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Military Plane Landing at Khe Sanh(Original Caption) A C-130 Hercules transport
Area Where Gunner was Shot Down(Original Caption) Communist gunners shot down a U.S. Marine A-4 Skyhawk during fighting on January 23rd near Khe Sanh along the Cambodian border
Soldiers Regrouping after Plane was Shot Down(Original Caption) Communist gunners shot down a U.S. Marine A-4 Skyhawk during fighting on January 23rd near Khe Sanh along the Cambodian border
CH-46 Helicopter Picking up Supplies2/22/1968- Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: A CH-46 helicopter prepares to pick up a load of supplies at Khe Sanh to be delivered to units of outlying post
Soldiers Stationed At Border Patrol(Original Caption) 5/21/1965-Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: An Australian-American patrol rests at the marker on the Laos-South Vietnam border
Reporter Firing M-16 Rifle During Vietnam WarClad in a camouflage uniform, United Press International reporter Betsy Halstead learns how to fire an M-16 automatic rifle while at the Khe Sahn special forces camp during the Vietnam War
Soldiers Carrying Wounded To Helicopter(Original Caption) 5/1967- Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- A wounded Marine is carried by his comrades toward a hovering helicopter April 3rd as casualties are evacuated from Hill 881
Break In Battle- Marine Massages Toes(Original Caption) 5/1967-Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- A battle-weary Marine massages his toes during a lull in the fierce fighting for Hill 881 near the Laotian border
American Soldier Burning His Mail In VietnamSergeant Robert L. Morningstar on Hill 881 North in Khe Sanh burns his mail to keep it from the North Vietnamese in case of capture
Marines Tend To Injured ComradeA wounded United States Marine is held in the arms of soldiers while awaiting medical attention during fighting of the Vietnam War on Hill 881 on May 11, 1967
Marines Holding Injured ComradeA wounded United States Marine is held in the arms of soldiers while awaiting medical attention during fighting of the Vietnam War on Hill 881 on May 11, 1967
US Marine Patrols Khe Sanh Perimeter 1967
Marines Rush for Cover(Original Caption) 1/2/1968-Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- U.S
Marines Stack Sandbags Outside Bunker(Original Caption) 1/2/1968-Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- U.S. Marines stack sandbags outside their bunkers at Khe Sanh, one of the Marines key bases in the northern portion of South Vietnam
Truck Driving on Road at Marine Base(Original Caption) 1/2/1968-Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- View outside the bunkers at Khe Sanh, one of the Marines key bases in the northern portion of South Vietnam
Soldier Keeping Watch Outside Bunker(Original Caption) 1/2/1968-Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- A soldier keeps watch outside the bunkers at Khe Sanh, one of the Marines key bases in the northern portion of South Vietnam
Marines Outside Bunker Admiring Pin-Up(Original Caption) 1/2/1968-Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- Marines sit admiring a pin-up, outside their bunkers at Khe Sanh, one of the Marines key bases in the northern portion of South Vietnam
Marine Escorting Vietnamese Children(Original Caption) Civilians Evacuated from Khe Sanh
Soldier Holding His Helmet on Head(Original Caption) Clutching helmet and weapon, Marine L/Cpl. James Jones of Pensacola, Florida, winces as Communist mortar rounds fly overhead during enemy shelling of this U.S
Soldiers Unloading Mailbags(Original Caption) Mail, packaged in colorful sacks, is unloaded from a truck at the post office set up in a sand-bagged bunker
U.S. Marines Digging Through Rubble to Reach Trapped Soldier(Original Caption) U.S. Marines dig with their hands through brick rubble burying PFC Thomas A. Zwetow who was standing on a tower of the citadel when it was hit by communist artillery
Marine Soldier Playing Guitar to Buddies(Original Caption) Marine Cpl
Marine Washing Laundry(Original Caption) When dense fog prevented the North Vietnamese from shelling this fortress, the U.S. Marines got a chance to catch up on some chores. As seen here, L/Cpl
Parachutes Falling to Soldiers on Ground(Original Caption) U.S. Marines run towards falling parachutes as a food drop is made at Khe Sanh. U.S
American Marines Take Cover During Vietnam War(Original Caption) U.S. Marines lie prone on the ground in sandbagged trench as they take cover from Communist mortar fire
Soldiers Resting on Sandbags(Original Caption) Three U.S
American Marines Taking Cover(Original Caption) Three U.S
US Soldier at Khe Sanh Smoking Cigarette(Original Caption) General view of the Allied stronghold as the sun sets
U.S. Marines Standing in Sandbag Fort(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Portrait of US Soldier at Khe Sanh(Original Caption) General view of the Allied stronghold as the sun sets
US Soldiers Watching for Enemy Activity2/21/1968- Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: Private first class Pressley (left) and Corporal Russell (right) of Bravo Company, 1st battalion, 26th Marines, watch for enemy activity at Khe Sanh
US Marines Eating Fruit Cocktail(Original Caption
Marine Waiting For FlightCarrying a guitar and a M-16 rifle, a marine waits at a landing strip for a flight out of Khe Sanh during the Vietnam War
Supplies Being Dropped into Khe Sanh(Original Caption) 2/29/1968-Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: A load of supplies is parachuted into the beleaguered U.S. Marine stronghold at Khe Sanh
Supplies for U.S. Marine Forces Being Air-Dropped(Original Caption) Supplies for U.S. Marine Forces Being Air-Dropped
Tanks on Allied Territory in Khe SanhU.S. Marines tank crews watch results of American air support from inside the allied base on March 1st, just below the DMZ. U.S
U.S. Marines in South Vietnam(Original Caption) U.S. Marine seated listening to his radio equipment during a lull in shelling
Marines with Machine Gun(Original Caption) Three Marines man a machine gun in effort to repulse the first major ground attack by North Vietnamese troops
U.S. Marine in Bunker in South Vietnam(Original Caption) Positioned in a sand bagged bunker, a U.S. Marine checks position of communist forces with binoculars
U.S. Marines in South Vietnam(Original Caption) Photo shows U.S. Marines in their bunkers during a lull in shelling
View of Sand-Bagged Trench in South Vietnam(Original Caption) View of Sand-Bagged Trench in South Vietnam
Soldiers Standing in a Trench(Original Caption) U.S. Marines uses binoculars to watch the effect of American jet bombing North Vietnamese zig-zag trenches just outside the defensive perimeter of this allied outpost
Airplane Dropping Bomb onto Military BaseScratch One Gun. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: A Skyraider (left) drops a bomb on a perimeter of the base at Khe Sanh in an effort to knock out a newly installed Communist artillery piece
Burning Transport Plane(Original Caption) Escapes from Crash
Soldiers Looking Out from Bunker(Original Caption) Observing. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: Marines peer through an opening in a bunker at this beleaguered outpost in northern South Vietnam March 2nd
Jet Firing Missiles(Original Caption) Some Bolts from the Blue. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: An American jet fires rockets into Communist positions in the hills surrounding the U.S. Marine outpost at Khe Sanh. U.S
Soldiers Listening to a Record(Original Caption) Unlikely Sight. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: Pfc. Daniel Wolff (L) of Springfield, Mo. and Pfc. Johnny Harper of Macon, Ga
Soldiers Ducking for Cover(Original Caption) Khe Sanh a Pilot's Nightmare. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: Marines duck as a helicopter runs the gauntlet of enemy fire to land at Khe Sanh
Dug-In Bunker And Trench ComplexBunkers and trenches are built up at Khe Sanh by US marines during the Vietnam War
A Marine Shoveling Dirt(Original Caption) Marine George Johnson of Heuvelton, N.Y. digs in at this embattled outpost. In left background is a camouflaged gun emplacement
Soldiers Relaxing in Trenches(Original Caption) Dug in at Khe Sanh. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: Trench warfare is a novel role for the U.S
Soldier Shaving Colleague's Head(Original Caption) Close Shave at Khe Sanh. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: Hairstylist service is a rarity a the embattled Marine bastion of Khe Sanh, so Marine PFC Robert DuBois of Brooklyn, N.Y
Aerial View Of Khe Sanh Us Marine Base(Original Caption) 3/14/1968- Khe Sanh, South Vietnam - The battle shaping up around the U.S. Marine Base here (shown in an aerial view made March 8th) could be the biggest of the war
PFC Robert DuBois Shaving Cpl. Efrain Torres's Head(Original Caption) Hairstylist service is a rarity at the embattled Marine bastion of Khe Sanh, so Marine PFC Robert DuBios of Brooklyn, NY, does the honors for a buddy and shaves the head of Cpl
Frontline Post Office(Original Caption) Not Rain, Snow or War...Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: Will stop the U.S. mail
Barbed Wire Framing a Soldier on Guard(Original Caption) Wired for a Fight. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: Framed by barbed wire, a lone Marine stands guard with a machine gun in a bunker on the perimeter of this fortress
US Soldiers Waiting in a Bunker(Original Caption) French Defeat Recalled
Air Force Transport Plane Unloading Supplies(Original Caption) U.S. Air Force C-130 Hercules transport plane, its engines still running, pauses to unload supplies for U.S. Marines based three
US Transport Plane Dropping SuppliesUS marines clean their weapons behind sandbag fortifications as a transport plane drops supplies near the Khe Sanh outpost
US Soldier Using Flamethrower(Original Caption) Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: U.S. Marine uses a flamethrower to burn weeds on perimeter of this embattled, Allied outpost here
Aerial View of Hill 861(Original Caption) Hill 861. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: This is an air view of U.S
Aerial View of Destroyed Tanks(Original Caption) Lang Vei. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: This aerial view shows two Soviet made PT-76 tanks being used by the North Vietnamese which were destroyed by U.S
Aerial View of Airstrip and Air Force Base(Original Caption) A Survey of Destruction. Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: This aerial view shows the airstrip and surrounding areas of the Air Force base in Khe Sanh
Wounded Soldiers Await Evacuation(Original Caption) 4/4/1968-Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- First Cavalry men, many with head wounds, wait to be evacuated from a hilltop along route #9, during their advance toward Khe Sanh
Wounded Soldiers Awaiting EvacuationSoldier of the 1st Cavalry Division, many with head wounds, wait to be evacuated from a hilltop along route #9 during their advance toward Khe Sanh. | Location: near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam
Wounded American Soldiers Await Evacuation in Vietnam(Original Caption) 4/4/1968-Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- First Cavalry men, many with head wounds, wait to be evacuated from a hilltop along route #9, during their advance toward Khe Sanh
Wounded Soldiers Awaiting Evacuation(Original Caption) 4/4/1968-Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam-First Cavalry men, many with head wounds, wait to be evacuated from a hilltop along route #9, during their advance toward Khe Sanh
Wounded Soldiers Await Evacuation(Original Caption) 4/4/1968-Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- First cavalry men, many with head wounds, wait to be evacuated from a hilltop along route #9, during their advance toward Khe Sanh
Two US Soldiers Helping Wounded Third(Original Caption) Two First Cavalry men support a wounded third as they advance along Route #9 en route to Khe Sanh
Helicopter Evacuates Wounded Soldiers(Original Caption) 4/4/1968-Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- A helicopter evacuates First Cavalry men from a hilltop along route #9, during their advance toward Khe Sanh
Wounded Soldiers Waiting for Evacuation(Original Caption) April 6, 1968 - Along Highway 9
Wounded Vietnamese Troops on Hill 552(Original Caption) 4/11/1968-Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- Wounded South Vietnamese airborne troops wait to be evacuated from atop Hill 552 during Operation Pegasus
View from Atop Hill 552(Original Caption) 4/11/1968-Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- View from atop Hill 552, where wounded South Vietnamese airborne troops wait to be evacuated, during Operation Pegasus
Wounded Vietnamese Troops on Hill 552(Original Caption) 4/11/1968-Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- Medics treat wounded South Vietnamese airborne troops, as they wait to be evacuated from atop Hill 552 during Operation Pegasus
Wounded Vietnamese Soldier Walking(Original Caption) 4/11/1968-Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- A South Vietnamese soldier wounded during Operation Pegasus heads for Hill 552, where he will await evacuation
South Vietnamese Troops Atop Hill 552(Original Caption) 4/11/1968-Near Khe Sanh, South Vietnam- South Vietnamese airborne troops wait to be evacuated from atop Hill 552 during Operation Pegasus