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3 Sep 2015 Collection29 Items
4 Sep 2015 Collection2 Items
8 Sep 2015 Collection4 Items
10 Sep 2015 Collection20 Items
16 Sep 2015Bamboo plants. Labirinto della Masone labyrinth. Fontanellato. Emilia Romagna. Italy. Europe
Henri Cassiers Affiches D Art O De Rycker American Line SouthamptonHenri Cassiers, Affiches D Art O
Bamboo plants. Labirinto della Masone labyrinth. Fontanellato. Emilia Romagna. Italy. Europe
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein Bolls KindergarderobeG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, Bolls Kindergarderobe: Max Captuller Munich, paper, lithography, Total: Height: 124, 8 cm; Width: 91 cm
Hans Rudi Erdt Hollerbaum & Schmidt Internationale Ausstellung fur Reise- und Fremdenverkehr BerlinHans Rudi Erdt, Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Internationale Ausstellung fur Reise- und Fremdenverkehr Berlin 1911, paper, lithography, Total: Height: 124, 5 cm; Width: 93, 8 cm
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein Cafe Corso DusseldorfG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, Cafe Corso Dusseldorf, paper, lithograph, total: height: 125 cm; width: 91 cm, signed and inscribed: u. r
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein SarrasaniG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, Sarrasani, lithography, Total: Height: 91.3 cm; Width: 124.5 cm, signed and inscribed: top right in print: LUDWIG HOHLWEIN MUNCHEN, circus posters, camel
Ludwig Hohlwein Himmer Rumpler Schaufliegen UdetLudwig Hohlwein, Himmer, Rumpler Schaufliegen Udet - Greim, paper, lithography, total: height: 134 cm; width: 100 cm, signed: bottom right in the printing plate: LUDWIG HOHLWEIN, MUNICH
Ludwig Hohlwein Hermann Sonntag & Co RegensburgLudwig Hohlwein, Hermann Sonntag & Co, Regensburg the venerable Danube city, lithograph, total: height: 125 cm; width: 91, 5 cm, signed and inscribed: u. li
Hans Rudi Erdt United Art Institutes A. -G vormHans Rudi Erdt, United Art Institutes A.-G. vorm
Chromolithografia Seidner Geza Farago Carnevales IbolyaestChromolithografia Seidner, Geza Farago, Carnevales Ibolyaest a Gambrinusban, lithography, total: height: 126 cm; width: 95 cm, signed: top left in printing form: FARAG", event posters, carnival
Grafikai Intezet R. T Geza Farago Tungsram WolframlampaGrafikai Intezet R.T, Geza Farago, Tungsram Wolframlampa, lithography, total: height: 125 cm; width: 95 cm, signed: bottom left in the printing form: FARAG" GEZA
Anton Abraham van Anrooy Dangerfield Printing Company LtdAnton Abraham van Anrooy, Dangerfield Printing Company Ltd, St David s, Pembrokeshire, South Wales (G.W.R.), paper, lithography, total: height: 101 cm; width: 126, 5 cm, signed: im Druck u. r.: A
Imprimerie Devambez Leonetto Cappiello Cognac MonnetImprimerie Devambez, Leonetto Cappiello, Cognac Monnet, paper, lithography, total: height: 199 cm; width: 129, 7 cm, signed and dated: recto u. r
Walter Cyliax Gebr Fretz Graph Workshops Pour le MeubleWalter Cyliax, Gebr. Fretz Graph. Workshops, Pour le Meuble. Modernism
Emil Cardinaux J. C Muller AG Cigarettes orientalesEmil Cardinaux, J.C. Muller AG, Cigarettes orientales. Salome. Jean Sessler & Co, paper, lithography, total: height: 141 cm; width: 89.8 cm, signed and dated: recto u. li. in the printing plate: E
Walter Cyliax Gebr Fretz Graph Workshops Flower FestivalWalter Cyliax, Gebr. Fretz Graph. Workshops, Flower Festival. Flower parade with award ceremony
Graph Institution J E Wolfensberger Edgar BruggerGraph. Institution J. E. Wolfensberger, Edgar Brugger, The Colored City. Exhibition 1927. arts and crafts museum Zurich, paper, lithography, total: height: 128 cm; width: 90, 5 cm, signed: u. li
Jakob Bollschweiler Art Institut Orell FussSommerJakob Bollschweiler, Art. Institut Orell Fussli, Sommer in Graubunden, paper, lithograph, total: height: 105, 3 cm; width: 74, 3 cm, signed and inscribed: u. r
Imprimerie F Champenois Alfons Mucha JOB paperImprimerie F. Champenois, Alfons Mucha, JOB, paper, lithography, total: height: 153 cm; width: 98 cm, signed: u. li. Print: Mucha, product advertising (posters), cigarette, art nouveau
Valentin Zietara G Schuh & Cie Munich F P GlassValentin Zietara, G. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), F. P. Glass, F. Heubner, C. Moos, E. Preetorius, M. Schwarzer, W. Zietara Posters of the 6 are printed only by Vereinigte Druckereien G. Schuh & Cie
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Imp Edw Ancourt AmbassadeursHenri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Imp. Edw. Ancourt, Ambassadeurs - Aristide Bruant dans son cabaret, paper, lithography, Total: Height: 138 cm; Width: 96, 5 cm, signed: u. li
Ludwig Hohlwein Hermann Sonntag & Co A. D. A. C. -Reichsfahrt 1924Ludwig Hohlwein, Hermann Sonntag & Co, A.D.A.C.-Reichsfahrt 1924, lithography, Total: Height: 124, 8 cm; Width: 82 cm, signed and inscribed: top left in printing plate: LUDWIG HOHLWEIN, MUNICH
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein First Bavarian Antler Exhibition MunichG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, First Bavarian Antler Exhibition Munich, paper, lithography, Total: Height: 125 cm; Width: 91, 5 cm
Julius Klinger Hollerbaum & Schmidt La JoelaJulius Klinger, Hollerbaum & Schmidt, La Joela, lithography, total: height: 125 cm; width: 87, 5 cm, signed: bottom left in printing form: JULIUS KLINGER, product and business advertising (posters)
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein Kunstgewerbehaus Gebrueder WollweberG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, Kunstgewerbehaus Gebrueder Wollweber, Wiesbaden, paper, lithography, total: height: 124, 7 cm; width: 91 cm, signed and inscribed: u. li
Graph Institution J E Wolfensberger Ludwig HohlweinGraph. Institution J. E. Wolfensberger, Ludwig Hohlwein, Burger-Kehl & Co. Brand PKZ, paper, lithography, total: height: 129.7 cm; width: 89.7 cm, signed and inscribed: u. li
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein Gratwohl CigaretttenG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, Gratwohl Cigarettten, paper, lithography, total: height: 125 cm; width: 91 cm, signed and inscribed: u. li
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein Wilhelm Mozer Munchen-NordG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, Wilhelm Mozer Munchen-Nord, paper, lithography, total: height: 124.5 cm; width: 91.5 cm
Ausstellungshaus am Kurfurstendamm GmbH Thomas Theodor HeineAusstellungshaus am Kurfurstendamm GmbH, Thomas Theodor Heine, exhibition of the Secession Der Deutsche Kunstlerbund, Berlin 1905, paper, lithograph, total: height: 139, 7 cm; width: 95 cm
Francois Flameng Imprimerie Vieillemard Fils & CieFrancois Flameng, Imprimerie Vieillemard Fils & Cie, Almanach du Drapeau, paper, lithography, total: height: 134 cm; width: 102 cm, signed and dated: u. r
Julius Klinger Hollerbaum & Schmidt Kladderadatsch spreadJulius Klinger, Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Kladderadatsch spread all over the world, lithography, total: height: 140 cm; width: 95 cm, monogrammed: center right in printing form: K
Otto Obermeier G Schuh & Cie Munich Restaurant-PlatzlOtto Obermeier, G. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Restaurant-Platzl, paper, lithography, total: height: 124, 5 cm; width: 91, 3 cm, signed: u. r
Hans Rudi Erdt Vereinigte Kunstanstalten AG Hollandische Tee-Stube MunichHans Rudi Erdt, Vereinigte Kunstanstalten AG, Hollandische Tee-Stube Munich, lithography, Total: Height: 123 cm; Width: 89, 5 cm, signed and dated: bottom left in printing form: HANS RUDI ERDT 08
Hans Bohrdt Muhlmeister & Johler Red Star LineHans Bohrdt, Muhlmeister & Johler, Red Star Line: Antwerp - New York - Philadelphia, Paper, Chromolithography, Total: Height: 106.6 cm; Width: 73 cm, Product and business advertising (posters)
Munchener Graphische Kunstanstalt J G VelischMunchener Graphische Kunstanstalt J. G. Velisch, Albert Weisgerber, Sent Mahesa, paper, lithography, total: height: 125, 5 cm; width: 90 cm, signed and dated: u. r. in print: A
Utrillo & Rialp S. C Alexandre de Riquer Mosaicos Hidraulicos "rsolaUtrillo & Rialp S.C, Alexandre de Riquer, Mosaicos Hidraulicos " rsola, Sola y Cia, paper, lithography, total: height: 125 cm; width: 89 cm, signed and dated: in print u
Imprimerie Chaix Leonetto Cappiello Helene ChauvinImprimerie Chaix, Leonetto Cappiello, Helene Chauvin, paper, lithography, Total: height: 130, 5 cm; width: 94, 5 cm, signed and dated: recto upper left in print: LCappiello 1900, event posters
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein Akademie fur AviatikG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, Akademie fur Aviatik, Papier, Lithografie, Total: Height: 124, 7 cm; Width: 91, 3 cm, signed and inscribed:
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Imp Edw Ancourt Aristide Bruant dans son cabaretHenri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Imp. Edw. Ancourt, Aristide Bruant dans son cabaret, paper, lithograph, total: height: 137 cm; width: 101 cm, signed: u. li. in print: HTLautrec, monogrammed: u. li
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein Hermann ScherrerG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, Hermann Scherrer. Breechesmaker Sporting-Tailor Munich, paper, lithograph, total: height: 125 cm; width: 91 cm, signed and inscribed: u. r
Erich Erler-Samaden Klein & Volbert Winter BayernErich Erler-Samaden, Klein & Volbert, Winter in Bayern, paper, lithography, Total: height: 124, 5 cm; width: 90 cm, signed and inscribed: u. r
Daniel de Losques Imprimerie Ch Wall & Cie Theatre des VarietesDaniel de Losques, Imprimerie Ch. Wall & Cie, Theatre des Varietes: La Piste, paper, lithography, total: height: 153 cm; width: 119, 3 cm, signed: u. r
Imprimerie E Pichot Gustave de Fraipont Chemins de Fer d OrleansImprimerie E. Pichot, Gustave de Fraipont, Chemins de Fer d Orleans: Bains de Mer de Bretagne, paper, lithograph, Total: height: 149 cm; width: 109, 5 cm
Imprimerie Chaix Jules Cheret Le Rappel paperImprimerie Chaix, Jules Cheret, Le Rappel, paper, lithography, total: height: 176 cm; width: 123 cm, signed: lower left: JCheret, product advertising (posters), newspapers, magazines, drum
Caby & Chardin Maurice Lourdeys Schwarz Fanfan la TulipeCaby & Chardin, Maurice Lourdey, S. Schwarz, Fanfan la Tulipe, paper, lithography, total: height: 160 cm; width: 116 cm, signed: u. r
Imprimerie Fraipont et Moreau Gustave de FraipontImprimerie Fraipont et Moreau, Gustave de Fraipont, Chemin de Fer d Orleans: Excursions en Touraine et aux chateaux des bords de la Loire, paper, lithography, total: height: 133, 5 cm; width: 94
Georges Meunier Imprimerie Chaix Automobiles AderGeorges Meunier, Imprimerie Chaix, Automobiles Ader, paper, lithography, total: height: 110 cm; width: 157, 3 cm, signed: u. r
Etienne Moreau-Nelaton Imprimerie Charles VerneauEtienne Moreau-Nelaton, Imprimerie Charles Verneau, Exposition nationale de la ceramique et de tous les arts du feu, paper, lithograph, Total: height: 139, 7 cm; width: 99, 4 cm
Imprimerie Chaix Alexis Mossa L Hiver a NiceImprimerie Chaix, Alexis Mossa, L Hiver a Nice, paper, lithography, total: height: 169 cm; width: 116, 5 cm, signed: u. r
Imprimerie F Champenois Alfons Mucha Bieres de la MeuseImprimerie F. Champenois, Alfons Mucha, Bieres de la Meuse, paper, lithography, total: height: 154 cm; width: 104 cm, signed: u. li
Imprimerie du Nouveau Cirque Adolphe WilletteImprimerie du Nouveau Cirque, Adolphe Willette, Nouveau Cirque, paper, lithography, hand colored, total: height: 160, 5 cm; width: 121, 5 cm, signed: u. li
Adolphe Willette Imprimerie Charles Verneau Exposition Internationale des produits du commerce & de l industAdolphe Willette, Imprimerie Charles Verneau, Exposition Internationale des produits du commerce & de l industrie, paper, lithography, total: height: 139, 5 cm; width: 98, 7 cm, signed: u. r
Paul Kammuller Polygraphisches Institut AG exhibitionPaul Kammuller, Polygraphisches Institut AG, exhibition by artists of the Deutscher Werkbund Gewerbemuseum Basel, paper, lithography, total: height: 123, 3 cm; width: 87 cm, signed: im Druck u
Ferdinand Keller Art Gallery Grimme & HempelFerdinand Keller, Art Gallery Grimme & Hempel (Leipzig), Art Gallery Grimme & Hempel Leipzig
Alfred Mohrbutter Living pictures Krefeld providedAlfred Mohrbutter, Living pictures in Krefeld provided by Mr
Fritz Erler Oscar Consee Maze Redoute New AssociationFritz Erler, Oscar Consee, Maze
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein Damenconfektionshaus Mayer SundheimerG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, Damenconfektionshaus Mayer Sundheimer, paper, lithography, total: height: 125 cm; width: 91.5 cm, signed and dated: u. r
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein Yellowstone-ParkG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, Yellowstone-Park, lithography, Total: Height: 86, 4 cm; Width: 121 cm, signed and inscribed: top left in printing plate: LUDWIG HOHLWEIN MUNCHEN
G Schuh & Cie Munich Ludwig Hohlwein Hermann Scherrer SportingG. Schuh & Cie. (Munich), Ludwig Hohlwein, Hermann Scherrer Sporting and Ladies-Tailor Munich, lithography, Total: Height: 124, 5 cm; Width: 91 cm
Graph Anstalt J E Wolfensberger Emil CardinauxGraph. Anstalt J. E. Wolfensberger, Emil Cardinaux, Berna Kraftwagen, lithography, total: height: 128 cm; width: 89, 8 cm, signed: recto right centered in the printing plate: E
Graph Anstalt J E Wolfensberger Emil CardinauxGraph. Anstalt J. E. Wolfensberger, Emil Cardinaux, Jungfrau-Bahn, lithograph, total: height: 123.5 cm; width: 91.6 cm, signed: recto u. r. in the printing plate: E. CARDINAUX, inscribed: recto u
Graph Anstalt J E Wolfensberger Emil CardinauxGraph. Anstalt J. E. Wolfensberger, Emil Cardinaux, Swiss National Exhibition Bern 1914, paper, lithograph, total: height: 128, 2 cm; width: 90, 2 cm, signed: recto u. li