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Microbiological Collection

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Candida fungus, SEM

Candida fungus, SEM
Candida fungus. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of budding threads (hyphae) of a Candida fungus. The budding areas are where asexual reproduction is producing new fungus cells

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Yeast fungus skin infection, SEM

Yeast fungus skin infection, SEM
Yeast fungus skin infection. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of human skin infected with a yeast fungus. Magnification: x3130 when printed at 10 centimetres wide

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Budding yeast cell

Budding yeast cell. Computer artwork of asection through a yeast ( Candida albicans )cell that is reproducing asexually. A daughtercell (top left) is budding from the parent cell

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Diatom, SEM

Diatom, SEM
Diatom. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the Arachnoidiscus sp. diatom. The diatoms are a group of photosynthetic, single- celled algae containing about 10, 000 species

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Neutrophil engulfing MRSA, SEM C018 / 8596

Neutrophil engulfing MRSA, SEM C018 / 8596
Neutrophil engulfing MRSA. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a neutrophil white blood cell (green) engulfing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (MRSA, pink)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Salmonella bacteria, SEM

Salmonella bacteria, SEM
Salmonella bacteria, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). These Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria can cause food poisoning when eaten in contaminated food

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Avian flu virus

Avian flu virus, computer artwork. A virus is a tiny pathogenic particle comprising genetic material enclosed in a protein coat. The coat contains surface proteins (spikes)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Avian flu virus

Avian flu virus, computer artwork. A virus is a tiny pathogenic particle comprising genetic material enclosed in a protein coat. The coat contains surface proteins (spikes)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Calcareous phytoplankton, SEM

Calcareous phytoplankton, SEM
Calcareous phytoplankton. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the external mineralised structures (coccospheres) of small marine algal organisms called coccolithophores

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Anthrax cultures, historical diagram

Anthrax cultures, historical diagram
Anthrax cultures. 1876 diagram of Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) bacteria cultured by Robert Koch. Along with Louis Pasteur, Koch is considered the founder of modern medical bacteriology

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Salmonella bacteria, SEM

Salmonella bacteria, SEM
Salmonella bacteria, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). Each rod-shaped structure is an individual bacterium. These bacteria occur mainly in human and animal intestines

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Diatom, SEM

Diatom, SEM
Diatom. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Stephanopyxis sp. diatom. Diatoms are single-celled photosynthetic algae, of which there are about 100, 000 species

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: E. coli bacteria, SEM

E. coli bacteria, SEM
E. coli bacteria. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Escherichia coli bacteria

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Diatom, SEM

Diatom, SEM
Diatom. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Triceratium morlandii diatom. Diatoms are single-celled photosynthetic algae, of which there are about 100, 000 species

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Plankton, artwork C016 / 3447

Plankton, artwork C016 / 3447
Plankton. Artwork of plankton as viewed under a magnifying glass

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Acrosphaera radiolarian, SEM

Acrosphaera radiolarian, SEM
Acrosphaera radiolarian. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the shell of a Acrosphaera sp. radiolarian. Radiolaria are single-celled protozoans that are found in marine plankton

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: E. coli bacteria, SEM

E. coli bacteria, SEM
E. coli bacteria. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Escherichia coli bacteria (purple) taken from the small intestine of a child. E

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Herpes virus replicating

Herpes virus replicating

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: HIV particle

HIV particle, computer artwork. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Cell types, artwork

Cell types, artwork
Cell types. Cutaway artwork with a scale bar (upper right, in micrometres) showing the relative sizes of eukaryotic cells (those containing a nucleus) and prokaryotic cells (those lacking a nucleus)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Macrophage engulfing TB bacteria, SEM

Macrophage engulfing TB bacteria, SEM
Macrophage engulfing TB bacteria. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a macrophage white blood cell (red) engulfing a tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) bacterium (yellow)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Norovirus particles, TEM

Norovirus particles, TEM
Norovirus particles. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of norovirus particles

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Tuberculosis bacteria

Tuberculosis bacteria. Computer artwork of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. These Gram- positive rod-shaped bacteria cause the disease tuberculosis

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, SEM

Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, SEM
Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). These Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria are found in soil and water, and as normal flora in the human intestine

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Dividing yeast cells, SEM

Dividing yeast cells, SEM
Dividing yeast cells. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Schizosaccharomyces pombe yeast cells dividing. S

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Dividing yeast cells, SEM

Dividing yeast cells, SEM
Dividing yeast cells. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Schizosaccharomyces pombe yeast cells dividing. S

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Bacteria infecting a macrophage, SEM

Bacteria infecting a macrophage, SEM
Bacteria infecting a macrophage. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria (purple) infecting a macrophage white blood cell

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Flagellate bacteria

Flagellate bacteria. Computer artwork of a rod- shaped bacteria with polar flagella. Bacteria with a morphology similar to this include Helicobacter pylori and Salmonella sp

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, SEM

Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, SEM
Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). These Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria are found in soil and water, and as normal flora in the human intestine

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: E. coli bacterium, TEM

E. coli bacterium, TEM
E. coli bacterium, coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM). E. coli are Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria that are part of the normal flora of the human gut

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Water bear, light micrograph C016 / 8581

Water bear, light micrograph C016 / 8581
Water bear, differential interference contrast (DIC) light micrograph

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Louis Pasteur, French microbiologist

Louis Pasteur, French microbiologist
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French microbiologist and chemist. Louis Pasteur proved the germ theory of disease, which holds that germs attack the body from the outside

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Cup lichen (Cladonia floerkeana)

Cup lichen (Cladonia floerkeana)
Lichen fruiting bodies (red). This lichen species is Cladonia floerkeana, found on heaths and moorlands. Lichens are formed from a symbiotic association between a fungus and an alga

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Foraminifera, SEM

Foraminifera, SEM
Foraminifera. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a selection of foraminiferans, including Oolina hexagona (bottom right) and a number of Lagena sp

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Pasteurs Jubilee celebrations, 1892

Pasteurs Jubilee celebrations, 1892
Pasteurs Jubilee celebrations

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Diatom frustule, SEM

Diatom frustule, SEM
Diatom frustule. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the frustule of a Pinnularia sp. diatom

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Flu virus particle, artwork F008 / 3245

Flu virus particle, artwork F008 / 3245
Flu virus particle, computer artwork. In the virus envelope are two types of protein spike, haemagglutinin (H, pink) and neuraminidase (N, orange), which determine the strain of virus

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Oxytricha ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0253

Oxytricha ciliate protozoan, SEM C019 / 0253
Oxytricha sp. ciliate protozoan, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). Oxytricha is a tiny single-celled aquatic organism

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Foraminifera, light micrograph C016 / 8597

Foraminifera, light micrograph C016 / 8597
Foraminifera. Interphase contrast light micrograph of a selection of different foraminifera

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Infections spread by sneezing, artwork C013 / 5949

Infections spread by sneezing, artwork C013 / 5949
Infections spread by sneezing. Computer artwork showing virus particles (virions, blue) and bacteria (rod-shaped) in the spray produced by someone when they sneeze

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Phagocytosis of fungal spores, SEM

Phagocytosis of fungal spores, SEM
Phagocytosis of a fungus spore. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a neutrophil (blue) phagocytosing (engulfing and destroying) spores from the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus (red)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Influenza virus, computer artwork

Influenza virus, computer artwork
Influenza virus. Computer artwork of an influenza (flu) virus. The virus consists of a core of RNA (ribonucleic acid) genetic material surrounded by a protein coat

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Mycobacterium chelonae bacteria, SEM

Mycobacterium chelonae bacteria, SEM
Mycobacterium chelonae bacteria, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Microbiology caricature, 19th century

Microbiology caricature, 19th century
Microbiology caricature. The researcher is handling jars labelled as bacterial cultures, while the magnified view at left shows a caricatured appearance of microbes as seen under a microscope

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Influenza virus particles, TEM

Influenza virus particles, TEM
Influenza virus particles, coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM). This virus is the cause of the respiratory disease influenza (flu) in humans and other animals

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Hepatitis C viruses, TEM

Hepatitis C viruses, TEM
Hepatitis C viruses. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of hepatitis C virus particles (green) infecting cultured liver cells (purple)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: E. coli bacterium, TEM

E. coli bacterium, TEM
E. coli bacterium. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of an Escherichia coli bacterium in the early stages of binary fission, the process by which the bacterium divides

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Louis Pasteur, French microbiologist

Louis Pasteur, French microbiologist
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French microbiologist and chemist, in his laboratory. Louis Pasteur proved the germ theory of disease, which holds that germs attack the body from the outside

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Cyanobacteria, SEM

Cyanobacteria, SEM
Cyanobacteria. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of cyanobacteria (formally known as blue-green algae, blue). Several spores (pink) are also seen

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Cholera bacteria, artwork

Cholera bacteria, artwork
Cholera bacteria. Artwork of Vibrio cholerae bacteria in the small intestine

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Bacteria infecting a macrophage, SEM

Bacteria infecting a macrophage, SEM
Bacteria infecting a macrophage. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria (purple) infecting a macrophage white blood cell

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, SEM

Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, SEM
Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). These Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria are found in soil and water, and as normal flora in the human intestine

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Water bear, SEM C016 / 9084

Water bear, SEM C016 / 9084
Water bear (Echiniscus granulatus). Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) showing the underside of a water bear, or tardigrade (phylum Tardigrada)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Salmonella bacteria, artwork C013 / 8818

Salmonella bacteria, artwork C013 / 8818
Salmonella bacteria, computer artwork. Salmonella sp. bacteria are gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria that have flagella (hair-like structures) that they use for locomotion

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Neutrophil cell trapping bacteria, SEM

Neutrophil cell trapping bacteria, SEM
Neutrophil cell trapping bacteria. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of bacteria (rod-shaped) being trapped by a neutrophil cell

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Adenovirus, artwork

Adenovirus, artwork
Adenovirus. Computer artwork of an adenovirus, showing the surface structure of the viruss outer protein coat (capsid). Adenoviruses are known to infect humans

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Dinoflagellate plankton, SEM

Dinoflagellate plankton, SEM
Dinoflagellate plankton. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the calcareous (calcium-based) test (shell) of a dinoflagellate Calciodinellum sp

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Polyoma BK virus, artwork C013 / 7465

Polyoma BK virus, artwork C013 / 7465
Computer artwork of the capsid of a polyoma BK virus. This polyomavirus is common in the urinary tract of adults, where it lives without harming its host

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Salmonella culture

Salmonella culture
MODEL RELEASED. Salmonella culture. Microbiologist holding a petri dish containing a culture of Salmonella sp. bacteria. These bacteria are the cause of salmonellosis (food poisoning) in humans

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Mouse malaria parasite, SEM

Mouse malaria parasite, SEM
Mouse malaria parasite. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a Plasmodium berghei protozoan (yellow) and red blood cells. P. berghei is the parasite that causes malaria in mice

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Vesicular stomatitis virus, TEM

Vesicular stomatitis virus, TEM
Vesicular stomatitis virus. Coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) particles (blue) budding from a host cell (red)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Frozen sperm, conceptual image

Frozen sperm, conceptual image. Computer artwork of sperm cells frozen inside a block of ice, representing the long term preservation of donated sperm to be used in fertility treatments

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Vinegar production, 19th century

Vinegar production, 19th century cutaway artwork. This is a trickling method developed in 1823 by the German chemist Schutzenbach. The barrel is divided into three sections

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Rotavirus particle, artwork

Rotavirus particle, artwork
Rotavirus particle. Cut-away artwork showing the structure of the rotavirus icosahedral capsid (protein coat)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Salmonella bacterium dividing, SEM

Salmonella bacterium dividing, SEM
Salmonella bacterium dividing. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of of a Salmonella bacterium dividing

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Cholera toxin, molecular model

Cholera toxin, molecular model
Cholera toxin. Molecular model of the secondary structure of cholera enterotoxin (intestinal toxin). The molecule consists of two subunits, A (top) and B (bottom)

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Chlamydia infection. Computer illustration of a cell infected with Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria

Chlamydia infection. Computer illustration of a cell infected with Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Clinical forms of mucormycosis, illustration

Clinical forms of mucormycosis, illustration Clinical forms of mucormycosis, a disease caused by Mucor sp. fungi, also known as black fungus, or bread mould, 3D illustration. Mucor sp

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Patient with smallpox (variola) and close-up of a smallpox virus

Patient with smallpox (variola) and close-up of a smallpox virus, illustration. Smallpox is a disease that causes fever and often death

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Bacteria found in human digestive system

Bacteria found in human digestive system, computer illustration. The bacteria are: Helicobacter pylori, Enterococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: International biohazard symbol

International biohazard symbol warning of a potential biological hazard. This symbol is used worldwide in laboratories and on containers where biologically active agents are present

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Lichtheimia corymbifera fungi, illustration

Lichtheimia corymbifera fungi, illustration
Illustration of the fungi Lichtheimia corymbifera complex on aged paper, reminiscent of medieval medical drawings. This is an etiologic agent of mucormycosis associated with wound infections

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Lichtheimia corymbifera fungi, illustration

Lichtheimia corymbifera fungi, illustration
Illustration of the fungi Lichtheimia corymbifera complex on aged paper, reminiscent of medieval medical drawings. This is an etiologic agent of mucormycosis associated with wound infections

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Lichtheimia corymbifera fungi, illustration

Lichtheimia corymbifera fungi, illustration
Illustration of the fungi Lichtheimia corymbifera complex on aged paper, reminiscent of medieval medical drawings. This is an etiologic agent of mucormycosis associated with wound infections

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Trichophyton mentagrophytes fungi, illustration

Trichophyton mentagrophytes fungi, illustration
Illustration of Trichophyton mentagrophytes fungi. This fungus causes ringworm infections

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: DDE-90037851

Argentina, Province Catamarca, region Antofagasta de la Sierra, salt lake Salar del Hombre Muerto, important region of lithium mining. Date: 07/06/2007

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: DDE-90037844

Argentina, Province Catamarca, region Antofagasta de la Sierra, salt lake Salar del Hombre Muerto, important region of lithium mining. Date: 07/06/2007

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: DDE-90037850

Argentina, Province Catamarca, region Antofagasta de la Sierra, salt lake Salar del Hombre Muerto, important region of lithium mining. Date: 07/06/2007

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: DDE-90037842

Argentina, Province Catamarca, region Antofagasta de la Sierra, salt lake Salar del Hombre Muerto, important region of lithium mining. Date: 07/06/2007

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: DDE-90037843

Argentina, Province Catamarca, region Antofagasta de la Sierra, salt lake Salar del Hombre Muerto, important region of lithium mining. Date: 07/06/2007

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Alien wearing a face mask, illustration

Alien wearing a face mask, illustration

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Rhinovirus and antibody, molecular model C015 / 7139

Rhinovirus and antibody, molecular model C015 / 7139
Rhinovirus. Molecular model of the antigen-binding fragment (Fab) from a strongly neutralising antibody bound to a human rhinovirus 14 (HRV-14) particle

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Adenovirus hexon protein

Adenovirus hexon protein, molecular model. Hexon proteins are part of the protein coat or shell (capsid) of adenoviruses

Background imageMicrobiological Collection: Phagocytosis of fungus spores, SEM

Phagocytosis of fungus spores, SEM
Phagocytosis of fungus spores

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Microbiological wonders unfold in this captivating collection of images. From the delicate budding yeast cell to the intricate calcareous phytoplankton, every specimen reveals the beauty and complexity of the microscopic world. The avian flu virus, with its menacing structure, serves as a reminder of nature's power. Meanwhile, a neutrophil engulfing MRSA showcases our immune system's remarkable defense mechanisms. E. Coli and Salmonella bacteria take center stage under the scanning electron microscope, their distinct shapes and patterns mesmerizing to behold. Diatoms enchant with their ornate structures, resembling tiny jewels adorning aquatic landscapes. Intriguingly diverse forms continue to amaze as we encounter Candida fungus in all its textured glory. The HIV particle appears both mysterious and formidable—a silent invader that has challenged humanity for decades. Artistic renditions depict various cell types, offering a visual representation of life at its most fundamental level. Finally, historical diagrams showcasing anthrax cultures remind us of our ongoing battle against infectious diseases throughout history. These microbiological glimpses invite us into an unseen realm teeming with lifeforms that shape our world in ways we may never fully comprehend.

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