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History Of Medicine Collection

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Medieval urine wheel

Medieval urine wheel. Labelled in Latin, this 15th century diagram shows some of the possible colours of urine (outer edge of circle) to help doctors diagnose urine-related diseases

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Plague doctor, 17th century artwork

Plague doctor, 17th century artwork
Plague doctor. 17th century artwork titled Doktor Schnabel von Rom (Beak Doctor from Rome). The text is in Latin

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Trepanation, 14th century artwork

Trepanation, 14th century artwork
Trepanation. 14th century artwork of a doctor using a hammer and scalpel to perform a surgical operation known as trepanation

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Medical zodiac, 15th century diagram

Medical zodiac, 15th century diagram
Medical zodiac. 15th century diagram with Latin text illustrating how the human body relates to the zodiac signs. Such information was used in medical practices, such as bloodletting

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Plague doctor, France, 18th century

Plague doctor, France, 18th century
Plague doctor. Artwork of the clothing used by doctors during plague outbreaks. This design, though in use much earlier, is from The Great Plague of Marseilles, France, in 1720

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Animal magnetism, satirical artwork

Animal magnetism, satirical artwork
Animal magnetism. Satirical artwork depicting a patient and animal magnetism practitioner with animal heads

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Dentistry, satirical artwork

Dentistry, satirical artwork
Dentistry. Satirical artwork titled Without Effort, showing a dentist and his assistant removing a patients tooth in a public display area

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Barber-surgeons, satirical artwork

Barber-surgeons, satirical artwork
Barber-surgeons. Satirical artwork depicting barber-surgeons and their patients as monkeys. At bottom, the barber role is being performed, while at top the surgical and medical roles are shown

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Medical prescription, satirical artwork

Medical prescription, satirical artwork
Medical prescription. Satirical artwork titled Of Prescribing Foolishly, showing a patient in bed with a doctor in a fools hat (right) holding aloft a proposed treatment

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Louis Pasteur. Artist: Edelfelt, Albert Gustaf Aristides (1854-1905)

Louis Pasteur. Artist: Edelfelt, Albert Gustaf Aristides (1854-1905)
Louis Pasteur. Found in the collection of Musee d Orsay, Paris

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: The Research. Artist: Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquin (1863-1923)

The Research. Artist: Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquin (1863-1923)
The Research. Found in the collection of Museo Sorolla, Madrid

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Black Death rat flea, artwork

Black Death rat flea, artwork
Oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis), artwork. This flea was the primary vector of the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which caused the Black Death

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: The four humours, 16th century artwork

The four humours, 16th century artwork
The four humours, coloured historical artwork. Here, the head of Christ is surrounded by four male figures, who are personifications of the four humours

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Treating foot corns, satirical artwork

Treating foot corns, satirical artwork

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Allegorical pharmacy sign, from old Cosseret pharmacy in Autun

Allegorical pharmacy sign, from old Cosseret pharmacy in Autun
DGA1088077 Allegorical pharmacy sign, from old Cosseret pharmacy in Autun, oil on canvas, France, 17th century; Musee Rolin, Autun, France; ( Allegorical pharmacy sign)

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Surgeon operating on a neck

Surgeon operating on a neck
DGA518270 Surgeon operating on a neck, miniature from The Surgery of Master Rogerius by Roggerio dei Frugardi or Rogerius Salernitanus

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Engraving depicting an early x-ray apparatus powered by wet cells (B, B), 20th century

Engraving depicting an early x-ray apparatus powered by wet cells (B, B), 20th century
UIG5309464 Engraving depicting an early x-ray apparatus powered by wet cells (B, B), 20th century; ( Engraving depicting an early x-ray apparatus powered by wet cells (B, B)

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Engraving depicting an early x-ray equipment being using used on a frog, 20th century

Engraving depicting an early x-ray equipment being using used on a frog, 20th century
UIG5309463 Engraving depicting an early x-ray equipment being using used on a frog, 20th century; ( Engraving depicting an early x-ray equipment being using used on a frog)

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: A medicine ball

A medicine ball
UIG2626722 A medicine ball; ( Medicine ball being weighed by American Post Office employee 1910. A medicine ball (also known as an exercise ball, a med ball, or a fitness ball)

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Prophetic Medicine

Prophetic Medicine
UIG2625361 Prophetic Medicine; ( The final page of the treatise on Prophetic Medicine by al-Dhahab? (d. 1348/748). The copy is dated in the colophon 14 Dhu al-Hijjah 868 (19 August 1464)

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: At the village doctor, 1638. Creator: Quast, Pieter (1605-1647)

At the village doctor, 1638. Creator: Quast, Pieter (1605-1647)
At the village doctor, 1638. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Compositional Sketch for 'Medicine'

Compositional Sketch for "Medicine", 1897-1898. Found in the Collection of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Taking Physic, 1800. Creator: Gillray, James (1757-1815)

Taking Physic, 1800. Creator: Gillray, James (1757-1815)
Taking Physic, 1800. Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: The Rustic Pharmacy, 1774. Creator: Locher; Gottfried (1735-1795)

The Rustic Pharmacy, 1774. Creator: Locher; Gottfried (1735-1795)
The Rustic Pharmacy, 1774. Found in the Collection of the Private Collection

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: Doctor, engraving from Assemblage des nouveau manouvries habilles by Martin Engelbrecht (1684-1756)

Doctor, engraving from Assemblage des nouveau manouvries habilles by Martin Engelbrecht (1684-1756)
DGA1087862 Doctor, engraving from Assemblage des nouveau manouvries habilles by Martin Engelbrecht (1684-1756), Germany, 18th century by Engelbrecht

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: An engraving depicting the opening of the National Cottage Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the chest

An engraving depicting the opening of the National Cottage Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the chest
5310616 An engraving depicting the opening of the National Cottage Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the chest, Isle of Wight

Background imageHistory Of Medicine Collection: An engraving depicting the exterior of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital

An engraving depicting the exterior of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital
5310638 An engraving depicting the exterior of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, 19th century; ( Date: 1895); Universal History Archive/UIG

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The history of medicine is a fascinating journey through time, filled with peculiar practices and groundbreaking discoveries. In the medieval era, physicians relied on the bizarre urine wheel to diagnose illnesses, believing that different colors and odors indicated specific diseases. The haunting image of the plague doctor in 17th-century artwork reminds us of the devastating Black Death that ravaged Europe, while trepanation depicted in 14th-century art showcases an ancient surgical technique involving drilling holes into the skull. Satirical artwork from centuries ago humorously portrays barber-surgeons performing surgeries alongside their usual hair-cutting duties. A medical zodiac diagram from the 15th century reveals how astrological signs were once believed to influence health conditions. Moving forward to France in the 18th century, we encounter another depiction of a plague doctor donning a beaked mask as protection against contagious diseases. Even prescriptions did not escape satire; satirical artworks mockingly portrayed doctors prescribing absurd remedies for various ailments. Notable figures like Louis Pasteur revolutionized medicine by discovering germ theory and developing vaccines against deadly diseases like rabies. Artistic representations also shed light on medical research throughout history. "The Research" by Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida captures scientists tirelessly studying under dim candlelight, symbolizing their relentless pursuit of knowledge. Amidst these historical moments are depictions of everyday life: an artwork showcasing a rat flea transmitting the Black Death highlights one aspect of this devastating pandemic's impact on society, while satirical illustrations reveal comical attempts at treating foot corns or exploring animal magnetism – an outdated belief in healing powers transferred between humans and animals. As we delve into the captivating history of medicine through art and artifacts, it becomes evident how far humanity has come in understanding and combating illness. From peculiar practices rooted in superstition to groundbreaking scientific breakthroughs, our journey through medical history continues to shape modern healthcare practices today.

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