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Biology Collection

Background imageBiology Collection: Insects, c1910. Creator: Unknown

Insects, c1910. Creator: Unknown
Insects, c1910. Insects, invertebrates with exoskeletons, are the most diverse group of animals, over 90% of all animal life forms on Earth are insects

Background imageBiology Collection: Sensory homunculus

Sensory homunculus
This model shows what a mans body would look like if each part grew in proportion to the area of the cortex of the brain concerned with its sensory perception

Background imageBiology Collection: Female body showing digestive and circulatory system

Female body showing digestive and circulatory system
Medical illustration of female body showing digestive and circulatory system, perspective view

Background imageBiology Collection: Motor homunculus

Motor homunculus
This model shows what a mans body would look like if each part grew in proportion to the area of the cortex of the brain concerned with its movement

Background imageBiology Collection: Normal knees, X-ray

Normal knees, X-ray
Normal knees. Frontal X-ray of the flexed knees of a 24 year old patient

Background imageBiology Collection: Human Anatomy - Backbone including Ribs and Pelvis

Human Anatomy - Backbone including Ribs and Pelvis
Vintage engraving of the human Backbone including Ribs and Pelvis. 19th Century

Background imageBiology Collection: Diagram of facial muscles, front view

Diagram of facial muscles, front view

Background imageBiology Collection: Anatomy of human knee joint

Anatomy of human knee joint

Background imageBiology Collection: Anatomy of human brain, inferior view

Anatomy of human brain, inferior view

Background imageBiology Collection: Facial muscles of the human face (with labels)

Facial muscles of the human face (with labels)

Background imageBiology Collection: Studies of an ox heart by Leonardo da Vinci, c1512, pen and ink

Studies of an ox heart by Leonardo da Vinci, c1512, pen and ink
LEONARDO: HEART, c1512. Studies of an ox heart by Leonardo da Vinci, c1512, pen and ink

Background imageBiology Collection: AMERICAN FLAMINGO (Phoenicopterus ruber). Lithograph, 1858, after John James Audubon

AMERICAN FLAMINGO (Phoenicopterus ruber). Lithograph, 1858, after John James Audubon

Background imageBiology Collection: Praying mantis head

Praying mantis head, close up

Background imageBiology Collection: Garden Paintings from the so-called Villa of Livia

Garden Paintings from the so-called Villa of Livia, Primaporta, Rome, c.20 BC. Roman art. Fresco

Background imageBiology Collection: AUDUBON: PARAKEET. Carolina Parakeet

AUDUBON: PARAKEET. Carolina Parakeet, or Carolina Parrot (Conuropsis carolinensis), from John James Audubons The Birds of America, 1827-1838

Background imageBiology Collection: Pen and ink studies, c1510, by Leonardo da Vinci of a human fetus

Pen and ink studies, c1510, by Leonardo da Vinci of a human fetus
LEONARDO: HUMAN FETUS. Pen and ink studies, c1510, by Leonardo da Vinci of a human fetus

Background imageBiology Collection: CAMELLIA, 1833. Red camellia (Camelia japonica)

CAMELLIA, 1833. Red camellia (Camelia japonica). Engraving after a painting by Pierre-Joseph Redout

Background imageBiology Collection: Mitosis, LM

Mitosis, LM
Mitosis. Light micrograph of onion (Allium cepa) root tip cells undergoing mitosis (nuclear division). Magnification: x600 when printed at 10 centimetres wide

Background imageBiology Collection: Yellow Hammer bird

Yellow Hammer bird
A photograph of an original hand-colored engraving from The History of British Birds by Morris published in 1853-1891

Background imageBiology Collection: Alpine ibex goat and musk deer 1888

Alpine ibex goat and musk deer 1888
Meyers Konversations-Lexikon

Background imageBiology Collection: Human brain anatomy, lateral view

Human brain anatomy, lateral view

Background imageBiology Collection: Awful Changes

Awful Changes
A cartoon, published in 1830, 28 years before Darwins Origin Of Species, lampooning theories of evolution

Background imageBiology Collection: Diagram of the lungs, front view

Diagram of the lungs, front view

Background imageBiology Collection: Giant Pangolin Manis gigantea carrying young on tail, illustration

Giant Pangolin Manis gigantea carrying young on tail, illustration
Giant Pangolin (Manis gigantea) carrying young on its tail, illustration

Background imageBiology Collection: AUDUBON: CARACARA, 1827-38. Crested caracara (Caracara cheriway)

AUDUBON: CARACARA, 1827-38. Crested caracara (Caracara cheriway), also known as Brazilian caracara eagle, by John James Audubon for his " Birds of America, " 1827-1838

Background imageBiology Collection: Collagen, Scanning electron micrograph (SEM)

Collagen, Scanning electron micrograph (SEM)
Collagen. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of collagen bundles from the delicate connective tissue endoneurium

Background imageBiology Collection: Belted kingfisher bird

Belted kingfisher bird
A photograph of an original hand-colored engraving from The History of British Birds by Morris published in 1853-1891

Background imageBiology Collection: Human Anatomy Skeleton and muscles of the body

Human Anatomy Skeleton and muscles of the body
Vintage engraving of Human Anatomy, the bones of the skeleton and muscles of the body, 1898

Background imageBiology Collection: Sea stickleback (gasterosteus spinachia) and Gasterosteus aculeatus aculeatus

Sea stickleback (gasterosteus spinachia) and Gasterosteus aculeatus aculeatus
Illustration engraving of a Sea stickleback (gasterosteus spinachia) and Gasterosteus aculeatus aculeatus

Background imageBiology Collection: Superior view of human brain with colored lobes and labels

Superior view of human brain with colored lobes and labels

Background imageBiology Collection: WHITE CAMELLIA (Camellia japonica). Engraving after a painting by Pierre-Joseph Redout

WHITE CAMELLIA (Camellia japonica). Engraving after a painting by Pierre-Joseph Redout

Background imageBiology Collection: DARWIN: HMS BEAGLE. Voyage of the HMS Beagle

DARWIN: HMS BEAGLE. Voyage of the HMS Beagle, which Charles Darwin sailed as ships naturalist from 1831 to 1836

Background imageBiology Collection: Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Praying Mantis - Magnification x 30 (if print A4 size: 29)

Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Praying Mantis - Magnification x 30 (if print A4 size: 29)
LRDS-392 Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM): Praying Mantis Magnification x 30 (if print A4 size)

Background imageBiology Collection: Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of red blood cell

Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of red blood cell
Anatomy, Biology, Blood Clot, Blood Vessel, Cell, Color Image, Fractur, SEM, 85758265

Background imageBiology Collection: Sparrow Hawk bird of prey

Sparrow Hawk bird of prey
A photograph of an original hand-colored engraving from The History of British Birds by Morris published in 1853-1891

Background imageBiology Collection: Nuthatch bird

Nuthatch bird
A photograph of an original hand-colored engraving from The History of British Birds by Morris published in 1853-1891

Background imageBiology Collection: Male and Female pelvis engraving 1896

Male and Female pelvis engraving 1896
Atlas d anatomie descriptive du corps humain C. Bonamy - Paul Broca Victor Masson et Fils Paris 1866

Background imageBiology Collection: Binturong (Arctictis binturong)

Binturong (Arctictis binturong)
Illustration of a Binturong or Arctictis binturong or Asian Bearcat or Palawan Bearcat or Bearcat in the meadow

Background imageBiology Collection: Diagram of inner ear showing auditory canal

Diagram of inner ear showing auditory canal, eardrum, semicircular canals, cochlea, cochlea nerve, eustachian tube

Background imageBiology Collection: AUDUBON: VOLE. Eastern meadow vole

AUDUBON: VOLE. Eastern meadow vole, or meadow mouse (Microtus pennsylvanicus pennsylvanicus, formerly Arvicola pennsylvanica)

Background imageBiology Collection: Hubble Space Telescope image of gaseous pillars

Hubble Space Telescope image of gaseous pillars

Background imageBiology Collection: KENTUCKY. USA. Fog at sunrise, Red River Gorge. Daniel Boone National Forest

KENTUCKY. USA. Fog at sunrise, Red River Gorge. Daniel Boone National Forest

Background imageBiology Collection: Cell types in the mammalian cerebellum: drawing

Cell types in the mammalian cerebellum: drawing
NERVE CELLS, 1894. Cell types in the mammalian cerebellum: drawing, 1894, by the Spanish histologist Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1852-1934)

Background imageBiology Collection: Cross section of heart. French wood engraving, late 19th century

Cross section of heart. French wood engraving, late 19th century
HUMAN HEART. Cross section of heart. French wood engraving, late 19th century

Background imageBiology Collection: Pinaceae, Lebanon cedar Cedrus libani, illustration

Pinaceae, Lebanon cedar Cedrus libani, illustration
Botany - Trees - Pinaceae - Lebanon cedar (Cedrus libani). Illustration

Background imageBiology Collection: Liver

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a section through a liver (x 7000), an organ that has over 500 functions in the human body (x 800)

Background imageBiology Collection: Human cell

Human cell
Illustration of a highly magnified section through a human cell. Page 8 from Human Biology, 1977

Background imageBiology Collection: Gourd (Cucurbitaceae family), taro or dasheen (Colocasia esculenta)

Gourd (Cucurbitaceae family), taro or dasheen (Colocasia esculenta)

Background imageBiology Collection: American label featuring tomatoes for the Wayne County Preserving Company

American label featuring tomatoes for the Wayne County Preserving Company
TOMATO CAN LABEL. American label featuring tomatoes for the Wayne County Preserving Company

Background imageBiology Collection: Artichoke heads (Cynara scolymus): engraving from Basilius Beslers Florilegium

Artichoke heads (Cynara scolymus): engraving from Basilius Beslers Florilegium
ARTICHOKE, 1613. Artichoke heads (Cynara scolymus): engraving from Basilius Beslers " Florilegium, " published in Nuremberg in 1613

Background imageBiology Collection: Variegated Spanish iris (iris bulbosa mixta)

Variegated Spanish iris (iris bulbosa mixta)
LEEK AND IRISES, 1613. Variegated Spanish iris (iris bulbosa mixta), wild leek (moly latifolium) and another variegated Spanish iris (iris bulbosa varrigata)

Background imageBiology Collection: CHILI PEPPER, 1735. Line engraving by Elizabeth Blackwell from her book A Curious Herbal published in London

CHILI PEPPER, 1735. Line engraving by Elizabeth Blackwell from her book A Curious Herbal published in London, 1735

Background imageBiology Collection: CARDAMOM, 1735. The cardamon plant with seedpod

CARDAMOM, 1735. The cardamon plant with seedpod. Line engraving by Elizabeth Blackwell from her book A Curious Herbal published in London, 1735

Background imageBiology Collection: MUSTARD PLANT, 1613. White mustard (Brassica hirta)

MUSTARD PLANT, 1613. White mustard (Brassica hirta), left, and myagrum (Myagrum perfoliatum). Engraving for Basilius Beslers " Florilegium, " published at Nuremberg in 1613

Background imageBiology Collection: WHITE: FRIGATE BIRD. Watercolor, c1585, by John White

WHITE: FRIGATE BIRD. Watercolor, c1585, by John White

Background imageBiology Collection: ALEUT HUNTER, 1816. An Aleut hunter wearing a wooden peaked hat

ALEUT HUNTER, 1816. An Aleut hunter wearing a wooden peaked hat, in the Bering Sea. Watercolor, 1816, by Louis Choris

Background imageBiology Collection: AUDUBON: JAY AND MAGPIE. Scrub jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens)

AUDUBON: JAY AND MAGPIE. Scrub jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens)

Background imageBiology Collection: AUDUBON: HAWK. Merlin, or pigeon hawk (Falco columbarius)

AUDUBON: HAWK. Merlin, or pigeon hawk (Falco columbarius), from John James Audubons The Birds of America, 1827-1838

Background imageBiology Collection: TUNA. A female bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)

TUNA. A female bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)

Background imageBiology Collection: CENTRAL AMERICA, Panama, Borro Colorado Island Keel billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfurtus)

CENTRAL AMERICA, Panama, Borro Colorado Island Keel billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfurtus) with a cicada in its bill

Background imageBiology Collection: Schizonema Smithii, ca. 1853. Creator: Anna Atkins

Schizonema Smithii, ca. 1853. Creator: Anna Atkins
Schizonema Smithii, ca. 1853

Background imageBiology Collection: (Panax quinquefolium). Colored engraving, American, c1818

(Panax quinquefolium). Colored engraving, American, c1818
BOTANY: GINSENG (Panax quinquefolium). Colored engraving, American, c1818

Background imageBiology Collection: LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY (Convallaria majalis)

LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY (Convallaria majalis). St

Background imageBiology Collection: REDOUTE: PANSY, 1833. Johnny-jump-up pansies (Viola tricolor)

REDOUTE: PANSY, 1833. Johnny-jump-up pansies (Viola tricolor). Engraving after a painting by Pierre-Joseph Redout

Background imageBiology Collection: Angora goat engraving 1897

Angora goat engraving 1897
Meyers Konversations-Lexikon

Background imageBiology Collection: Digital illustration showing journey of fertilized human egg

Digital illustration showing journey of fertilized human egg

Background imageBiology Collection: Line engraving, French, 19th century

Line engraving, French, 19th century
ACHILLES TENDON. Line engraving, French, 19th century

Background imageBiology Collection: Citron (Citrus medica); Seville orange (Citrus aurantium) and orange (citrus aurantium)

Citron (Citrus medica); Seville orange (Citrus aurantium) and orange (citrus aurantium)
CITRON AND ORANGE, 1613. Citron (Citrus medica); Seville orange (Citrus aurantium) and orange (citrus aurantium): engraving for Basilius Beslers Florilegium, printed in Nuremberg in 1613

Background imageBiology Collection: aRDVARK. The Ethiopian aardvark. Wood engraving, 1876

aRDVARK. The Ethiopian aardvark. Wood engraving, 1876

Background imageBiology Collection: AUDUBON: BLACKBIRD, (1827). Red-winged Blackbird

AUDUBON: BLACKBIRD, (1827). Red-winged Blackbird, or red-winged Starling (Agelaius phoeniceus) by John James Audubon for his " Birds of America, " 1827-38

Background imageBiology Collection: Under the Microscope / C18

Under the Microscope / C18
Animacules : microscopic creatures as seen under a microscope; the last two rows are human sperm

Background imageBiology Collection: AUDUBON: TOWHEE. Rufous-sided Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus)

AUDUBON: TOWHEE. Rufous-sided Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus), from John James Audubons The Birds of America, 1827-1838

Background imageBiology Collection: Human eye, illustration

Human eye, illustration
Eye anatomy. Cutaway illustration passing through a human eye, showing its internal anatomy and structure

Background imageBiology Collection: Portrait of Thomas Henry Huxley

Portrait of Thomas Henry Huxley, 1825 - 1895, English biologist and anthropologist, specialized in comparative anatomy, frontispiece to his book „Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature", 1863

Background imageBiology Collection: A dusky footed woodrat (Neotoma fuscipes) a large nocturnal rodent native to the West Coast in North America

A dusky footed woodrat (Neotoma fuscipes) a large nocturnal rodent native to the West Coast in North America

Background imageBiology Collection: Leonardo Da Vinci: Anatomy

Leonardo Da Vinci: Anatomy
LEONARDO DA VINCI: ANATOMY. Study of female anatomy

Background imageBiology Collection: Black Guillemot

Black Guillemot
A photograph of an original hand-colored engraving from The History of British Birds by Morris published in 1853-1891

Background imageBiology Collection: Vestiaria coccinea (Iiwi or Scarlet Hawaiian honeycreeper), 1778. Creator: John Webber

Vestiaria coccinea (Iiwi or Scarlet Hawaiian honeycreeper), 1778. Creator: John Webber
Vestiaria coccinea ('I'iwi or Scarlet Hawaiian honeycreeper), 1778. Bird from the South Sea of Captain Cook, 1780, whose feathers are so highly valued there

Background imageBiology Collection: Ammonite fossil

Ammonite fossil
Ammonite, Biology, Black Background, Color Image, Cross Section, Extinct, Fossil, Geology, Invertebrate, Mineral, No People, Paleontology, Photography, Polish, Shell, Single Object, Spiral

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"Biology: Exploring the Intricacies of Life's Blueprint" Embarking on a journey through the captivating realm of biology, we unravel the mysteries that lie within our very existence. From the sensory homunculus mapping out our body's perception to X-ray images revealing normal knees, this science unveils the intricate workings of our physical form. Delving deeper into human anatomy, we discover the backbone's steadfast support, encompassing ribs and pelvis in its protective embrace. The anatomy of a human brain reveals its complexity from an inferior view, showcasing its command over our thoughts and actions. As we explore further, we encounter the motor homunculus illustrating how different regions control specific movements – a testament to nature's precision. Leonardo da Vinci's timeless studies of an ox heart remind us that even centuries ago, pioneers sought to understand life at its core. Nature's artistic wonders also grace this scientific landscape; John James Audubon captures the elegance of an American flamingo in his lithograph while garden paintings from Livia's villa transport us back to ancient times. Turning inward once more, facial muscles take center stage with detailed labels guiding us through their intricate network. A front view diagram unravels their secrets as they shape expressions that convey emotions beyond words. Zooming in further still, microscopic marvels come alive under scanning electron micrographs – like a praying mantis magnified thirty-fold – reminding us that beauty resides even in minuscule dimensions. Biology is not merely about dissecting organisms or memorizing facts; it is about unlocking nature’s secrets and appreciating life’s diversity. It invites us to marvel at both grandeur and subtlety alike - for every discovery made brings us closer to understanding ourselves and all living beings around us.

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