bahn station Messe Nord / ICC, (International Consumer Electronics Exhibition IFA, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower), Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Radio Exhibition IFA

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Radio Exhibition IFA, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower, two rabbis, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Consumer Electronics Exhibition IFA

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Consumer Electronics Exhibition IFA, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower, NEW!, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Radio Exhibition IFA

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Radio Exhibition IFA, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower, filming, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Consumer Electronics Exhibition IFA

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Consumer Electronics Exhibition IFA, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower, (Sony demonstration), Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, IFA International Consumer Electronics Fair

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, IFA International Consumer Electronics Fair, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Consumer Electronics Exhibition IFA

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Consumer Electronics Exhibition IFA, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower, (Sony demonstration), Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, IFA International Consumer Electronics Fair

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, IFA International Consumer Electronics Fair, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower, the tiger is on the loose, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Consumer Electronics Exhibition IFA

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, International Consumer Electronics Exhibition IFA, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower, couple and screen, female soldier, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, IFA International Consumer Electronics Fair

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, IFA International Consumer Electronics Fair, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, IFA International Consumer Electronics Fair

Germany, Berlin, 01.09.1991, IFA International Consumer Electronics Fair, in the exhibition halls at the radio tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 25.2.1991, View over the Spree to the eastern harbour

Germany, Berlin, 25.2.1991, View over the Spree to the eastern harbour, cranes, television tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 25.2.1991, View over the Spree to the eastern harbour

Germany, Berlin, 25.2.1991, View over the Spree to the eastern harbour, cranes, television tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 25.2.1991, view across the Spree to the Osthafen

Germany, Berlin, 25.2.1991, view across the Spree to the Osthafen, crane, television tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 19.02.1991

Germany, Berlin, 19.02.1991, View from the Koenigsbrauerei through a weathered window in Saarbruecker Strasse to the centre of Berlin with the television tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 19 January 1991

Germany, Berlin, 19 January 1991, demonstration against the Gulf War, on Alexanderplatz, gas mask, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 19 January 1991

Germany, Berlin, 19 January 1991, demonstration against the Gulf War, on Alexanderplatz, gas mask, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 26.04.1991, Computer Messe

Germany, Berlin, 26.04.1991, Computer Messe, am Funkturm, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 26.04.1991, Computer Messe

Germany, Berlin, 26.04.1991, Computer Messe, am Funkturm, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 16.04.1991, House in Mitte

Germany, Berlin, 16.04.1991, House in Mitte, (TV tower), Urania advertising, Stralauer Strasse, (until you puke), Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 13.04.1991, adventure playground in Kollwitzstrasse

Germany, Berlin, 13.04.1991, adventure playground in Kollwitzstrasse, wind turbine, television tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 13.04.1991, adventure playground in Kollwitzstrasse

Germany, Berlin, 13.04.1991, adventure playground in Kollwitzstrasse, wind turbine, television tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 13.04.1991, adventure playground in Kollwitzstrasse

Germany, Berlin, 13.04.1991, adventure playground in Kollwitzstrasse, wind turbine, television tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 1 July 1991, Priest on the castle bridge

Germany, Berlin, 1 July 1991, Priest on the castle bridge, figure: Iris carries the fallen hero up to Olympus, television tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 25 June 1991, Volkspark Friedrichshain

Germany, Berlin, 25 June 1991, Volkspark Friedrichshain, on the Grosser Bunkerberg (Mont Klamott), view of the television tower, Germany above all else, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 25 June 1991, Volkspark Friedrichshain

Germany, Berlin, 25 June 1991, Volkspark Friedrichshain, on the Grosser Bunkerberg (Mont Klamott), view of the television tower, Germany above all else, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 25 June 1991, Volkspark Friedrichshain

Germany, Berlin, 25 June 1991, Volkspark Friedrichshain, on the Grosser Bunkerberg (Mont Klamott), view of the television tower, Germany above all else, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 18.06.1991, Monbijou Park

Germany, Berlin, 18.06.1991, Monbijou Park, television tower, child, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 18.06.1991, Monbijou Park

Germany, Berlin, 18.06.1991, Monbijou Park, TV tower, dog, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 18.06.1991, Monbijou Park

Germany, Berlin, 18.06.1991, Monbijou Park, Television Tower, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 18.06.1991, Monbijou Park

Germany, Berlin, 18.06.1991, Monbijou Park, television tower, woman with dog, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: GDR, Berlin, 01.04.1990, View from the watchtower

GDR, Berlin, 01.04.1990, View from the watchtower, park supporters planting trees on the Wall strip at Falkplatz, later Mauerpark, bicycle demonstration from the Rotes Rathaus to Falkplatz

Background imageAntenna Collection: GDR, Berlin, 01.04.1990, View from the watchtower

GDR, Berlin, 01.04.1990, View from the watchtower, park supporters planting trees on the Wall strip at Falkplatz, later Mauerpark, bicycle demonstration from the Rotes Rathaus to Falkplatz

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 14. 03. 1991, Alexanderplatz

Germany, Berlin, 14. 03. 1991, Alexanderplatz, youths at the TV tower, Marienkirche, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: Germany, Berlin, 03. 10

Germany, Berlin, 03. 10. 1990, Police action at Alexanderplatz for the first autonomous demonstration in East Berlin on the occasion of the Day of Reunification on 3 October 1990, Europe

Background imageAntenna Collection: GDR, Berlin, 07. 06. 1990, border guards at the Liesenbruecke

GDR, Berlin, 07. 06. 1990, border guards at the Liesenbruecke, view from a watchtower, south direction, Berlin-Mitte, between the walls, © Rolf Zoellner

Background imageAntenna Collection: GDR, Berlin, 04. 02. 1990, Wall on Bernauer Strasse

GDR, Berlin, 04. 02. 1990, Wall on Bernauer Strasse, watchtower, television tower, Strelitzer Strasse, © Rolf Zoellner

Background imageAntenna Collection: GDR, Berlin, 04. 02. 1990, Wall on Bernauer Strasse

GDR, Berlin, 04. 02. 1990, Wall on Bernauer Strasse, watchtower, television tower, Strelitzer Strasse, © Rolf Zoellner

Background imageAntenna Collection: GDR, Berlin, 04. 02. 1990, Wall on Bernauer Strasse

GDR, Berlin, 04. 02. 1990, Wall on Bernauer Strasse, watchtower and bus, television tower, Strelitzer Strasse, © Rolf Zoellner

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"Exploring the Intricacies of Antennas: From Honey Bees to Spacecraft" Buzzing with Sensory Wonders: The antenna of a Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) reveals its internal anatomy in stunning detail under the microscope. Delving into Nature's Architecture: A cross-section view of an antenna showcases the intricate design that aids insects like Praying Mantises in their daily lives. Unveiling Saturn's Secrets: The Cassini spacecraft orbits Saturn and its moon Titan, utilizing advanced antennas to transmit invaluable data back to Earth. Artistic Marvels in Space Exploration: An artwork depicts the Cassini-Huygens probe at Saturn, highlighting its sophisticated antenna system crucial for communication. Miniature Marvels Revealed: An up-close look at an ant's antenna through a Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) unveils its fascinating structure and sensory capabilities. Reaching for Cosmic Signals: The Lovell radio telescope stands tall, capturing celestial whispers from deep space with its powerful antennas scanning the skies above. Peering into Mosquito Mysteries: A Culex mosquito's delicate antennae are examined using SEM, shedding light on how these tiny creatures navigate their surroundings. Unveiling Nature's Warriors: Red-barbed ants' antennas reveal remarkable details when observed through SEM, showcasing their ability to communicate and sense their environment effectively. Beneath the Vastness of Radio Astronomy: Glimpsing underneath the Arecibo radio telescope exposes an array of massive antennas responsible for unraveling cosmic mysteries from distant galaxies. Microscopic Wonders of a Honey Bee’s World: Through SEM imagery, we discover every minute detail present on a honey bee’s antenna – nature’s masterpiece designed for survival. Capturing Wildlife Wonders Up Close: A macro shot captures a stick insect as it crawls along the wild habitat, showcasing its intricate antenna and fascinating leg structure.

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