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Claws Collection

"Unleashing the Power: A Captivating Collection of Claws" Majestic and fierce

Background imageClaws Collection: Two newly fledged burrowing owl chicks (Athene cunicularia) one being groomed by its mother (far left) Pantanal

Two newly fledged burrowing owl chicks (Athene cunicularia) one being groomed by its mother (far left) Pantanal, Brazil

Background imageClaws Collection: Hawk on a Plum Branch, Japan, 1800. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro

Hawk on a Plum Branch, Japan, 1800. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro
Hawk on a Plum Branch, Japan, 1800

Background imageClaws Collection: Lobster, X-ray

Lobster, X-ray
Lobster. Coloured X-ray of a common lobster (Homarus gammarus). This is a marine scavenger that inhabits the cool waters of the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean. It is valued for its flesh

Background imageClaws Collection: Basset Hound Dogs - Two lying together

Basset Hound Dogs - Two lying together
LA-1366 Basset Hound Dogs - Two lying together Jean Michel Labat Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageClaws Collection: Dog - Basset Hound, adult with puppy

Dog - Basset Hound, adult with puppy
LA-1307 Dog - Basset Hound, adult with puppy Jean Michel Labat Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageClaws Collection: Lovecraft / Aliens / 1936

Lovecraft / Aliens / 1936
THE SHADOW OUT OF TIME (H P Lovecraft) - Peaslee encounters the Great Race

Background imageClaws Collection: Falco peregrinus, Peregrine Falcon in flight, side view

Falco peregrinus, Peregrine Falcon in flight, side view

Background imageClaws Collection: Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) portrait. Gamboa, Soberania National Park, Panama

Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja) portrait. Gamboa, Soberania National Park, Panama

Background imageClaws Collection: Ostrich Legs & feet

Ostrich Legs & feet
KF-477 Ostrich - Legs & feet Strutio camelus Kenneth W Fink Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageClaws Collection: A Tiger approaches

A Tiger approaches
A fantastic picture of a large male Tiger approaching with menace. Pastel drawing by Raymond Sheppard

Background imageClaws Collection: Mad Metal Robot

Mad Metal Robot
THE MAD ROBOT by William P McGivern. A brave man fires a ray-gun at an advancing metal robot with large claws and a brain encassed in a glass-domed head Date: 1944

Background imageClaws Collection: Elf Owl (Micrathene whitneyi)

Elf Owl (Micrathene whitneyi)

Background imageClaws Collection: Barn owl

Barn owl. Composite image of high-speed photographs of a European barn owl (Tyto alba) swooping from the air to capture its prey (not seen)

Background imageClaws Collection: Foot of a chameleon

Foot of a chameleon. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the foot of a chameleon. Chameleons are the only lizards with zygodactyle feet, or with toes in a pincer arrangement

Background imageClaws Collection: Barred Owl - On perch, Atchafalya River basin

Barred Owl - On perch, Atchafalya River basin
TOM-1059 Barred Owl - on perch, Atchafalya River basin Atchafalaya Swamp

Background imageClaws Collection: Bulldog

JD-9433e DOG - Bulldog facing John Daniels Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way. contact details: tel: 020 8318 1401

Background imageClaws Collection: Buzzard (Buteo buteo) in flight, portrait, Marlborough Downs, Wiltshire, UK. December

Buzzard (Buteo buteo) in flight, portrait, Marlborough Downs, Wiltshire, UK. December

Background imageClaws Collection: Barn owl

Barn owl. High-speed photograph of a European barn owl (Tyto alba) swooping from the air to land on a fence post. The barn owl has long pointed wings with a span of 95 centimetres

Background imageClaws Collection: DOG - Jack Russel Terrier, three puppies

DOG - Jack Russel Terrier, three puppies
LA-1303 DOG - Jack Russel Terrier, three puppies Jean Michel Labat Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageClaws Collection: Lobster, X-ray

Lobster, X-ray
Lobster. Coloured X-ray of a common lobster (Homarus gammarus). This is a marine scavenger that inhabits the cool waters of the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean. It is valued for its flesh

Background imageClaws Collection: Grey Cat - using scratching post

Grey Cat - using scratching post
JD-18207 Grey cat - using scratching post to sharpen claws John Daniels Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageClaws Collection: Collared Lemmings - adults in winter fur, large

Collared Lemmings - adults in winter fur, large winter claws for digging snow (in summer they are smaller) (Dicrostonyx torquatus). Taimyr peninsula, Kara sea shore, North of Siberia, Russian Arcti

Background imageClaws Collection: The Dragon Devouring the Companions of Cadmus, 1588. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius

The Dragon Devouring the Companions of Cadmus, 1588. Creator: Hendrik Goltzius
The Dragon Devouring the Companions of Cadmus, 1588

Background imageClaws Collection: Suffragette Militant Cat Fifi

Suffragette Militant Cat Fifi
A large white cat, hammer in her claws and a Votes for Women sash, addresses a group of toys on the necessity of militant action, not sure if the message is getting through Date: circa 1913

Background imageClaws Collection: Picture No. 11013601

Picture No. 11013601
American Badger - close up of claws Idaho - USA (Taxidea taxus) Date:

Background imageClaws Collection: Therizinosaurus dinosaur

Therizinosaurus dinosaur. Artwork of the theropod Therizinosaurus dinosaur, thought to have reached 10 metres in length. It lived from 85 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous period

Background imageClaws Collection: Therizinosaurus dinosuars

Therizinosaurus dinosuars. Artwork of a group of Therizinosaurus dinosuars foraging in a semi-arid desert landscape

Background imageClaws Collection: Housefly foot, SEM

Housefly foot, SEM
Housefly foot. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the foot of a housefly (Musca domestica). The two claws are used to grip rough surfaces

Background imageClaws Collection: Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetus), Kuusamo, Finland, January

Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetus), Kuusamo, Finland, January

Background imageClaws Collection: A Barn Owl hunting a rat

A Barn Owl hunting a rat. Pen & ink illustration by Raymond Sheppard

Background imageClaws Collection: Haliaeetus leucocephalus, flying Bald eagle holding a fish in its talons

Haliaeetus leucocephalus, flying Bald eagle holding a fish in its talons

Background imageClaws Collection: Christmas card in the shape of a lobster

Christmas card in the shape of a lobster. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageClaws Collection: Koala - holding onto tree trunk - showing leathery soles of feet

Koala - holding onto tree trunk - showing leathery soles of feet
HB-3820 KOALA - asleep in tree. Showing leathery soles of feet

Background imageClaws Collection: American Beaver TOM 16 Gnawing tree Castor canadensis © Tom & Pat Leeson / ARDEA LONDON

American Beaver TOM 16 Gnawing tree Castor canadensis © Tom & Pat Leeson / ARDEA LONDON
TOM-16 AMERICAN BEAVER - gnawing on branch, close-up Western USA

Background imageClaws Collection: Picture No. 10761658

Picture No. 10761658
Lobster Claw - Inflorescence (Heliconia rostrata) Date:

Background imageClaws Collection: Water bear, SEM C016 / 9084

Water bear, SEM C016 / 9084
Water bear (Echiniscus granulatus). Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) showing the underside of a water bear, or tardigrade (phylum Tardigrada)

Background imageClaws Collection: Persian Cat - on scratching post

Persian Cat - on scratching post
JD-11822 Persian CAT - using scratching post to sharpen claws John Daniels Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageClaws Collection: Peregrine Falcon (Morris

Peregrine Falcon (Morris
PEREGRINE FALCON (Falco peregrinus)

Background imageClaws Collection: Bear Softball Animal Sports Team Mascot

Bear Softball Animal Sports Team Mascot A bear animal softball sports team cartoon mascot

Background imageClaws Collection: Monster With Talon Claw Tearing A Rip Through Wall

Monster With Talon Claw Tearing A Rip Through Wall A monster, animal or dinosaur with talons or claws tearing a rip through the background wall

Background imageClaws Collection: green brown brownish brunette hairy claws blade of grass meadow grass lawn

green brown brownish brunette hairy claws blade of grass meadow grass lawn

Background imageClaws Collection: Comic postcard, Coastal attack - War Note: There is considerable activity on this front

Comic postcard, Coastal attack - War Note: There is considerable activity on this front. Date: 1914-1918

Background imageClaws Collection: Dragon


Background imageClaws Collection: Disc for Armor, Chest or Back Plate, 7th-early 6th century BC (bronze)

Disc for Armor, Chest or Back Plate, 7th-early 6th century BC (bronze)
STM752742 Disc for Armor, Chest or Back Plate, 7th-early 6th century BC (bronze) by Italic, Orientalizing period (7th-6th century BC); diam: 24.8 cm; Saint Louis Art Museum, Missouri

Background imageClaws Collection: Eagle, bird of prey, Hubertus hunting and hunting scenes

Eagle, bird of prey, Hubertus hunting and hunting scenes, wild animals, tree, branch, wings, claws, sitting, side view, historical illustration around 1860

Background imageClaws Collection: Crane, Hubertus hunting and hunting scenes

Crane, Hubertus hunting and hunting scenes, wild animals, nature, tree, wings, plumage, long beak, claws, old forester's house, historical illustration around 1860

Background imageClaws Collection: Eurasian Eagle-owl, Hubertus hunting

Eurasian Eagle-owl, Hubertus hunting, hunting scenes, wild animals, forest, wall, evening sun, sitting, claws, historical illustration around 1860

Background imageClaws Collection: Raven, Bible, Old Testament, waters

Raven, Bible, Old Testament, waters, dry up, cliff, profile, black, claws, First Book of Moses, chapter 8, verse 7, historical illustration 1850

Background imageClaws Collection: Capercaillie, Hubertus hunting and hunting scenes

Capercaillie, Hubertus hunting and hunting scenes, wild animals, conifer, branch, crescent moon, sweep dress, sitting, beak, claws, nature, historical illustration around 1860

Background imageClaws Collection: The Blue Tree Monitor (Varanus macraei) is a highly intelligent

The Blue Tree Monitor (Varanus macraei) is a highly intelligent, arboreal tree raptor, endemic to Batanta island

Background imageClaws Collection: Badger in stone forest, Germany

Badger in stone forest, Germany, Europe wildlife. European badger, Meles meles, grey blach fur coat animal in the habitat, mossy stone with trees

Background imageClaws Collection: Río Fuerte Beaded Lizard (Heloderma exasperatum)

Río Fuerte Beaded Lizard (Heloderma exasperatum)

Background imageClaws Collection: The Midline knob-tailed gecko (Nephrurus vertebralis) is a nocturnal

The Midline knob-tailed gecko (Nephrurus vertebralis) is a nocturnal, terrestrial lizard species found in Western Australia

Background imageClaws Collection: The Midline knob-tailed gecko (Nephrurus vertebralis) is a nocturnal

The Midline knob-tailed gecko (Nephrurus vertebralis) is a nocturnal, terrestrial lizard species found in Western Australia

Background imageClaws Collection: Hedge clippers, historical illustration

Hedge clippers, historical illustration, Theodor Lange, General Illustrated Garden Book, Volume 1, Leipzig 1902, p. 448, fig. 487

Background imageClaws Collection: The Syrian hare, claws, unclean

The Syrian hare, claws, unclean, forbidden, grass, side view, outdoors, Bible, Old Testament, Book 5 of Moses, Chapter 14, Verse 7

Background imageClaws Collection: Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus)

Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus)

Background imageClaws Collection: The Halmahera monitor (Varanus yuwonoi) was only described in 1998

The Halmahera monitor (Varanus yuwonoi) was only described in 1998

Background imageClaws Collection: The Blue tree monitor (Varanus macraei) is endemic to the island of Batanta in Indonesia

The Blue tree monitor (Varanus macraei) is endemic to the island of Batanta in Indonesia

Background imageClaws Collection: The Halmahera monitor (Varanus yuwonoi) was only described in 1998

The Halmahera monitor (Varanus yuwonoi) was only described in 1998

Background imageClaws Collection: Snowy owl, Bubo scandiacus

Snowy owl, Bubo scandiacus

Background imageClaws Collection: blue tree monitor (Varanus macraei )

blue tree monitor (Varanus macraei ) The blue tree monitor (Varanus macraei ) is an endangered tree monitor species endemic to Batanta island part of West Papua, Indonesia

Background imageClaws Collection: Cat gecko (Aeluroscalabotes felinus felinus)

Cat gecko (Aeluroscalabotes felinus felinus) The Cat gecko (Aeluroscalabotes felinus felinus) is a slow moving rain froest ambush predator found in Southeast Asia

Background imageClaws Collection: Guatemalan beaded lizard (Heloderma charlesbogerti)

Guatemalan beaded lizard (Heloderma charlesbogerti) The Guatemalan beaded lizard (Heloderma charlesbogerti) is one of the rarest lizard species in the world endemic to a tiny valley in Guatemala

Background imageClaws Collection: African dwarf mud turtle (Pelusios nanus)

African dwarf mud turtle (Pelusios nanus) The African dwarf mud turtle (Pelusios nanus) is the smallest member of its genus. They are found in the Congo

Background imageClaws Collection: Flapnecked chamaeleon (Chamaeleo dilepis)

Flapnecked chamaeleon (Chamaeleo dilepis) The Flapnecked chamaeleon (Chamaeleo dilepis) is a widespread chameleon species found in East Africa

Background imageClaws Collection: Whip scorpion (Damon variegata)

Whip scorpion (Damon variegata) The Whip scorpion (Damon variegata) is a large, fear inspiring arthropod species found in tropical Africa

Background imageClaws Collection: Hainan cave gecko / Goniurosaurs hainensis

Hainan cave gecko / Goniurosaurs hainensis The Hainan cave gecko is a large and robust lizard species endemic to the Chinese Hainan island

Background imageClaws Collection: Hainan cave gecko / Goniurosaurus hainensis

Hainan cave gecko / Goniurosaurus hainensis The Hainan cave gecko is a robust lizard species found in and around caves in the rain forests of Hainan island, China

Background imageClaws Collection: Giant sand gecko / Stenodactylus pettrii

Giant sand gecko / Stenodactylus pettrii The giant sand gecko is a desert dweller found in Northern Africa

Background imageClaws Collection: Knobtail gecko / Nephrurus levis

Knobtail gecko / Nephrurus levis Knobtail geckos are medium sized predatory gecko species that roam the arid Australian deserts by night

Background imageClaws Collection: Jackson Chameleon / Trioceros jacksonii xantholophus

Jackson Chameleon / Trioceros jacksonii xantholophus The Jackson Chameleon is an almost dinosaur like lizard species found in the Mountainous forests of Kenya and Uganda

Background imageClaws Collection: Green-eyed gecko / Gekko smithii

Green-eyed gecko / Gekko smithii The Green eyed gecko is a large gecko species found in Southeast Asia

Background imageClaws Collection: Leopard gecko / Eublepharis macularius

Leopard gecko / Eublepharis macularius Leopard geckos are popular pet lizards. They are bred in a variety of colors of which this "Diablo Blanco" morph is one

Background imageClaws Collection: Comb-toed gecko / Crossobamon eversmanni

Comb-toed gecko / Crossobamon eversmanni The comb-toed gecko is a medium sized lizard species found from Kazakhstan up to Iran

Background imageClaws Collection: Bromeliad lizard / Abronia taeniata

Bromeliad lizard / Abronia taeniata The Bromeliad lizard is an inhabitant of the high altitude mountain forest of Mexico

Background imageClaws Collection: Blue alligator lizard / Abronia graminea

Blue alligator lizard / Abronia graminea The blue alligator lizard is a rare, elusive, lizard species found in Mexico

Background imageClaws Collection: Western banded gecko / Coleonys variegatus

Western banded gecko / Coleonys variegatus The Western banded gecko is a medium sized lizard species found on rocky outcrops in the Southern United States

Background imageClaws Collection: Rainbow lizard / Aspidoscelis deppei

Rainbow lizard / Aspidoscelis deppei Rainbow lizards are extremely fast and agile lizards. They are found across Central America

Background imageClaws Collection: Knysne dwarf chameleon / Bradypodion damanarum

Knysne dwarf chameleon / Bradypodion damanarum The Knysna dwarf chameleon is a colorful, dragon like lizard species found in the Afromontane forests of the Knysna mountain range, South Africa

Background imageClaws Collection: Giant Chameleon / Calumma parsonii

Giant Chameleon / Calumma parsonii The giant Parson Chameleon is considered the biggest chameleon species in the world

Background imageClaws Collection: Parson Chameleon / Calumma parsonii

Parson Chameleon / Calumma parsonii The Parson chameleon is considered to be one of the biggest chameleon species in the world. These lizards are endemic to Madagascar

Background imageClaws Collection: Leaf Chameleon / Brookesia superciliaris

Leaf Chameleon / Brookesia superciliaris Leaf Chameleons are masters of camouflage

Background imageClaws Collection: Dwarf Chameleon / Brookesia stumpffi

Dwarf Chameleon / Brookesia stumpffi Dwarf chameleons are small slow moving day active lizards found in the rain forests of madagascar

All products are expertly crafted, using premium materials, tailored to your specifications and promptly shipped

"Unleashing the Power: A Captivating Collection of Claws" Majestic and fierce, behold the Harpy Eagle's razor-sharp claws as it rules over Soberania National Park in Panama. Basset Hound Dogs - Two lying together, their gentle paws concealing hidden claws of loyalty and love. Lovecraft meets Aliens in a gripping tale from 1936, where otherworldly claws lurk in the shadows of imagination. Witness the tender bond between an adult Basset Hound and its playful puppy, their tiny paws hiding potential mischief. The Mad Robot emerges from Amazing Stories magazine cover with menacing metal claws ready to conquer all obstacles. Peering through an X-ray lens, discover the intricate structure of a lobster's formidable claw – nature's perfect weapon for survival. Graceful yet powerful, explore the sturdy legs and nimble feet that propel ostriches across vast landscapes with unmatched speed. The Elf Owl silently swoops down upon its prey with stealthy talons concealed beneath delicate feathers – nature's smallest predator packs a punch. As a tiger approaches with calculated grace, its lethal claws serve as both weapons and tools for survival in the wild jungle terrain. Enter a world where technology collides with madness as you encounter the fearsome presence of a Mad Metal Robot armed with deadly metallic claws. Marvel at the incredible adaptability showcased by chameleons' feet – each toe equipped with tiny but efficient grasping appendages known as "claws. " Perched amidst Atchafalaya Swamp's eerie ambiance, witness how Barred Owls' sharp talons ensure they reign supreme over this mystical North American habitat. From soaring eagles to prowling tigers; from fantastical robots to mysterious creatures lurking within our own world—these captivating captions unveil just a glimpse of the power and intrigue hidden within the realm of claws.

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