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Medication Collection

Background imageMedication Collection: Amitriptyline antidepressant molecule

Amitriptyline antidepressant molecule
Amitriptyline, molecular model. Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) drug. Atoms are represented as spheres and are colour-coded: carbon (grey), hydrogen (white) and nitrogen (blue)

Background imageMedication Collection: Ventolin asthma drug C018 / 1165

Ventolin asthma drug C018 / 1165
Ventolin asthma drug. Ampoules of the bronchodilator drug salbutamol, marketed as Ventolin, for use in a nebuliser

Background imageMedication Collection: Andrews Liver Salt advert

Andrews Liver Salt advert with a fireman using them to put out a fire, 1900 Date: 1900

Background imageMedication Collection: Hospital nurse warning jacket

Hospital nurse warning jacket. This jacket is worn by nurses who are delivering medication to patients, to warn other staff and patients not to disturb them

Background imageMedication Collection: Advertisement, Carters Little Liver Pills, WW1

Advertisement, Carters Little Liver Pills, WW1
Advertisement, Carters Little Liver Pills for Active Service, showing a man undergoing an army medical examination during the early stages of the First World War. Date: 1914

Background imageMedication Collection: Januvia diabetes drug molecule

Januvia diabetes drug molecule
Januvia diabetes drug, molecular model. Januvia (sitagliptin) is a hypoglycaemic drug, one that reduces blood sugar levels

Background imageMedication Collection: Cephos cold and flu powder advertisement

Cephos cold and flu powder advertisement
Advert for Cephos cold and flu powder depicting a poorly looking woman, dressed rather smartly, and standing, hanging onto a strap on a bus or tube train

Background imageMedication Collection: Vioxx drug molecule

Vioxx drug molecule
Vioxx. Molecular model of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug rofecoxib, which was marketed as Vioxx

Background imageMedication Collection: Levofloxacin antibiotic molecule

Levofloxacin antibiotic molecule
Levofloxacin antibiotic, molecular model. Atoms are represented as spheres and are colour-coded: carbon (grey), hydrogen (white), nitrogen (dark blue), oxygen (red) and fluorine (light blue)

Background imageMedication Collection: Healthy Start vitamin drops for children by NHS, UK.

Healthy Start vitamin drops for children by NHS, UK.

Background imageMedication Collection: advertisement for the cream against varix, 1913

advertisement for the cream against varix, 1913
PVD1683278 advertisement for the cream against varix, 1913; ( advertisement for the cream against varix, 1913); PVDE

Background imageMedication Collection: Unguentarium, balsamarium, lacrimarium or tear jars

Unguentarium, balsamarium, lacrimarium or tear jars, small glass vessels for ointments, medicine or similar substances, archaeological finds from Tbilisi, use since antiquity, narrow bottle neck

Background imageMedication Collection: Letter K Medicine Tablet Logo Concept for Healthcare Logo Sign Vector Template With Pile Symbol

Letter K Medicine Tablet Logo Concept for Healthcare Logo Sign Vector Template With Pile Symbol

Background imageMedication Collection: Medication box on white background

Medication box on white background Packet of stomach medicine tablets on white background

Background imageMedication Collection: rules for intramuscular injection

rules for intramuscular injection

Background imageMedication Collection: A medical clinical mercury thermometer in person's hand showing the temperature of 39 C

A medical clinical mercury thermometer in person's hand showing the temperature of 39 C. High temperature. wooden background

Background imageMedication Collection: Metronidazole antibiotic tablets

Metronidazole antibiotic tablets

Background imageMedication Collection: French druggist and grocer, 16th century. Engraving

French druggist and grocer, 16th century. Engraving after an illustration by Jean de Vries in the 16th century

Background imageMedication Collection: French druggist and grocer, 16th century. Engraving

French druggist and grocer, 16th century. Engraving after an illustration by Jean de Vries in the 16th century

Background imageMedication Collection: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839 - 9 June 1892) one of the last great masters of the classical Japanese woodblock print

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839 - 9 June 1892) one of the last great masters of the classical Japanese woodblock print, here the work Moon of Lonely House

Background imageMedication Collection: Digitally restored, Bathing establishment

Digitally restored, Bathing establishment, the common sanatorium for the poor and sick in Plombiere, France, woodcut from the year 1553, publication from the year 1882, Digitally improved

Background imageMedication Collection: Shiva, one of the main gods of Hinduism and his symbols

Shiva, one of the main gods of Hinduism and his symbols. Shiva has many faces

Background imageMedication Collection: A seated hypochondriac trembling in front of a fire

A seated hypochondriac trembling in front of a fire, stove, surrounded by pills, living room with armchair and inventory, 1819, England, Historic

Background imageMedication Collection: As a heart remedy and for the treatment of snakebites

As a heart remedy and for the treatment of snakebites, Historic, digitally enhanced reproduction of an original from the period

Background imageMedication Collection: A Chinese apothecary carrying a basket of various remedies

A Chinese apothecary carrying a basket of various remedies, c. 1810, China, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, Asia

Background imageMedication Collection: The Ship of Fools by Sebastian Brant

The Ship of Fools by Sebastian Brant, 1494, late medieval moral satire

Background imageMedication Collection: Woman peeling wood to extract the bark as a natural remedy

Woman peeling wood to extract the bark as a natural remedy, willow, willow bark, Wychwood Forest, Oxfordshire, 1818, England, Historic, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original

Background imageMedication Collection: Various advertisements, Siebig Meat Extract

Various advertisements, Siebig Meat Extract, Eumenorrhin Pills, Iron Magnesia, from a magazine from 1897, Germany, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of an original 19th century artwork

Background imageMedication Collection: Common foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

Common foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), Historic, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Major odorata, agrimony, Agnus castus

Major odorata, agrimony, Agnus castus, monk's pepper (Vitex agnus-castus), also called vitex, chaste tree, chasteberry, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original

Background imageMedication Collection: Acetosella hirsuta, Acetosella sylvestris flore rubro

Acetosella hirsuta, Acetosella sylvestris flore rubro, Acetosella siliquosa flore luteo and ceruleum, variants of aconite, aconite, monkshood (Aconitum), wolfs-bane, leopards bane, mousebane

Background imageMedication Collection: Absinthium ponticum aluine romane

Absinthium ponticum aluine romane, Roman wormwood, Absinthium latifoliium, broad-leaved wormwood, Absinthium lavendula folio, lavender-leaved wormwood, Absinthium tenuifolium aluine de Narbon

Background imageMedication Collection: Boar's Rue, Artemisia abrotanum

Boar's Rue, Artemisia abrotanum, Abrotanums masculinum, Abrotanum foemina folis teretibus and Abrotanum foenina erica folius flore albo, southernwood, lads love, or southern wormwood, Historic

Background imageMedication Collection: Picture series the preparation of medicinal plants

Picture series the preparation of medicinal plants, cinchona calisaya, cutting the bark from the tree, digitally restored reproduction of a collective picture from ca 1900, public domain

Background imageMedication Collection: Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) or oyster mushroom

Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) or oyster mushroom, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Lawn pear moss (Bryum caespiticium)

Lawn pear moss (Bryum caespiticium), Bryum cespitium, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Lesser bulrush (Typha angustifolia)

Lesser bulrush (Typha angustifolia), digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Lady's smock (Pulicaria vulgaris)

Lady's smock (Pulicaria vulgaris), Inula pulicaria, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Bald cat's ear (Hypochaeris) glabra

Bald cat's ear (Hypochaeris) glabra, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Blood st john's wort (Hypericum) androsaemum

Blood st john's wort (Hypericum) androsaemum, or man's blood, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date unknown

Background imageMedication Collection: Meadow vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis)

Meadow vetchling (Lathyrus pratensis), also vetch, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Bitter bittercress (Cardamine) amara

Bitter bittercress (Cardamine) amara, also false cress or bittercress, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Gaensefingerkraut (Potentilla anserina) digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19

Gaensefingerkraut (Potentilla anserina) digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, genaues Originaldatum nicht bekannt

Background imageMedication Collection: Grosse Fetthenne, Hylotelephium telephium (Sedum telephium)

Grosse Fetthenne, Hylotelephium telephium (Sedum telephium), digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, genaues Originaldatum nicht bekannt

Background imageMedication Collection: Meadow common sorrel (Rumex acetosa)

Meadow common sorrel (Rumex acetosa), also sorrel, sour lump, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Delicate pimpernel, Anagallis tenella

Delicate pimpernel, Anagallis tenella, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Gewoehnlichre Teufelsabbiss (Scabiosa) succisa

Gewoehnlichre Teufelsabbiss (Scabiosa) succisa, Teufelsabbiss, Abbiss oder Teufelwurz und Teufelsbiss (Succisa pratensis), digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19

Background imageMedication Collection: Ufer-Wolfstrapp, Lycopus europaeus

Ufer-Wolfstrapp, Lycopus europaeus, also Gemeiner Wolfstrapp, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Agaricus ovalus, Conocybe subovalis

Agaricus ovalus, Conocybe subovalis, Gerandetknolliges Samthaeubchen, Eifoermiges Sammethaeubchen, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date unknown

Background imageMedication Collection: Forest fiddleweed (Mercurialis perennis)

Forest fiddleweed (Mercurialis perennis), also permanent fiddleweed and wild hemp, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Heath dog-violet (Viola canina)

Heath dog-violet (Viola canina), also known as Horse Violet, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)

Bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), also common horn clover, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Sand thyme (Thymus serpyllum) or field thyme

Sand thyme (Thymus serpyllum) or field thyme, also field thyme, quender, field cumin and rain cumin, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Poison buttercup, Ranunculus sceleratus

Poison buttercup, Ranunculus sceleratus, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Buschwindroeschen (Anemone nemorosa) bzw

Buschwindroeschen (Anemone nemorosa) bzw. Busch-Windroeschen, digital restaurierte Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, genaues Originaldatum nicht bekannt

Background imageMedication Collection: Sand-hornwort (Cerastium semidecandrum)

Sand-hornwort (Cerastium semidecandrum), also sand-hornwort, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Rabelera holostea, known as greater stitchwort

Rabelera holostea, known as greater stitchwort, greater starwort, and addersmeat, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original, exact original date unknown

Background imageMedication Collection: Grey heather, also bell heather (Erica cinerea)

Grey heather, also bell heather (Erica cinerea), digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Shaggy willowherb (Epilobium) hirsutum

Shaggy willowherb (Epilobium) hirsutum, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Swedish goosefoot (Chenopodium suecicum)

Swedish goosefoot (Chenopodium suecicum), also Swedish goosefoot or green goosefoot, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Sagina erecta, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century

Sagina erecta, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Field foxtail grass, Alopecurus myosuroides Huds

Field foxtail grass, Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. Syn. Alopecurus agrestis, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century, exact original date not known

Background imageMedication Collection: Clothing in Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom 1600-1100 B

Clothing in Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom 1600-1100 B. C

Background imageMedication Collection: Left, Pill Sedge (Carex pilulifera)

Left, Pill Sedge (Carex pilulifera), right, Rare Spring Sedge (Carex ericetorum), medicinal plants, historical chromolithography, ca. 1786

Background imageMedication Collection: Doctor in the 16th Century, historical illustration

Doctor in the 16th Century, historical illustration

Background imageMedication Collection: Louis Nicolas Vauquelin, 1763-1829

Louis Nicolas Vauquelin, 1763-1829, franzoesischer Pharmazeut und Chemiker

Background imageMedication Collection: Reisender Giftverkaeufer, um 1690

Reisender Giftverkaeufer, um 1690

Background imageMedication Collection: Die Aerzte des franzoesischen Koenigs bei der Herstellung von Medizin

Die Aerzte des franzoesischen Koenigs bei der Herstellung von Medizin, 16. Jahrhundert

Background imageMedication Collection: Adaloald, 602-628, the Lombard king of Italy from 616 to 626

Adaloald, 602-628, the Lombard king of Italy from 616 to 626, being forced to drink poison

Background imageMedication Collection: Adaloald, 602-628, the Lombard king of Italy from 616 to 626

Adaloald, 602-628, the Lombard king of Italy from 616 to 626, being forced to drink poison

Background imageMedication Collection: The Santa Casa di Loreto, the Holy House of Blessed Virgin Mary

The Santa Casa di Loreto, the Holy House of Blessed Virgin Mary, at Tersatto, now Trsat, Croatia, Europe

Background imageMedication Collection: The Santa Casa di Loreto, the Holy House of Blessed Virgin Mary

The Santa Casa di Loreto, the Holy House of Blessed Virgin Mary, at Tersatto, now Trsat, Croatia, Europe

Background imageMedication Collection: Romulus and Titus Tatius, ancient Roman foundation myth

Romulus and Titus Tatius, ancient Roman foundation myth

Background imageMedication Collection: Emperor Charles V at the Fuggers House

Emperor Charles V at the Fuggers House, Augsburg 1535, Anton Fugger burns Charles V's debenture bonds for the Tunisian campaign

Background imageMedication Collection: Jesus Christ cures 10 lepers, Steel engraving 1853

Jesus Christ cures 10 lepers, Steel engraving 1853, digitally restored

Background imageMedication Collection: Jesus Christ cures 10 lepers, Steel engraving 1853

Jesus Christ cures 10 lepers, Steel engraving 1853, digitally restored

Background imageMedication Collection: Jesus Christ cures 10 lepers, Steel engraving 1853

Jesus Christ cures 10 lepers, Steel engraving 1853, digitally restored

Background imageMedication Collection: Jesus Christ and disciples at the table in the house of Simon the Leper

Jesus Christ and disciples at the table in the house of Simon the Leper, with Mary Magdalen and Martha serving, New Testament, steel engraving 1853, digitally restored

Background imageMedication Collection: Jesus Christ and disciples at the table in the house of Simon the Leper

Jesus Christ and disciples at the table in the house of Simon the Leper, with Mary Magdalen and Martha serving, New Testament, steel engraving 1853, digitally restored

Background imageMedication Collection: Jesus Christ and disciples at the table in the house of Simon the Leper

Jesus Christ and disciples at the table in the house of Simon the Leper, with Mary Magdalen and Martha serving, New Testament, steel engraving 1853, digitally restored

Background imageMedication Collection: Healing a blind man near Jericho

Healing a blind man near Jericho, New Testament, steel engraving 1853, digitally restored

Background imageMedication Collection: Healing a blind man near Jericho

Healing a blind man near Jericho, New Testament, steel engraving 1853, digitally restored

Background imageMedication Collection: Healing a blind man near Jericho

Healing a blind man near Jericho, New Testament, steel engraving 1853, digitally restored

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"Unlocking the Power of Medication: From Molecules to Miracles" Amitriptyline antidepressant molecule: Delving into the intricate chemistry behind mental well-being. Ventolin asthma drug C018 / 1165: Breathing life back into asthmatic lungs, one puff at a time. Hospital nurse warning jacket: The vigilant guardians of health, ensuring medication safety for all. Andrews Liver Salt advert: A century-old remedy that continues to soothe troubled tummies with timeless efficacy. Carter's Little Liver Pills in WW1 advertisement: Supporting soldiers' vitality during times of war, one pill at a time. Januvia diabetes drug molecule: Empowering individuals to take control of their sugar levels and embrace a healthier future. Cephos cold and flu powder advertisement: Conquering sniffles and sneezes with a powerful punch of relief. Vioxx drug molecule: Unraveling the complexities surrounding pain management through pharmaceutical innovation. Levofloxacin antibiotic molecule: Battling bacterial invaders with precision and potency for enhanced healing outcomes. Cone snail venom component molecule: Nature's hidden treasures holding potential breakthroughs in pain relief research. "Dental or Mental?" by William Heath Robinson: Exploring the comical side effects when medication mix-ups lead to unexpected situations. Don Quixote advertising fortifying Globeol (1916 illustration).

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