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Butterfly Collection

Background imageButterfly Collection: Ornithoptera alexandrae, Queen Alexandras birdwing butterfly

Ornithoptera alexandrae, Queen Alexandras birdwing butterfly
A mounted specimen of Queen Alexandras birdwing butterfly from Papua New Guinea. Male specimen measuring 188 mm across wingtips. See 14964 for the female which is larger

Background imageButterfly Collection: Giacomo Puccini (1858 -1924) Italian composer of operas. Poster for Madama Butterfly

Giacomo Puccini (1858 -1924) Italian composer of operas. Poster for Madama Butterfly (Madame Butterfly) an opera in three acts, with an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa

Background imageButterfly Collection: Insects of Surinam

Insects of Surinam
Plate 7 from Dissertatio de Generatione et Metamorphosibus Insectorum Surinamensium (1726) by Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717) & Johanna Helena Herolt (1668-1773)

Background imageButterfly Collection: Mountain Blue Swallowtail of Australia, Papilio ulysses

Mountain Blue Swallowtail of Australia, Papilio ulysses

Background imageButterfly Collection: Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian

Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), German-born naturalist and scientific illustrator, engraved by J Mulder, from a visit to Suriname, South America

Background imageButterfly Collection: Camberwell beauty - on honeysuckle

Camberwell beauty - on honeysuckle
VG-231 Camberwell Beauty / Mourning Cloak Butterfly - on honeysuckle Nymphalis antiopa Paul Van Gaalen Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageButterfly Collection: Insects of Surinam

Insects of Surinam
Plate 9 from Dissertatio de Generatione et Metamorphosibus Insectorum Surinamensium (1726) by Maria Sybilla Merian (1647-1717) & Johanna Helena Herolt (1668-1773)

Background imageButterfly Collection: Two monarch butterflies rest for a moment in a garden of flowers. Px291

Two monarch butterflies rest for a moment in a garden of flowers. Px291
TOM-1055 Wanderer / MONARCH / Milkweed Butterflies - resting in garden of flowers

Background imageButterfly Collection: Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian

Butterfly illustration by Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717), German-born naturalist and scientific illustrator, engraved by P Sluyter, from a visit to Suriname, South America

Background imageButterfly Collection: Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) on a plant, sunbathing

Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) on a plant, sunbathing

Background imageButterfly Collection: British Butterflies - Various

British Butterflies - Various - including: Chalk Hill Blue Butterfly (male), Wood White Butterfly, Purple Hairstreak Butterfly (female), Purple Hairstreak Butterfly (at rest)

Background imageButterfly Collection: Sea green swallowtail butterfly

Sea green swallowtail butterfly
Sea green swallowtail (Papilio lorquinianus) butterfly. This butterfly is found in Indonesia, Sulawesi, Borneo, Java, Sumatra and in the Philippines

Background imageButterfly Collection: Red Admiral Butterfly-feeding upon Buddlia in garden. Lower Saxony, Germany

Red Admiral Butterfly-feeding upon Buddlia in garden. Lower Saxony, Germany
USH-1732 Red Admiral Butterfly - feeding upon Buddelia in garden. Lower Saxony, Germany

Background imageButterfly Collection: Consequences, illustration by William Heath Robinson

Consequences, illustration by William Heath Robinson
Consequences -- How the thoughtlessness of a butterfly seriously affected a bishops corn, illustration by William Heath Robinson. Credit must appear as: Courtesy of Mrs J. C

Background imageButterfly Collection: Red Admiral -Vanessa atalanta- in search of nectar on Common Boneset

Red Admiral -Vanessa atalanta- in search of nectar on Common Boneset, Agueweed or Feverwort -Eupatorium-, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageButterfly Collection: Phoebis sennae, cloudless sulphur butterfly

Phoebis sennae, cloudless sulphur butterfly
Photograph of a mounted specimen of cloudless sulphur. Male. Species occurs on the Galapagos Islands

Background imageButterfly Collection: Common blue butterflies (Polyommatus icarus) basking in the morning light

Common blue butterflies (Polyommatus icarus) basking in the morning light, Vealand Farm, Devon, UK. July

Background imageButterfly Collection: Papillons - butterflies

Papillons - butterflies
Variety of butterflies and moths. Date: 1930

Background imageButterfly Collection: Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) with open wings

Red Admiral butterfly (Vanessa atalanta) with open wings

Background imageButterfly Collection: Illustration of butterflies and green caterpillars on plant and flower stems

Illustration of butterflies and green caterpillars on plant and flower stems

Background imageButterfly Collection: Entomological specimens of Lepidoptera

Entomological specimens of Lepidoptera
Unidentified photograph of mounted specimens of butterflies and moths

Background imageButterfly Collection: Inachis io, peacock butterfly

Inachis io, peacock butterfly
Plate 23 from Illustrations of British butterflies and their larvae, with the plants on which they feed, by Theo Johnson, 1892

Background imageButterfly Collection: Morpho cypris, blue morpho butterfly

Morpho cypris, blue morpho butterfly
Butterfly from Central America. South America. Specimen on display at the Natural History Museum at Tring, part of the Natural History Museum, London

Background imageButterfly Collection: Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly
JZ-2729 Wanderer / MONARCH / Milkweed Butterfly USA Danaus plexippus Jim Zipp Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageButterfly Collection: Peacock Butterfly- 2 feeding on Buddleia plant blossom, Lower Saxony, Germany

Peacock Butterfly- 2 feeding on Buddleia plant blossom, Lower Saxony, Germany
USH-2025 Peacock Butterfly - 2 feeding on Buddleia plant blossom Lower Saxony

Background imageButterfly Collection: The Blue Butterfly by Muriel Dawson

The Blue Butterfly by Muriel Dawson -- a little girl and her dog walk by the sea. Date: 1953

Background imageButterfly Collection: Angel with halo and butterfly wings playing harp

Angel with halo and butterfly wings playing harp

Background imageButterfly Collection: The Butterfly by Barribal

The Butterfly by Barribal
Gorgeous and sumptuous illustration by William Barribal featuring a woman dressed as a butterfly. Date: 1914

Background imageButterfly Collection: Butterflies and flowers on a palette-shaped Christmas card

Butterflies and flowers on a palette-shaped Christmas card
Butterflies and flowers with a snow scene on a palette-shaped Christmas card. Date: circa 1890s

Background imageButterfly Collection: Painted lady butterfly C016 / 2299

Painted lady butterfly C016 / 2299
Painted lady (Vanessa cardui) butterfly. This butterfly is found in Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia. Specimen obtained from the University of Valencia, Spain

Background imageButterfly Collection: H. W. Bates illustrated notebooks

H. W. Bates illustrated notebooks
Plate 7 from a notebook of Henry W. Bates (1825-92) relating to the insect fauna of the Amazon Valley or DRW, 1851-1854

Background imageButterfly Collection: Sky writing - Happy Birthday - written in the clouds - with Butterflies

Sky writing - Happy Birthday - written in the clouds - with Butterflies
A-016-m Sky writing - Happy Birthday - written in the clouds - with Butterflies Digital Manipulated image Ardea London contact details: tel: +44 (0) 20 8318 1401

Background imageButterfly Collection: Wanderer / Monarch / Milkweed Butterfly - caterpillar

Wanderer / Monarch / Milkweed Butterfly - caterpillar
LB-3393 Wanderer / Monarch / Milkweed Butterfly - caterpillar Danaus plexippus Ian Beames Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageButterfly Collection: Monarch / Wanderer / Milkweed Butterfly

Monarch / Wanderer / Milkweed Butterfly
FG-4751 Wanderer / Monarch / Milkweed Butterfly Overwintering, after migration

Background imageButterfly Collection: Peacock BUTTERFLY

ME-673 Peacock BUTTERFLY Inachis io Johan De Meester Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageButterfly Collection: CLY02021

AUS-243 Wanderer / MONARCH / Milkweed Butterfly - female, on Sunflower (Helianthus sp.) Sydney, New South Wales

Background imageButterfly Collection: BUTTERFLY WING - close-up of wing

BUTTERFLY WING - close-up of wing
PPG-20 BUTTERFLY WING - close-up of wing, Cethosia Pascal Goetgheluck Please note that prints are personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageButterfly Collection: Madame Butterfly Poster

Madame Butterfly Poster

Background imageButterfly Collection: Curtis British Entomology Plate 304

Curtis British Entomology Plate 304
Lepidoptera: Paucalia woodiella = Euclemensia woodiella (Manchester Tinea) [Plant: Cephalanthera damosonium (Epipactis grandiflora L. or E. pallens Swartz, White Epipactis)] Date: 1824-39

Background imageButterfly Collection: Butterflies, 19th century. Creator: Unknown

Butterflies, 19th century. Creator: Unknown
Butterflies, 19th century. Top Left: Wall Butterfly, Underside. Top right: Hedge Brown. Top centre: Speckled Wood, Underside. Middle left: Speckled Wood. Middle right: Ringlet

Background imageButterfly Collection: Red admiral butterfly, Vanessa atalanta

Red admiral butterfly, Vanessa atalanta.. Handcolored copperplate zoological engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodders The Naturalists Miscellany, 1792

Background imageButterfly Collection: Blue Crow Butterfly, Euphoea mulciber subvisaya

Blue Crow Butterfly, Euphoea mulciber subvisaya

Background imageButterfly Collection: Pharmacophagus antenor, giant swallowtail

Pharmacophagus antenor, giant swallowtail
Giant swallowtail butterfly and the common rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae). Plate 15 from Insects of India by Edward Donovan (1768-1837)

Background imageButterfly Collection: Butterflies from the Amazon by H. W. Bates

Butterflies from the Amazon by H. W. Bates
A page (p 144) from a notebook of Henry W. Bates relating to the insect fauna of the Amazon Valley or DRW, 1851-1854

Background imageButterfly Collection: Painted lady butterfly life cycle F007 / 6614

Painted lady butterfly life cycle F007 / 6614
Painted lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui) life cycle

Background imageButterfly Collection: Entomological specimens of Lepidoptera

Entomological specimens of Lepidoptera
Unidentified photograph of mounted specimens of butterflies and moths

Background imageButterfly Collection: Caprimulgus vociferus, whip-poor-will

Caprimulgus vociferus, whip-poor-will
Plate 82 from John James Audubons Birds of America, original double elephant folio (1827-30), hand-coloured aquatint. Engraved, printed and coloured by R. Havell (& Son), London

Background imageButterfly Collection: Camberwell Beauty - resting on bramble 005780

Camberwell Beauty - resting on bramble 005780
BB-1533 Camberwell Beauty / Mourning Cloak Butterfly - resting on bramble Nymphalis antiopa Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only

Background imageButterfly Collection: El Segundo Blue Butterfly

El Segundo Blue Butterfly
MOP-70 El Segundo Blue Butterfly Euphilotes battoides allyni B Moose Peterson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageButterfly Collection: Two-tailed Pasha / Foxy Charaxes

Two-tailed Pasha / Foxy Charaxes
PPG-1620 Twin-tailed / Two-tailed Pasha / Foxy Charaxes Charaxes jasius Pascal Goetgheluck Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageButterfly Collection: Ornithoptera alexandrae, Queen Alexandras birdwing butterfl

Ornithoptera alexandrae, Queen Alexandras birdwing butterfl
Digital image of the upperside of a mounted specimen of a Queen Alexandras birdwing butterfly from the family Papilionidae

Background imageButterfly Collection: Swallowtail - on flower wings closed 005765

Swallowtail - on flower wings closed 005765
BB-1515 Swallowtail - on flower wings closed Papilio machaon Brian Bevan Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageButterfly Collection: Orange-tip butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines), male on Cuckooflower (Cardamine pratensis)

Orange-tip butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines), male on Cuckooflower (Cardamine pratensis). Brackagh Moss National Nature Reserve, Portadown, County Armagh, Republic of Ireland. May

Background imageButterfly Collection: Beautiful Orange Monarch Butterfly

Beautiful Orange Monarch Butterfly
Beautiful orange, yellow, and black vector Monarch Butterfly

Background imageButterfly Collection: Little girl with butterfly by Muriel Dawson

Little girl with butterfly by Muriel Dawson
A little girl finds that a butterfly has landed on her posy of flowers, by Muriel Dawson. Date: circa 1940s

Background imageButterfly Collection: Cabbage White Butterflies

Cabbage White Butterflies Date: 1868

Background imageButterfly Collection: Still Life with Fruit, 1700-1749. Creator: Jan van Huysum

Still Life with Fruit, 1700-1749. Creator: Jan van Huysum
Still Life with Fruit, 1700-1749

Background imageButterfly Collection: RF - Apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo) nectaring on flower. North Tyrol, Austria

RF - Apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo) nectaring on flower. North Tyrol, Austria. June. Focus stacked image. (This image may be licensed either as rights managed or royalty free.)

Background imageButterfly Collection: Cairns birdwing butterfly (Ornithoptera euphorion) male resting on leaf

Cairns birdwing butterfly (Ornithoptera euphorion) male resting on leaf. Kuranda Butterfly Sanctuary, Queensland, Australia. Captive

Background imageButterfly Collection: Insects, c1910. Creator: Unknown

Insects, c1910. Creator: Unknown
Insects, c1910. Insects, invertebrates with exoskeletons, are the most diverse group of animals, over 90% of all animal life forms on Earth are insects

Background imageButterfly Collection: Small pearl-bordered fritillary (Boloria selene) butterfly on oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)

Small pearl-bordered fritillary (Boloria selene) butterfly on oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), Marsland mouth, North Devon, UK. May 2017

Background imageButterfly Collection: European swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon gorganus) on flower

European swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon gorganus) on flower, Mercantour National Park, Provence, France, June

Background imageButterfly Collection: Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) roosting on larval foodplant Ribwort plantain

Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) roosting on larval foodplant Ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata), UK - Captive - Focus Stacked Image

Background imageButterfly Collection: Small pearl-bordered fritillary butterfly (Boloria selene), Marsland mouth, Cornwall, UK

Small pearl-bordered fritillary butterfly (Boloria selene), Marsland mouth, Cornwall, UK. JUne 2016

Background imageButterfly Collection: Large Blue Butterflies

Large Blue Butterflies Date: 1868

Background imageButterfly Collection: Illustration of life cycle of Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio machaon) from pupa and caterpillar

Illustration of life cycle of Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio machaon) from pupa and caterpillar, to adult butterfly

Background imageButterfly Collection: Caterpillar, Elephant Hawk-moth -Deilephila elpenor-, Emsland, Lower Saxony, Germany

Caterpillar, Elephant Hawk-moth -Deilephila elpenor-, Emsland, Lower Saxony, Germany

Background imageButterfly Collection: Holly Blue Butterfly - Spain

Holly Blue Butterfly - Spain
DAC-883 Holly Blue Butterfly Spain Celastrina argiolus David Chapman Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way

Background imageButterfly Collection: Morpho rhetenor, blue morpho butterfly

Morpho rhetenor, blue morpho butterfly
Illustrative plate of a blue morpho butterfly from Insects of China by Edward Donovan (1768-1837)

Background imageButterfly Collection: Inachis io, peacock butterfly

Inachis io, peacock butterfly
Plate 23 from Illustrations of British Butterflies and their Larvae (1892) by Theo Johnson. Cropped image of illustration

Background imageButterfly Collection: Vase of Flowers, c. 1660. Creator: Jan Davidsz de Heem

Vase of Flowers, c. 1660. Creator: Jan Davidsz de Heem
Vase of Flowers, c. 1660

Background imageButterfly Collection: Moth orchid phalaenopsis and monarch butterfly

Moth orchid phalaenopsis and monarch butterfly

Background imageButterfly Collection: Meadow Brown Butterfly (Maniola jurtina) feeding from Scabious flower (Scabiosa) North Downs

Meadow Brown Butterfly (Maniola jurtina) feeding from Scabious flower (Scabiosa) North Downs, Surrey, England, UK, August

Background imageButterfly Collection: Marsh fritillary butterfly (Euphydryas aurinia) feeding on Wild garlic / Ramsons

Marsh fritillary butterfly (Euphydryas aurinia) feeding on Wild garlic / Ramsons (Allium ursinum) at Strawberry Banks, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (GWT), Nature Reserve, Gloucestershire, UK. May

Background imageButterfly Collection: Peacock Butterflies

Peacock Butterflies Date: 1868

Background imageButterfly Collection: Scene from the opera, Madame Butterfly, by Giacomo Puccini

Scene from the opera, Madame Butterfly, by Giacomo Puccini: Cio Cio Sans uncle, the Bonze, interrupts her marriage ceremony to Lieutenant Colonel F. B

Background imageButterfly Collection: Black Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail Butterfly, Papilio polyxenes

Background imageButterfly Collection: Glasswinged butterfly -Greta oto- on a blue flower

Glasswinged butterfly -Greta oto- on a blue flower, Mainau island, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

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"Discover the enchanting world of butterflies 🦋✨" Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of Ornithoptera alexandrae, also known as Queen Alexandra's birdwing butterfly. Its vibrant colors and graceful flight will leave you mesmerized. Take a moment to admire the Camberwell beauty butterfly delicately perched on a honeysuckle flower. The contrast between its dark wings and the sweet fragrance of the blossom creates a truly magical scene. Giacomo Puccini, an Italian composer renowned for his operas, found inspiration in these delicate creatures. His masterpiece "Madama Butterfly" captures both their fragility and resilience. Let this poster transport you into a world filled with passion and emotion. Explore Surinam's diverse insect population, where butterflies reign supreme. Their intricate patterns and vivid hues make them true works of art in nature's gallery. Maria Sibylla Merian, an influential illustrator from centuries past, dedicated her talent to capturing the essence of butterflies through her stunning artwork. Her illustrations are timeless treasures that continue to inspire awe today. Witness a Red Admiral butterfly basking under the warm sun on a plant—a serene moment frozen in time. It reminds us to pause and appreciate life's simple pleasures amidst our busy lives. Join two monarch butterflies as they find respite among blooming flowers in a picturesque garden. Their presence adds grace and elegance to any natural setting—an exquisite sight worth cherishing. Delve into British Butterflies' vast collection showcasing various species fluttering across meadows and woodlands—each one contributing its unique charm to our rich ecosystem. William Heath Robinson's illustration titled "Consequences" depicts how even small actions can have significant consequences—a reminder that we should cherish every living creature like these fragile beauties who rely on our care for survival. In Vealand Farm at dawn, witness common blue butterflies basking in gentle morning light—their delicate wings shimmering with a touch of ethereal blue.

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