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Dark Nebula Collection

EDITORS COMMENTS"Exploring the Mysteries of Dark Nebulae: Unveiling Celestial Beauty" NGC 3324, also known as the Gabriela Mistral Nebula located in the constellation

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Fox Fur Nebula

The Fox Fur Nebula, located towards the constellation of Monoceros, is an immense cloud of interstellar gas and cosmic dust interacting with the radiation and winds released by the surrounding hot

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Horsehead Nebula in the constellation Orion

The Horsehead Nebula in the constellation Orion

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Southern Milky Way from Vela to Centaurus with Crux & Carina

Southern Milky Way from Vela to Centaurus with Crux & Carina
The southern Milky Way from Vela (at right) to Centaurus (at left), with the False Cross at left, the true Southern Cross at right of centre, and Alpha and Beta Centauri at left

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Horsehead nebula

Horsehead nebula, optical image. The horsehead shape is caused by dark nebula Barnard 33 (B 33)

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: NGC 3324, also known as the Gabriela Mistral Nebula located in the constellation

NGC 3324, also known as the Gabriela Mistral Nebula located in the constellation Eta Carinae

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Center of the Milky Way through Sagittarius and Scorpius

Center of the Milky Way through Sagittarius and Scorpius
The Milky Way in Sagittarius (bottom) and Scorpius (left and top) including the Galactic Centre area at centre frame

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: NGC 6559 is a rich colorful tapestry of diverse nebulosity in the constellation Sagittarius

NGC 6559 is a rich colorful tapestry of diverse nebulosity in the constellation Sagittarius

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Widefield view of Orion Nebula and Horsehead Nebula

Widefield view of Orion Nebula and Horsehead Nebula
Widefield view of Orion Nebula (Messier 42), and Horsehead Nebula

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Panorama view of the center of the Milky Way

Panorama view of the center of the Milky Way
A panorama of the center of the Galaxy portion of the southern hemisphere Milky Way, from Crux at right to Aquila at left

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Newborn stars

Newborn stars peek out from beneath their natal blanket of dust in this dynamic image of the Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Sadr region with the Crescent Nebula

The Sadr region with the Crescent Nebula
IC 1318, Gamma Cyg region with Crescent Nebula

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The area around the head of Scorpius

The area around the head of Scorpius, including the bright star Antares at lower left of centre and the dark lanes leading to the star Rho Ophiuchi

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: A dark nebula in Cepheus

A dark nebula in Cepheus

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Orion Nebula, Belt of Orion, Sword of Orion and nebulosity

The Orion Nebula, Belt of Orion, Sword of Orion and nebulosity
The Orion Nebula, Belt of Orion, Sword of Orion, Barnards Loop (left), small reflection nebula Messier 78 (above center), Horshead Nebula (center), and NGC 2024 (above Horsehead Nebula)

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Auriga constellation showing lanes of dark nebulosity

The Auriga constellation showing lanes of dark nebulosity
A deep exposure image of the Auriga constellation showing lanes of dark nebulosity

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: A dark nebula against the Milky Way

A dark nebula against the Milky Way

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula in Orion

Horsehead Nebula and Flame Nebula in Orion

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: NGC 2264, the Christmas Tree Cluster and nebula

NGC 2264, the Christmas Tree Cluster and nebula. This image captured with a telescope and a scientific CCD camera

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Scorpius with parts of Lupus and Ara regions of the southern Milky Way

Scorpius with parts of Lupus and Ara regions of the southern Milky Way
All of Scorpius, plus parts of Lupus and Ara regions of the southern Milky Way

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The blast wave of a nova pulls away the gas clouds

The blast wave of a nova pulls away the gas clouds surrounding this system, lighting its sole planet up with a deadly sunrise

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Cave Nebula

The Cave Nebula

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Dusty Nebulae in Cepheus constellation

Dusty Nebulae in Cepheus constellation
This field contains the dusty nebula vdb 150 in the Cepheus constellation

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Rosette Nebula with nebulosity complex in Monoceros

The Rosette Nebula with nebulosity complex in Monoceros
The Rosette Nebula (bottom), with open cluster NGC 2244, and complex of nebulosity in Monoceros (above), including the Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster, with Monoceros dark nebula complex

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Heart and Soul Nebulae in the constellation Cassiopeia

The Heart and Soul Nebulae in the constellation Cassiopeia
The Heart Nebula (at right, aka IC 1805) and the Soul Nebula (at left, aka IC 1848, and also the Fetus Nebula), in Cassiopeia. Just right of upper centre is the open star cluster NGC 1027

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Coalsack and Jewel Box Cluster in the Southern Cross

The Coalsack and Jewel Box Cluster in the Southern Cross
The Coalsack and Jewel Box Cluster area on the east side of Crux, the Southern Cross

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Southern Milky Way with Eta Carinae, Crux and Alpha & Beta Centauri

Southern Milky Way with Eta Carinae, Crux and Alpha & Beta Centauri
Area of southern Milky Way containing Eta Carinae, Crux and Alpha & Beta Centauri

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Lagoon Nebula and Trifid Nebula in the constellation Sagittarius

The Lagoon Nebula and Trifid Nebula in the constellation Sagittarius
The Lagoon Nebula (NGC 6523), and Trifid Nebula (NGC 6514), in the constellation Sagittarius

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Rho Ophiuchi nebula

Rho Ophiuchi nebula
February 11, 2008 - Newborn stars peek out from beneath their natal blanket of dust in this dynamic image of the Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud from the Spitzer Space Telescope

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: A panorama of the Milky Way

A panorama of the Milky Way including several nebulae and clusters

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The constellations of Auriga and southern Gemini

The constellations of Auriga and southern Gemini, showing the four Messier star clusters: M36, M37, M38 in Auriga and M35 in Gemini

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Snake Nebula in Ophiuchus

Snake Nebula in Ophiuchus. Very dense stars and dark nebulae litter this region of Ophiuchus in our Milky Way

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Iris Nebula and surrounding dusty region in Cepheus constellation

Iris Nebula and surrounding dusty region in Cepheus constellation
Part of the huge molecular cloud in Cepheus containing many dark nebulae and the wonderful Iris reflection nebula

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Widefield view of the Gemini constellation with nearby deep sky objects

Widefield view of the Gemini constellation with nearby deep sky objects
Widefield view of the Gemini constellation with many deep sky objects visible

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Galactic dust cloud NGC 6726 in Corona Australis

Galactic dust cloud NGC 6726 in Corona Australis

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Dark Doodad Nebula in the southern constellation Musca

Dark Doodad Nebula in the southern constellation Musca (the fly)

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Cave Nebula located in the constellation Cepheus

The Cave Nebula located in the constellation Cepheus

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Constellations Cygnus and Lyra with nearby deep sky objects

Constellations Cygnus and Lyra with nearby deep sky objects
Constellations Cygnus and Lyra. The North America Nebula is visible at top left and Gamma Cygni nebulosity left of center. The Cygnus star cloud is at center, Veil Nebula at lower left

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: a cluster of bright young stars tear away clouds of gas and dust

a cluster of bright young stars tear away clouds of gas and dust
The blazing ignition of a cluster of bright young T-Tauri stars begin to tear away the clouds of gas and dust that birthed them, exposing their undeveloped protostar neighbors

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Trifid Nebula and Messier 21 cluster in Sagittarius

The Trifid Nebula and Messier 21 cluster in Sagittarius

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Iris Nebula in the constellation Cepheus

The Iris Nebula in the constellation Cepheus
The Iris Nebula, NGC 7023, a reflection nebula in the constellation Cepheus

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Dark nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius

Dark nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius
The dark nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius and globular cluster NGC 6723

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Star clusters NGC 2024 in the center of the Flame Nebula

Star clusters NGC 2024 in the center of the Flame Nebula
This composite image shows star clusters NGC 2024 in the center of the Flame Nebula about 1, 4000 light years from Earth

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Cocoon Nebula in the constellation Cygnus

The Cocoon Nebula in the constellation Cygnus
The Cocoon Nebula (IC 5146), a bright red emission and blue reflection nebula 4, 000 light years away in the constellation Cygnus, located at the end of a long dark nebula Barnard 168

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Dark Shark Nebula in Cepheus

The Dark Shark Nebula in Cepheus
LDN 1235, the Shark Nebula in Cepheus, with two visible reflection nebulae, vdB 149 and vdB 150

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: A stellar nursery located towards the constellation of Monoceros

A stellar nursery located towards the constellation of Monoceros
This scene of a stellar nursery, located towards the constellation of Monoceros, features majestic flowing shapes of interstellar gas and dust domimnated by a vast dark column

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Taurus region showing dark lanes of nebulosity

The Taurus region showing dark lanes of nebulosity

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Widefield view in the Orion constellation

Widefield view in the Orion constellation
This widefield view in the Orion constellation contains the Horsehead Nebula, Flame Nebula, M78, and Barnards Loop

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The massive dark nebula complex LDN 1003

The massive dark nebula complex LDN 1003
A large dark nebula complex, LDN 1003, that lies between the constellation Cygnus and Cepheus

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: L1622, cometary globule in Orion

L1622, cometary globule in Orion. The Orion superbubble contains dozens of cometary globules illuminated by OB stars within the Orion OB1 association

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Widefield view of the southern constellations of Centaurus and Crux

Widefield view of the southern constellations of Centaurus and Crux
Widefield view of Alpha and Beta Centauri stars in the southern constellation of Centaurus, along with the Southern Cross in the constellation Crux

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The North America Nebula and dark nebulae in Cygnus

The North America Nebula and dark nebulae in Cygnus
The area of northern Cygnus showing the dark nebula LeGentil 3 north of Cygnus in the Milky Way, along with the North America Nebula and the Pelican Nebula near Deneb

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Polaris surrounded by molecular clouds

Polaris surrounded by molecular clouds
Polaris, also known as the north star, is surrounded by large complex dust structures, known as molecular clouds or galactic cirrus

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Winter Milky Way from New Mexico

Winter Milky Way from New Mexico
March 10, 2015 - A vertical sweep with a 15mm ultrawide lens from the horizon to past the zenith, taking in a large part of the northern winter Milky Way

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Aquila constellation and the Serpens-Ophiuchus double cluster

Aquila constellation and the Serpens-Ophiuchus double cluster of IC 4756 and NGC 663. Altair and Terazed stars are visible at top

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Winter sky panorama with various deep sky objects

Winter sky panorama with various deep sky objects

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Mosaic of Orion Nebula and Horsehead Nebula

Mosaic of Orion Nebula and Horsehead Nebula

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: NGC 6726, galactic dust cloud in Corona Australis

NGC 6726, galactic dust cloud in Corona Australis

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Cave Nebula and surroundings

The Cave Nebula and surroundings

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Area around the Belt of Orion, with the Horsehead and Flame Nebula

Area around the Belt of Orion, with the Horsehead and Flame Nebula
The area around the Belt of Orion, with the Horsehead and Flame Nebulae at bottom flanking the bright star Zeta Orionis, also known as Alnitak, with Messier 78 at upper left

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex

The Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex. The Rho Ophiuchi cloud is found rising above the plane of the Milky Way in the night sky, bordering the constellations Ophiuchus and Scorpius

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: MBM dust complex in Pegasus

MBM dust complex in Pegasus. Little edge-on galaxy is NGC 7497 (surrounded by LBN 419)

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Monoceros region showing the Rosette Nebula, Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster

The Monoceros region showing the Rosette Nebula, Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Horsehead Nebula region in infrared and visible light

Horsehead Nebula region in infrared and visible light

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Gamma Cygni star and its surroundings

Gamma Cygni star and its surroundings

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: NGC 2264, the Cone and Christmas Tree Nebula

NGC 2264, the Cone and Christmas Tree Nebula
NGC 2264, the Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Beautiful Nebula in Monoceros

Beautiful Nebula in Monoceros
This field contains popular objects such as the Cone Nebula, Fox Fur Nebula, Christmas Tree Nebula, and many others

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Milky Way around the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud

The Milky Way around the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud
A mosaic of the region around the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud and Dark Horse dark nebula complex. The field takes in the Milky Way from the Lagoon Nebula at bottom to the Eagle Nebula at top left

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Dark Tower, Cometary Globule in Scorpius

The Dark Tower, Cometary Globule in Scorpius

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Southern Milky Way

Southern Milky Way
The spectacular area of the southern Milky Way from the Eta Carinae Nebula at right, to the Southern Cross at center, and the twin stars of Alpha and Beta Centauri at left

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: NGC 2264

NGC 2264
The mottled mottled pink, brown and red areas are a combination of cosmic dust and emission from ionized hydrogen gas excited by the radiation of a young open cluster of stars, NGC 2264

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Heart of Scorpius (Antares region)

The Heart of Scorpius (Antares region)

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Messier 7 and Messier 6 star clusters in the constellation Scorpius

Messier 7 and Messier 6 star clusters in the constellation Scorpius
The two open clusters, Messier 7 (left), Ptolemy Cluster, and Messier 6 (right), the Butterfly Cluster

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Sadr region in the constellation Cygnus

The Sadr region in the constellation Cygnus

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: NGC 281, the Pacman Nebula

NGC 281, the Pacman Nebula

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Corona Australis, a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere

Corona Australis, a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The summer Milky Way in southern Alberta, Canada

The summer Milky Way in southern Alberta, Canada
July 24, 2012 - The summer Milky Way (northern hemisphere) in southern Alberta, Canada. Sagittarius is on the southern horizon, the Summer Triangle at center, and Cassiopeia at top left

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Iris Nebula in Cepheus

The Iris Nebula in Cepheus
A blue reflection nebula called the Iris Nebula glows in the constellation Cepheus

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: Alnitak region in Orion with Flame Nebula (NGC 2024), and Horsehead Nebula

Alnitak region in Orion with Flame Nebula (NGC 2024), and Horsehead Nebula

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Sagittarius Triplet featuring the Lagoon and Trifid Nebula, and NGC 6559

The Sagittarius Triplet featuring the Lagoon and Trifid Nebula, and NGC 6559
The Sagittarius Triplet featuring the Lagoon Nebula, the Trifid Nebula, and NGC 6559

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Horsehead Nebula

The Horsehead Nebula

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The Trifid Nebula

The Trifid Nebula
Clouds of glowing gas mingle with dust lanes in the Trifid Nebula, a star forming region about 9, 000 light years in the distance toward the constellation of Sagittarius

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: A rich region of reflection and emission nebulae in the Camaeleon constellation

A rich region of reflection and emission nebulae in the Camaeleon constellation
A rich region of reflection and emission nebulae surrounded by brown interstellar molecular clouds in the Camaeleon constellation

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The constellation of Centaurus and its dark lanes of nebulosity

The constellation of Centaurus and its dark lanes of nebulosity in the southern Milky Way. Alpha and Beta Centauri is visible at right, and Omega Centauri at upper right

Background imageDark Nebula Collection: The starforming region of Rho Ophiuchus

The starforming region of Rho Ophiuchus. Visible in this image are IC 4605, IC 4604, IC 4603, Antares, NGC 6144, M4 Globular Cluster, SH2-9, NGC 6121, and emission and reflection nebula structure

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"Exploring the Mysteries of Dark Nebulae: Unveiling Celestial Beauty" NGC 3324, also known as the Gabriela Mistral Nebula located in the constellation, captivates astronomers with its enigmatic allure. Its dark nebulous clouds conceal secrets waiting to be unraveled. In the depths of Orion lies a celestial masterpiece - The Horsehead Nebula. This iconic formation stands out against a backdrop of vibrant stars, leaving stargazers in awe of its intricate silhouette. The Fox Fur Nebula weaves an ethereal tapestry across Sagittarius' canvas. NGC 6559 showcases a mesmerizing blend of colors and textures that astound observers, unveiling nature's artistic prowess. Akin to a cosmic equestrian portrait, the Horsehead Nebula gallops through space, captivating our imagination with its striking visage. It serves as a reminder that beauty can be found even amidst darkness. Behold. A widefield view reveals both the Orion and Horsehead Nebulas coexisting harmoniously within their stellar neighborhood. Their combined radiance paints an enchanting picture against the vast expanse above us. As we gaze into the panorama view at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, we are humbled by its grandeur. Amidst this celestial metropolis lie countless newborn stars emerging from dark nebular cocoons – nature's own symphony of creation. Within Sadr region resides another gem - The Crescent Nebula. Its delicate crescent shape dances among distant constellations like Scorpius' head; reminding us that beauty exists even in seemingly desolate spaces. Venturing further into Cepheus unveils yet another hidden treasure - a mysterious dark nebula cloaking itself amidst starry realms. Like an artist's brushstroke on an endless cosmic canvas, it adds depth and intrigue to our exploration beyond Earthly boundaries.

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