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Bladder Collection

Background imageBladder Collection: Anatomy of the human bloodstream, lithograph, published in 1874

Anatomy of the human bloodstream, lithograph, published in 1874
Anatomy of the human bloodstream. Lithograph, published in 1874

Background imageBladder Collection: The carnival in the port of Spain, Trinidad

The carnival in the port of Spain, Trinidad, 1888. People cavort in fancy dress through the street, some playing banjos, others brandishing what looks like bladders on sticks

Background imageBladder Collection: Pig anatomy, artwork

Pig anatomy, artwork
Pig anatomy. Artwork showing the internal and external anatomy of the domesticated pig (Sus scrofa domestica), which is reared on farms worldwide for its meat

Background imageBladder Collection: Deer anatomy, artwork

Deer anatomy, artwork
Deer anatomy. Computer artwork showing the internal anatomy of a deer (family Cervidae)

Background imageBladder Collection: Male groin arteries, 1825 artwork

Male groin arteries, 1825 artwork
Male groin arteries. Dissections of a male groin to show areas supplied by the internal iliac artery (red) and its branches

Background imageBladder Collection: Female urinary bladder, artwork

Female urinary bladder, artwork
Female urinary bladder, computer artwork. This organ receives and stores urine from the kidneys through the ureters (white tubes). The wrinkled bladder wall allows the bladder to expand if needed

Background imageBladder Collection: Macrocystis pyrifera, giant kelp

Macrocystis pyrifera, giant kelp
Giant kelp, also known as kelp forest, seaweed and sea grass. Specimen annotated as Macrocystis pirifera from South Africa, held at the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageBladder Collection: Artwork of section through the female bladder

Artwork of section through the female bladder
Female bladder. Artwork showing a section through the female urinary system. The bladder is seen as a pink sac at centre. This is a hollow organ that holds urine

Background imageBladder Collection: Bladder infection

Bladder infection
Bacterial infection of bladder (cystitis). Colour Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) of the human bladder showing bacterial infection

Background imageBladder Collection: Costume / Men / Jester 14C

Costume / Men / Jester 14C
A medieval court jester in two-tone yellow and black, with bells and bladder

Background imageBladder Collection: Digital cross section illustration of fish showing gas bladder which contributes to the ability to control buoyancy

Digital cross section illustration of fish showing gas bladder which contributes to the ability to control buoyancy

Background imageBladder Collection: Female naked body, with full endocrine system superimposed

Female naked body, with full endocrine system superimposed. Anatomy image. On white background with clipping path included Female naked body, with full endocrine system superimposed. Anatomy image

Background imageBladder Collection: Medieval diver using bladder to breath. Engraving

Medieval diver using bladder to breath. Engraving
Medieval diver using bladder to breath. Facsimile of an engraving from L Art Militaire, by Vegece, 1532. Vie Militaire et Religieuse au Moyen Age et a l'Epoque de la Renaissance. Paris, 1877

Background imageBladder Collection: Medicine, human anatomy, the circulatory system

Medicine, human anatomy, the circulatory system, blood circulation: preparation of a woman's abdomen and pelvic region, side view, showing the intestines and bladder

Background imageBladder Collection: Human anatomy, medicine, the circulatory system

Human anatomy, medicine, the circulatory system, blood circulation: Dissection of the torso with kidneys and bladder, the arteries are shown in red. Coloured lithograph by J

Background imageBladder Collection: Medicine, Surgical human anatomy

Medicine, Surgical human anatomy. Skin being removed from the torso to expose underlying organs and tissues, body, organs, intestines, bladder, torso of a man. Coloured lithograph by J

Background imageBladder Collection: Human anatomy, medicine, operations on a man's bladder from various positions

Human anatomy, medicine, operations on a man's bladder from various positions, human anatomy, medicine. Coloured lithograph by J

Background imageBladder Collection: Human anatomy, medicine, section of the torso of a seated black man

Human anatomy, medicine, section of the torso of a seated black man, showing the large blood vessels and organs, kidneys, intestines, artery, bladder. Coloured lithograph by J

Background imageBladder Collection: Medicine, Anatomy, Operation on a man's bladder

Medicine, Anatomy, Operation on a man's bladder, c. 1834, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageBladder Collection: Internal organs, anatomical illustration

Internal organs, anatomical illustration

Background imageBladder Collection: Human body internal organs. Stomach and lungs

Human body internal organs. Stomach and lungs, kidneys and heart, brain and liver. Medical anatomy vector infographics

Background imageBladder Collection: Fouberts surgical operation to remove a bladder stone

Fouberts surgical operation to remove a bladder stone: Mr Fouberts scalpel 1, flexible canula 2 and mark on the perineum for the external incision

Background imageBladder Collection: Two Boys with a Bladder, 1767. Creator: Joseph Wright of Derby

Two Boys with a Bladder, 1767. Creator: Joseph Wright of Derby
Two Boys with a Bladder, 1767. The painting depicts two young boys, boldly lit by a concealed candle, inflating a pig's bladder

Background imageBladder Collection: Internal organs chart - 3d anatomy diagram with inner organs and appropriate names - illustration on white background

Internal organs chart - 3d anatomy diagram with inner organs and appropriate names - illustration on white background Internal organs chart - 3d anatomy diagram with inner organs

Background imageBladder Collection: procedure of Intravenous pyelogram or I

procedure of Intravenous pyelogram or I.V.P is an X-ray exam of urinary tract after injection contrast media agent 5, 20, 40 minute

Background imageBladder Collection: surgical chair with patient to remove a vesical calculation through the groin - Plate taken from '

surgical chair with patient to remove a vesical calculation through the groin - Plate taken from "
FLO4611780 surgical chair with patient to remove a vesical calculation through the groin - Plate taken from " L'Encyclopedie" by Denis Diderot (1713-1784)

Background imageBladder Collection: Bladder senna, Colutea frutescens

Bladder senna, Colutea frutescens
5856353 Bladder senna, Colutea frutescens; ( Bladder senna, Colutea frutescens, with bright orange and yellow flowers, vivid green small pinnately compound leaves)

Background imageBladder Collection: The different varieties of Liverworts and Geranium

The different varieties of Liverworts and Geranium
5308108 The different varieties of Liverworts and Geranium.; ( Engraving depicting the different varieties of Liverworts (1, 2, 3) and Geranium

Background imageBladder Collection: Feverfew

5311733 Feverfew; ( Feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium) As well as being used as a febrifuge, it vas prescribed for coughs, congestion of the lungs

Background imageBladder Collection: Foubert surgical operation to remove a vesical stone - Plate taken from ' L'Encyclopedie' by Denis

Foubert surgical operation to remove a vesical stone - Plate taken from " L'Encyclopedie" by Denis
FLO4611791 Foubert surgical operation to remove a vesical stone - Plate taken from " L'Encyclopedie" by Denis Diderot (1713-1784) and Jean Le Rond D'Alembert (1717-1783)

Background imageBladder Collection: Three children playing with a pig bladder, 1775-1833. Creator: Jean Bernard

Three children playing with a pig bladder, 1775-1833. Creator: Jean Bernard
Three children playing with a pig bladder, 1775-1833

Background imageBladder Collection: DDE-90027934

Western sandpiper, Calidris mauri, Stanley Park, British Columbia Date: 06/09/2007

Background imageBladder Collection: 13131097

Sarasvati Anemone Shrimp in Bubble Coral (Plerogyra sinuosa) - Tiga Batu dive site, Bangka Island, north Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean Date: 24-03-2016

Background imageBladder Collection: 13131077

Pair of Squat Shrimps on Bubble Coral (Plerogyra sinuosa) - Sabora 1 dive site, Bangka Island, north Sulawesi, Indonesia, Pacific Ocean Date: 24-03-2016

Background imageBladder Collection: Medieval men inflating pig bladders, playing

Medieval men inflating pig bladders, playing
Medieval men inflating pig bladders (for bagpipes?), playing mandolins and pipes

Background imageBladder Collection: Poison gooseberry, Withania somnifera

Poison gooseberry, Withania somnifera, and bladder cherry, Physalis alkekengi. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557

Background imageBladder Collection: Senna, Senna alexandrina, and bladder senna

Senna, Senna alexandrina, and bladder senna, Colutea arborescens. Handcoloured woodblock engraving of a botanical illustration from Adam Lonicers Krauterbuch, or Herbal, Frankfurt, 1557

Background imageBladder Collection: Bladder campion, Silene vulgaris

Bladder campion, Silene vulgaris, Silene inflata, Silene renfle. Handcoloured steel engraving by Alphonse-Leon Noel after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A

Background imageBladder Collection: Bladder cherry or Chinese lantern, Physalis alkekengi

Bladder cherry or Chinese lantern, Physalis alkekengi, Alkekenge. Handcoloured steel engraving by Lagesse after a botanical illustration by Edouard Maubert from Pierre Oscar Reveil, A. Dupuis, Fr

Background imageBladder Collection: Knight, fool and girl, 16th century Germany

Knight, fool and girl, 16th century Germany
Knight (reiter) with wheel-lock pistol and harem pants A, jester with bladder and marotte (bauble), B, and girl in long petticoat and apron from Strasbourg C

Background imageBladder Collection: Siphonophorae hydrozoa

Siphonophorae hydrozoa: Epibulia ritteriana 1, 2, and Salacella uvaria 3-6

Background imageBladder Collection: Siphonophora jellyfish colony

Siphonophora jellyfish colony. Physophora hydrostatica (Discolabe quadrigata), colony, gas bladder, swimming bell, polyp, etc

Background imageBladder Collection: Siphonophorae hydrozoa: Porpema prunella and Porpita species

Siphonophorae hydrozoa: Porpema prunella and Porpita species, young and adult colonies, gas bladder, etc

Background imageBladder Collection: Moon snail and nautilus

Moon snail and nautilus
Bladder moon snail, Neverita didyma 1, crusty nautilus, Nonion umbilicatulum 2, and chambered nautilus, Nautilus pompilius 3, 4. Natice, Nautile

Background imageBladder Collection: Ambush bug and Chinese lantern plant

Ambush bug and Chinese lantern plant
Ambush bug, Macrocephalus cimicoides 1, 2, and bladder cherry or Chinese lantern plant, Physalis alkekengi 3. Phymates, Physalide

Background imageBladder Collection: Surgical instruments to remove foreign bodies

Surgical instruments to remove foreign bodies from the esophagus 1-3, encysted stone in the bladder 4 and a hernia in the bowel 5

Background imageBladder Collection: Surgical chairs and instruments for a bladder

Surgical chairs and instruments for a bladder
Surgical chairs with patients held in place for a bladder stone operation through the groin, Plate 12. Surgical instruments including dilators 1-3, curette 6 and hook curette 7, Plate 11

Background imageBladder Collection: Chinese lantern, Physalis alkekengi

Chinese lantern, Physalis alkekengi
L Alkekenge de la Chine. Chinese lantern, Physalis alkekengi

Background imageBladder Collection: Bladder heath, Erica physodes

Bladder heath, Erica physodes (Mr. Lamberts hybrid heath, Erica lambertiana). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Nevitt after a botanical illustration by Mills from Benjamin Maund and the Rev

Background imageBladder Collection: Bladder hibiscus, Hibiscus trionum

Bladder hibiscus, Hibiscus trionum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by Sansom from William Curtis Botanical Magazine, London, 1792

Background imageBladder Collection: Bladder wrack, Fucus vesiculosus

Bladder wrack, Fucus vesiculosus. Handcoloured lithograph by Hanhart after a botanical illustration by David Blair from Robert Bentley and Henry Trimens Medicinal Plants, London, 1880

Background imageBladder Collection: The Slaughtered Ox, 1635-55 (oil on canvas)

The Slaughtered Ox, 1635-55 (oil on canvas)
3704070 The Slaughtered Ox, 1635-55 (oil on canvas) by Hecken, Abraham van den (fl.1645); 114x98 cm; Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; ( ); Flemish, out of copyright

Background imageBladder Collection: Tapeworm (litho)

Tapeworm (litho)
6013440 Tapeworm (litho) by English School, (20th century); Private Collection; ( Tapeworm. Illustration for The Harmsworth Encylopaedia (c 1922).); © Look and Learn

Background imageBladder Collection: Bladder (engraving)

Bladder (engraving)
2805558 Bladder (engraving) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Bladder)

Background imageBladder Collection: Normal situation of the internal organs of the abdomen in men and women (engraving)

Normal situation of the internal organs of the abdomen in men and women (engraving)
3097160 Normal situation of the internal organs of the abdomen in men and women (engraving) by German School

Background imageBladder Collection: Two Boys Blowing a Bladder by Candle-light, 1773. 1773. Creator: Peter Perez Burdett

Two Boys Blowing a Bladder by Candle-light, 1773. 1773. Creator: Peter Perez Burdett
Two Boys Blowing a Bladder by Candle-light, 1773

Background imageBladder Collection: PLANTS / SILENE CUCUBALUS

BLADDER CAMPION Date: early 20th century

Background imageBladder Collection: Bladder Wrack (Fucus vesiculosus), Den Helder, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands

Bladder Wrack (Fucus vesiculosus), Den Helder, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands

Background imageBladder Collection: Anatomy of human internal organs

Anatomy of human internal organs.. Anatomy of human internal organs from the front showing heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys and bladder

Background imageBladder Collection: Illustration of abdominal cavity including liver

Illustration of abdominal cavity including liver, pancreas, stomach, small intestine, colon and bladder

Background imageBladder Collection: Internal anatomy of domestic cat (Felis catus), showing organs

Internal anatomy of domestic cat (Felis catus), showing organs

Background imageBladder Collection: Digital cross section illustration of male reproductive system

Digital cross section illustration of male reproductive system

Background imageBladder Collection: Illustration of anatomy of frog

Illustration of anatomy of frog

Background imageBladder Collection: Human organs, artwork

Human organs, artwork
Human organs, computer artwork

Background imageBladder Collection: Female anatomy, historical model

Female anatomy, historical model
Female anatomy. 1920s anatomical model showing the internal organs of the female upper body with the intestines, stomach and liver removed

Background imageBladder Collection: Bladder epithelium, light micrograph

Bladder epithelium, light micrograph
Bladder epithelium. Light micrograph of a vertical section through the wall of the urinary bladder. The inner surface is at top

Background imageBladder Collection: Cow anatomy, artwork

Cow anatomy, artwork
Cow anatomy. Computer artwork showing the internal anatomy of a domesticated cow (Bos primigenius)

Background imageBladder Collection: Codex Granatensis: Tacuinum Sanitatis. 1400. Folio

Codex Granatensis: Tacuinum Sanitatis. 1400. Folio 85r. Illustration about dates, Fruits which strengthen the bladder

Background imageBladder Collection: Cross section illustration of internal anatomy of female lizard

Cross section illustration of internal anatomy of female lizard

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"Exploring the Multifaceted World of Bladder: From Carnival to Artwork, Anatomy to Infections" The carnival in the port of Spain, Trinidad, comes alive with vibrant costumes and contagious energy - a celebration that makes your bladder dance with joy. Amidst a field of wild flowers composite, nature's delicate beauty reminds us of the importance of a healthy bladder for our overall well-being. Delve into pig anatomy artwork and discover how this fascinating creature's bladder plays a vital role in its bodily functions. Journey back to 1825 through mesmerizing male groin arteries artwork, showcasing the intricate network that supports proper blood flow to the bladder. Witness the creativity at play as costume-clad men transform into jesters from the 14th century - their bladders filled with laughter and mischief. Uncover an artistic portrayal of female urinary bladder, capturing both its elegance and significance within our bodies' intricate systems. Dive deep into underwater realms where Macrocystis pyrifera (giant kelp) thrives - marvel at how even marine life relies on gas bladders for buoyancy control. Step inside an exquisite artwork depicting a cross-section through the female bladder - revealing its inner workings like never before. Explore digital illustrations showcasing fish anatomy and their remarkable gas bladders, enabling them to effortlessly navigate different water depths. Shed light on common health concerns as we discuss bladder infections - reminding us to prioritize self-care for optimal urinary tract health. Embark on an anatomical journey through dog artistry - uncovering how man's best friend relies on their own unique bladder system for comfort and relief. As Death lifts up Fool's bagpipe melody fills the air; it serves as a poignant reminder that even in life's final moments, our bladders hold stories untold.

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