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Moth Collection

Background imageMoth Collection: de Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth, L6923

de Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth, L6923

Background imageMoth Collection: British Moths

British Moths
A poster of moth specimens selected for The Boys Own Paper by Watkins and Doncaster, naturalists

Background imageMoth Collection: De Havilland Puss Moth

De Havilland Puss Moth
Advertising poster for the De Havilland Puss Moth, a three seater high-wing monoplane aeroplane designed and built by the de Havilland Aircraft Company between 1929 and 1933

Background imageMoth Collection: Amy Johnson 1930

Amy Johnson 1930
Miss Amy Johnson overhauling her Gypsy Moth aeroplane after landing in Australia. She was the first woman pilot to fly alone to Australia

Background imageMoth Collection: Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) on a plant, sunbathing

Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) on a plant, sunbathing

Background imageMoth Collection: De Havilland Tiger Moth British biplane

De Havilland Tiger Moth British biplane
De Havilland Tiger Moth British trainer biplane. Date: 1930s

Background imageMoth Collection: The Hireling Shepherd, 1851, (1948). Creator: William Holman Hunt

The Hireling Shepherd, 1851, (1948). Creator: William Holman Hunt
The Hireling Shepherd, 1851, (1948). A shepherd neglects his flock and woos a young woman with a lamb on her lap. Behind them, two bloated sheep lie on the ground poisoned by the corn

Background imageMoth Collection: Silk moth and silkworm, Bombyx mori, on mulberry

Silk moth and silkworm, Bombyx mori, on mulberry leaves, Morus alba

Background imageMoth Collection: Amy Johnson CBE (1903-1941) - pioneering English female pilot - pictured standing in

Amy Johnson CBE (1903-1941) - pioneering English female pilot - pictured standing in front of her Gipsy Moth just before she undertook a 19-day solo flight to Australia

Background imageMoth Collection: A selection of common British Moths

A selection of common British Moths Date: circa 1920s

Background imageMoth Collection: de Havilland DH60G Gipsy Moth G-aa

de Havilland DH60G Gipsy Moth G-aa
de Havilland DH60G Gipsy Moth, G-aa, the private aircraft of Captain Geoffrey de Havilland

Background imageMoth Collection: Entomological specimens of Lepidoptera

Entomological specimens of Lepidoptera
Unidentified photograph of mounted specimens of butterflies and moths

Background imageMoth Collection: Xanthopan morganii praedicta, sphinx moth

Xanthopan morganii praedicta, sphinx moth
Darwins sphinx moth, found in Madagascar. The species as a whole is known as Morgans sphinx

Background imageMoth Collection: Hummingbird hawk-moth

Hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) feeding on nectar inside a clammy cuphaea flower (Cuphea viscosissima)

Background imageMoth Collection: The Red Moth by William Barribal

The Red Moth by William Barribal
A showgirl in a fabulous stage costume with enormous butterfly wings plays to a theatre audience

Background imageMoth Collection: Picture No. 11993245

Picture No. 11993245
Peppered Moth - on Lichen - Cornwall - UK Date:

Background imageMoth Collection: De Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth, the RAFs standard prima

De Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth, the RAFs standard primary trainer throughout the war years - Photo Hugh W Cowin

Background imageMoth Collection: Tobacco hornworm with tobacco plant

Tobacco hornworm with tobacco plant
Tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) with a damaged tobacco plant, artwork. This species is common throughout North America

Background imageMoth Collection: Wooly Bear - Larva of a Tiger Moth

Wooly Bear - Larva of a Tiger Moth
ROG-8192 Large Tiger MOTH - Wooly Bear caterpillar Distribution

Background imageMoth Collection: butterflies

Antique illustration of various butterflies

Background imageMoth Collection: Entomological specimens of Lepidoptera

Entomological specimens of Lepidoptera
Unidentified photograph of mounted specimens of butterflies and moths

Background imageMoth Collection: Moth proboscis, SEM

Moth proboscis, SEM
Moth proboscis. Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the coiled proboscis of a moth (order Lepidoptera)

Background imageMoth Collection: Calleta silkmoth (Eupackardia calleta), Texas USA Controlled conditions

Calleta silkmoth (Eupackardia calleta), Texas USA Controlled conditions

Background imageMoth Collection: Page from The Bystander, 18th April 1928, featuring an article called Flying for Women by

Page from The Bystander, 18th April 1928, featuring an article called Flying for Women by Lady (Abe) Bailey, who is pictured top left as the champion woman aviator who flies a D.H. Moth

Background imageMoth Collection: White prominent moth (Leucodonta bicoloria) County Kerry, Ireland

White prominent moth (Leucodonta bicoloria) County Kerry, Ireland

Background imageMoth Collection: Elephant hawk moth (Deilephila elpenor) portrait, Brackagh Moss National Nature Reserve

Elephant hawk moth (Deilephila elpenor) portrait, Brackagh Moss National Nature Reserve, Portadown, County Armagh, Northern Ireland. April

Background imageMoth Collection: Luna moth, Actias luna

Luna moth, Actias luna.. Handcolored copperplate zoological engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1792

Background imageMoth Collection: Picture No. 11066830

Picture No. 11066830
Elephant Hawk-moths resting on bark. Norfolk, UK. Date:

Background imageMoth Collection: Edwards Atlas Moth (Attacus edwardsii) in defensive posture, Bhutan, June

Edwards Atlas Moth (Attacus edwardsii) in defensive posture, Bhutan, June

Background imageMoth Collection: Amy Johnson with her de Havilland DH60G Gipsy Moth G-aAH

Amy Johnson with her de Havilland DH60G Gipsy Moth G-aAH
Amy Johnson with her de Havilland DH60G Gipsy Moth, G-aAH, Jason, at Croydon Airport before her flight to Australia in 1930. Date: 1930

Background imageMoth Collection: Moth antenna, SEM

Moth antenna, SEM
Moth antenna. Coloured scanning electron micro- graph (SEM) of an unidentified moths antenna

Background imageMoth Collection: Mopane Emperor Moth - Caterpillars / “worms” gathered for food in Zimbabwe

Mopane Emperor Moth - Caterpillars / “worms” gathered for food in Zimbabwe
PS-5969 Mopane Emperor MOTH - Caterpillars / worms gathered for food in Zimbabwe

Background imageMoth Collection: Emperor gum moth - huge plumed antennae that pick up the sex pheromones or scents emitted by females

Emperor gum moth - huge plumed antennae that pick up the sex pheromones or scents emitted by females
AUS-490 Emperor gum moth - huge plumed antennae that pick up the sex pheromones or scents emitted by females

Background imageMoth Collection: Woolly Bear - caterpillar feeding on grasses by night (Tri-coloured Tiger Moth)

Woolly Bear - caterpillar feeding on grasses by night (Tri-coloured Tiger Moth)
ASW-4784 Woolly Bear - caterpillar feeding on grasses by night (Tri-coloured Tiger Moth) Grahamstown - Eastern Cape - South Africa Rhodogastria amasis Alan J. S

Background imageMoth Collection: Tomato Hornworm - gerden / crop pest

Tomato Hornworm - gerden / crop pest
JZ-2266 Tomato Hornworm - garden / crop pest

Background imageMoth Collection: Cinnabar moth, Tyria jacobaeae, on ragwort

Cinnabar moth, Tyria jacobaeae, on ragwort
Cinnabar moth, Tyria jacobaeae, larva and pupa on ragwort plant, Jacobaea vulgaris. St. Jans beestje

Background imageMoth Collection: Hubert Broad, left, and his mechanic, Sid Weedon, along?

Hubert Broad, left, and his mechanic, Sid Weedon, along?
Hubert Broad, left, and his mechanic, Sid Weedon, alongside the de Havilland Super Coup Moth, G-aHR, in which they covered the 1929 La Coupe Zenith Challenge Trophy circuit of 1

Background imageMoth Collection: Peppered moth

Peppered moth
Two specimens of peppered moths exhibited on a soot-covered tree. This is a good demonstration of genetic selection through changing environment

Background imageMoth Collection: Giant Atlas Moth - close up of wing scales - South East Asia - controlled conditions 14661

Giant Atlas Moth - close up of wing scales - South East Asia - controlled conditions 14661
BB-2514 Giant Atlas Moth - close up of wing scales South East Asia Attacus atlas controlled conditions Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageMoth Collection: Mother of pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis) moth nectaring on Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris) at night

Mother of pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis) moth nectaring on Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris) at night. Surrey, England, UK. July

Background imageMoth Collection: Beekeeping

Beekeeping (or apiculture, from Latin: apis bee ) is the maintenance of honey bee colonies, commonly in hives

Background imageMoth Collection: de Havilland DH60M Moth, G-ABHN, over London

de Havilland DH60M Moth, G-ABHN, over London
de Havilland DH60M Moth, G-ABHN, over the London Aeroplane Club, Hatfield, in 1933

Background imageMoth Collection: de Havilland DH85 Leopard Moth, G-AIYS, at Croydon

de Havilland DH85 Leopard Moth, G-AIYS, at Croydon, April 1947

Background imageMoth Collection: de Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth II, EM836

de Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth II, EM836

Background imageMoth Collection: de Havilland DH71 Tiger Moth

de Havilland DH71 Tiger Moth

Background imageMoth Collection: Pair of Luna Silk Moth of North American photographed Sammamish, Washington

Pair of Luna Silk Moth of North American photographed Sammamish, Washington

Background imageMoth Collection: Silk Moth - cross section of cocoon

Silk Moth - cross section of cocoon
PPG-180 Silk Moth - cross section of cocoon Bombyx mori Pascal Goetgheluck contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401

Background imageMoth Collection: COCOA. Branch of a cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao)

COCOA. Branch of a cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao). Line engraving by P. Sluyter after a drawing by Maria Sibylla Merian, from Merians De metamorphosibus insectorum Surinamensium, 1705

Background imageMoth Collection: Gipsy Moth Iv, Greenwich

Gipsy Moth Iv, Greenwich
Sir Francis Chichesters boat Gipsy Moth IV broke the world record for the fastest voyage around the world by a small vessel. Here greeted by crowds at Greenwich, London. Date: 1960s

Background imageMoth Collection: Madagascan sunset moth

Madagascan sunset moth (Chrysiridia rhipheus). This moth is endemic to Madagascar

Background imageMoth Collection: Moths AW 1874 At Lamp © Adrian Warren / ARDEA LONDON

Moths AW 1874 At Lamp © Adrian Warren / ARDEA LONDON
AW-1874 MOTHS - swarming around lamp. Attracted to light bulb Adrian Warren Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageMoth Collection: Larval (and pupal) case of bagworm, or psychid moth, constructed of plant fragments

Larval (and pupal) case of bagworm, or psychid moth, constructed of plant fragments
ROG-11484 BAGWORM / PSYCHID MOTH - larval and pupal case of Bagworm or Psychid moth

Background imageMoth Collection: Polyphemus Moth - Intimidation posture

Polyphemus Moth - Intimidation posture
PPG-1555 Polyphemus Moth - intimidation posture, the eyed-wings look like an ired gaze Arizona

Background imageMoth Collection: Goat Moth

Goat Moth
JLMO-2873 GOAT MOTH Cossus cossus John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageMoth Collection: Puss Moth Larvae

Puss Moth Larvae
JLM-11618 PUSS MOTH LARVAE / Caterpillar - FALSE HEAD Cerura vinula John Mason Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageMoth Collection: Atlas Moth - Male Malaysia

Atlas Moth - Male Malaysia
PPG-1513 Atlas Moth - Male Malaysia Attacus atlas Distribution Southeast Asia

Background imageMoth Collection: Deaths Head Moth

Deaths Head Moth
DEATHs HEAD HAWK MOTH with its caterpillar Date: 1880

Background imageMoth Collection: Lesser puss moth, Cerura erminea

Lesser puss moth, Cerura erminea
Lesser puss moth or feline, Cerura erminea. Phalaena erminea

Background imageMoth Collection: Advert for the Puss Moth aeroplane 1930

Advert for the Puss Moth aeroplane 1930
Advertisement for the Moth airplane, manufactured by the De Havillalnd Aircraft Company Ltd

Background imageMoth Collection: Oleander hawkmoth, Daphnis nerii, moth, caterpillar and pupa

Oleander hawkmoth, Daphnis nerii, moth, caterpillar and pupa.. Handcolored copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, London, 1799

Background imageMoth Collection: Lobster moth (Stauropus fagi)

Lobster moth (Stauropus fagi)
Illustration of a Lobster moth (Stauropus fagi), also known as lobster prominen

Background imageMoth Collection: Pre-production de Havilland DH60 Moth G-EBMO

Pre-production de Havilland DH60 Moth G-EBMO
Pre-production de Havilland DH60 Moth, G-EBMO, in which H.S. Broad won the 1926 Kings Cup Race. Date: 1926

Background imageMoth Collection: de Havilland DH87A Hornet Moth, G-ADLY

de Havilland DH87A Hornet Moth, G-ADLY

Background imageMoth Collection: The first de Havilland DH60GIII Moth Major G-ABUI

The first de Havilland DH60GIII Moth Major G-ABUI
The first de Havilland DH60GIII Moth Major, G-ABUI

Background imageMoth Collection: The Flying Prince by Johns

The Flying Prince by Johns
HRH the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII, then Duke of Windsor) piloting his new Puss Moth monoplane. Date: 1930

Background imageMoth Collection: Moon Moth

Moon Moth
JAB-672 Moon Moth Actius luna Jack Bailey Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageMoth Collection: White Plume Moth. UK

White Plume Moth. UK
DOW-228 White Plume Moth. UK Pterophorus pentadactyla Steve Downer Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageMoth Collection: Burnished Brass moth (Diachrysia chrysitis), Dorset garden

Burnished Brass moth (Diachrysia chrysitis), Dorset garden
ROG-13338 Burnished Brass moth Dorset garden, UK Diachrysia chrysitis Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageMoth Collection: A pretty micro-moth on Corn Marigold : Pyrausta purpuralis, Dorset

A pretty micro-moth on Corn Marigold : Pyrausta purpuralis, Dorset
ROG-13332 A pretty micro-moth on Corn Marigold Dorset, UK Pyrausta purpuralis Bob Gibbons Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageMoth Collection: Red underwing moth - Belgium

Red underwing moth - Belgium
ME-1920 Red underwing moth Belgium Catocala nupta Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageMoth Collection: Bogong Moth - Single on branchlet, during spring migration, Australia JPF03348

Bogong Moth - Single on branchlet, during spring migration, Australia JPF03348
JPF-14136 Bogong Moth - Single on branchlet

Background imageMoth Collection: Atlas Moth - with eggs

Atlas Moth - with eggs
USH-109 Atlas MOTH - with eggs Attacus atlas Duncan Usher Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageMoth Collection: Dubernard's Luna Moth - Male China

Dubernard's Luna Moth - Male China
PPG-1483 Dubernard's Luna Moth - Male China. Actias dubernardi Pascal Goetgheluck Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageMoth Collection: Old Lady Moth Mormo maura Essex, UK IN000490

Old Lady Moth Mormo maura Essex, UK IN000490
COS-2082 Old Lady Moth Essex, UK Mormo maura Bill Coster Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageMoth Collection: Small Emerald Moth (Hemistola chrysoprasaria) adult

Small Emerald Moth (Hemistola chrysoprasaria) adult, resting on dandelion seedhead, Cannobina Valley, Italian Alps, Piedmont, Northern Italy, July

Background imageMoth Collection: Hummingbird hawk-moth caterpillar in it's natural habitat

Hummingbird hawk-moth caterpillar in it's natural habitat

Background imageMoth Collection: Cecropia moth caterpillar - Hyalophora cecropia

Cecropia moth caterpillar - Hyalophora cecropia

Background imageMoth Collection: Moon flower (Ipomoea alba) with full moon (composite)

Moon flower (Ipomoea alba) with full moon (composite)

Background imageMoth Collection: de Havilland DH.87b Hornet Moth G-ADKC

de Havilland DH.87b Hornet Moth G-ADKC (msn 8064, ex X9445) Date: circa 1970

Background imageMoth Collection: de Havilland Hornet Moth G-ADLY

de Havilland Hornet Moth G-ADLY
de Havilland DH.87b Hornet Moth G-ADLY (msn 8020) Date: 1938

Background imageMoth Collection: de Havilland Hornet Moth G-ADUR

de Havilland Hornet Moth G-ADUR
de Havilland DH.87b Hornet Moth G-ADUR (msn 8085) Date: 1938

Background imageMoth Collection: Rev. Leonard Daniels, the Flying Parson

Rev. Leonard Daniels, the Flying Parson, Australia, with his De Havilland Moth Church of England, probably 1928 Date: circa 1928

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"British Moths: A Kaleidoscope of Nature's Beauty" In the enchanting world of British moths, the Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) gracefully perches on a vibrant plant, basking in the warm sun. Its striking black wings adorned with crimson bands make it an exquisite sight to behold. Speaking of remarkable moths, let's not forget the De Havilland Puss Moth that soared through the skies in 1930, piloted by none other than Amy Johnson. This pioneering English female aviator made history as she fearlessly stood beside her aircraft, capturing hearts and inspiring generations to follow their dreams. The De Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth holds a special place in aviation history as well. Serving as the RAF's standard primary trainer during World War II, this charismatic moth took flight with elegance and grace. As we explore further into this captivating realm, we encounter a delightful array of common British moths fluttering about. Among them is the de Havilland DH60G Gipsy Moth G-aa, showcasing its intricate patterns and delicate beauty. Another notable species is the de Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth L6923 - a true symbol of resilience and strength. With its distinctive yellow body contrasting against deep blue skies, it embodies freedom and adventure. Venturing beyond Britain's borders brings us face-to-face with Xanthopan morganii praedicta - better known as Sphinx moth. This mesmerizing creature captivates our imagination with its long proboscis perfectly adapted for sipping nectar from flowers under moonlit nights. Let us not overlook our colorful companions either - butterflies. Their graceful dance amidst blossoming meadows adds an extra touch of magic to nature's tapestry alongside these magnificent moths. From Amy Johnson's daring exploits to picturesque landscapes filled with diverse winged wonders like never before seen sphinx moths, British moths continue to amaze and inspire.

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