Amazons Collection
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The Amazons, a legendary group of female warriors, have captivated the imagination for centuries. In Homeric cosmogony, they were said to be daughters of Ares and Harmonia, fierce and independent beings who embodied strength and power. Greek mythology often depicted epic battles between these formidable women and male warriors. One such depiction is an ancient limestone sculpture from the 8th-5th century BC, showcasing a Greek warrior locked in combat with an Amazon. The intricate details carved into the stone bring to life the intensity of their struggle. Another portrayal can be found on a marble sarcophagus discovered in Tel Mevorah. This masterpiece depicts a dramatic battle scene between Amazons, highlighting their prowess as fighters. The craftsmanship involved in creating this piece is truly awe-inspiring. Moving beyond Greece, we encounter another representation - this time from Dahomey (present-day Benin). Coloured engravings showcase not only their skills as warriors but also their role as witch doctors within their society. These images provide valuable insights into the rich cultural traditions of Dahomey. It also feature prominently in classical mythologies like that of Herakles (Hercules). Tales recount his encounters with these fierce women during his quests for glory and honor. In more recent times, artists have used caricature illustrations to explore different aspects of femininity through the lens of "the Amazons. " H. M Bateman's satirical illustration portrays three determined women marching through rain with unwavering resolve – offering commentary on modern feminism. Statues depicting they are still be found today across Rome, Italy. These sculptures pay homage to those historical legends where women fought alongside men on equal footing – challenging societal norms even then. Renowned artist Rubens immortalized the Battle of the Amazons in his painting from 1616-1618.