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Planets Collection

Background imagePlanets Collection: Flat Earth map of the world showing it to be a plane

Flat Earth map of the world showing it to be a plane
A MAP OF THE WORLD SHOWING IT TO BE A PLANE - and those of us who suppose it to be a globe are clearly mistaken. Date: 1893

Background imagePlanets Collection: The Orrery by Joseph Wright

The Orrery by Joseph Wright (1734-1797). This artwork was painted in 1766

Background imagePlanets Collection: Solar System, artwork

Solar System, artwork
Solar System. Artwork of Earths solar system, showing the planets and other objects that orbit the Sun (upper right). The separations of the orbits are not shown to scale

Background imagePlanets Collection: Solar system planets

Solar system planets. Computer artwork of the eight planets of the solar system, which are arrayed from left to right in order of distance from the Sun (left)

Background imagePlanets Collection: Solar system planets

Solar system planets. Artwork showing the Sun (left) and the eight planets of the solar system and their orbits

Background imagePlanets Collection: Hollow Earth

Hollow Earth
THE HOLLOW EARTH Neuperts model

Background imagePlanets Collection: Moon rising over Earths horizon

Moon rising over Earths horizon, composite image. The blue haze of Earths atmosphere can be seen above the horizon. Earth is thought to be the only planet in the solar system that can support life

Background imagePlanets Collection: Catalan Atlas, 14th century

Catalan Atlas, 14th century. The 6-page Catalan Atlas (1375) was produced on vellum by the Jewish cartographer Abraham Cresques

Background imagePlanets Collection: Solar system

Solar system. Composite computer artwork of the nine planets of the solar system that orbit the Sun (far right)

Background imagePlanets Collection: Depiction of a flat planet Earth

Depiction of a flat planet Earth, with curious little wheels for the ships to go round without (hopefully) falling off into space

Background imagePlanets Collection: French map of the planet Mars

French map of the planet Mars
A French map of the planet Mars, showing two views

Background imagePlanets Collection: Earths Crust

Earths Crust
Cross-section of the solid crust of planet Earth Date: 1879

Background imagePlanets Collection: Solar system planets

Solar system planets. Artwork of the eight planets of the solar system arrayed from right to left in order of their distance from the Sun. The size of each planet is to scale

Background imagePlanets Collection: Solar system planets and sun

Solar system planets and sun
Solar system. Computer artwork showing the Sun and planets of the Solar System. The planets are arranged in order of distance from the massive Sun (at top)

Background imagePlanets Collection: Solar system map from 1853

Solar system map from 1853
Historical map of the solar system, published in Germany in 1853. The main diagram shows the orbits of the first seven planets out to Uranus

Background imagePlanets Collection: Quantised orbits of the planets

Quantised orbits of the planets
Quantum orbits of the planets. Conceptual computer artwork showing the planets of the solar system on a model of atomic orbitals

Background imagePlanets Collection: Orrery by Jones

Orrery by Jones
Astronomical objects, namely a trajectorium lunare and an orrery or planetarium by Jones, mounted on a rather splendid stand

Background imagePlanets Collection: PTOLEMYs SYSTEM (2)

Earth is depicted at the centre of the cosmos, circled by the seven planets known to him : our globe is made up of four elements - earth, air, fire and water

Background imagePlanets Collection: PTOLEMYs SYSTEM (1)

A representation of his system, showing Earth at the centre of the cosmos, circled by the planets and by the signs of the Zodiac

Background imagePlanets Collection: Transit of Venus 1874

Transit of Venus 1874
A diagram showing the areas of the world which will be able to view the transit of Venus across the face of the sun on the 8th December 1874

Background imagePlanets Collection: Voyager spacecraft

Voyager spacecraft. Computer artwork of a Voyager spacecraft passing out of our solar system

Background imagePlanets Collection: Keck I and II telescopes on Mauna Kea, Hawaii

Keck I and II telescopes on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
Keck telescopes. Domes of the Keck I (at left) and Keck II optical telescopes seen at sunset at the Mauna Kea observatory in Hawaii, USA. The Orion constellation is seen above them in the sky

Background imagePlanets Collection: Black hole

Black hole, computer artwork. Planets, moons, stars, radiation and other matter are all spiralling into the black hole, dragged by immense gravitational forces

Background imagePlanets Collection: Schiaparellis two hemispheres of the planet Mars

Schiaparellis two hemispheres of the planet Mars
The two hemispheres of the planet Mars as drawn by the Italian astronomer and historian of science, Giovanni Schiaparelli

Background imagePlanets Collection: Jonsi of Sigur Ros Live From Jodrell Bank Transmission

Jonsi of Sigur Ros Live From Jodrell Bank Transmission Jonsi of Sigur Ros Live From Jodrell Bank Transmission

Background imagePlanets Collection: Planet Earth, sunrise

Planet Earth, sunrise

Background imagePlanets Collection: Flights into the Future - dinosaurs on Venus?

Flights into the Future - dinosaurs on Venus?
Dinosaurs pictured as possible inhabitants of the planet Venus in a book on the possibilities of space travel. Date: 1943

Background imagePlanets Collection: Artwork of the solar system

Artwork of the solar system
Solar system. Artwork of the solar system, showing the paths (blue lines) of the nine planets as they orbit around the Sun

Background imagePlanets Collection: Allegory of the Planets and Continents, 1752. Creator: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

Allegory of the Planets and Continents, 1752. Creator: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
Allegory of the Planets and Continents, 1752

Background imagePlanets Collection: Arecibo message and decoded key C016 / 6817

Arecibo message and decoded key C016 / 6817
Arecibo message and decoded key. Diagram showing the binary transmission (left) known as the Arecibo message, with the message decoded and labelled at centre and right

Background imagePlanets Collection: Johannes Kepler, German astronomer C017 / 7113

Johannes Kepler, German astronomer C017 / 7113
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), German astronomer, holding a divider used to plot distances. Kepler devised three fundamental laws of planetary motion

Background imagePlanets Collection: Voyager probe trajectory, artwork C018 / 0285

Voyager probe trajectory, artwork C018 / 0285
Voyager probe trajectory, artwork. Artwork of the trajectory of one of the Voyager probes as it travels out of the solar system

Background imagePlanets Collection: Voyager 1 passes into interstellar space C017 / 0680

Voyager 1 passes into interstellar space C017 / 0680
Voyager 1 passes into interstellar space, computer artwork. Voyager 1 was launched on 5th September 1977

Background imagePlanets Collection: Alpha Centauri binary stars and planets

Alpha Centauri binary stars and planets. Artwork from above the surface of one of the moons of one of the planets in the Alpha Centauri binary star system

Background imagePlanets Collection: Planets internal structures

Planets internal structures, and Pluto, computer artwork. Mercury, Mars and Venus consist of a large iron core (spherical), surrounded by a thick silicate mantle (yellow) covered in a surface crust

Background imagePlanets Collection: Solar system

Solar system

Background imagePlanets Collection: Sun and its planets

Sun and its planets. Artwork of the eight planets of the solar system arrayed from left to right in their order from the Sun (far left). The size of the Sun and planets is to scale

Background imagePlanets Collection: 18th Century astronomical diagrams

18th Century astronomical diagrams. Historical diagrams describing various 18th Century theoretical systems used to describe the motion of the planets in our solar system

Background imagePlanets Collection: Egyptian solar system model

Egyptian solar system model
Solar System. An engraving depicting the layout of the Solar System. It is shown as the route taken by a scarab beetle

Background imagePlanets Collection: Geocentric System

Geocentric System
The pre-Copernican system of the Planets - Earth at the centre orbited by the other planets including the sun, and surrounded by the stars

Background imagePlanets Collection: Planet Mars seen from one of its moons

Planet Mars seen from one of its moons
The planet Mars as seen from one of its moons, a hundred times larger than the planet Earths Moon as seen from Earth

Background imagePlanets Collection: Gingko, ginkgo or maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba. Endangered

Gingko, ginkgo or maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba. Endangered
Gingko, ginkgo or maidenhair tree, Ginkgo biloba, Gingko biloba, gingko. Endangered

Background imagePlanets Collection: The Great Astronomer Schiaparelli at the Brera Observatory (colour litho)

The Great Astronomer Schiaparelli at the Brera Observatory (colour litho)
2798364 The Great Astronomer Schiaparelli at the Brera Observatory (colour litho) by Beltrame

Background imagePlanets Collection: Copernican worldview, 1708

Copernican worldview, 1708
Copernican worldview. This is plate 5 from the 1708 edition of the star atlas Harmonica Macrocosmica by the Dutch-German mathematician and cosmographer Andreas Cellarius (1596-1665)

Background imagePlanets Collection: 1731 Johann Scheuchzer planet orbit C008 / 8008

1731 Johann Scheuchzer planet orbit C008 / 8008
1731 Physica Sacra (Sacred Physics) by Johann Scheuchzer (1672-1733) folio copper engraving drawn by a team of engravers under the direction of Johann Andreas Pfeffel (1674-1748)

Background imagePlanets Collection: 16th-century astronomy

16th-century astronomy. Artwork of Atlas holding up the heavens

Background imagePlanets Collection: Art of space shuttle exploration

Art of space shuttle exploration
Planetary exploration. Computer artwork depicting the space shuttle being launched to explore the planets of our solar system. The planets are not drawn to scale

Background imagePlanets Collection: Halo planet

Halo planets. Artwork showing the sky of a planet in the outer halo of a galaxy (seen from far left to upper right). The planets moon is seen at centre left

Background imagePlanets Collection: Comparing planetary systems, artwork

Comparing planetary systems, artwork
Comparing planetary systems. Artwork comparing the sizes of the 55 Cancri (a Sun-like system, left) and the Cha 110913-773444 (upper right) planetary systems

Background imagePlanets Collection: Evolution of the Universe, artwork

Evolution of the Universe, artwork
Evolution of the Universe. Computer artwork showing the evolution of the Universe from the Big Bang (far left) 12-15 billion years ago to the present day (far right)

Background imagePlanets Collection: Earths Core

Earths Core
Hollow Earth theories suggest that there could be entrances to our planet at the Poles, giving us potential access to Earths core : who knows what we might find ?

Background imagePlanets Collection: Blunt / Planet / Parallax

Blunt / Planet / Parallax
A diagram showing the parallax of the planets

Background imagePlanets Collection: Blunt / Jupiter & Moons / 10

Blunt / Jupiter & Moons / 10
A view of Jupiter showing its moons and satellites

Background imagePlanets Collection: Earths Central Fire

Earths Central Fire
Cross-section of the globe showing the central fire, the lateral fires, and the volcanoes where the fire breaks out on the surface

Background imagePlanets Collection: Planet earth as perceived by Cosmas

Planet earth as perceived by Cosmas, with walls on either side of the Heavens, a transparent firmament, a reservoir of waters above the planet, and above them the Empyrean vault

Background imagePlanets Collection: Solar System 1860

Solar System 1860
The solar system as known to Victorian astronomers, Neptune is the farthest out - they have yet to learn about Pluto, which will not be located until 1930

Background imagePlanets Collection: Earth-like planet, artwork

Earth-like planet, artwork
Earth-like planet. Computer artwork of a view across a lake on the surface of an Earth-like planet with another planet (upper centre) and moon (centre right) in the distance

Background imagePlanets Collection: Comparative Orbits

Comparative Orbits
A diagram of the relative orbit distances of planets in the Solar System and the variable light hitting the Earth during different seasons

Background imagePlanets Collection: Saturn in 1874

Saturn in 1874
Saturn observed by L. Trouvelot from a French observatory

Background imagePlanets Collection: Copernicuss System (2)

Copernicuss System (2)
The universe with our Sun as its centre, circled by our Earth and the other planets, and by the signs of the Zodiac : Jupiter is shown with its satellites

Background imagePlanets Collection: Solar system. Planets on black background

Solar system. Planets on black background. Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Elements o Solar system. Planets on black background

Background imagePlanets Collection: Space Nebula

Space Nebula

Background imagePlanets Collection: Space Art

Space Art

Background imagePlanets Collection: Ingress


Background imagePlanets Collection: Arrival


Background imagePlanets Collection: Lunar Orbiter

Lunar Orbiter

Background imagePlanets Collection: 1.magic I 50 X 50 X 4 Cm Huile Sur Toile 2023 Copie

1.magic I 50 X 50 X 4 Cm Huile Sur Toile 2023 Copie
Barbara Piatti

Background imagePlanets Collection: 2. Magic Ii 50 X 50 X 4 Cm Huile Sur Toile 2023 Copie

2. Magic Ii 50 X 50 X 4 Cm Huile Sur Toile 2023 Copie
Barbara Piatti

Background imagePlanets Collection: An illustration of the planets of our solar system in orbit aorund the sun

An illustration of the planets of our solar system in orbit aorund the sun

Background imagePlanets Collection: Portrait of a dragon in a spacesuit

Portrait of a dragon in a spacesuit
engin akyurt

Background imagePlanets Collection: Portrait of a dragon in a spacesuit

Portrait of a dragon in a spacesuit
engin akyurt

Background imagePlanets Collection: Portrait of a dragon in a spacesuit

Portrait of a dragon in a spacesuit
engin akyurt

Background imagePlanets Collection: Portrait of a dragon in a spacesuit

Portrait of a dragon in a spacesuit
engin akyurt

Background imagePlanets Collection: The Astrologer. Profession that foresees death

The Astrologer. Profession that foresees death but is surprised by it

Background imagePlanets Collection: Preparation for astronomical observations in Brazil

Preparation for astronomical observations in Brazil, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, Record date not stated

Background imagePlanets Collection: Johann Gottfried Galle, 9 June 1812 - 10 July 1910

Johann Gottfried Galle, 9 June 1812 - 10 July 1910, was a German astronomer, climatologist and university lecturer

Background imagePlanets Collection: Die sieben Planeten, Holzschnitt aus einer astrological panel von 1480-1490

Die sieben Planeten, Holzschnitt aus einer astrological panel von 1480-1490, historisches Bild oder Illustration, published 1890, digital verbessert, The seven planets

Background imagePlanets Collection: Series the planets and their mythical figures

Series the planets and their mythical figures, Venus, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a Liebig collector's picture from c. 1900

Background imagePlanets Collection: Horoskop, das Geburtshoroskop fuer Ludwig XIV

Horoskop, das Geburtshoroskop fuer Ludwig XIV. Koenig von Frankreich, 1638

Background imagePlanets Collection: Astronomische Sternwarte, 19. Jahrhundert

Astronomische Sternwarte, 19. Jahrhundert

Background imagePlanets Collection: Astronomische Sternwarte, 19. Jahrhundert

Astronomische Sternwarte, 19. Jahrhundert

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Exploring the Vast Cosmos: Unveiling the Mysteries Gazing at a Flat Earth Map: A thought-provoking depiction of our world as a plane, challenging conventional beliefs. The Orrery by Joseph Wright: Witnessing the intricate beauty of an 18th-century mechanical model showcasing planets in motion. Catalan Atlas, 14th Century: A captivating medieval map revealing early perceptions and knowledge about our celestial neighbors. Artistic Solar System Delight: Immerse yourself in mesmerizing artwork that brings to life the enchanting harmony of our planetary system. Marvels of Our Solar System: Behold the breathtaking diversity and splendor of each planet orbiting around our radiant Sun. Journey into Hollow Earth? Exploring intriguing theories surrounding what lies beneath Earth's surface and its potential mysteries. Celestial Symphony: Discovering the delicate dance between planets within our solar system, orchestrating cosmic harmony for eons. Moon Rising over Earth's Horizon: Capturing a magical moment where our lunar companion gracefully ascends above Earth's curvature. Challenging Perceptions with Flat Planet Depictions: Diving into alternative perspectives on how some envision Earth's shape throughout history. Enigmatic Mars Revealed through French Cartography: Unveiling an ancient map that unveils humanity's fascination with exploring distant red worlds. Beneath Our Feet - The Secrets Within Earth's Crust: Peering beneath the surface to uncover geological wonders shaping our dynamic planet. Embark on an awe-inspiring journey through time and space as we delve into these captivating glimpses into humanity’s understanding – from ancient maps depicting flat earth theories to modern interpretations unveiling stunning celestial landscapes within our solar system or even questioning what lies hidden beneath us. Explore diverse artistic representations, scientific discoveries, and philosophical ponderings that continue to fuel our curiosity about the vast cosmos.

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