Alexius Collection
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Alexius, a name that echoes through history, has been associated with various individuals and events across different centuries and regions. From Sir Alymer Hunter-Weston to Saint Alexius in 17th-century Germany, the name carries weight and significance. One notable figure linked to the name is Alexios Komnenos, depicted in a mosaic within Hagia Sophia. This artwork captures the essence of his presence and influence during that era. Another depiction showcases Grand Prince Dmitry Ivanovich welcoming Metropolitan Alexis in Moscow in 1357. The artist Boris Artemyevich Chorikov beautifully portrays this historical moment from the Illustrated Karamzin collection of 1836. The arrival of the Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir in Moscow during the mid-17th century further highlights Alexius' importance. A Russian icon artist skillfully captured this significant event, symbolizing devotion and spirituality. Saint Metropolitan Alexei of Moscow also finds his place among these illustrious figures. His image on a Russian icon from the 16th century reflects his revered status within religious circles. Transporting icons held great significance as well, as seen by Boris Artemyevich Chorikov's portrayal of moving Our Lady's icon from Vladimir to Moscow in 1395. This act represented unity and reverence for sacred artifacts throughout Russia's history. Dionisy's masterpiece depicting Metropolitan Alexius surrounded by scenes from his life adds another layer to understanding this enigmatic figure. Created around 1480, it serves as an artistic testament to his impact on society at that time. Even beyond historical contexts, individuals like Queen Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg have carried variations of the name "Alexius. " Their lives intertwine with stories yet untold but undoubtedly intriguing. Lastly, Otto Stiehl's sketch and photo album featuring St. Alexius provide glimpses into how this iconic figure has inspired artists across generations. Paderborn becomes a canvas for exploring the depths of Alexius' character and legacy.