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Rhetoric Collection

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Science Allegorised

Science Allegorised
Philosophy enthroned, surrounded by the sciences - Grammar, Rhetoric, Linguistics, Music, Arithmetic, Geometry and Astronomy, with Socrates and Plato and scholars writing

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Plato, Ancient Greek philosopher

Plato, Ancient Greek philosopher
Plato (427-347 BC), Ancient Greek philosopher. Platos spirit of rational inquiry led to todays scientific method. His writings shaped and continue to have a profound influence on Western thought

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Plato, caricature

Plato, caricature
Plato. Caricature of the Ancient Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 BC). Platos spirit of rational inquiry led to todays scientific method

Background imageRhetoric Collection: John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams
JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767-1848). Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. Title page to the collection of lectures by John Quincy Adams while a professor at Harvard University. Published 1810

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Cornelius Valerius, Dutch humanist

Cornelius Valerius, Dutch humanist
Cornelius Valerius (1512-1578), Dutch humanist. Valrius was born at Utrecht. He studied at Louvain and became professor of Latin at Utrecht and Louvain

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Philosophy presenting the seven liberal arts to Boethius

Philosophy presenting the seven liberal arts to Boethius in his bedroom. Figures of Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Music, Geometry, Arithmetic, and Astronomy. France, end of the 15th century

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius

Philosophy Presenting the Seven Liberal Arts to Boethius, about 1460-1470

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Demosthenes (384 BC - 322 BC). Greek orator and statesman

Demosthenes (384 BC - 322 BC). Greek orator and statesman. Portrait. Engraving. Detail. Historia Universal, by Cesar Cantu. Volume I, 1854

Background imageRhetoric Collection: The Seven Liberal Arts by Pesellino

The Seven Liberal Arts by Pesellino, Francesco di Stefano (1422-1457) / Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Alabama / Renaissance / c

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Architecture, holding a scroll revealing an architectural drawing

Architecture, holding a scroll revealing an architectural drawing
2624344 Architecture, holding a scroll revealing an architectural drawing, and Winter with Capricorn, detail of the Painted Room ceiling (painted ceiling) by Verrio

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Union Leader Addressing Meeting

Union Leader Addressing Meeting
Political cartoon entitled "A Meeting of the Trades Unions" from McClean's Monthly Sheet of Caricatures showing a union leader expounding his "principles" to the other members

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Lord John Russell Speaking

Lord John Russell Speaking
(Original Caption) Lord John Russell, (1792-1878), during the first reading of the Reform Bill in the House of Commons

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Camille Desmoulins Urging Crowd to Take up Arms

Camille Desmoulins Urging Crowd to Take up Arms
(Original Caption) Popular uprising at the beginning of the French Revolution. Camille Desmoulins in front of the Royal Palace, July 12, 1789

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Colonists Listening to Man Speaking

Colonists Listening to Man Speaking
(Original Caption) The first Sunday at New Haven

Background imageRhetoric Collection: John Foster Dulles Addressing Longshoremen

John Foster Dulles Addressing Longshoremen
(Original Caption) Speaking from sound-truck at Pier 2, North River, Sen. John Foster Dulles reminds longshoremen that his opponent, Herbert Lehman, had avoided debate on bipartisan foreign policy

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Capuchin Monk Directing Pilgrims

Capuchin Monk Directing Pilgrims
(Original Caption) Five o'clock A.M. - Pere Marie Antoine, a Capuchin, addressing newly arrived pilgrims outside the station

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Herbert Hoover Gesturing

Herbert Hoover Gesturing
(Original Caption) Hoover in Columbus. President Hoover waving his hand from the rear platform of his train on his arrival in Columbus, Ohio

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Recruitment Poster

Recruitment Poster
World War I recruitment poster urging "Men of London" to join the Army

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Colonist Addressing Native Americans

Colonist Addressing Native Americans
(Original Caption) The Secretary addressing the Indians at the Grand Council held on August 29th

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Francisco Franco Speaking to Parliament

Francisco Franco Speaking to Parliament
(Original Caption) Franco, Francisco. spanish chief of State. Francisco Franco arriving and speaking at Parliament session

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Portrait of Governor John Volpe

Portrait of Governor John Volpe
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Theodore Roosevlet Addressing the Public

Theodore Roosevlet Addressing the Public
(Original Caption) T. Roosevlet addressing speech to crowd at Asheville, North Carolina

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Theodore Roosevelt Addressing Crowd

Theodore Roosevelt Addressing Crowd
(Original Caption) Theodore Roosevelt during election speech in New Castle, Wyoming

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Alexander Berkman Speaking

Alexander Berkman Speaking
(Original Caption) Night of July 11, 1914...Following negatives made at I.W.W. memorial services to bomb explosion victims, Union Square. Alexander Berkman speaking

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Carranza Forces Addressing Crowd

Carranza Forces Addressing Crowd
(Original Caption) Following negs are copies of photographs made on arrival of Carranza forces in Vera Cruz

Background imageRhetoric Collection: W.L. Colt Speaks on Suffrage

W.L. Colt Speaks on Suffrage
(Original Caption) Mrs. W.L

Background imageRhetoric Collection: George A. McAneny Delivering an Address

George A. McAneny Delivering an Address
(Original Caption) Borough president George A. McAneny delivering address at unveiling of monument to wireless operators

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Vladimir Lenin Speaking to Crowd

Vladimir Lenin Speaking to Crowd
Russian communist revolutionary leader, Vladimir Lenin (1879 - 1924), giving a speech to Vsevobuch servicemen on the first anniversary of the foundation of the Soviet armed forces, Red Square

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Plutarco Calles in Presidential Chair

Plutarco Calles in Presidential Chair
(Original Caption) The above photo shows President Calles of Mexico, in the Presidential chair of the Congressional Chamber in Mexico City

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Amelia Earhart with Louis Gordon and Wilmer Stultz

Amelia Earhart with Louis Gordon and Wilmer Stultz
(Original Caption) Speaking over the radio from Madison Square Garden, New York, Miss Amelia Earhart, transatlantic flier, expressed regret that her companions are kept in the background

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Herbert Hoover Speaking

Herbert Hoover Speaking
(Original Caption) Hoover Invades South. Bristol, Tennessee: Photo shows Mr. Herbert Hoover, G.O.P

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Delivering a Speech

Franklin Roosevelt Delivering a Speech
(Original Caption) His First Day as Governor of the Empire State. Albany, New York: Franklin D

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Ellen Dawson Addressing Striking Mill Workers

Ellen Dawson Addressing Striking Mill Workers
(Original Caption) Arrested after addressing strikers at Gastonia...Ellen Dawson of Passaic, New Jersey, shown as she addressed striking mill workers from the Loray Mills at Gastonia, N.C

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Bobby Jones Delivering a Speech

Bobby Jones Delivering a Speech
(Original Caption) Jones Wins Open Playoff by 23 Strokes

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Walter Francis White Speaking

Walter Francis White Speaking
Civil Rights leader Walter Francis White, (1893-1955) speaks at event, early twentieth century

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Chancellor Bruening Addressing Reichstag

Chancellor Bruening Addressing Reichstag
(Original Caption) When the Fate of the German Cabinet Hung in the Balance

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Herbert Hoover Speaking

Herbert Hoover Speaking
(Original Caption) President Hoover Addresses the American Federation of Labor After Group Votes Wet

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Herbert Hoover Speaking

Herbert Hoover Speaking
(Original Caption) Hoover Dedicates Harding Memorial. President Hoover is shown above as he was about to begin his speech at the dedication of the Harding Memorial, at Marion, Ohio

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Herbert Hoover Addressing Huge Crowd

Herbert Hoover Addressing Huge Crowd
(Original Caption) A General Scene at Reyburn Plaza, Philadelphia: Showing the speaker's stand with President Hoover speaking to a throng which numbered 30, 000 persons, October 31

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Sean McGuiness Addressing Crowd

Sean McGuiness Addressing Crowd
(Original Caption) Thousands hear released Irish prisoners

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Amelia Earhart Receiving Cross of Honor

Amelia Earhart Receiving Cross of Honor
(Original Caption) In recognition of her flight across the Atlantic Ocean, the American Flag Association presented its Cross of Honor to Amelia Earhart Putnam, in ceremonies in Bryant Park, N.Y

Background imageRhetoric Collection: John J. Raskob Speaking

John J. Raskob Speaking
(Original Caption) Chairman Raskob Opens Big Pow-Wow. John J

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Alben Barkley Addressing Convention

Alben Barkley Addressing Convention
(Original Caption) Senator Alben W. Barkley of Kentucky, keynoter at the convention, makes his address from the platform during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, June 27th

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Alfred E. Smith Broadcasting

Alfred E. Smith Broadcasting
(Original Caption) Alfred E. Smith-The Editor. As editor of the New Outlook magazine, former Governor Alfred E

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Herbert Hoover Speaking at Ceremonies

Herbert Hoover Speaking at Ceremonies
(Original Caption) President Speaking at Post Office Ceremonies. President Hoover is seen as he addressed the distinguished gathering at Washington, D.C

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Herbert Hoover Giving Radio Address

Herbert Hoover Giving Radio Address
(Original Caption) President Hoover as he made his last campaign address over the radio from his special train en route to Palo Alto, California, as he stopped at Elko, Nevada

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Senator Robert Wagner Addressing New York State Democratic Convention

Senator Robert Wagner Addressing New York State Democratic Convention
(Original Caption) Keynoter at Democratic State Convention. U.S. Senator Robert F. Wagner shown delivering the keynote address at the opening of the New York State Democratic Convention at Albany, N.Y

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Speaking at Podium

Franklin Roosevelt Speaking at Podium
(Original Caption) Roosevelt Seconds Lehman's Nomination. Gov. Franklin D

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Ruth Pratt Addressing Women

Ruth Pratt Addressing Women
(Original Caption) Rep. Ruth b. Pratt addresses the school of Politics at the Women's National Republican club in campaign for re-election

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Calvin Coolidge Speaking at Republican Rally

Calvin Coolidge Speaking at Republican Rally
(Original Caption) Photo shows general view of ex-President Calvin Coolidge, speaking at the Republican National and State rally at Madison Square Garden

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Calvin Coolidge Speaking at Republican Rally

Calvin Coolidge Speaking at Republican Rally
(Original Caption) Photo shows a general view of the platform during Coolidge address at Madison Square Garden

Background imageRhetoric Collection: President Hoover Speaking at Microphone

President Hoover Speaking at Microphone
(Original Caption) West Virginians Meet the President and First Lady. When the special train carrying President and Mrs. Hoover to Cleveland, O

Background imageRhetoric Collection: William Donovan Speaking at Rally

William Donovan Speaking at Rally
(Original Caption) G.O.P Candidate for Governor Speaks at Rally. A general view of the crowd that gathered at the Central Opera House in New York, for a Republican rally. Colonel William J

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt Addressing Crowd

Franklin D. Roosevelt Addressing Crowd
(Original Caption) Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt is shown as he addressed over 5, 000 residents of Rochester, N.Y. in Convention Hall, October 18, on behalf of Colonel Herbert H

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Alfred E. Smith Delivering Speech

Alfred E. Smith Delivering Speech
(Original Caption) Former Governor Al Smith, one of the nation's foremost Democratic leaders

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Herbert Hoover Addressing Large Crowd

Herbert Hoover Addressing Large Crowd
(Original Caption) Hoover Speaks at Huntington. Stopping off at Huntington, W. Va

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Michael Strange Giving Socialist Address

Michael Strange Giving Socialist Address
(Original Caption) Here is Michael Strange, herself, ready to say that she has espoused the cause of socialism. Camera caught her during her first socialist address

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Addressing Large Crowd

Franklin Roosevelt Addressing Large Crowd
(Original Caption) Roosevelt Speaks at Warm Springs. Southerners welcomed Governor Franklin D

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt Speaking from Train

Franklin D. Roosevelt Speaking from Train
(Original Caption) Speaking from the rear platform of his special train, Governor Franklin D

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Back View of Norman Thomas Addressing Supporters

Back View of Norman Thomas Addressing Supporters
(Original Caption) Socialist Nominee Speaks in Philadelphia

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Herbert Hoover Addressing Crowds

Herbert Hoover Addressing Crowds
(Original Caption) Hoover Speaks at Oxford. En route to Indianapolis, President Hoover stopped for a moment at Oxford, Ohio, and spoke to the throng which met his train

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Herbert Hoover Giving Speech

Herbert Hoover Giving Speech
(Original Caption) Hoover Booed in Philadelphia

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Governor Roosevelt Making an Address

Governor Roosevelt Making an Address
(Original Caption) Governor Roosevelt Campaigns in Portland, Maine. 10, 000 persons welcomed Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt to Portland, Me

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Herbert Hoover Addressing Crowd

Herbert Hoover Addressing Crowd
(Original Caption) Thousands Greet Hoover in Baltimore

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(Original Caption) Various views of Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt, speaking at the arena, in Boston, during his campaign tour

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Newton Baker Making an Address

Newton Baker Making an Address
(Original Caption) Newton D. Baker Assails Hawley-Smoot Tariff. Trade barriers raised by the Hawley-Smoot tariff bill extended and increased the depression, Newton D

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(Original Caption) Various views of Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt, speaking at the arena, in Boston, during his campaign tour

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Morris Hillquit Addressing Rally

Morris Hillquit Addressing Rally
(Original Caption) Socialists in rally at Madison Square Garden

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Owen Young Making an Address

Owen Young Making an Address
(Original Caption) Owen D. Young Attacks Republican Campaign. Owen D. Young, prominent industrialist and financier, joined Governor Franklin D

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Norman Thomas Speaking to Packed Garden

Norman Thomas Speaking to Packed Garden
(Original Caption) 22, 000 Mass in Garden at Socialist Rally

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(Original Caption) Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Newark, New Jersey

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Campaigning Before Large Crowd

Franklin Roosevelt Campaigning Before Large Crowd
(Original Caption) Roosevelt Closes Presidential Campaign. Speaking before a capacity throng in Madison Square Garden, Governor Franklin D

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin D. Roosevelt Addressing Crowd

Franklin D. Roosevelt Addressing Crowd
(Original Caption) General view of Roosevelt speaking at the Fair Grounds, Mineola, Long Island

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Campaigning Before Large Crowd

Franklin Roosevelt Campaigning Before Large Crowd
(Original Caption) Roosevelt Closes Presidential Campaign. Speaking before a capacity throng in Madison Square Garden, Governor Franklin D

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Speaking at Rally

Franklin Roosevelt Speaking at Rally
(Original Caption) Roosevelt Speaks at Newburgh in Campaign Wind-Up. Governor Franklin D

Background imageRhetoric Collection: James A. Farley Thanking Voters

James A. Farley Thanking Voters
(Original Caption) James A

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Ogden L. Mills Speaking to Committee

Ogden L. Mills Speaking to Committee
(Original Caption) Treasury Secretary Admits Bad Budget Estimate. Secretary of the Treasury Ogden L

Background imageRhetoric Collection: Greta Garbo Addressing Fellow Actors

Greta Garbo Addressing Fellow Actors
Greta Garbo in a scene from the movie Queen Christina. Directed by Rouben Mamoulian

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"Rhetoric: The Science Allegorised in the Seven Liberal Arts, as Illustrated by Hortus deliciarum" In the realm of intellectual pursuits, rhetoric stands tall as a pillar of persuasion and eloquence. Just like Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher who recognized its power, we too are captivated by its allure. From Plato's caricature to John Quincy Adams' masterful oratory skills, it has shaped history. Through centuries and across cultures, it has been celebrated for its ability to sway minds and hearts, and is an art that knows no bounds - from Cornelius Valerius' humanist teachings to Helmut Schmidt's political prowess. Rhetoric transcends ideologies; it can be found both on the left with Arthur Scargill's impassioned speeches and within British Labour MP John Smith's charismatic leadership. Like mighty ships sailing through stormy seas, rhetoric guides us through turbulent times. During World War II, it was wielded by leaders of the British Royal Navy to rally their troops towards victory. Even Harry Pollitt, Secretary of the Communist Party, harnessed its force to advocate for his cause. But beyond politics and war lies a deeper truth about rhetoric - it empowers individuals to express themselves with clarity and conviction, and is a tool that enables us all to find our voice amidst chaos and dissent. So let us embrace this timeless art form called rhetoric - let us learn from those who came before us while forging our own path towards effective communication. For in mastering this craft lies the power to shape narratives, influence opinions, and ultimately bring about positive change in our world.

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