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George H Collection

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Gop National Chairman George Bush

Gop National Chairman George Bush
(Original Caption) WASHINGTON: GOP National Chairman George Bush addressing press at news conference. Photograph, 1973

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Former President George Bush and Family

Former President George Bush and Family
Christmas card photo of George Bush, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and the 41st President of the United States, and his family

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Shaking Hands with Pilot

George Bush Shaking Hands with Pilot
Vice President George Bush is shown here aboard the United States Navy's Aircraft Carrier Ranger. He is shown here shaking hands with one of the pilots

Background imageGeorge H Collection: General George H. Decker Posing in Uniform

General George H. Decker Posing in Uniform
(Original Caption) General George H. Decker, a non West Pointer, was named by President Eisenhower as the next Army Chief of Staff, succeeding General Lyman L

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt with Cabinet Members

Franklin D. Roosevelt with Cabinet Members
Left to right seated: Secretary of War George H. Dern, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, President Roosevelt, Secretary of the Treasury William Hartman Woodin, and Attorney General Homer S. Cummings

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Two girl (8-12 years) posib by column. Hot Springs, Virginia, USA. April 05, 1922

Two girl (8-12 years) posib by column. Hot Springs, Virginia, USA. April 05, 1922

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Governor Dern Heating Branding Iron

Governor Dern Heating Branding Iron
(Original Caption) Salt Lake City, Utah: Governor Dern heating the iron of his own cattle brand over the fire

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Utah Governor with Branding Iron

Utah Governor with Branding Iron
(Original Caption) Utah Governor Signs Annual Frontier Round-Up Proclamation with Official Branding Iron

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Calvin Coolidge Riding in a Car with Herbert Hoover

Calvin Coolidge Riding in a Car with Herbert Hoover
Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover (back, right), on way to inaugural ceremony. In the front of the car are Sen. George H. Moses and Rep. Bertrand Snell

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Calvin Coolidge Riding in a Car with Herbert Hoover

Calvin Coolidge Riding in a Car with Herbert Hoover
Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover (back, right), on way to inaugural ceremony. In the front of the car are Sen. George H. Moses and Rep. Bertrand Snell

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Peer Governors at Governor Conference

Franklin D. Roosevelt and Peer Governors at Governor Conference
(Original Caption) Jobless Relief Parley Topic Of Governors

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Seated Around Table

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Seated Around Table
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, one of the most important committees in the U.S. Senate. Pictured (L to R) are: Senators Arthur H. Vandenberg of Michigan; Robert M. LaFollette, Jr

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Portrait of George H. Dern

Portrait of George H. Dern
Portrait of George Dern, Secretary of War under the Roosevelt administration

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George H. Dern Talking on Telephone

George H. Dern Talking on Telephone
Portrait of George Dern, Secretary of War under the Roosevelt administration

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Senate Meeting in 1933

Senate Meeting in 1933
(Original Caption) Senate Foreign Relations Committee Meets

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Portrait of George H. Dern

Portrait of George H. Dern
(Original Caption) George Dern, former Governor of Utah, present Secretary of War-designate in the Roosevelt cabinet, arrives at the townhouse of the President-elect for a pre-inauguration discussion

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George U. Dern Sitting at Desk

George U. Dern Sitting at Desk
(Original Caption) New War Secretary at Desk. George U. Dern, former Governor of Utah, and new Secretary of War, is seen here at his desk in the War Department in Washington, D.C. March 6th

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Dern Speaking at Armory

George Dern Speaking at Armory
(Original Caption) Secretary Dern Speaks at Salvation Army Dinner. Secretary of War George H

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Dern with Army Officials

George Dern with Army Officials
(Original Caption) War Secretary Inspects Governors Island. Secretary of War George U. Dern is seen here with Army officials as he inspected the 16th. Infantry at Governors Island, New York

Background imageGeorge H Collection: As President Reviewed Army Day Parade

As President Reviewed Army Day Parade
As Commander-in-Chief of America's Armed Forces, President Roosevelt reviewed the Annual Army Day Parade in the nation's capital

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Officials Posing with Exhibit

Officials Posing with Exhibit
(Original Caption) A Moby Dick paradise!...In the heart of New York. Officials of the new exhibit of Ocean Life in the American Museum of Natural History, which is to be opened to public May 3rd

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Eleanor Roosevelt Attending Ball

Eleanor Roosevelt Attending Ball
(Original Caption) Attending May Ball. Colonel R.C. Tobin, Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Secretary of War George H

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Secretary of War Dern, Eleanor Roosevelt, Millicent Hearst and Helen Huntington Astor

Secretary of War Dern, Eleanor Roosevelt, Millicent Hearst and Helen Huntington Astor
(Original Caption) 5/22/1933-New York, NY- Left to right: Sec. of War Dern, Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt; Mrs. William R. Hearst; and Mrs

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Francoise May Being Crowned Queen of Apple Blossom

Francoise May Being Crowned Queen of Apple Blossom
(Original Caption) Winchester, Virginia: May. Belgian Ambassador's Daughter As Queen Of Apple Fete. Mlle

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Dern Handing Out Diploma

George Dern Handing Out Diploma
(Original Caption) War Secretary Presents Diploma to Honor Cadet. Secretary of War George Dern presents a diploma to Kenneth E

Background imageGeorge H Collection: President Roosevelt and His First Cabinet

President Roosevelt and His First Cabinet
This was the first photograph made of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the members of his first cabinet in his first administration. The Chief Executive is seated at his desk in the White House

Background imageGeorge H Collection: War Officials and Family Members Posing

War Officials and Family Members Posing
(Original Caption) Washington, DC: Lindbergh At Home Of Secretary Of War

Background imageGeorge H Collection: The Inauguration of George Earle

The Inauguration of George Earle
(Original Caption) Governor Earle on reviewing stand. L to R. Senator Joseph Guffey, Governor Earle, Mrs. G.H. Earle and Harry Earle son of the Governor

Background imageGeorge H Collection: National Guardsmen Marching in a Parade

National Guardsmen Marching in a Parade
(Original Caption) Pennsylvania's national guardsmen parade past the reviewing stand to welcome Governor George H. Earle, 3rd, who today took the oath of office as Governor of the Keystone State

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Portrait of George H. Dern

Portrait of George H. Dern
(Original Caption) A portrait of George H. Dern, Secretary of War, whose condition is gradually growing weaker at Walter Reed Hospital

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Strikeing Miners Eat Sandwiches and Drink Coffee

Strikeing Miners Eat Sandwiches and Drink Coffee
(Original Caption) 10/11/1937-Coaldale, PA- Striking miners of the Lehigh Navigation Coal Company, here, who have self-imprisoned themselves 1300 feet underground in the company's No

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Governor Visits Coal Miners in Mine

Governor Visits Coal Miners in Mine
(Original Caption) 10/11/1937-Coaldale, Pennsylvania-Governor George H

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Officials Visiting Cell Block Where Inmates Were Killed

Officials Visiting Cell Block Where Inmates Were Killed
(Original Caption) Governor George H.Earle of Pennsylvania is pictured as he visited the Philadelphia County Prison at Holmesburg, August 30th

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Governor Earle Inspecting Prison Cells

Governor Earle Inspecting Prison Cells
(Original Caption) Governor George H

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Governor Earle Inspecting Prison Yard

Governor Earle Inspecting Prison Yard
(Original Caption) Holmesburg Prison Warden shows Governor Earle and other prison death probers about the prison and isolation cells. Left to right: Charles I

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Waving to the Crowd

George Bush Waving to the Crowd
(Original Caption) Washington, DC: Vice President George Bush waves a small US flag as he and his wife, Barbara, ride in the inaugural parade January 20

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush at National Press Club

George Bush at National Press Club
(Original Caption) Washington: Vice president George Bush, speaking at National Press club here, denies charges that U.S anti-drug efforts are inefficient

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Playing Tennis with Bjorn Borg

George Bush Playing Tennis with Bjorn Borg
(Original Caption) Stockholm, Sweden: During US Vice President George Bush two day official visit here in Stockholm

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Speaking at Convention

George Bush Speaking at Convention
(Original Caption) New Orleans: Vice President George Bush addresses the NAACP Convention here

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Greeting Mobutu Seko

George Bush Greeting Mobutu Seko
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: President of Zaire, Mobutu Sese Seko, (center)

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Speaking with John Downey

George Bush Speaking with John Downey
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: Vice President George Bush, left, meets with John Downey, a CIA agent who spent 21 years in a Communist Chinese prison after his spy plane was shot down in 1953

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Inspecting an Anti-Aircraft Gun

George Bush Inspecting an Anti-Aircraft Gun
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: Vice President George Bush looks at a Soviet made ZU-23mm anti-anticraft gun at Andrews Air Force Base

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Mike Rozier Showing Heisman Trophy to George Bush

Mike Rozier Showing Heisman Trophy to George Bush
(Original Caption) New York: Mike Rozier (L), 1983 Heisman Award winner, shows off his trophy to Vice President George Bush during an awards dinner at the Downtown Athletic Club

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush and Thomas O'Neil Applauding President Reagan

George Bush and Thomas O'Neil Applauding President Reagan
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C. President Ronald Reagan waves to the gallery prior to his State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Ronald Reagan Accepting Applause

Ronald Reagan Accepting Applause
(Original Caption) Washington: President Reagan enjoys the applause from a joint session of Congress prior to delivering his State of the Union address

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Falling Down at a Bowling Lane

George Bush Falling Down at a Bowling Lane
(Original Caption) Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Vice President George Bush falls while delivering the first ball as he tried out bowling at Milwaukee's Serb Hall

Background imageGeorge H Collection: President Reagan Addressing African American Appointees

President Reagan Addressing African American Appointees
(Original Caption) President Reagan charging that he has been maligned by "A lot of demagoguery and far-reaching" commitment to civil rights is shown

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush and Wife Applauding

George Bush and Wife Applauding
(Original Caption) Cambridge, Mass.: The Olympic flame burns (R, rear as Vice Pres)

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Gesturing with His Hand

George Bush Gesturing with His Hand
George Bush, politician and businessman who was vice president of the United States from 1981-1989 and was the 41st president of the United States (1989-1993), is shown here in this closeup photo

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush at Convention

George Bush at Convention
(Original Caption) Dallas, TX: Vice President George Bush rallies Republicans on the eve of the GOP convention telling supporters to "give us four more years."

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Waving and Smiling

George Bush Waving and Smiling
(Original Caption) Dallas, TX: Vice President George Bush rallies Republicans on the eve of the GOP convention telling supporters to "give us four more years."

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Giving a Speech

George Bush Giving a Speech
(Original Caption) Dallas

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Gesturing with His Hand

George Bush Gesturing with His Hand
(Original Caption) Dallas, TX: Vice President George Bush speaks outside the Republican National Convention in Dallas

Background imageGeorge H Collection: President Reagan and Vice-President Bush With First Ladies at Convention

President Reagan and Vice-President Bush With First Ladies at Convention
President Reagan and Vice-President Bush stand with their wives on a podium, looking at the jubilant crowds at the Republican National Convention of 1984

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush with Ronald Reagan

George Bush with Ronald Reagan
(Original Caption) 8/23/1984- Dallas

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Ronald Reagan and George Bush Waving

Ronald Reagan and George Bush Waving
(Original Caption) 8/23/1984- Dallas

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush and Wife Waving

George Bush and Wife Waving
(Original Caption) Dallas, TX: George Bush, Vice President, waving from the top of the balcony at the Anatole Hotel with his wife Barbara

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Ronald Reagan Speaking in Front of American Flag

Ronald Reagan Speaking in Front of American Flag
(Original Caption) New Orleans: Vice President George Bush addresses a labor day crowd behind a giant seal of the United States in front of the U.S. Pavillion at the World's Fair here

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Speaking Behind United States Seal

George Bush Speaking Behind United States Seal
(Original Caption) New Orleans: Vice President George Bush addresses a labor day crowd behind a giant seal of the United States in front of the U.S. Pavillion at the World's Fair here

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Greeting Crowd of People

George Bush Greeting Crowd of People
(Original Caption) Miami: Vice President George Bush greets nearly 10, 000 people, most of them of Hispanic descent, who participated in the largest naturalization event in American history

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Clapping at the World Series

George Bush Clapping at the World Series
(Original Caption) Vice President George Bush (c), at the World Series, with wife Barbara (l) and Peter Ueberroth, the new Baseball Commissioner

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Adjusting a Television

George Bush Adjusting a Television
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: Vice President George Bush watches President Reagan square off with Walter Mondale in the first debate of the 1984 campaign at his home

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush and Geraldine Ferraro During Debate

George Bush and Geraldine Ferraro During Debate
Sander Vancour acts as moderator for the vice-presidential debate between Geraldine Ferraro and George Bush on October 11, 1984

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Geraldine Ferraro Debating Against George Bush

Geraldine Ferraro Debating Against George Bush
(Original Caption) Philadelphia: Vice President George Bush (L) and his opponent Democratic candidate for Vice President, Geraldine Ferraro debate in Pennsylvania Hall in Philadelphia

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Debating Against Geraldine Ferraro

George Bush Debating Against Geraldine Ferraro
(Original Caption) Philadelphia: Vice President George Bush (L) and his opponent Democratic candidate for Vice President, Geraldine Ferraro debate in Pennsylvania Hall in Philadelphia

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Joe Frazier Raising Arms of George Bush

Joe Frazier Raising Arms of George Bush
(Original Caption) Philadelphia

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush and Geraldine Ferraro

George Bush and Geraldine Ferraro
(Original Caption) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Vice President George Bush and his Democratic opponent, Geraldine Ferraro

Background imageGeorge H Collection: People Working at a Campaign Headquarters

People Working at a Campaign Headquarters
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: Large map of the United States showing the pattern of voting returns at the Reagan-Bush Republican campaign headquarters

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush Waving with Wife by His Side

George Bush Waving with Wife by His Side
(Original Caption) Houston: Vice President George Bush and wife, Barbara, wave to the crowd of well-wishers during a Reagan-Bush victory party late

Background imageGeorge H Collection: President Reagan Meeting With His Cabinet

President Reagan Meeting With His Cabinet
(Original Caption) President Reagan meets with his Cabinet 11/13 at the White House

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Ronald Reagan and Peers During Session

Ronald Reagan and Peers During Session
(Original Caption) Washington: President Reagan joins Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger (R), and others as they laugh at a remark made by Vice president George Bush, (L)

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Vice President Bush Swearing in Senator Kerry

Vice President Bush Swearing in Senator Kerry
Vice President George Bush swears in Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts at the opening of the 99th Congress. Kerry's daughters Alexandra and Vanessa join in the ceremony

Background imageGeorge H Collection: George Bush and Bob Dole Conversing

George Bush and Bob Dole Conversing
(Original Caption) Washington: Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole (L) of Kansas talks with Vice President George Bush at the opening of the 99th Congress

Background imageGeorge H Collection: President Reagan with George Shultz and George Bush

President Reagan with George Shultz and George Bush
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: Secretary of State George Shultz (C) flanked by President Reagan and Vice President George Bush

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Ronald Reagan and George Bush with Their Wives

Ronald Reagan and George Bush with Their Wives
(Original Caption) Washington: President and Mrs. Reagan and Vice President and Mrs

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Inauguration of Reagan and Bush

Inauguration of Reagan and Bush
(Original Caption) 1/21/1985-Washington, DC- Public inauguration of President Reagan and Vice Pres George Bush at the Capitol Rotunda for their second terms in office

Background imageGeorge H Collection: President Reagan Posing with Arms Negotiators

President Reagan Posing with Arms Negotiators
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: President Reagan and Vice President George Bush meet with U.S. arms negotiators (LTR) Max Kampelman, John Tower, and Maynard Glitman in the Oval Office

Background imageGeorge H Collection: President and Nancy Reagan with George and Barbara Bush

President and Nancy Reagan with George and Barbara Bush
President and Nancy Reagan laugh with Vice President and Barbara Bush during inaugural ceremonies at the Capitol

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Ronald Reagan Receiving Approval at the Podium

Ronald Reagan Receiving Approval at the Podium
(Original Caption) Washington: Vice President Bush and Speaker of the House Thomas P

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Margaret Thatcher Addressing Congress

Margaret Thatcher Addressing Congress
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: British prime minister Margaret Thatcher addresses a joint session of Congress

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Max Kampelman Addressing Members of Congress

Max Kampelman Addressing Members of Congress
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: Chief arms negotiator Max Kampelman (L) briefs members of Congress in the East Room of the White House as (seated LTR) President Reagan

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Colleagues Applauding Jeane Kirkpatrick

Colleagues Applauding Jeane Kirkpatrick
(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: Former United Nations ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick (R) is applauded by Health and Human Services Secretary Margaret Heckler

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Ronald Reagan Giving Speech with Peers in Foreground

Ronald Reagan Giving Speech with Peers in Foreground
(Original Caption) Washington: President Reagan delivers a statement on aid to Nicaraguan rebels 4/15, in the Oval Office as (L-R), former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, former U. N

Background imageGeorge H Collection: Elie Wiesel Speaking About Bitburg

Elie Wiesel Speaking About Bitburg
(Original Caption) 4/19/1985- Washington, DC: Elie Wiesel, the literary conscience of the Jewish Holocaust

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"George H: A Legacy of Timekeeping, Exploration, and History" Step into the world of George H, where timepieces and navigation intertwine. From the renowned Hamilton Watch Co. , George H's creations have stood the test of time. The Hamilton 4992B and AN5740 watches are just a glimpse into his remarkable craftsmanship. But George H's influence extends beyond horology. In December 1863, Colonel George H. Banks emancipated slaves from Louisiana, leaving an indelible mark on history. His compassion and bravery paved the way for freedom. Another notable figure bearing this name is George H Hosmer, an oarsman celebrated in Allen & Company's "Worlds Champions" series. His strength and determination epitomize excellence in sportsmanship. Travel back to 1875 with an interior view of no 47 Lime Street in London—a room frozen in time by an unknown artist's brushstrokes. This snapshot captures a moment that echoes through history. The American Civil War comes alive through General McClellan's headquarters at Antietam, Maryland—an iconic image from 1861-1862 that transports us to a tumultuous era filled with sacrifice and resilience. Venturing further westward brings us to Sonora and Columbia—two California towns immortalized by Pollard & Britton in their artwork from 1852. These illustrations offer glimpses into the bustling Gold Rush era—a testament to human ambition amidst untamed landscapes. Shifting gears to more recent times, we delve into the GEORGE AND BARBARA BUSH ARCHIVE—where President George Bush stands alongside Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher outside various settings. Their partnership symbolizes strong leadership during pivotal moments in global politics. In all its iterations throughout history—from watchmaking mastery to social progress—the name "George H" carries weight like no other. It reminds us of innovation, courage, artistry, and diplomacy.

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