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7 Jul 2018The American flag heralds the flight of Apollo 11, the first Lunar landing mission
1 Jul 2018 Collection2 Items
2 Jul 2018 Collection2 Items
23 Jul 2018Jan Preisler Manes Unie Praha IX Vystava Spol
24 Jul 2018Willi Max Scheid Hartmann Reichsausstellung Deutscher Wein
14 Jul 2018A Map of the United States of America June 1942 illustrated map
25 Jul 2018Graph Anstalt J E Wolfensberger Emil Cardinaux
26 Jul 2018 Collection10 Items
27 Jul 2018 Collection5 Items
5 Jul 2018 Collection2 Items
Lonely tree on Taquile Island, Lake Titicaca
Jan Preisler Manes Unie Praha IX Vystava SpolJan Preisler, Manes, Unie Praha, IX. Vystava Spol. Vytv. Umel. Manes - Worpswede, paper, lithography, total: height: 80 cm; width: 111, 5 cm, exhibition posters, nature, trees, shrubs
Royal Air Force "Ventura" bombers blast Ijuiden steelworksVentura aircraft of the Royal Air Force Bomber Command, escorted by fighters, carried out a daylight attack on the Royal Dutch blast furnaces and steelworks at Ijmuiden, Holland, on February 13
Sound and light show at Notre Dame cathedral, Paris, France
Ku Wai Chan zen buddhist meal bowls in Paris, France
The American flag heralds the flight of Apollo 11, the first Lunar landing mission. The Apollo 11 Saturn V space vehicle lifted off with astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E
Jupp Wiertz Heidelberg paper offset lithographyJupp Wiertz, Heidelberg, paper, offset lithography, total: height: 84 cm; width: 59 cm, signed: recto u. r
Willi Max Scheid Hartmann Reichsausstellung Deutscher WeinWilli Max Scheid, Hartmann, Reichsausstellung Deutscher Wein - Weinbau, Weinhandel und verwandte Gewerbe
Jules Cheret Imprimerie Jules Cheret La Reine IndigoJules Cheret, Imprimerie Jules Cheret, La Reine Indigo. Musique de Johann Strauss, paper, lithograph, total: height: 72 cm; width: 54, 5 cm, signed: u. r
Jupp Wiertz Passion Plays Oberammergau 1934 paperJupp Wiertz, Passion Plays Oberammergau, 1934, paper, offset lithography, total: height: 102 cm; width: 63, 5 cm, signed: recto u. li
Jupp Wiertz Erasmusdruck Bruder Krause Besucht ThuringenJupp Wiertz, Erasmusdruck Bruder Krause, Besucht Thuringen - Das grune Herz Deutschlands, Paper, Offset lithography, Total: Height: 84 cm; Width: 59, 5 cm, signed: recto re. u
Jupp Wiertz German Romanticism Experiences old German cityJupp Wiertz, German Romanticism - Experiences the old German city, paper, offset lithography, total: height: 102 cm; width: 63, 5 cm, signed: recto u. r
Jupp Wiertz Erasmusdruck Bruder Krause Erlebe den HarzJupp Wiertz, Erasmusdruck Bruder Krause, Erlebe den Harz - Das Wunder des Deutschen Waldes, paper, offset lithography, total: height: 118, 4 cm; width: 83, 8 cm, signed: recto re
Jupp Wiertz Feengrotten Saalfeld Die naturfarbigen Tropfsteinhohlen im Thuringer WaldJupp Wiertz, Feengrotten Saalfeld - Die naturfarbigen Tropfsteinhohlen im Thuringer Wald, paper, offset lithography, Total: height: 84 cm; width: 59, 5 cm, signed: recto u. r
Jean d Ylen Hollerbaum & Schmidt Brasil CoffeeJean d Ylen, Hollerbaum & Schmidt, Brasil Coffee: For all the world, paper, lithography, Total: Height: 120 cm; Width: 80, 5 cm, signed: recto re
Lith Kunossy Budapest Geza Farago Torley paperLith Kunossy Budapest, Geza Farago, Torley, paper, lithography, total: height: 126 cm; width: 95 cm, signed: bottom right in printing plate: Farago Geza, product and business advertising (posters)
Egon Schiele Brothers Rosenbaum Shaw Irony BetterEgon Schiele, Brothers Rosenbaum, Shaw or the Irony - Better than Shakespeare - Dr. Egon Friedell, paper, lithography, Total: height: 63 cm; width: 36, 5 cm, monogrammed: lower right in plate: S
Ramon Casas i Carbo Utrillo & Rialp S. C J y MRamon Casas i Carbo, Utrillo & Rialp S.C, J. y M. Boada, S.C
Jan Theodoor Toorops Lankhout & Co Delftsche SlaolieJan Theodoor Toorop, S. Lankhout & Co, Delftsche Slaolie (Nederlandsche Oliefabriek Delft), lithography, total: height: 100, 10 cm; width: 71, 00 cm, monogrammed: lower right in print: J
Jupp Wiertz Germany Berlin night paper lithographyJupp Wiertz, Germany - Berlin by night, paper, lithography, type printing, total: height: 101 cm; width: 63, 5 cm, signed: recto u. r
Jupp Wiertz Auf der Reichsautobahn nach MannheimJupp Wiertz, Auf der Reichsautobahn nach Mannheim, paper, offset lithography, total: height: 101 cm; width: 63, 7 cm, signed: recto u. r
J P Biner Jupp Wiertz Aachen memorable wooded cityJ. P. Biner, Jupp Wiertz, Aachen - The memorable wooded city of Charlemagne
Ver Sacrum Koloman Moser Lithographische Anstalt Albert BergerVer Sacrum, Koloman Moser, Lithographische Anstalt Albert Berger, Secession V
Lonely cloud above Lake Titicaca
Cruising Lake Titicaca - water drops on a window
A Map of the United States of America June 1942 illustrated map
Jupp Wiertz German Romanticism Experiences old German cityJupp Wiertz, German Romanticism - Experiences the old German city, paper, offset lithography, total: height: 101, 5 cm; width: 63, 5 cm, signed: recto u. r
Graph Anstalt J E Wolfensberger Emil CardinauxGraph. Anstalt J. E. Wolfensberger, Emil Cardinaux, Zermatt - Matterhorn 4505m Switzerland, paper, lithography, total: height: 103, 7 cm; width: 72 cm, signed: in print bottom right in motif: E