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Folk Lore Collection

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: IROQUOIS CREATION MYTH. Sky Woman. A depiction of the Iroquois creation myth

IROQUOIS CREATION MYTH. Sky Woman. A depiction of the Iroquois creation myth. Oil on canvas, 1936, by Ernest Smith

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life in Norse mythology

Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life in Norse mythology
Yggdrasil (Yggdrasill), the sacred ash, the Tree of Life, the Mundane Tree of Norse mythology, whose branches overhang the Universe

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Loch Ness Monster

Loch Ness Monster
Photo by London gynecologist Robert Kenneth Wilson taken at 7.30 am on (probably) 19 April 1934; he never claimed it as the monster, simply a mysterious photo

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Kraken Attacks a Ship

Kraken Attacks a Ship
A kraken attacks a sailing vessel

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Palenque Xtraterrestrial

Palenque Xtraterrestrial
Carving at PALENQUE, Mexico, which has been interpreted by ingenious theorists as depicting an ancient astronaut in a rocket- powered spacecraft

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Pictures of various Hindu Gods for sale in Little India

Pictures of various Hindu Gods for sale in Little India, Singapore, South East Asia

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life in Norse mythology

Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life in Norse mythology
Yggdrasil (Yggdrasill), the sacred ash, the Tree of Life, the Mundane Tree of Norse mythology, whose branches overhang the Universe

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Lochness Monster

Lochness Monster
A dramatic picture of the supposed giant water creature that lives in Loch Ness, Scotland and its small offspring, followed by divers holding underwater cameras

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Loch Ness Monster

Loch Ness Monster
Fishermen on Loch Ness are surprised by the creature - as well they might be, for this is the largest depiction of the monster known to us

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Kraken attacking ship during a storm

Kraken attacking ship during a storm
A mythical Kraken attacking a sailing vessel during a storm

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Statue of Robin Hood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Statue of Robin Hood, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Atlantis / Map

Atlantis / Map
Map showing Atlantis during the period of its greatest prosperity

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Folklore / Fairies

Folklore / Fairies
Fairy flying with butterflies

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Diver and Mermaid

Diver and Mermaid
A diver exploring a wrecked ship has an unexpected encounter

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Atlantis / Map

Atlantis / Map
Map showing Atlantis during the period of its decadence

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Folklore / Gryphon

Folklore / Gryphon
Gryphus, or Greiff, classified by Johnstone as a bird because it has the head and wings of an eagle, despite having the body of a lion

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Folklore / Fairies / Goble

Folklore / Fairies / Goble
Fairies and flowers

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: 4-Leaf Clover - Barde

4-Leaf Clover - Barde
Clover plant with several four-leaf clusters

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Death of Hector by Achilles during the Trojan War

Death of Hector by Achilles during the Trojan War
Greek hero Achilles dragging Hectors body behind his chariot in the Trojan wars. Hand-colored halftone reproduction of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Autumnal Scene with Fairy & Blackberries

Autumnal Scene with Fairy & Blackberries
An autumnal folklore scene with a fairy, dressed in blue, sat amid the visible roots of a silver birch tree, holding a delicious-looking blackberry

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Fairies Merry Go Round

Fairies Merry Go Round
Fairies at play - a toadstool makes a convenient merry-go- round

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Folklore / Wild Hunt

Folklore / Wild Hunt
Asgaardsreiden, Norwegian myth of the Wild Hunt

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Edyrn at Caerleon

Edyrn at Caerleon
CAERLEON IN USK Edyrn draws near to King Arthurs court

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Demon and Witches

Demon and Witches
A countrywoman is amazed to see two witches - one male, one female - flying past escorted by the Devil who, it seems, also needs a broomstick

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: 1551 Gesner armoured rhino after Durer

1551 Gesner armoured rhino after Durer
Gesner Woodcut " Icones Animalium" 1560, reproduced from 1551. Published Christoph Froschover, Zurich

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Witch with her black cat

Witch with her black cat
Witch casting a spell accompanied by a raven and a black cat. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Romulus and Remus suckled by a wolf

Romulus and Remus suckled by a wolf
Romulus and Remus are suckled by a kindly wolf. Romulus goes on to found the city of Rome

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: DOREs LEVIATHAN

Dores interpretation of the combat between God and the sea dragon Leviathan that will take place in the end times, as described by Isaiah

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Female Centaur & Harp

Female Centaur & Harp
A centauress gallops with a harp in one hand, a two-legged friend in the other, with whom she is making music

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Little Mermaid / Ak / Col Pc

Little Mermaid / Ak / Col Pc
The little mermaid sits and watches the swans being fed

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Atlantis (Avotin)

Atlantis (Avotin)
The Atlantean capital as described by Plato

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Lemuria Map

Lemuria Map
A map of Lemuria at its greatest extent

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Mermaid of Zennor

Mermaid of Zennor
At Zennor, Cornwall, a mermaid takes a passer-by by surprise

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Folklore / Fairies / Doyle

Folklore / Fairies / Doyle
AN ELF-FAIRY ROMANCE (picture 2 of 3) He finds her, and this is the consequence

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Folklore / Yetis

Folklore / Yetis
Photograph of an unidentified footprint, taken by Eric Shipton and Michael Ward as they returned from the Himalayas

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Bete Du Gevaudan

Bete Du Gevaudan
LA BETE DU GEVAUDAN The ravages of the beast

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: The Haunted Wood C1903

The Haunted Wood C1903

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Knight and Fairies

Knight and Fairies
A knight of the Round Table encounters fairies while he is riding at night through a wood

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: British Ballad, The Mermaid

British Ballad, The Mermaid
THE MERMAID. British ballad by Dr. John Leyden

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Stork / Baby / Allers Jrnl

Stork / Baby / Allers Jrnl
A stork carrying a baby flies to its destination over snowy rooftops

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Brabo Statue, Antwerp, Belgium

Brabo Statue, Antwerp, Belgium

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Horrors, my wife! by Webster Murray

Horrors, my wife! by Webster Murray
Wife tracks her husband down, under the sea in a diving suit having an affair with attractive mermaid. Date: 1928

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Men-an-tol standing stones

Men-an-tol standing stones. This formation of standing stones is thought to be the remains of a Neolithic burial chamber, with the circular shaped stone forming the entrance

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Statue of Neptune on the Piazza della Signoria

Statue of Neptune on the Piazza della Signoria, Florence (Firenze), UNESCO World Heritage Site, Tuscany, Italy, Europe

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Doyle Fairy Article

Doyle Fairy Article
The title page of Arthur Conan Doyles article discussing the evidence for the existence of fairies

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Swedish Werewolf

Swedish Werewolf
A werewolf and his victims

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Mermaid in Newfoundland

Mermaid in Newfoundland
Richard Waitborne/Whitbourne at St. Johns Harbour visited by blue-haired sea monster

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: FAIRY RING

Children watch fairies dancing and creating a fairy ring

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Mer-People / Look-Alikes

Mer-People / Look-Alikes
A mermaid compared with the manatee at the Zoological Gardens, London

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Centaur in Labyrinth

Centaur in Labyrinth
A centaur in a labyrinth

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Channel Isles Squid

Channel Isles Squid
Fishermen of Jersey, Channel Islands, desperately fight this giant squid, but two of them lose their lives in the battle

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Daedalus Sea Serpent

Daedalus Sea Serpent
Marine creature sighted from HMS Daedalus in the south Atlantic between the Cape and St Helena : the creature passes under the stern of the ship (picture 2 of 3)

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Folklore / Werewolves

Folklore / Werewolves
French villagers hunt a werewolf

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Varney the Vampire

Varney the Vampire
Fiction : Varney The Vampire or The Feast of Blood book cover

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Werewolf Returning Home

Werewolf Returning Home
A werewolf returning home

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: WEREWOLF / LOUP-GAROU

Le loup-garou leaps on the back of a man walking down a country track

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Map of Atlantis / Kircher

Map of Atlantis / Kircher
Map of Atlantis showing position relative to Europe, Africa and America (albeit upside down)

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Norwegian Nisse Fiddles

Norwegian Nisse Fiddles
A Norwegian nisse fiddles while pigs dance

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Lancelot at Astolat

Lancelot at Astolat
ASTOLAT Lancelot approaches the castle

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: LA Tarasque Polka

LA Tarasque Polka

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Phoenix (Chinese)

Phoenix (Chinese)
FONG HOANG, the Chinese phoenix

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Folklore / Birds / Phoenix

Folklore / Birds / Phoenix
rising from the flames

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Fairy Queen

Fairy Queen
The Fairy Queen takes an airy drive in a light carriage

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Loch Ness Monster

Loch Ness Monster
The haunts of the Monster

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: At the Serpentine

At the Serpentine
Fairies at the Serpentine in Kensington Gardens

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Fairies Steal a Child

Fairies Steal a Child
A fairy flies off carrying a baby human on her back Date: 1908

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Photograph of the Loch Ness Monster

Photograph of the Loch Ness Monster
A photograph of the Loch Ness Monster taken by Hugh Gray

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Gossip about Fairies 12

Gossip about Fairies 12
On moonlit nights the fairies hold their revels, naturally choosing a picturesque castle ruin as the setting

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Melusine Revealed

Melusine Revealed
Melusines fairy nature is discovered by her husband, Raymond de Lusignan, and she has to leave him for ever

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Loch Ness Monster

Loch Ness Monster
A sighting of the Loch Ness Monster, as filmed by Malcolm Irving

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: MEXICO: AZTEC SACRIFICE. Aztecs offering human sacrifices to the sun-god

MEXICO: AZTEC SACRIFICE. Aztecs offering human sacrifices to the sun-god. Aztecs performing ritual sacrifice on a stone inscribed with the Aztec account of their history. Drawing, late 19th century

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Mermaid and Child

Mermaid and Child
A mer-mother with her mer-child

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: The Ring Recovered

The Ring Recovered
Act three : the Rhinemaidens recover the Ring from Hagen and bear it away in triumph

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: HOPI KACHINA DOLL. Talavai (Morning Singer)

HOPI KACHINA DOLL. Talavai (Morning Singer), a Hopi spirit or Kachina, dressed in a cape and headdress. Carved wooden doll from Arizona

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Mermaids

Two mermaids playing in the waves, " a Nixies legend." Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: King Arthur receiving his magic sword from the Lady of the Lake

King Arthur receiving his magic sword from the Lady of the Lake. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Wild Hunt of Norsemen

Wild Hunt of Norsemen
A troop of Norse horsemen and their dogs gallop through the night sky in pursuit of their prey

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: DEVIL & LADY / CA 1894

DEVIL & LADY / CA 1894
Another victory for the forces of darkness

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: The Major Oak - Henry Dawson

The Major Oak - Henry Dawson
Oil on Wood 76.2 x 62.9

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Crop Circle Alton Barnes

Crop Circle Alton Barnes
Alton Barnes, Wiltshire : a small girl runs across the largest circle in the formation, demonstrating its huge size

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Avenant and Dragon

Avenant and Dragon
Avenant confronts a fearsome dragon - fortunately, a helpful owl is bringing him a magic phial, and all are able to live happily ever after, hero and dragon alike

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Girl with a baby fairy lying in the garden in summer

Girl with a baby fairy lying in the garden in summer
GIRL AND A BABY FAIRY Would you believe - I found a fairy on Midsummer Eve !

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Von Daniken Cover

Von Daniken Cover
Erich von Danikens book Chariots of the Gods in which he argues that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft which have been visiting Earth throughout human history

Background imageFolk Lore Collection: Water Babies / Fairies

Water Babies / Fairies
The fairies came flying in at the window & brought her such a pretty pair of wings

All products are expertly crafted, using premium materials, tailored to your specifications and promptly shipped


"Folklore: Unveiling the Mysteries of Ancient Tales and Legends" Delve into the enchanting Iroquois Creation Myth, where Sky Woman weaves a tapestry of life. Explore the majestic Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life in Norse mythology, connecting realms beyond imagination. Witness the terrifying Kraken as it unleashes its wrath upon an unfortunate ship caught in a stormy sea. Immerse yourself in Little India's vibrant culture with captivating pictures showcasing various Hindu Gods for sale. Unravel the enigmatic Palenque Xtraterrestrial encounter that blurs the line between reality and folklore. Marvel at Yggdrasil once again - this time as it stands tall amidst Norse legends, bridging mortal and divine worlds. Venture into Loch Ness to uncover secrets surrounding its elusive inhabitant - The Loch Ness Monster. Brace yourself for a heart-pounding scene as a fearsome Kraken attacks a ship amid raging tempestuous waves. Beware. Enter a realm where demons and witches lurk, weaving their dark magic within ancient folklore tales. Dive deep into mythical waters alongside an intrepid explorer encountering an ethereal mermaid beneath ocean depths. Explore Atlantis through an intriguing map, unlocking mysteries hidden within this legendary lost city. Embark on a journey through time and cultures as you immerse yourself in these captivating folklores that have shaped our collective imagination throughout history.

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