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Battles And Campaigns Collection

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A busy scene on West Beach, Suvla Point two days prior to the evacuation of Gallipoli

A busy scene on West Beach, Suvla Point two days prior to the evacuation of Gallipoli

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: RAF Attack on Italian Submarine. Circa August 1942 While carrying out a patorol in

RAF Attack on Italian Submarine. Circa August 1942 While carrying out a patorol in the Western Mediterranean a Sunderland flying boat of Coastal Command surpised an Italian Submarine on the surface

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: General Allenby takes the salute after the reading of the Proclamation of Occupation

General Allenby takes the salute after the reading of the Proclamation of Occupation from the steps at the base of the Tower of David (El Kala, the Citadel) Jerusalem

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The Three Musketeers, A Flanders silhouette. 3rd September 1917 The silhouette is

The Three Musketeers, A Flanders silhouette. 3rd September 1917 The silhouette is suggestive of one of Captain Bairnsfathers pictures

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Consolidated PBY Catalina Flying Boat

Consolidated PBY Catalina Flying Boat

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The remains of a Vickers Mk VIB light tank close to the scene of the El Alamein

The remains of a Vickers Mk VIB light tank close to the scene of the El Alamein battlefield 29th May 1976

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The remains of a Crusader tank close to the scene of the El Alamein battlefield 29th May

The remains of a Crusader tank close to the scene of the El Alamein battlefield 29th May 1976

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Sheikh Mahmud of the Bani Tamim Tribe (looking into camera

Sheikh Mahmud of the Bani Tamim Tribe (looking into camera) seen here with friends and followers following the fall of Baghdad to the British. Circa 20th March 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A British army pontoon bridge built across the Tigris River at Baghdad following the fall

A British army pontoon bridge built across the Tigris River at Baghdad following the fall of the city on the 17th March 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Sheikh Mahmud of the Bani Tamim Tribe seen here with friends

Sheikh Mahmud of the Bani Tamim Tribe seen here with friends and followers following the fall of Baghdad to the British. Circa 20th March 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A long the roads leading to Antwerp an everlasting stream of civilians may be seen flying

A long the roads leading to Antwerp an everlasting stream of civilians may be seen flying before the German shells

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Belgian gun dog teams take a rest on the road to Hofstade 28th September 1914

Belgian gun dog teams take a rest on the road to Hofstade 28th September 1914

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Belgian mounted gendarmerie seen here on patrol during the advance of the German army

Belgian mounted gendarmerie seen here on patrol during the advance of the German army during the summer of 1914. 8th September 1914

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The Air Landing cameraman, glider-borne, Capt. P. Fletcher with the 1st Airborne Division

The Air Landing cameraman, glider-borne, Capt. P. Fletcher with the 1st Airborne Division near Sousse. 9th July 1943

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Just as they were about to escape from Gabes, this truck full of Italian soldiers were

Just as they were about to escape from Gabes, this truck full of Italian soldiers were intercepted in the town

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Picture taken from ground level in Hamburg shows - devastation resulting from R. A. F

Picture taken from ground level in Hamburg shows - devastation resulting from R. A. F
Picture taken from ground level in Hamburg shows - devastation resulting from R.A.F. and U.S.A.A.F. bomber onslaughts in July and August 1943

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A busy scene on West Beach, Suvla Point twenty four hours prior to the evacuation of

A busy scene on West Beach, Suvla Point twenty four hours prior to the evacuation of Gallipoli

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: General Allenby leaving by the Jaffa Gate for advanced General Head Quarters after

General Allenby leaving by the Jaffa Gate for advanced General Head Quarters after attending the official entry into Jerusalem. The city had surrendered to the Allied forces on the 9th December 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Shells bursting in the distance on newly captured ground taken from the main road to

Shells bursting in the distance on newly captured ground taken from the main road to Zonnebeke during the Battle of the Menin Road Ridge, part of the Passendaele campaign. 20 September 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Daily Mirror war correspondent handing out copies to the troops on the Normandy invasion

Daily Mirror war correspondent handing out copies to the troops on the Normandy invasion beaches. 13th June 1944

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Operation Market Garden 17th - 25th September 1944 Supplies are dropped to British

Operation Market Garden 17th - 25th September 1944 Supplies are dropped to British airborne troops who landed by gliders close to the Dutch town of Arnhem

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Stafford Street, Bedminster during the blitz. Blitz Between 24 November 1940

Stafford Street, Bedminster during the blitz. Blitz Between 24 November 1940 and 11 April 1941 there were six major bombing raids on Bristol

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Fairey Swordfish armed with eight '60 lb'RP-3 rockets

Fairey Swordfish armed with eight "60 lb"RP-3 rockets
Fairey Swordfish armed with eight " 60 lb" RP-3 rockets

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Operation Market Garden: Private A J Morgan of 143 Water Street, Port Talbot

Operation Market Garden: Private A J Morgan of 143 Water Street, Port Talbot, and Private M F Thomas, of 15 Whitemill Terrace, Johnstown, Carmarthen

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Th U. S. Marine memorial surrounded by miniature American flags on 'Bloody Ridge

Th U. S. Marine memorial surrounded by miniature American flags on "Bloody Ridge
Th U.S. Marine memorial surrounded by miniature American flags on " Bloody Ridge, scene of some of the most fierce fighting during the Battle for Guadacanal

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Children playing near a weed strewn Buffalo LVT American tank in a potato field

Children playing near a weed strewn Buffalo LVT American tank in a potato field on Guadalcanal

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Doctors tend a wounded soldier of the 81st West African Division in an improvised

Doctors tend a wounded soldier of the 81st West African Division in an improvised operating theatre in the Kaladan Valley, Burma. A parachute is used as a roof. 6th September 1944

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The French Stores Depot at Seddul Bahr, Gallipoli in the background. Circa May 1915

The French Stores Depot at Seddul Bahr, Gallipoli in the background. Circa May 1915

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A scene in a village beyond Baghdad as the British army advance in Mesopotamia

A scene in a village beyond Baghdad as the British army advance in Mesopotamia. These villages with their mud huts and the palm trees are extremely picturesque. Circa June 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A scene in a village beyond Baghdad as the British army advance in Mesopotamia

A scene in a village beyond Baghdad as the British army advance in Mesopotamia. These villages with their mud huts and the palm trees are extremely picturesque. Circa June 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The French Stores Depot at Seddul Bahr, Gallipoli in the background. Circa May 1915

The French Stores Depot at Seddul Bahr, Gallipoli in the background. Circa May 1915

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Arabs seen here working in a palm grove after the floods

Arabs seen here working in a palm grove after the floods. They are preparing a new site for a camp for the Indian troops. Circa January 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A British translator delivers General Shores speech to Cossack troops in Mesopotamia

A British translator delivers General Shores speech to Cossack troops in Mesopotamia April 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: British Royal Marines on guard in the Dardanelles. Circa June 1915

British Royal Marines on guard in the Dardanelles. Circa June 1915

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Soldiers making up a fatigue party seen here landing stores from a lighter whilst

Soldiers making up a fatigue party seen here landing stores from a lighter whilst engineers construct a light railway at " A" West Beach, Suvla Point. Circa May 1915

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Turkish trenches captured at Sannaiyat by the 7th Indian Division as they push towards

Turkish trenches captured at Sannaiyat by the 7th Indian Division as they push towards Baghdad. 25 February 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Keeping in touch with home. This simple post box has been made out of a dis-used

Keeping in touch with home. This simple post box has been made out of a dis-used cartridge box so the troops in the Dardanelles can keep in toucj with loved ones back home. Circa May 1915

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A busy scene on West Beach, Suvla Point a day prior to the evacuation of Gallipoli

A busy scene on West Beach, Suvla Point a day prior to the evacuation of Gallipoli

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Some of the wounded from the first day of the Somme offensive seen here in hospital back

Some of the wounded from the first day of the Somme offensive seen here in hospital back in the United Kingdom being served lunch on the ward. 12th July 1916

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Soldier prepares early morning tea at Suvla Bay during the evacuation

Soldier prepares early morning tea at Suvla Bay during the evacuation. Circa December 1915

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A wounded British soldier seen outside a hospital hut close to the Shatt al

A wounded British soldier seen outside a hospital hut close to the Shatt al Arab waterway in Mesopotamia before being evacuated by Hospital ship. Circa December 1914

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A general view taken from the bridge of the SS River Clyde of the French Depot at Seddul

A general view taken from the bridge of the SS River Clyde of the French Depot at Seddul Bahr

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Indian troops seen here on the banks of the Shatt al

Indian troops seen here on the banks of the Shatt al Arab waterway during the Mesopotamia campaign. Circa December 1914

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The ANZACS at rest time. Australian quarters just behind the front line trenches

The ANZACS at rest time. Australian quarters just behind the front line trenches
The ANZACS at rest time

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The M. L. O. at Suvla, meeting the Commission of four Russian Officers who visited

The M. L. O. at Suvla, meeting the Commission of four Russian Officers who visited the Peninsula at the end of August 1915

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Officers mess on the Gallipoli peninsula. Dinner being prepared at the entrance to their

Officers mess on the Gallipoli peninsula. Dinner being prepared at the entrance to their dugout whilst officers gossip about the days action. Circa May 1915

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: General Gourand, Commander-In-Chief of the French forces in the Dardanelles

General Gourand, Commander-In-Chief of the French forces in the Dardanelles, and General de Amade, leaving on board a French destroyer

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Arab soldiers seen here manning the gun battery at Fort Jelana at Muscat. Circa 1916

Arab soldiers seen here manning the gun battery at Fort Jelana at Muscat. Circa 1916

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A general view taken from the bridge of the SS River Clyde of the French Depot at Sedd el

A general view taken from the bridge of the SS River Clyde of the French Depot at Sedd el Bahr. Circa May 1915

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The French Stores Depot at Seddull Bahr, Cape Helles, Gallipoli in the background

The French Stores Depot at Seddull Bahr, Cape Helles, Gallipoli in the background. Circa May 1915

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: British soldiers and engineers working on the quay at Suvla Bay just a day before

British soldiers and engineers working on the quay at Suvla Bay just a day before the evacuation. Normal working routines where kept up right until the evacuation to deceive the enemy

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Indian troops under the direction of British officers unload a barge on the Tigris River

Indian troops under the direction of British officers unload a barge on the Tigris River in Mesopotamia. Circa May 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: British soldiers laying the foundation for field gun emplacements in Mesopotamia Circa

British soldiers laying the foundation for field gun emplacements in Mesopotamia Circa 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: First Battle of Scarpe. Members of a British artillery company seen here positioning an

First Battle of Scarpe. Members of a British artillery company seen here positioning an 18 pound field artillery piece in Arras Cemetery. 12th April 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Horses and men of 1st Anzac Corps seen here in Ypres during the Third Battle of Ypres

Horses and men of 1st Anzac Corps seen here in Ypres during the Third Battle of Ypres. 23rd October 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The Third Battle of Ypres. The Ypres-Zonnebeke Road; men filling in recent shell-holes

The Third Battle of Ypres. The Ypres-Zonnebeke Road; men filling in recent shell-holes, showing wrecked transport and their split loads of shells. 30 September 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: 'Spurlos Versenkt'sunk with out trace. The wake of the torpedo leads from

"Spurlos Versenkt"sunk with out trace. The wake of the torpedo leads from
" Spurlos Versenkt" sunk with out trace. The wake of the torpedo leads from the bows of the German submarine U35 to claim another allied ship

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The 12th Gloucesters moving up in support in open order near Ginchy during the Battle of

The 12th Gloucesters moving up in support in open order near Ginchy during the Battle of Morval 25 September 1916. Evaluation Scan

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Troops of the British Fourth Army seen here advancing through no-man

Troops of the British Fourth Army seen here advancing through no-mans land during their advance on Morval. 25th September 1916

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Canadian soldiers loading a shell into a 15 inch howitzer during an intense artillery

Canadian soldiers loading a shell into a 15 inch howitzer during an intense artillery bombardment prior to the beginning of The Battle of Flers-Courcelette phase of the Battle of the Somme in

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Belgian artillery battery un-limbering guns near Dendermonde circa 5th September 1914

Belgian artillery battery un-limbering guns near Dendermonde circa 5th September 1914

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: A supplies are brought up to the front lines over a newly captured road during the Battle

A supplies are brought up to the front lines over a newly captured road during the Battle of Arras Circa April 17th 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Vets seen here treating a horse wounded in action at the British Verterinary hospital in

Vets seen here treating a horse wounded in action at the British Verterinary hospital in France

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Belgian Lancers seen here during the defence of Antwerp 28th September 1914

Belgian Lancers seen here during the defence of Antwerp 28th September 1914

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Belgian cavalry seen here in operation close to Hofstade 28th September 1914

Belgian cavalry seen here in operation close to Hofstade 28th September 1914

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Battle of Audegem. Belgian scout brings in reports of the German advance on Antwerp 28th

Battle of Audegem. Belgian scout brings in reports of the German advance on Antwerp 28th September 1914

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Schooneraende, Belgian refugees driving bullock wagon fleeing the advancing German army

Schooneraende, Belgian refugees driving bullock wagon fleeing the advancing German army. Circa September 1914

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Belgian civilians help the Belgian military during the German advance by driving gun

Belgian civilians help the Belgian military during the German advance by driving gun carriages. 8th September 1914

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Belgian gun dog teams take a rest and take food on the road to Hofstade 28th September

Belgian gun dog teams take a rest and take food on the road to Hofstade 28th September 1914

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Artillery shells being unloaded during the Somme Campaign Circa October 1916

Artillery shells being unloaded during the Somme Campaign Circa October 1916

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Survivors from a torpedoed merchant ship who survived in the water for a day

Survivors from a torpedoed merchant ship who survived in the water for a day and a night about to be be picked up by a rescue ship. circa January 1918

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The taking of Vimy Ridge Easter Monday, the 9th of April, 1917

The taking of Vimy Ridge Easter Monday, the 9th of April, 1917. Canadian troops seen here advancing over no mans land and through the German barbed wire whilst under fire

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: British troops passing tanks in a French village close to Amiens following the German

British troops passing tanks in a French village close to Amiens following the German Kaiserschlacht offensive on 21 March 1918

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: British troops waiting to attack Beaumont Hamel in a support trench during

British troops waiting to attack Beaumont Hamel in a support trench during the preliminary bombardment, 1st July 1916. Note scaling ladders across trench

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Canadian bombardment attempting to cut the wire on the Somme Front. 26th July 1916

Canadian bombardment attempting to cut the wire on the Somme Front. 26th July 1916

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Sappers seen here clearing the ground for a howitzer during the Third Battle of Ypres

Sappers seen here clearing the ground for a howitzer during the Third Battle of Ypres Circa August 1917

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Labour Battalion repairing a road near Mametz over recently captured ground, August 1916

Labour Battalion repairing a road near Mametz over recently captured ground, August 1916

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The oil tanker Herbert L Pratt seen here shortly after being mined 4 miles from Cape

The oil tanker Herbert L Pratt seen here shortly after being mined 4 miles from Cape Henlopen, Delaware; 2.5 miles South East of the Overfalls Lightship

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: The road from from Auchonvillers to Beaumont Hamel clogged with transports

The road from from Auchonvillers to Beaumont Hamel clogged with transports and heavy artillery, in the closing stages of the Somme campaign

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Australian pioneers of the 1st and 2nd Australian division at work behind the lines near

Australian pioneers of the 1st and 2nd Australian division at work behind the lines near Fleurbaix, just south of the town Armenti?res

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: British artillery barrage on German trenches on the Somme. Circa 19th July 1916

British artillery barrage on German trenches on the Somme. Circa 19th July 1916

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: Shrapnel bursting over Canadian troops sheltering in a reserve trench during the The

Shrapnel bursting over Canadian troops sheltering in a reserve trench during the The Battle of Flers Courcelette 15 - 22 September. A battle within the Battle for the Somme. 20th September 1916

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: British artillery shells seen bursting on the German front line trenches during the open

British artillery shells seen bursting on the German front line trenches during the open days of the Somme Campaign. 1st July 1916

Background imageBattles And Campaigns Collection: May 31, 1916: The two shattered halves of HMS Invincible the flagship of the 3rd

May 31, 1916: The two shattered halves of HMS Invincible the flagship of the 3rd Battlecruiser Squadron temporarily standing on the seabed after a German shell detonated the midships magazines

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In the midst of battles and campaigns, Sheikh Mahmud of the Bani Tamim Tribe stands tall, surrounded by loyal friends. Their unwavering support fuels his determination to protect their land and heritage. Along the roads leading to Antwerp, a heartbreaking sight unfolds as an everlasting stream of civilians flee from the horrors of war. Fear etched on their faces, they seek solace in distant lands, leaving behind everything they once held dear. Amidst chaos and destruction, Belgian gun dog teams find respite on the road to Hofstade. These faithful companions provide comfort amidst the turmoil, reminding soldiers that even in war's darkest moments, there is still room for compassion. The German army advances relentlessly as Belgian mounted gendarmerie patrol diligently. With steely resolve in their eyes and courage coursing through their veins, these brave men stand firm against an overwhelming force determined to conquer their homeland. Captured through a lens suspended mid-air within a glider-borne aircraft is Capt. P. Fletcher with the 1st Airborne Division. A pioneer in aerial photography during battles and campaigns; he fearlessly captures history unfolding beneath him while defying gravity itself. Trapped at Gabes' doorstep were Italian soldiers yearning for freedom until fate intervened cruelly - a truck full of hope dashed against insurmountable odds. War spares no one its wrathful grasp; it takes lives indiscriminately without remorse or mercy. A ground-level snapshot from Hamburg reveals unimaginable devastation caused by RAF bombings - buildings reduced to rubble and lives shattered beyond repair. The price paid for victory leaves scars etched upon cities forever changed by conflict's relentless grip. In August 1942, amidst turbulent waters lies an RAF attack on an Italian submarine - a testament to bravery soaring above treacherous waves as pilots risk all for victory below sea level's depths. In this battle beneath azure skies hides untold heroism and sacrifice.

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