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United Nations Collection

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962)

ANNA ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (1884-1962). Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Eleanor Roosevelt holding a Universal Declaration of Human Rights poster at Lake Success, New York

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Khrushchev And Castro

Khrushchev And Castro
New York, New York: September 20, 1960 A jovial greeting takes place between Cubas Prime MInister Fidel Castro and Soviet Unions Premier Nikita Khrushchev when they met at the United Nations today

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto at the United Nations

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto at the United Nations
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Foreign Minister of the reorganized Pakistani government of President Agha Mohammed Khan, listens to Indian Foreign Minister Sardar Swaran Singh tell the U.N

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: East Midtown Skyline

East Midtown Skyline
Aerial view from the East River looking west of the East Midtown Manhattan skyline, New York, New York, 1950s or 1960s

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: A. J. Cook led the Miners and the miners led the strike, c1926, (1938)

A. J. Cook led the Miners and the miners led the strike, c1926, (1938). Arthur James Cook (1883-1931), known as A. J

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: League of Nations / United Nations Building Geneva

League of Nations / United Nations Building Geneva
Exterior view of the Former League of Nations building and current United Nations Building in Geneva Switzerland

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: (Anna) Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) American humanitarian

(Anna) Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) American humanitarian. Eleanor Roosevelt was the wife of US President Franklin D Roosevelt

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Medicine, Anatomy, the human body in its proportions

Medicine, Anatomy, the human body in its proportions, by Cesare Cesariano, Italy, un 1480, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, Europe

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Series of pictures Children in a boat on the sea

Series of pictures Children in a boat on the sea, 1878, Paris, un homme a la mer, Liebig picture, historical, digitally restored reproduction of a collectors picture from c. 1900

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: The Augustus Bridge and its surroundings seen from the Marienbruecke

The Augustus Bridge and its surroundings seen from the Marienbruecke, un 1876, Dresden, Saxony, Germany, Historical, digitally restored reproduction from a 19th century original, Europe

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Picture series, Woman in portrait with headdress

Picture series, Woman in portrait with headdress, Italy, Pansies, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of a Liebig collector's picture from c. 1900, Europe

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Knitting machine, mechanical knitting machine built in 1856

Knitting machine, mechanical knitting machine built in 1856, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the 19th century

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Italy, Monte Oliveto Abbey, Abbazia di Monti Olivieti Maggiore

Italy, Monte Oliveto Abbey, Abbazia di Monti Olivieti Maggiore, the cloister with frescoes by Luca Signorelli and Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, called Sodoma, Renaissance fresco cycles

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Italy, Monte Oliveto Abbey, Abbazia di Monti Olivieti Maggiore

Italy, Monte Oliveto Abbey, Abbazia di Monti Olivieti Maggiore, the cloister with frescoes by Luca Signorelli and Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, called Sodoma, Renaissance fresco cycles

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: British 10th Royal Hussars in trouble

British 10th Royal Hussars in trouble, Kabul River, 31st March 1879, Second Afghan War, From British Battles on Land and Sea, by James Grant

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Royal Circus, Edinburgh, Scotland

Royal Circus, Edinburgh, Scotland, 19th century, from Modern Athens by Th. H. Shepherd

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Royal Circus, Edinburgh, Scotland

Royal Circus, Edinburgh, Scotland, 19th century, from Modern Athens by Th. H. Shepherd

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Old Bridge of Leith, Leith, Edinburgh

Old Bridge of Leith, Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland, 19th century

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Germany, Berlin, 20 October 1991

Germany, Berlin, 20 October 1991, Protest against military band of the Bundeswehr in front of the Brandenburg Tor, Europe

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Giannozzo Manetti, 1396 - 1459

Giannozzo Manetti, 1396 - 1459, an Italian politician and diplomat from Florence

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Banknote from Yugoslavia, 100 dinars

Banknote from Yugoslavia, 100 dinars, The Monument of Peace by Antun Augustincic in New York in front of the UN Building Value, 1981

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Prussia, Officer of the Westphalian Cuirassier (armoured troop type of heavy cavalry) Regiment No.4, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Saxony, Trumpeters of the Saxon 3rd Rider Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Cavalry: Hanover, Officer in the Hanoverian Guard-Hussar Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Infantry: Bavaria, Oberlieutenant in the 10, Infantry Regiment Pappenheim, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Infantry: Hesse, Corporal of the Grand Ducal Hessian 1st Infantry Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Cavalry: Bavaria, Officer of the Bavarian Guard du Corps on Horseback, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Infantry: Wuerttemberg, NCO of the Wuerttemberg Infantry Regiment of Phul, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Infantry: Baden, Officer of the Baden Leib-Grenadier-Garde, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Infantry: Prussia, Non-Commissioned Officer of the Prussian 1st Guard Regiment on Foot, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German uniforms of the 19th century

German uniforms of the 19th century, Sonstieg Truppen: Bavaria, Bavarian Military Surgeon, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Baden, Baden Dragoon Officer, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a public domain collector's picture from the early 20th century

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Prussia, Dragoons of the Prussian Dragoon Regiment von Voss, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Cavalry: Bavaria, Bavarian Hartschier, Guard Soldier, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Infantry: Saxony, Officer in the Saxon Infantry Regiment von Thuemmel, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Infantry: Baden, Corporal of the 1st Battalion of the Elector's Baden Life Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German uniforms of the 19th century

German uniforms of the 19th century, Other troops: Prussia, Train soldier, Horse driver from Prussian Guard Train, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Artillery: Bavaria, Major in the Bavarian 3rd Queen's Riding Artillery Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Artillery: Prussia, Gunners of the Prussian Riding Artillery, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Wuerttemberg, Feldjaeger, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a public domain collector's picture from the early 20th century

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Prussia, Ulan of the Brandenburg Uhlan (cavalry type armed with carbine) -Regiment No

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Cavalry: Saxony, Officer in the Saxon Guard Rider Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Cavalry: Prussia, Hussar of the Prussian Guard-Hussar Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Infantry: Hanover, Corporal of the Hanoverian Leib Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Infantry: Prussia, Officer in the Prussian Guard Jaeger Battalion, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German uniforms of the 19th century

German uniforms of the 19th century, Other troops: Baden, Lieutenant Colonel of the Baden Gendarmerie, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German uniforms of the 19th century

German uniforms of the 19th century, Other troops: Saxony, Saxon sapper, siege pioneer or troop craftsman, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Wuerttemberg, Colonel in the Wuerttemberg 4th Riding Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Bavaria, Lieutenant in the Bavarian Cuirassier Regiment Prince Charles, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Baden, Officer in the Grand Ducal Baden Hussar Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Saxony, Officer of a Saxon Hussar Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Prussia, Uhlan of the Prussian 1st Uhlan (cavalry type armed with carbine) Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German uniforms of the 19th century

German uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Cavalry: Baden, Dragoons of the Baden Dragober Regiment Grand Duke, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Infantry: Prussia, Officer in the Prussian 2nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Pomeranian, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Infantry: Saxony, Grenadier of the Saxon Infantry Guard Division, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German uniforms of the 19th century

German uniforms of the 19th century, Sonstieg Truppen: Wuerttemberg, General Staff Officer, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German uniforms of the 19th century

German uniforms of the 19th century, artillery: Luebeck, gunner, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a public domain collector's picture from the early 20th century

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Artillery: Bavaria, Non-Commissioned Officer of the Bavarian Riding Artillery, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German uniforms of the 19th century

German uniforms of the 19th century, lines, cavalry: Nassau, riding hunter, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a public domain collector's picture from the early 20th century

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German uniforms of the 19th century

German uniforms of the 19th century, lines, cavalry: Unterlietenant in the 1st Bavarian Chevauleger (light cavalry) Regiment Kronprinz, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Cavalry: Baden, Officer of the Baden Garde du Corps, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Infantry: Prussia, Musketeer of the Prussian Infantry Regiment von Arnim, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Guard, Infantry: Bavaria, Officer in the 1st Line Infantry Leib Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German uniforms of the 19th century

German uniforms of the 19th century, Other troops: Baden, Baden Pioneer Officer, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a public domain collector's item from the early 20th century

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Hanover, Officer of the Hanoverian Crown Prince Dragoons, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Artillery: Baden, Fireworkers of the Baden Riding Artillery, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Brunswick, Officer of the Brunswick Hussar Regiment, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: German Uniforms of the 19th century

German Uniforms of the 19th century, Lines, Cavalry: Saxony, Officer of the Electoral Saxon Heavy Cavalry, Historical

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Short-eared fox (Atelocynus microtis)

Short-eared fox (Atelocynus microtis), short-eared dog, Historical, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original, exact date unknown

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Letter from Peter the Great, 9 June 1672

Letter from Peter the Great, 9 June 1672, 8 February 1725, Tsar and Grand Duke of Russia

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: The Son and the Heir, the Mother and the Grandmother with a Baby

The Son and the Heir, the Mother and the Grandmother with a Baby, 1881, Germany, Historic, Digital Reproduction of an Original 19th century Artwork, Europe

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Wrestling on horseback, a match between the Dragon Guards and the Royal Artillery in the Transvaal

Wrestling on horseback, a match between the Dragon Guards and the Royal Artillery in the Transvaal, Historical, digital reproduction of an original 19th century template, original date unknown

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Tempio di Mercurio era un tempio dellantica Roma

Tempio di Mercurio era un tempio dellantica Roma, dedicato a Mercurio sulle pendici settentrionali del colle Aventino, historical Rome, Italy, 1625, Rome

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Clothes, c. 1500-1540, Portuguese captors

Clothes, c. 1500-1540, Portuguese captors, from lks, Vasco Gama, ann Alfonso Albuquerque, ann Nono a Cunha un Pero Mascarenhas, captors r Maskarenes, as prisoners Chains

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger

Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger, 30 November 1800, 13 February 1870, Austrian botanist, palaeontologist and plant physiologist, digitally restored reproduction of a 19th century original

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Italy, Monte Oliveto Abbey, Abbazia di Monti Olivieti Maggiore

Italy, Monte Oliveto Abbey, Abbazia di Monti Olivieti Maggiore, the cloister with frescoes by Luca Signorelli and Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, called Sodoma, Renaissance fresco cycles

Background imageUnited Nations Collection: Italy, Monte Oliveto Abbey, Abbazia di Monti Olivieti Maggiore

Italy, Monte Oliveto Abbey, Abbazia di Monti Olivieti Maggiore, the cloister with frescoes by Luca Signorelli and Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, called Sodoma, Renaissance fresco cycles

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"United Nations: A Global Force for Peace and Human Rights" In this captivating photograph from November 1949, we see Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, a prominent American humanitarian and wife of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, holding a Universal Declaration of Human Rights poster at Lake Success, New York. Her unwavering dedication to promoting equality and justice shines through as she stands proudly with this powerful symbol. The United Nations has been instrumental in fostering international cooperation and resolving conflicts since its establishment. From the iconic League of Nations/United Nations Building in Geneva to the bustling East Midtown Skyline in New York City, these structures serve as reminders of the organization's commitment to global unity. Throughout history, world leaders like Khrushchev and Castro have found themselves within the walls of the United Nations headquarters engaging in diplomatic discussions that shape our world today. Even American President Johnson recognized the significance of outer space exploration during a press conference held at the United Nations. Beyond politics and diplomacy, cities around the globe also pay tribute to this influential organization. Warsaw's Skysawa Skyscraper at Swietokrzyska Street proudly displays its connection to the United Nations Roundabout Metro Station Entrance at Rondo ONZ. Meanwhile, Gantry Plaza offers breathtaking views of Manhattan skyline where one can truly appreciate how interconnected nations are becoming. The United Nations remains an essential force for peacekeeping efforts worldwide while championing human rights for all individuals regardless of their background or nationality. As we continue striving towards a more inclusive future, let us remember that it is through collaboration under organizations like the UN that we can build bridges instead of walls on our journey towards global harmony.

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