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Salamanders Collection

Salamanders, fascinating creatures with a rich history and diverse species. Let's dive into the world of these unique amphibians

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Axolotl {Siredon / Ambystoma mexicanum} albino, captive

Axolotl {Siredon / Ambystoma mexicanum} albino, captive

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Axolotl - albino specimen

Axolotl - albino specimen
KF-10956 Axolotl - albino specimen Ambystoma mexicanum Kenneth W Fink Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Fossil Salamander - Northern China - Permian-230, 000 million years old

Fossil Salamander - Northern China - Permian-230, 000 million years old
CAN-2469 Fossil Salamander Northern China - Permian - 230, 000 million years old John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Olm (Proteus anguinus) on rock, Oliero cave, Valle del Brenta, commune di Valstagna

Olm (Proteus anguinus) on rock, Oliero cave, Valle del Brenta, commune di Valstagna, northern Italy, March 2005, Vulnerable species

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Axolotl. Vancouver aquarium. Canada

Axolotl. Vancouver aquarium. Canada
WAT-14639 Axolotl Vancouver aquarium. Canada Ambystoma mexicanum M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Axolotl. Vancouver aquarium

Axolotl. Vancouver aquarium
WAT-14638 Axolotl Vancouver aquarium, Canada Ambystoma mexicanum M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Axolotl: white form of neotenous larva

Axolotl: white form of neotenous larva
PM-10189 Axolotl: white form of neotenous larva Originally from Mexico, now widely kept in aquaria Ambystoma mexicanum Reaches sexual maturity and breeds in larval form

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Axolotl- neotenous larval form; central America. Shows external gills absent in adult

Axolotl- neotenous larval form; central America. Shows external gills absent in adult
PM-10095 Axolotl - neotenous larval form

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Barred Tiger Salamander Eating earthworm, Colorado, USA

Barred Tiger Salamander Eating earthworm, Colorado, USA
CLA-292 Barred Tiger SALAMANDER - eating earthworm Colorado, USA Ambystoma t. mavortium Mary Clay Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Chinese Giant Salamander - swimming

Chinese Giant Salamander - swimming
KEL-250 Chinese Giant Salamander - swimming Andrias davidianus Ken Lucas Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in anyway

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Spotted Salamander - In early spring migration to woodland pond New York USA

Spotted Salamander - In early spring migration to woodland pond New York USA
CAN-3494 Spotted Salamander - In early spring migration to woodland pond New York USA Ambystoma maculatum John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Axoloti

PM-8403 Axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum Pat Morris Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Texas Blind Salamander

Texas Blind Salamander
PM-8750 TEXAS BLIND SALAMANDER Eurycea Pat Morris Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Lascars on British Ships: The Question of their Retention

Lascars on British Ships: The Question of their Retention. " Human Salamanders" :The Lascar at Work and Play

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Axolotl / Mexican salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum), white or leucistic form, critically

Axolotl / Mexican salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum), white or leucistic form, critically endangered in the wild, captive, occurs in Mexico

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra)

Fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra)
amphibia, amphibians, animals, auf, blotchy, deserted, fauna, federal state of north rhine-westphalia, fire salamanders, frg, german, german federal republic, habitat, middle europe

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Dutch art nouveau pattern - Salamanders

Dutch art nouveau pattern - Salamanders
One of a series of Dutch art nouveau postcards featuring animals and insects. Incorporates a decorative border around the message space. No artist credited Date: circa 1900

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Amphibians and reptiles (coloured engraving)

Amphibians and reptiles (coloured engraving)
5998832 Amphibians and reptiles (coloured engraving) by French School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( Amphibians and reptiles)

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Strange amphibians (coloured engraving)

Strange amphibians (coloured engraving)
998434 Strange amphibians (coloured engraving) by German School, (19th century); Private Collection; ( From A Bilderbuch fAor KinderA (Picture Book for Children) 1790-1830

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 10922159

Picture No. 10922159
Axolotl. white neotenous larva showing external gills. Originally from Mexico but now widely bred in aquaria. (Ambystoma ). Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Texas Blind Cave Salamander - Endemic to the caves of the San Marcos District, Texas

Texas Blind Cave Salamander - Endemic to the caves of the San Marcos District, Texas
PM-10474 Texas Blind Cave Salamander Endemic to the caves of the San Marcos District, Texas

Background imageSalamanders Collection: European Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra), view from above

European Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra), view from above

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Male Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) eating the eggs of another salamander

Male Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) eating the eggs of another salamander, Japan, September

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Pyrenean brook salamander (Euproctus / Calotriton asper) with mouth open, Pal, Andorra

Pyrenean brook salamander (Euproctus / Calotriton asper) with mouth open, Pal, Andorra, June 2009

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11982154

Picture No. 11982154
Fire Salamander - adult salamander near a stream - Harz National park - Germany Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Mexican Axolotl - (Salamander). Sexually mature, but remain in larval form

Mexican Axolotl - (Salamander). Sexually mature, but remain in larval form
KEL-757 Mexican Axolotl - (Salamander). Sexually mature, but remain in larval form. Ambystoma mexicanum Endangered in the wild in Mexico

Background imageSalamanders Collection: European Cave Salamander / Olm Croatia

European Cave Salamander / Olm Croatia
PM-8423 European Cave Salamander / Olm Croatia Proteus anguinus Pat Morris Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Mexican Axolotl - albino. Sexually mature, but remains in larval form. Northern Mexico

Mexican Axolotl - albino. Sexually mature, but remains in larval form. Northern Mexico
KEL-287 MEXICAN AXOLOTL - Albino, Sexually mature but remains in larval form

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Salamander. Sahara Desert. Algeria. Africa

Salamander. Sahara Desert. Algeria. Africa

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) underwater, side view

Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) underwater, side view

Background imageSalamanders Collection: A salamander

A salamander

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Apennines / Italian cave salamander (Speleomantes italicus) San Marino, May 2009

Apennines / Italian cave salamander (Speleomantes italicus) San Marino, May 2009

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Two Apennines / Italian cave salamanders (Speleomantes italicus) on rock face, San Marino

Two Apennines / Italian cave salamanders (Speleomantes italicus) on rock face, San Marino, May 2009

Background imageSalamanders Collection: European salamander (Salamandra salamandra) on tree trunk beside river

European salamander (Salamandra salamandra) on tree trunk beside river, Male Morske Oko Reserve, Slovakia, Europe, June 2008

Background imageSalamanders Collection: European / Fire salamander, (Salamandra salamandra) portrait, Male Morske Oko Reserve

European / Fire salamander, (Salamandra salamandra) portrait, Male Morske Oko Reserve, Slovakia, Europe, June 2008

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Male Japanese giant salamander (Andria japonicus) emerging from a nest hole in order to breathe

Male Japanese giant salamander (Andria japonicus) emerging from a nest hole in order to breathe, Japan, August

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11982155

Picture No. 11982155
Fire Salamander - adult salamander in Harz National park - Germany Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11982153

Picture No. 11982153
Fire Salamander - adult salamander in Harz National park - Germany Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11982152

Picture No. 11982152
Fire Salamander - adult salamander in Harz National park - Germany Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11982151

Picture No. 11982151
Fire Salamander - adult salamander in Harz National park - Germany Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11982150

Picture No. 11982150
Fire Salamander - adult salamander in Harz National park - Germany Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Siberian Salamander - Adult; rare but typical in

Siberian Salamander - Adult; rare but typical in mossy habitats and puddles of taiga forest floor near river Negustyah (Salamadrella keyserlingii Dybows)

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Fire salamander, Salamandra salamandra, black with yellow markings

Fire salamander, Salamandra salamandra, black with yellow markings

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11671526

Picture No. 11671526
Fire Salamander. Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11671525

Picture No. 11671525
Fire Salamander. Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11671524

Picture No. 11671524
Alpine Salamander on rock. Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11671391

Picture No. 11671391
Fire Salamander climbing on old trunk. Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: A Crocodile Snatches a Child from an African Village (etching)

A Crocodile Snatches a Child from an African Village (etching)
KW421823 A Crocodile Snatches a Child from an African Village (etching) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; Ken Welsh; English, out of copyright

Background imageSalamanders Collection: 2603391; out of copyright

2603391; out of copyright

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11091751

Picture No. 11091751
Shenandoah Salamander Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11091750

Picture No. 11091750
Shenandoah Salamander Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11091741

Picture No. 11091741
Spotted Salamander Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11091740

Picture No. 11091740
Spotted Salamander Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 11091738

Picture No. 11091738
Spotted Salamander Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 10735407

Picture No. 10735407
Boy holding Spotted Salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 10735037

Picture No. 10735037
Boy - age 7 - Holding Slimy Salamander (Plethodon glutinosus) Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 10734730

Picture No. 10734730
Child holding Hellbender Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 10946863

Picture No. 10946863
Hellbender Salamander Pennsylvania - USA. Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 10890128

Picture No. 10890128
Vernal Pool - in spring time - Breeding place for American Toads - Spotted Salamanders - Spring Peepers etc - April Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 10877782

Picture No. 10877782
Italian Cave Salamander - with speleologist approaching (Sspeleomantes italicus) Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Picture No. 10983618

Picture No. 10983618
Northern Spectacled Salamander Foreste Casentinesi National Park, Appennini Mountains, Italy, Europe (Salamandrina perspicillata) Date:

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Salamandra Terdigitata

Salamandra Terdigitata

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Salamander of the Desert. Tunisia. Africa

Salamander of the Desert. Tunisia. Africa

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Salamander


Background imageSalamanders Collection: Mandarin Salamander, Tylototriton verrucosus

Mandarin Salamander, Tylototriton verrucosus, terracota coloured salamander eating a worm, head on shot

Background imageSalamanders Collection: newt from below

newt from below

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) in water, underside view

Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) in water, underside view

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Headshot of a Mandarin Salamander (Salamandridae) eating a worm, front view

Headshot of a Mandarin Salamander (Salamandridae) eating a worm, front view

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Oriental Mandarin Salamander (Tylototriton verrucosus) eating a worm, side view

Oriental Mandarin Salamander (Tylototriton verrucosus) eating a worm, side view

Background imageSalamanders Collection: A salamander side view

A salamander side view

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Developing embryo of Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) on leaf

Developing embryo of Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) on leaf

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Lungless Salamander (Desmognathus quadrimagulatum)

Lungless Salamander (Desmognathus quadrimagulatum)

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Italian newt - young - Abruzzo - Italy

Italian newt - young - Abruzzo - Italy
RD-232 Italian newt - young Abruzzo - Italy Lissotriton italicus Giacomo Radi contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Giant Salamander / Hell Bender - USA

Giant Salamander / Hell Bender - USA
PM-4910 Giant Salamander / Hellbender USA Cryptobranchus alleganiensis Pat Morris contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Fire Salamander - old adult - Pirin National Park - Bulgaria

Fire Salamander - old adult - Pirin National Park - Bulgaria
ROG-14330 Fire Salamander - old adult Pirin National Park - Bulgaria Salamandra salamandra Bob Gibbons contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Hellbender - New York - USA

Hellbender - New York - USA
CAN-4068 Hellbender New York - USA Cryptobranchus alleganiensis John Cancalosi contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Spotted Salamander - at breeding pond in spring - Common in the eastern United States and Canada - New York - USA

Spotted Salamander - at breeding pond in spring - Common in the eastern United States and Canada - New York - USA
CAN-4489 Spotted Salamander - at breeding pond in spring New York - USA Ambystoma maculatum John Cancalosi contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Freshwater pool amongst rocks, habitat of Sardinian Brook Salamander (Euproctus platycephalus)

Freshwater pool amongst rocks, habitat of Sardinian Brook Salamander (Euproctus platycephalus), Barbagia, Sardinia, Italy, june

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Supramontane Cave Salamander (Speleomantes supramontis) adult

Supramontane Cave Salamander (Speleomantes supramontis) adult, on rock in cave, Sardinia, Italy, june

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) old adult

Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) old adult, resting on rock, Pirin N.P. Pirin Mountains, Bulgaria, may

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) larva, near metamorphosis, swimming, Italy

Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra) larva, near metamorphosis, swimming, Italy

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Strinatis Cave Salamander (Speleomantes strinatii) adult

Strinatis Cave Salamander (Speleomantes strinatii) adult, standing on wet rock in cave, Italy, june

Background imageSalamanders Collection: Nauta Mushroomtongue Salamander (Bolitoglossa altamazonica) adult

Nauta Mushroomtongue Salamander (Bolitoglossa altamazonica) adult, walking on leaf with help of suction cup-like toes, Los Amigos Biological Station, Madre de Dios, Amazonia, Peru

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Salamanders, fascinating creatures with a rich history and diverse species. Let's dive into the world of these unique amphibians. Meet the Axolotl, a captivating albino specimen found in Vancouver Aquarium. Originally from Mexico, this neotenous larva reaches sexual maturity and breeds while still in its larval form. With external gills that are typical of amphibian larvae, it showcases an extraordinary adaptation. In Northern China, a fossil salamander dating back 230 million years to the Permian era was discovered. This ancient creature gives us a glimpse into the distant past and reminds us of the long evolutionary journey they have undertaken. The Axolotl is not alone in its allure; other species like the Barred Tiger Salamander from Colorado can be seen devouring earthworms with gusto. Their appetite knows no bounds. Meanwhile, swimming gracefully through rivers is the Chinese Giant Salamander, showcasing its impressive size and strength. It serves as a reminder of nature's ability to create astonishing diversity. Closer to home in New York USA, we witness the Spotted Salamander embarking on its early spring migration towards woodland ponds. These beautiful creatures navigate their way through forests with determination and purpose. From Canada to Central America, salamanders continue to captivate enthusiasts worldwide. The Axolotl remains widely kept in aquariums due to its striking white form and intriguing neotenous larval characteristics. Lastly, let's not forget about our friends like Texas Blind Salamander who thrive underground without eyesight but possess incredible adaptations for survival. Whether it's exploring ancient fossils or observing these remarkable creatures up close at aquariums around the world, there is always something new to learn about salamanders – nature's hidden gems.

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