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Insecte Collection

"Insecte: A Fascinating Journey into the Abyss" Step into the mysterious world of insects, where an intricate web of life unfolds

Background imageInsecte Collection: Soldier, look at this enemy! Worse than Boche. Fight it! 1917 (illustration)

Soldier, look at this enemy! Worse than Boche. Fight it! 1917 (illustration)
7415700 Soldier, look at this enemy! Worse than Boche. Fight it! 1917 (illustration); Private Collection; ( The enemy mosquito)

Background imageInsecte Collection: (araignee), Natural History Museum of Marseille

(araignee), Natural History Museum of Marseille
CSO4997024 (araignee), Natural History Museum of Marseille; ( (araignee), Natural History Museum of Marseille); Photo © DDF. All rights reserved 2024

Background imageInsecte Collection: Polyphylla fullo (variety of beetle), Museum d'histoire naturelle de Marseille

Polyphylla fullo (variety of beetle), Museum d'histoire naturelle de Marseille
CSO4997086 Polyphylla fullo (variety of beetle), Museum d'histoire naturelle de Marseille; ( Polyphylla fullo (variety of beetle)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Raphidioptera indetermine, Museum of Natural History of Marseille

Raphidioptera indetermine, Museum of Natural History of Marseille
CSO4997022 Raphidioptera indetermine, Museum of Natural History of Marseille; ( Raphidioptera indetermine, Museum of Natural History of Marseille); Photo © DDF. All rights reserved 2024

Background imageInsecte Collection: Mimas tiliiae (Ensemble de sphinx du linden - Lime Hawk-moth)

Mimas tiliiae (Ensemble de sphinx du linden - Lime Hawk-moth), Museum d'histoire naturelle de Marseille
CSO4996581 Mimas tiliiae (Ensemble de sphinx du linden - Lime Hawk-moth), Museum d'histoire naturelle de Marseille; ( Mimas tiliiae (Ensemble de sphinx du linden - Lime Hawk-moth)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Polyommatus icarus (Ensemble de Argus bleu ou azure commun ou azure de la Bugrane (females)

Polyommatus icarus (Ensemble de Argus bleu ou azure commun ou azure de la Bugrane (females) - common blue, female)
CSO4990238 Polyommatus icarus (Ensemble de Argus bleu ou azure commun ou azure de la Bugrane (females) - common blue, female)

Background imageInsecte Collection: The human flea (Pulex irritans), description of each stage of its development egg

The human flea (Pulex irritans), description of each stage of its development egg, larva (worm-shaped)
FLO4974662 The human flea (Pulex irritans), description of each stage of its development egg, larva (worm-shaped), white larva and insect. Unsigned illustration (George Shaw and Frederick Nodder)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Old Testament Scene: The Ten Wounds of Egypt - Moses and the Plague of Locusts Engraving 19th

Old Testament Scene: The Ten Wounds of Egypt - Moses and the Plague of Locusts Engraving 19th century Private
ELD4919853 Old Testament Scene: The Ten Wounds of Egypt - Moses and the Plague of Locusts Engraving 19th century Private collection; ( Old Testament Scene)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Representation of different types of araignees. Illustrated chart of a manuscript of Natural

Representation of different types of araignees. Illustrated chart of a manuscript of Natural History by Ulisse
VEN5029415 Representation of different types of araignees. Illustrated chart of a manuscript of Natural History by Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605) on insects, Ulisse Aldrovandi fonds

Background imageInsecte Collection: Representation of different types of butterflies. Illustrated chart of a manuscript of Natural

Representation of different types of butterflies. Illustrated chart of a manuscript of Natural History by Ulisse
VEN5029402 Representation of different types of butterflies. Illustrated chart of a manuscript of Natural History by Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605) on insects, Ulisse Aldrovandi fonds

Background imageInsecte Collection: Wood leopard moth, Zeuzera pyrina, sallow kitten, Furcula furcula, iron prominent

Wood leopard moth, Zeuzera pyrina, sallow kitten, Furcula furcula, iron prominent, Notodonta dromedarius
FLO4671142 Wood leopard moth, Zeuzera pyrina, sallow kitten, Furcula furcula, iron prominent, Notodonta dromedarius, pebble prominent, Notodonta ziczac, and lesser swallow prominent, Pheosia gnoma

Background imageInsecte Collection: Brown tiger moth, Hyphoraia aulica, cream-spot tiger moth, Epicallia villica, ruby tiger

Brown tiger moth, Hyphoraia aulica, cream-spot tiger moth, Epicallia villica, ruby tiger, Phragmatobia fuliginosa
FLO4671107 Brown tiger moth, Hyphoraia aulica, cream-spot tiger moth, Epicallia villica, ruby tiger, Phragmatobia fuliginosa, and muslin moth, Diaphora mendica

Background imageInsecte Collection: Convolvulus hawkmoth, Agrius convolvuli and privet hawkmoth, Sphinx ligustri

Convolvulus hawkmoth, Agrius convolvuli and privet hawkmoth, Sphinx ligustri
FLO4671091 Convolvulus hawkmoth, Agrius convolvuli and privet hawkmoth, Sphinx ligustri. Handcoloured steel engraving by the Pauquet brothers after an illustration by Alexis Nicolas Noel

Background imageInsecte Collection: Great banded grayling, Brintesia circe, hermit, Chazara briseis, and eastern rock grayling

Great banded grayling, Brintesia circe, hermit, Chazara briseis, and eastern rock grayling
FLO4670977 Great banded grayling, Brintesia circe, hermit, Chazara briseis, and eastern rock grayling, Hipparchia syriaca butterfly

Background imageInsecte Collection: Silver-washed fritillary butterflies, Argynnis paphia and Argynnis paphia valezina

Silver-washed fritillary butterflies, Argynnis paphia and Argynnis paphia valezina, and Niobe fritillary
FLO4670951 Silver-washed fritillary butterflies, Argynnis paphia and Argynnis paphia valezina, and Niobe fritillary, Argynnis niobe

Background imageInsecte Collection: High brown fritillary, Fabriciana adippe, dark green fritillary, Argynnis aglaja

High brown fritillary, Fabriciana adippe, dark green fritillary, Argynnis aglaja, and Queen of Spain fritillary
FLO4670899 High brown fritillary, Fabriciana adippe, dark green fritillary, Argynnis aglaja, and Queen of Spain fritillary, Issoria lathonia

Background imageInsecte Collection: Green-veined white, Pieris napi, small white, Pieris rapae, mountain clouded yellow

Green-veined white, Pieris napi, small white, Pieris rapae, mountain clouded yellow, Colias phicomone
FLO4670871 Green-veined white, Pieris napi, small white, Pieris rapae, mountain clouded yellow, Colias phicomone, and dark-veined white, Pieris bryoniae

Background imageInsecte Collection: Camberwell beauty, Nymphalis antiopa, peacock butterfly, Aglais io, and red admiral

Camberwell beauty, Nymphalis antiopa, peacock butterfly, Aglais io, and red admiral, Vanessa atalanta
FLO4670830 Camberwell beauty, Nymphalis antiopa, peacock butterfly, Aglais io, and red admiral, Vanessa atalanta. Handcoloured steel engraving by the Pauquet brothers after an illustration by Alexis

Background imageInsecte Collection: Light crimson underwing, Catocala promissa, old lady, Mormo maura, drinker, Euthrix potatoria

Light crimson underwing, Catocala promissa, old lady, Mormo maura, drinker, Euthrix potatoria, and yellow-tail
FLO4671148 Light crimson underwing, Catocala promissa, old lady, Mormo maura, drinker, Euthrix potatoria, and yellow-tail, Euproctis similis

Background imageInsecte Collection: Butterfly collector's tools from the 18th century: aerial net on a cane 1, scissors with racquets 2

Butterfly collector's tools from the 18th century: aerial net on a cane 1, scissors with racquets 2
FLO4671146 Butterfly collector's tools from the 18th century: aerial net on a cane 1, scissors with racquets 2, small preservative brush 6, and soft brush to remove dust 9

Background imageInsecte Collection: Title page with decorative calligraphy among flowers and butterflies

Title page with decorative calligraphy among flowers and butterflies. Handcoloured steel engraving by the Pauquet
FLO4670815 Title page with decorative calligraphy among flowers and butterflies. Handcoloured steel engraving by the Pauquet brothers after an illustration by Alexis Nicolas Noel from Hippolyte Lucas

Background imageInsecte Collection: Type of North African grasshopper (Eugaster spinulosa), specimen identified

Type of North African grasshopper (Eugaster spinulosa), specimen identified and named by George Edwards (1694-1773)
FLO4687662 Type of North African grasshopper (Eugaster spinulosa), specimen identified and named by George Edwards (1694-1773)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Beetle of the violinist (Eupoecila australasiae), specimen from New South Wales (Australia)

Beetle of the violinist (Eupoecila australasiae), specimen from New South Wales (Australia), seen from above
FLO4687656 Beetle of the violinist (Eupoecila australasiae), specimen from New South Wales (Australia), seen from above, below and description of the nymph

Background imageInsecte Collection: Phasmatodea or phasm, insect nicknames the stick of the devil because of its ability to camouflage

Phasmatodea or phasm, insect nicknames the stick of the devil because of its ability to camouflage in its environment
FLO4687650 Phasmatodea or phasm, insect nicknames the stick of the devil because of its ability to camouflage in its environment (colour and shape)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Scarabee rhinoceros (Dynastes hercules), insect, specimen reported from Guadeloupe

Scarabee rhinoceros (Dynastes hercules), insect, specimen reported from Guadeloupe
FLO4687621 Scarabee rhinoceros (Dynastes hercules), insect, specimen reported from Guadeloupe. Lithographie in The Naturalist Pocket Magazine or Cabinet complete des Curiosites et Beautes de la

Background imageInsecte Collection: Common green birdwing, Ornithoptera priamus, butterfly, caterpillar and pupa, and false apollo

Common green birdwing, Ornithoptera priamus, butterfly, caterpillar and pupa, and false apollo
FLO4719495 Common green birdwing, Ornithoptera priamus, butterfly, caterpillar and pupa, and false apollo, Archon apollinus (Doritis apollinus)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Metamorphosis of honey bees, honeycomb, queens, drones and chain of worker bees

Metamorphosis of honey bees, honeycomb, queens, drones and chain of worker bees
FLO4573792 Metamorphosis of honey bees, honeycomb, queens, drones and chain of worker bees. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuch's " Bilderbuch fur Kinder"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Convolvulus hawk-moth (sphinx du troene), Agrius convolvuli, and privet hawk-moth

Convolvulus hawk-moth (sphinx du troene), Agrius convolvuli, and privet hawk-moth, Sphinx ligustri (sphinx du troene)
FLO4575935 Convolvulus hawk-moth (sphinx du troene), Agrius convolvuli, and privet hawk-moth, Sphinx ligustri (sphinx du troene), with moth, larva and pupa

Background imageInsecte Collection: German butterflies: Poplar admiral (great Sylvain), Limenitis populi 1, orange tip (aurora)

German butterflies: Poplar admiral (great Sylvain), Limenitis populi 1, orange tip (aurora), Anthocharis cardamines 2
FLO4575888 German butterflies: Poplar admiral (great Sylvain), Limenitis populi 1, orange tip (aurora), Anthocharis cardamines 2, common brimstone (lemon), Gonepteryx rhamni 3

Background imageInsecte Collection: Giant peacock moth or giant emperor moth, Saturnia pyri, with caterpillar and pupa

Giant peacock moth or giant emperor moth, Saturnia pyri, with caterpillar and pupa
FLO4575379 Giant peacock moth or giant emperor moth, Saturnia pyri, with caterpillar and pupa. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuch's Bilderbuch fur Kinder

Background imageInsecte Collection: Old world swallowtail Papilio machaon 1, painted lady, Vanessa cardui 2

Old world swallowtail Papilio machaon 1, painted lady, Vanessa cardui 2, and scarce swallowtail (flambe)
FLO4575018 Old world swallowtail Papilio machaon 1, painted lady, Vanessa cardui 2, and scarce swallowtail (flambe), Iphiclides podalirius 3, butterfly, caterpillar and pupa

Background imageInsecte Collection: Mourning cloak (Morio), Nymphalis antiopa 1, European peacock (peacock of the day), Inachis io 2

Mourning cloak (Morio), Nymphalis antiopa 1, European peacock (peacock of the day), Inachis io 2
FLO4575002 Mourning cloak (Morio), Nymphalis antiopa 1, European peacock (peacock of the day), Inachis io 2, and red admiral (Vulcain), Vanessa atalanta 3, butterfly, caterpillar and pupa

Background imageInsecte Collection: L'araignee. Deux enfants regardant une araignee dans sa toile, dans un jardin

L'araignee. Deux enfants regardant une araignee dans sa toile, dans un jardin
COI4130851 L'araignee. Deux enfants regardant une araignee dans sa toile, dans un jardin. Gravure du journal "Gazette des Enfants", 1895

Background imageInsecte Collection: Letters A B C D E. Engraving (Chromolithography - Chromo) in ' Le grand alphabet de Bebe'

Letters A B C D E. Engraving (Chromolithography - Chromo) in " Le grand alphabet de Bebe"
DUV4210147 Letters A B C D E. Engraving (Chromolithography - Chromo) in " Le grand alphabet de Bebe". Paul Bernardin, bookseller-publisher, Paris, circa 1900. Bibliotheque des Bebes

Background imageInsecte Collection: Le bain de Fox. Fillette et son chien dans la mer. Gravure du journal 'Gazette des Enfants', 1895

Le bain de Fox. Fillette et son chien dans la mer. Gravure du journal "Gazette des Enfants", 1895
COI4130961 Le bain de Fox. Fillette et son chien dans la mer. Gravure du journal "Gazette des Enfants", 1895. Collection privee Jean-Paul Paireault.; ( Le bain de Fox)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Great eggfly butterfly, Hypolimnas bolina nerina (Cramerian butterfly, Papilio cramerianus)

Great eggfly butterfly, Hypolimnas bolina nerina (Cramerian butterfly, Papilio cramerianus), native to Java
FLO4681974 Great eggfly butterfly, Hypolimnas bolina nerina (Cramerian butterfly, Papilio cramerianus), native to Java. Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageInsecte Collection: Papilio Ulysses, lepidopter with blue wings emperor. Signed illustrations (George Shaw)

Papilio Ulysses, lepidopter with blue wings emperor. Signed illustrations (George Shaw)
FLO4680961 Papilio Ulysses, lepidopter with blue wings emperor. Signed illustrations (George Shaw). Copper engraving for the naturalist collection

Background imageInsecte Collection: Great glider (Idea), butterfly from the Philippines. Signed illustrations (George Shaw)

Great glider (Idea), butterfly from the Philippines. Signed illustrations (George Shaw)
FLO4680353 Great glider (Idea), butterfly from the Philippines. Signed illustrations (George Shaw). Lithography in The Naturalist's Miscellany, 1793

Background imageInsecte Collection: Lepidoptere, hawkweed sphinx, caterpillar, nymph and adult, Proserpinus proserpina - Lithography

Lepidoptere, hawkweed sphinx, caterpillar, nymph and adult, Proserpinus proserpina - Lithography by Richard Polydore
FLO4684120 Lepidoptere, hawkweed sphinx, caterpillar, nymph and adult, Proserpinus proserpina - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823) published in The Naturalist Miscellany

Background imageInsecte Collection: Mygala avicularia. Copper engraving by Frederick Polydor Nodder (1751-1801)

Mygala avicularia. Copper engraving by Frederick Polydor Nodder (1751-1801) for the naturalist collection
FLO4684103 Mygala avicularia. Copper engraving by Frederick Polydor Nodder (1751-1801) for the naturalist collection, published in 1790 by George Shaw. Bird-catching spider or pink-toed tarantula

Background imageInsecte Collection: Butterfly sphinx ocelle or half peacock, with its caterpillar on the branch of a young shoot

Butterfly sphinx ocelle or half peacock, with its caterpillar on the branch of a young shoot and its chrysalis
FLO4684155 Butterfly sphinx ocelle or half peacock, with its caterpillar on the branch of a young shoot and its chrysalis

Background imageInsecte Collection: La grande naiade ou papillonaire, Geometra papilionaria - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder

La grande naiade ou papillonaire, Geometra papilionaria - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823)
FLO4682758 La grande naiade ou papillonaire, Geometra papilionaria - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823) published in The Naturalist Miscellany

Background imageInsecte Collection: Giant African swallowtail or antimachus butterfly, Papilio antimachus. Illustration drawn

Giant African swallowtail or antimachus butterfly, Papilio antimachus. Illustration drawn
FLO4683462 Giant African swallowtail or antimachus butterfly, Papilio antimachus. Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageInsecte Collection: Automedon giant owl butterfly, Eryphanis automedon (Automedon, Papilio automedon)

Automedon giant owl butterfly, Eryphanis automedon (Automedon, Papilio automedon)
FLO4681800 Automedon giant owl butterfly, Eryphanis automedon (Automedon, Papilio automedon). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageInsecte Collection: Rhetenor blue morpho, Morpho rhetenor (Andromachus butterfly, Papilio andromachus)

Rhetenor blue morpho, Morpho rhetenor (Andromachus butterfly, Papilio andromachus)
FLO4681164 Rhetenor blue morpho, Morpho rhetenor (Andromachus butterfly, Papilio andromachus). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageInsecte Collection: Indian mantis. Signed illustrations (George Shaw). Copper engraving for the naturalist collection

Indian mantis. Signed illustrations (George Shaw). Copper engraving for the naturalist collection
FLO4680609 Indian mantis. Signed illustrations (George Shaw). Copper engraving for the naturalist collection, published in 1796 by Frederick Nodder (1751-1801) and George Shaw.; (

Background imageInsecte Collection: Attacus Atlas butterfly. Copper engraving, coloured, signed N for Frederick Polydor Nodder

Attacus Atlas butterfly. Copper engraving, coloured, signed N for Frederick Polydor Nodder (1751-1801)
FLO4684162 Attacus Atlas butterfly. Copper engraving, coloured, signed N for Frederick Polydor Nodder (1751-1801) for the naturalist collection, published in 1790 by George Shaw

Background imageInsecte Collection: Coleoptere, channeton type, Dicronorrhina micans - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder

Coleoptere, channeton type, Dicronorrhina micans - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823)
FLO4683997 Coleoptere, channeton type, Dicronorrhina micans - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823) published in The Naturalist Miscellany, 1812; ( Coleoptere, channeton type)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Great eggfly butterfly, Hypolimnas bolina (Bolina var.? Papilio bolina), male, ventral and dorsal

Great eggfly butterfly, Hypolimnas bolina (Bolina var.? Papilio bolina), male, ventral and dorsal
FLO4683913 Great eggfly butterfly, Hypolimnas bolina (Bolina var.? Papilio bolina), male, ventral and dorsal. Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder

Background imageInsecte Collection: Lepidoptere, Vanessa virginiensis - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823)

Lepidoptere, Vanessa virginiensis - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823)
FLO4682943 Lepidoptere, Vanessa virginiensis - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823) published in The Naturalist Miscellany, 1812; ( Lepidoptere)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Lepidoptere, Large fox or elm turtle, caterpillar, nymph and adult

Lepidoptere, Large fox or elm turtle, caterpillar, nymph and adult, Polychlorinated nymphalis - Lithography by Richard
FLO4682895 Lepidoptere, Large fox or elm turtle, caterpillar, nymph and adult, Polychlorinated nymphalis - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823) published in The Naturalist Miscellany

Background imageInsecte Collection: Insect, coleoptere variete, Mecynorrhina torquata - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder

Insect, coleoptere variete, Mecynorrhina torquata - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823)
FLO4682839 Insect, coleoptere variete, Mecynorrhina torquata - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823) published in The Naturalist Miscellany, 1812; ( Insect, coleoptere variete)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Lepidoptere, nymph caterpillar and adult of the zebra butterfly

Lepidoptere, nymph caterpillar and adult of the zebra butterfly, Eurytides marcellus - Lithography by Richard Polydore
FLO4682806 Lepidoptere, nymph caterpillar and adult of the zebra butterfly, Eurytides marcellus - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823) published in The Naturalist Miscellany

Background imageInsecte Collection: Butterfly, mimic or vice-king, nymph caterpillar and adult, Limenitis archipelippus - Lithography

Butterfly, mimic or vice-king, nymph caterpillar and adult, Limenitis archipelippus - Lithography by Richard Polydore
FLO4682723 Butterfly, mimic or vice-king, nymph caterpillar and adult, Limenitis archipelippus - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823) published in The Naturalist Miscellany

Background imageInsecte Collection: Crocus saffron, colchial and blueberry, with fly and caterpillar - Lithography attributed to Paul

Crocus saffron, colchial and blueberry, with fly and caterpillar - Lithography attributed to Paul Theodor van Brussel
FLO4682681 Crocus saffron, colchial and blueberry, with fly and caterpillar - Lithography attributed to Paul Theodor van Brussel (1754-1795), author of the cover bouquet, or A.Bres

Background imageInsecte Collection: Spikeweed sphinx on a strawberry tree - Willowherb hawkmoth, Proserpinus proserpina

Spikeweed sphinx on a strawberry tree - Willowherb hawkmoth, Proserpinus proserpina, on a strawberry bush
FLO4562441 Spikeweed sphinx on a strawberry tree - Willowherb hawkmoth, Proserpinus proserpina, on a strawberry bush, Fragaria ananassa

Background imageInsecte Collection: Blue lichenee and common phadet (procris) - Clifden nonpareil moth, Catocala fraxini

Blue lichenee and common phadet (procris) - Clifden nonpareil moth, Catocala fraxini, and small heath butterfly
FLO4562430 Blue lichenee and common phadet (procris) - Clifden nonpareil moth, Catocala fraxini, and small heath butterfly, Coenonympha pamphilus

Background imageInsecte Collection: Noctuelle des Potagers su un carnation d'india (tagete etalee, rose d'india) - Brightline brown-eye

Noctuelle des Potagers su un carnation d'india (tagete etalee, rose d'india) - Brightline brown-eye
FLO4562356 Noctuelle des Potagers su un carnation d'india (tagete etalee, rose d'india) - Brightline brown-eye, Lacanobia oleracea, basard wasp and housefly on French marigold flower

Background imageInsecte Collection: Tigree scale on an apple branch - White ermine moth, Spilosoma lubricipeda

Tigree scale on an apple branch - White ermine moth, Spilosoma lubricipeda, and common housefly on an apple branch
FLO4562349 Tigree scale on an apple branch - White ermine moth, Spilosoma lubricipeda, and common housefly on an apple branch, Malus domestica

Background imageInsecte Collection: Elephant beetle, Megasoma elephas. Illustration based on a specimen in the Leverian Museum

Elephant beetle, Megasoma elephas. Illustration based on a specimen in the Leverian Museum
FLO4640704 Elephant beetle, Megasoma elephas. Illustration based on a specimen in the Leverian Museum. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from " The Naturalist's Pocket Magazine

Background imageInsecte Collection: Large magpie moth, Abraxas grossulariata, and Camberwell Beauty butterfly or grand surprise

Large magpie moth, Abraxas grossulariata, and Camberwell Beauty butterfly or grand surprise, Nymphalis antiopa
FLO4638693 Large magpie moth, Abraxas grossulariata, and Camberwell Beauty butterfly or grand surprise, Nymphalis antiopa

Background imageInsecte Collection: La fee de la belle de nuit, en robe et hat de petales, accompanied by a moth - Eau forte by

La fee de la belle de nuit, en robe et hat de petales, accompanied by a moth - Eau forte by Charles Geoffroy (1819-1882)
FLO4637489 La fee de la belle de nuit, en robe et hat de petales, accompanied by a moth - Eau forte by Charles Geoffroy (1819-1882)

Background imageInsecte Collection: Brindled beauty moth, Lycia hirtaria, and black-veined white butterfly, Pieris crataegi

Brindled beauty moth, Lycia hirtaria, and black-veined white butterfly, Pieris crataegi
FLO4638964 Brindled beauty moth, Lycia hirtaria, and black-veined white butterfly, Pieris crataegi. Handcoloured lithograph after an illustration by Moses Harris from "The Aurelian; a Natural

Background imageInsecte Collection: Buff tip moth, Phalera bucephala, large yellow underwing, Noctua pronuba, common blue butterfly

Buff tip moth, Phalera bucephala, large yellow underwing, Noctua pronuba, common blue butterfly, Polyommatus icarus
FLO4638898 Buff tip moth, Phalera bucephala, large yellow underwing, Noctua pronuba, common blue butterfly, Polyommatus icarus, on a vase of flowers

Background imageInsecte Collection: Mottled or frosted orange moth, Gortyna flavago, half mourner, Ceropacha diluta, ringlet

Mottled or frosted orange moth, Gortyna flavago, half mourner, Ceropacha diluta, ringlet, Aphantopus hyperantus
FLO4638871 Mottled or frosted orange moth, Gortyna flavago, half mourner, Ceropacha diluta, ringlet, Aphantopus hyperantus, barred yellow, Cidaria fulvata, seven-spot ermine or muslin moth

Background imageInsecte Collection: Meadow brown butterfly, Maniola jurtina, wood lady or orange tip, Anthocharis cardamines

Meadow brown butterfly, Maniola jurtina, wood lady or orange tip, Anthocharis cardamines, and grizzled skipper
FLO4638853 Meadow brown butterfly, Maniola jurtina, wood lady or orange tip, Anthocharis cardamines, and grizzled skipper, Pyrgus alveolus

Background imageInsecte Collection: Great garden white butterfly, Pieris brassicae. Upper and under side of the male

Great garden white butterfly, Pieris brassicae. Upper and under side of the male
FLO4641439 Great garden white butterfly, Pieris brassicae. Upper and under side of the male. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from " The Naturalist's Pocket Magazine, " Harrison

Background imageInsecte Collection: Wood boring beetle, and damage to wood. (Goat beetle). Illustration copied from George Edwards

Wood boring beetle, and damage to wood. (Goat beetle). Illustration copied from George Edwards
FLO4641183 Wood boring beetle, and damage to wood. (Goat beetle). Illustration copied from George Edwards. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from " The Naturalist's Pocket Magazine

Background imageInsecte Collection: Giant stick insect, Phasma gigas. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Giant stick insect, Phasma gigas. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwood's new edition of Dru Drury's
FLO4615006 Giant stick insect, Phasma gigas. Handcoloured lithograph from John O. Westwood's new edition of Dru Drury's " Illustrations of Exotic Entomology, " Bohn, London

Background imageInsecte Collection: Elves and fairies playing and feasting on a fuchsia plant with butterflies

Elves and fairies playing and feasting on a fuchsia plant with butterflies
FLO4614966 Elves and fairies playing and feasting on a fuchsia plant with butterflies. Handcoloured woodblock print by Edmund Evans after an illustration by Richard Doyle from In Fairyland

Background imageInsecte Collection: Insect: guepe variete with an elegant St. John's wort plant

Insect: guepe variete with an elegant St. John's wort plant
FLO4610176 Insect: guepe variete with an elegant St. John's wort plant.; ( Insect: guepe variete with an elegant St. John's wort plant.); © Florilegius

Background imageInsecte Collection: Insect: coleoptere, donacie with a massette plant. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)

Insect: coleoptere, donacie with a massette plant. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)
FLO4610168 Insect: coleoptere, donacie with a massette plant. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in "British Entomology"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Insect: Drosophila variety or vinegar fly or fruit with a carnivorous plant, drosera

Insect: Drosophila variety or vinegar fly or fruit with a carnivorous plant, drosera
FLO4610105 Insect: Drosophila variety or vinegar fly or fruit with a carnivorous plant, drosera. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in "British Entomology"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Insect: a variety of hymenoptere family chalcididae and sea bulrush plant

Insect: a variety of hymenoptere family chalcididae and sea bulrush plant
FLO4610101 Insect: a variety of hymenoptere family chalcididae and sea bulrush plant. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in "British Entomology"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Lepidoptere: moth moth (moth variety) and setacee bulrush plant

Lepidoptere: moth moth (moth variety) and setacee bulrush plant. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)
FLO4610057 Lepidoptere: moth moth (moth variety) and setacee bulrush plant. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in "British Entomology"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Insect: blood cercope and European lycope pant or water hemp. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)

Insect: blood cercope and European lycope pant or water hemp. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)
FLO4610056 Insect: blood cercope and European lycope pant or water hemp. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in "British Entomology"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Cladius has hairy horns and cracked Vesce plant or toad peas. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)

Cladius has hairy horns and cracked Vesce plant or toad peas. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)
FLO4610032 Cladius has hairy horns and cracked Vesce plant or toad peas. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in "British Entomology"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Insect Drypta dentata (coleoptere) and sea buckthorn patch. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)

Insect Drypta dentata (coleoptere) and sea buckthorn patch. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)
FLO4610002 Insect Drypta dentata (coleoptere) and sea buckthorn patch. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in "British Entomology"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Lepidoptere the distinct phalene and sanguisorb plant or peppers

Lepidoptere the distinct phalene and sanguisorb plant or peppers. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)
FLO4609962 Lepidoptere the distinct phalene and sanguisorb plant or peppers. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in "British Entomology"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Ichneumon guepe and vegetable maceron or large parsley. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)

Ichneumon guepe and vegetable maceron or large parsley. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)
FLO4609927 Ichneumon guepe and vegetable maceron or large parsley. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in "British Entomology"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Lunar copris, coleoptere variete and plant of fetide chenopode

Lunar copris, coleoptere variete and plant of fetide chenopode. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862)
FLO4609924 Lunar copris, coleoptere variete and plant of fetide chenopode. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in "British Entomology"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Diptere (Drapetis aterrima, Crossopalpus curvipes) and strand of marsh gaillet or marsh gaillet

Diptere (Drapetis aterrima, Crossopalpus curvipes) and strand of marsh gaillet or marsh gaillet
FLO4609889 Diptere (Drapetis aterrima, Crossopalpus curvipes) and strand of marsh gaillet or marsh gaillet. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in "British Entomology"

Background imageInsecte Collection: Helicopter damselfly, Mecistogaster lucretia 1, tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa latipes 2

Helicopter damselfly, Mecistogaster lucretia 1, tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa latipes 2, and potter wasp
FLO4616038 Helicopter damselfly, Mecistogaster lucretia 1, tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa latipes 2, and potter wasp, Synagris cornuta, male 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

Background imageInsecte Collection: Eupropacris coeruleus grasshopper 1, Chromacris miles 2, and Gryllacris tessellata 3

Eupropacris coeruleus grasshopper 1, Chromacris miles 2, and Gryllacris tessellata 3
FLO4615999 Eupropacris coeruleus grasshopper 1, Chromacris miles 2, and Gryllacris tessellata 3. Handcoloured lithograph from John O

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"Insecte: A Fascinating Journey into the Abyss" Step into the mysterious world of insects, where an intricate web of life unfolds. From the depths of The Abyss to enchanting engravings in "Alphabet, " these tiny creatures captivate our imagination. Intriguingly, we encounter a myriad of insect species along this journey. The Xilophagus and Xiphias grace us with their presence, showcasing nature's diversity. Engravings by Charles Unsinger for Alphonse Lemerre transport us back to 1875 Paris, where art and literature intertwine. As we delve deeper, we stumble upon scenes from China in the late 19th century—a cricket fight immortalized through Ferdinandus' drawing in "Le Tour du Monde. " This glimpse into another culture reminds us that insects have fascinated humanity across time and borders. The Alphabet series introduces us to various professions represented by insects. Harvesters buzzing like industrious bees during letter V's Harvest; Wine flowing like nectar at a Car driven by a diligent insect; Vultures soaring high above as guardians of nature's cycle. Let's not forget the mischievous side either. The Mechant M lurking within Baron Ernest de Liphart's illustrations adds a touch of whimsy to this captivating collection. And who can resist Maying - Mois de mai? A little girl holding a blooming branch reminds us that even insects find joy in springtime splendor. Ginevra d Este gazes at us from her portrait—her beauty rivaling that of any butterfly or firefly fluttering about. Insects have inspired artists throughout history, capturing their essence on canvas for eternity. From Pharmacist ants to Pelican beetles and Postillon butterflies carrying messages on delicate wings—the insect kingdom never ceases to amaze. Umbrella-carrying Firefighters bravely protect their colonies while Penguins waddle through icy landscapes, reminding us of the resilience and adaptability of these remarkable creatures.

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