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Ethnography Collection

"Unveiling the Tapestry of Cultures

Background imageEthnography Collection: A Cannibal Feast, Charles E Gordon Frazer

A Cannibal Feast, Charles E Gordon Frazer
A Cannibal Feast on the island of Tanna in the New Hebrides, by Charles E Gordon Frazer (1863-1899)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Eagle Elk (He Xa Wan ba li), c1907. Creator: Edward Sheriff Curtis

Eagle Elk (He Xa Wan ba li), c1907. Creator: Edward Sheriff Curtis
Eagle Elk (He Xa Wan ba li), c1907. Head-and-shoulders portrait of Oglala man

Background imageEthnography Collection: Cleopatras obelisk or needle and the great sphinx of Giza

Cleopatras obelisk or needle and the great sphinx of Giza.. Handcolored lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsches Complete Gallery of Peoples in True Pictures, Meissen, circa 1835-1840

Background imageEthnography Collection: Momolu Massaquoi, Nashville, USA, c. 1890 (gelatin silver print)

Momolu Massaquoi, Nashville, USA, c. 1890 (gelatin silver print)
622849 Momolu Massaquoi, Nashville, USA, c.1890 (gelatin silver print) by Giers & Koellein (fl.1890); 14.1x9.8 cm; Private Collection; ( Momolu Massaquoi (1872-1938)

Background imageEthnography Collection: South American cannibals, 16th century

South American cannibals, 16th century
South American cannibals. 16th-century artwork of indigenous people of South American dismembering and roasting their slain enemies

Background imageEthnography Collection: Roman chariot race

Roman chariot race
LLM456893 Roman chariot race by Scarpelli, Tancredi (1866-1937); Private Collection; ( Roman chariot race. Illustration for Storia de Costume dei Popoli by Paolo Lorenzini (Nerbini)

Background imageEthnography Collection: A Zulu chief, 1902

A Zulu chief, 1902. From The Living Races of Mankind, Vol. I. [Hutchinson & Co, London, 1902]

Background imageEthnography Collection: The Duk Duk society, Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea, 1920

The Duk Duk society, Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea, 1920. Young men being initiated before they can marry. The Duk Duk is a secret society of the Tolai people of the Rabaul area of New

Background imageEthnography Collection: Great Pyramid of Cholula dedicated to Quetzalcoatl in Mexico

Great Pyramid of Cholula dedicated to Quetzalcoatl in Mexico.. Handcolored lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsches Complete Gallery of Peoples in True Pictures, Meissen, circa 1835-1840

Background imageEthnography Collection: Georgian store, and Circassian and Ingush man

Georgian store, and Circassian and Ingush man.. Handcolored lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsches Complete Gallery of Peoples in True Pictures, Meissen, circa 1835-1840

Background imageEthnography Collection: Costumes de Différents Pays, Pr. Ministre des Ydoles de Congo, c1797

Costumes de Différents Pays, Pr. Ministre des Ydoles de Congo, c1797. Creators: Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur
Costumes de Differents Pays, Pr. Ministre des Ydoles de Congo, c1797

Background imageEthnography Collection: Costumes de Différents Pays, Guerrier du Senegal, c1797. Creators

Costumes de Différents Pays, Guerrier du Senegal, c1797. Creators: Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, LF Labrousse
Costumes de Differents Pays, Guerrier du Senegal, c1797

Background imageEthnography Collection: On the war path-Atsina, c1908. Creator: Edward Sheriff Curtis

On the war path-Atsina, c1908. Creator: Edward Sheriff Curtis
On the war path-Atsina, c1908. Small band of Atsina men on horseback, some carrying staffs with feathers, one wearing a war bonnet

Background imageEthnography Collection: '... Meanwhile, in Britain, the entire population faced by the threat of invasion

"... Meanwhile, in Britain, the entire population faced by the threat of invasion
7168495 "... Meanwhile, in Britain, the entire population faced by the threat of invasion, has been flung into a state of complete panic

Background imageEthnography Collection: A Kabyle Woman (b / w photo)

A Kabyle Woman (b / w photo)
5990428 A Kabyle Woman (b/w photo) by English Photographer, (20th century); Private Collection; ( A Kabyle Woman. Living Races of Mankind (Hutchinson, c 1910)

Background imageEthnography Collection: A Zulu warrior, 1912

A Zulu warrior, 1912. From The Living Races of Mankind, Vol. II. [Hutchinson & Co, London, 1912]

Background imageEthnography Collection: Horniman Museum - Forest Hill, London

Horniman Museum - Forest Hill, London. Opened in 1901, the architect for this interesting building in the Arts and Crafts style was Charles Harrison Townsend

Background imageEthnography Collection: Zulu chief in full war-dress (engraving)

Zulu chief in full war-dress (engraving)
3655627 Zulu chief in full war-dress (engraving) by European School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Zulu chief in full war-dress)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Dahomeyan Amazons (b / w photo)

Dahomeyan Amazons (b / w photo)
5990420 Dahomeyan Amazons (b/w photo) by English Photographer, (20th century); Private Collection; ( Dahomeyan Amazons. Living Races of Mankind (Hutchinson, c 1910)

Background imageEthnography Collection: A Tiki at Raroera Pah, New Zealand

A Tiki at Raroera Pah, New Zealand. Plate from The New Zealanders illustrated by George French Angas (1822-1886). Date: 1847

Background imageEthnography Collection: 1827 Nukahiva Marquesas tattooed couple

1827 Nukahiva Marquesas tattooed couple
Early Lithographic print by Carl Brodtmann from Dr. Shinz, " Naturgeschichte und Abbilldungen des Menschen der verschiedenen" 1827, with hand colouring

Background imageEthnography Collection: Soldiers of Linhares, Brazil, in uniform

Soldiers of Linhares, Brazil, in uniform.. Handcolored lithograph from Friedrich Wilhelm Goedsches Complete Gallery of Peoples in True Pictures, Meissen, circa 1835-1840

Background imageEthnography Collection: Costume of a revolutionary commoner or sans culotte, 1793. 1825 (lithograph)

Costume of a revolutionary commoner or sans culotte, 1793. 1825 (lithograph)
7237140 Costume of a revolutionary commoner or sans culotte, 1793. 1825 (lithograph) by Lecomte, Hippolyte (1781-1857); Private Collection; ( Costume of a commoner or sans culotte)

Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939307


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939302


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939301


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939293


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939292


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939287


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939284


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939280


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939304


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939299


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939288


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939286


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939294


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939290


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939289


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939298


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939291


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939282


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939279


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939306


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939305


Background imageEthnography Collection: 8939281


Background imageEthnography Collection: Eaux-Fortes Modernes. Plate 197. Arabes d'Oran (Arabs of Oran), 1833. Creator: Eugene Delacroix

Eaux-Fortes Modernes. Plate 197. Arabes d'Oran (Arabs of Oran), 1833. Creator: Eugene Delacroix
Eaux-Fortes Modernes. Plate 197. Arabes d'Oran (Arabs of Oran), 1833. Shows an outdoor setting with two men, one reclining and facing the viewer

Background imageEthnography Collection: Native woman from Prince William's entry. 1785 (engraving)

Native woman from Prince William's entry. 1785 (engraving)
8766930 Native woman from Prince William's entry. 1785 (engraving); Private Collection; ( Native woman from Prince William's entry. ( James Cook third journey in the Pacific Ocean)

Background imageEthnography Collection: 8725416


Background imageEthnography Collection: A native beautiful woman from Eaoo, 1785 (engraving)

A native beautiful woman from Eaoo, 1785 (engraving)
8766922 A native beautiful woman from Eaoo, 1785 (engraving); Private Collection; ( A native beautiful woman from EAOO ( James Cook)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Native man from Kamtchaka, 1785 (engraving)

Native man from Kamtchaka, 1785 (engraving)
8766919 Native man from Kamtchaka, 1785 (engraving); Private Collection; ( Native man from Kamtchaka.( 3rd journey by Cpt. James Cook in 1785 ) 1785); Photo ©Jaime Abecasis

Background imageEthnography Collection: Illustration representing an African Lion Hunt. French 1805 (engraving)

Illustration representing an African Lion Hunt. French 1805 (engraving)
5669614 Illustration representing an African Lion Hunt. French 1805 (engraving); Universal History Archive/UIG

Background imageEthnography Collection: North America Red skin Indian, 1861 (engraving)

North America Red skin Indian, 1861 (engraving)
6947879 North America Red skin Indian, 1861 (engraving); Private Collection; ( North America Red skin Indian. Human races)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Victorious tribal Daout warriors, Somalia, Africa. 1885 (engraving)

Victorious tribal Daout warriors, Somalia, Africa. 1885 (engraving)
6947909 Victorious tribal Daout warriors, Somalia, Africa. 1885 (engraving); Private Collection; ( Victorious tribal Daout warriors, Somalia, Africa)

Background imageEthnography Collection: War Shirt, 1830-40 (deer hide, ermine tails, glass pony beads, hair, porcupine quills)

War Shirt, 1830-40 (deer hide, ermine tails, glass pony beads, hair, porcupine quills, and trade cloth)
5862026 War Shirt, 1830-40 (deer hide, ermine tails, glass pony beads, hair, porcupine quills, and trade cloth) by Native American, (19th century); The Art Institute of Chicago, IL

Background imageEthnography Collection: La terre d'apres le systeme d'Homere (engraving)

La terre d'apres le systeme d'Homere (engraving)
8653358 La terre d'apres le systeme d'Homere (engraving) by European School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( La terre d'apres le systeme d'Homere)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Suez, Pancienne Colsum (engraving)

Suez, Pancienne Colsum (engraving)
8653349 Suez, Pancienne Colsum (engraving) by European School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Suez, Pancienne Colsum)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Monument funeraire de Christophe Colomb a la Havane (engraving)

Monument funeraire de Christophe Colomb a la Havane (engraving)
8653334 Monument funeraire de Christophe Colomb a la Havane (engraving) by European School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Monument funeraire de Christophe Colomb a la Havane)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Marchands pheniciens traitant des affaires d'echange (engraving)

Marchands pheniciens traitant des affaires d'echange (engraving)
8653359 Marchands pheniciens traitant des affaires d'echange (engraving) by European School, (19th century); Private Collection; (

Background imageEthnography Collection: Alphonse d'Albuquerque (engraving)

Alphonse d'Albuquerque (engraving)
8653339 Alphonse d'Albuquerque (engraving) by European School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Alphonse d'Albuquerque)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Par une attaque de flanc la cavalerie espagnole decide le gain de la bataille (engraving)

Par une attaque de flanc la cavalerie espagnole decide le gain de la bataille (engraving)
8653325 Par une attaque de flanc la cavalerie espagnole decide le gain de la bataille (engraving) by European School, (19th century); Private Collection; (

Background imageEthnography Collection: Ferdinand Cortez (engraving)

Ferdinand Cortez (engraving)
8653312 Ferdinand Cortez (engraving) by European School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Ferdinand Cortez)

Background imageEthnography Collection: L'Inca Huayna Capac (engraving)

L'Inca Huayna Capac (engraving)
8653311 L'Inca Huayna Capac (engraving) by European School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( L'Inca Huayna Capac)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Patagons (engraving)

Patagons (engraving)
8653309 Patagons (engraving) by European School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Patagons. Illustration for Les Principales Decouvertes des Voyageurs Anciens et Modernes by Charles)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Whirling dervishes (b/w photo)

Whirling dervishes (b/w photo)
8672798 Whirling dervishes (b/w photo) by English Photographer, (20th century); Private Collection; ( Whirling dervishes)

Background imageEthnography Collection: 8626405


Background imageEthnography Collection: Civilization of American Indians. Botocoudo man, Indian ethnic group of the forests of Brazil

Civilization of American Indians. Botocoudo man, Indian ethnic group of the forests of Brazil
JAB5036747 Civilization of American Indians. Botocoudo man, Indian ethnic group of the forests of Brazil. In "Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire naturelle" by Mr

Background imageEthnography Collection: Moravia woman, 1879 (engraving)

Moravia woman, 1879 (engraving)
CUL4854094 Moravia woman, 1879 (engraving) by Unknown Artist, (19th century); ( Moravia woman. 1879. Engraving. Private Collection.); Photo © JBP/AIC

Background imageEthnography Collection: Moldovan woman, 1879 (engraving)

Moldovan woman, 1879 (engraving)
CUL4854086 Moldovan woman, 1879 (engraving) by Unknown Artist, (19th century); ( Moldovan woman. 1879. Engraving. Private Collection.); Photo © JBP/AIC

Background imageEthnography Collection: Anthropology: representation of a Burmese beauty from Asia. Plate drawn from the end of the 19th

Anthropology: representation of a Burmese beauty from Asia. Plate drawn from the end of the 19th century
JAB5037183 Anthropology: representation of a Burmese beauty from Asia. Plate drawn from the end of the 19th century.; ( Anthropology: representation of a Burmese beauty from Asia)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Anthropology: representation of a Red Skin chief from North America

Anthropology: representation of a Red Skin chief from North America. Plate drawn from the end of the 19th century
JAB5037180 Anthropology: representation of a Red Skin chief from North America. Plate drawn from the end of the 19th century.; ( Anthropology)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Anthropology: representation of a negre dahomeen from Benin. Plate drawn from the end of the 19th

Anthropology: representation of a negre dahomeen from Benin. Plate drawn from the end of the 19th century
JAB5037177 Anthropology: representation of a negre dahomeen from Benin. Plate drawn from the end of the 19th century.; ( Anthropology: representation of a negre dahomeen from Benin)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Anthropology: representation of a Bedouin, nomad from the Middle East

Anthropology: representation of a Bedouin, nomad from the Middle East. Plate drawn from the end of the 19th century
JAB5037174 Anthropology: representation of a Bedouin, nomad from the Middle East. Plate drawn from the end of the 19th century.; ( Anthropology: representation of a Bedouin)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Breesian civilization: ' Breed Apinage, Province of Gaya Brazil'. Face of a man

Breesian civilization: " Breed Apinage, Province of Gaya Brazil". Face of a man
JAB5036806 Breesian civilization: " Breed Apinage, Province of Gaya Brazil". Face of a man. In "Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire naturelle" by Mr

Background imageEthnography Collection: A Tartar lady, 1812

A Tartar lady, 1812
3479872 A Tartar lady, 1812; ( A Tartar lady, 1812. The Tatars are a Turkic people, living in Asia and Europe, who were one of the five major tribal confederations)

Background imageEthnography Collection: Types of Extreme Orient. Engraving 1862

Types of Extreme Orient. Engraving 1862
JAB4120823 Types of Extreme Orient. Engraving 1862; ( Types of Extreme Orient. Engraving 1862); Photo ©Jaime Abecasis

Background imageEthnography Collection: Jewish family of TUNIS (Tunisia) Engraving 1865

Jewish family of TUNIS (Tunisia) Engraving 1865
JAB4120552 Jewish family of TUNIS (Tunisia) Engraving 1865; ( Jewish family of TUNIS (Tunisia) Engraving 1865); Photo ©Jaime Abecasis

Background imageEthnography Collection: Ornamental tattoos: African woman 1, Maori chief (New Zealand) 2, Maori king 3, Caroline Islander 4

Ornamental tattoos: African woman 1, Maori chief (New Zealand) 2, Maori king 3, Caroline Islander 4
FLO4678680 Ornamental tattoos: African woman 1, Maori chief (New Zealand) 2, Maori king 3, Caroline Islander 4, hand 5 and foot 6 of a Dayak (Borneo), and a Japanese man with irezumi and fundoshi 7

Background imageEthnography Collection: Native to Papua Island (New Guinee and Indonesia), inhabitants of coastal areas with combs

Native to Papua Island (New Guinee and Indonesia), inhabitants of coastal areas with combs and scarifications
FLO4636143 Native to Papua Island (New Guinee and Indonesia), inhabitants of coastal areas with combs and scarifications and indigenous people of the island off Rawak Waigeo

Background imageEthnography Collection: Four portraits of Indian botocudo (Brazil), with wooden discs with lips and ears

Four portraits of Indian botocudo (Brazil), with wooden discs with lips and ears and a mummifiee head of a botocudo
FLO4635749 Four portraits of Indian botocudo (Brazil), with wooden discs with lips and ears and a mummifiee head of a botocudo

Background imageEthnography Collection: Portrait of the chiefs of the Sandwich Islands (Hawai): in the centre, Kiaimoukou, Maui Island

Portrait of the chiefs of the Sandwich Islands (Hawai): in the centre, Kiaimoukou, Maui Island, on the left
FLO4636338 Portrait of the chiefs of the Sandwich Islands (Hawai): in the centre, Kiaimoukou, Maui Island, on the left, a tattoo chef from Oahu Island, on the right, an officer from Kiamoukou

Background imageEthnography Collection: Inuit man of Prince Regent's Bay (inlet in Baffin Bay) and Inuit woman of Jacob's Bight

Inuit man of Prince Regent's Bay (inlet in Baffin Bay) and Inuit woman of Jacob's Bight (Uummannaq Fjord)
FLO4605410 Inuit man of Prince Regent's Bay (inlet in Baffin Bay) and Inuit woman of Jacob's Bight (Uummannaq Fjord). Eskimo people

Background imageEthnography Collection: Portrait of Montezuma II (Moctezumaii, 1466-1520), Aztec Emperor of Mexico

Portrait of Montezuma II (Moctezumaii, 1466-1520), Aztec Emperor of Mexico, in gold crown and gorgette
FLO4605373 Portrait of Montezuma II (Moctezumaii, 1466-1520), Aztec Emperor of Mexico, in gold crown and gorgette, and of David Cusick (c.1780-c.1831), a Tuscarora Baptist preacher and author

Background imageEthnography Collection: Bout Alikhooki, Tierra del Fuego man drawn from life in European clothes at Plymouth

Bout Alikhooki, Tierra del Fuego man drawn from life in European clothes at Plymouth
FLO4605323 Bout Alikhooki, Tierra del Fuego man drawn from life in European clothes at Plymouth, and Patagonian of Cape Gregory in llama fur coat. Natives of South America

Background imageEthnography Collection: Young Nubian woman and Ababde man. Ethiopian mixed-race people

Young Nubian woman and Ababde man. Ethiopian mixed-race people. Handcoloured steel engraving by Lizars after an
FLO4605235 Young Nubian woman and Ababde man. Ethiopian mixed-race people. Handcoloured steel engraving by Lizars after an illustration by Charles Hamilton Smith from his Natural History of the Human

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"Unveiling the Tapestry of Cultures: Ethnography through Time and Space" Embark on a captivating journey through the annals of human history as we delve into the fascinating world of ethnography. From ancient civilizations to remote tribes, this discipline allows us to uncover the rich tapestry of cultures that have shaped our world. Imagine standing in awe before Cleopatra's obelisk, towering over ancient Egypt's landscape alongside the enigmatic Great Sphinx of Giza. These monumental structures serve as testaments to a civilization steeped in mystery and grandeur. Traveling further across continents, we find ourselves at Raroera Pah in New Zealand, where a Tiki statue stands proudly amidst lush surroundings. This artifact offers insights into Maori traditions and their connection with nature. Venturing back in time, we encounter South American cannibals from the 16th century depicted in Charles E Gordon Frazer's painting "A Cannibal Feast. " Though unsettling, it provides invaluable glimpses into cultural practices that were once prevalent. The Duk Duk society from Bismarck Archipelago takes us to Papua New Guinea in 1920. Through intricate masks and rituals, this secret society reveals its role within local communities and its significance for social cohesion. Moving closer to home, an intriguing scene unfolds at a Georgian store where Circassian and Ingush men engage in commerce. Here lies evidence of cross-cultural interactions that shape societies beyond national borders. In London's Horniman Museum, artifacts from around the globe converge under one roof. It serves as a testament to humanity's curiosity about other cultures while fostering understanding among diverse communities. Witnessing Zulu chiefs donned in majestic war-dress or Dahomeyan Amazons captured through black-and-white photography transports us deep into African heritage—showcasing bravery and resilience against historical odds.

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