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Interstellar Medium Collection

The interstellar medium, a vast expanse of gas and dust that fills the space between stars, is a captivating realm that holds countless wonders

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: M16, The Eagle Nebula in Serpens

M16, The Eagle Nebula in Serpens

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Star formation in the Tarantula Nebula

Star formation in the Tarantula Nebula
This Hubble Space Telescope mosaic, spanning a width of 600 light-years, shows a star factory of more the 800, 000 stars being born

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Voyager 1 spacecraft entering interstellar space

Voyager 1 spacecraft entering interstellar space
This artists concept depicts NASAs Voyager 1 spacecraft entering interstellar space, or the space between stars

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Fox Fur Nebula

The Fox Fur Nebula, located towards the constellation of Monoceros, is an immense cloud of interstellar gas and cosmic dust interacting with the radiation and winds released by the surrounding hot

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula

Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula
Pillars of Creation are part of the Eagle Nebula and are made of interstellar dust and gases

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Voyager probe trajectory, artwork C018 / 0285

Voyager probe trajectory, artwork C018 / 0285
Voyager probe trajectory, artwork. Artwork of the trajectory of one of the Voyager probes as it travels out of the solar system

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Vela supernova remnant in the center of the Gum Nebula area of Vela

Vela supernova remnant in the center of the Gum Nebula area of Vela
The Vela supernova remnant in the centre of the Gum Nebula area of Vela. This is the remains of a star that exploded thousands of years ago

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Zeta Ophiuchi bow shock, infrared image C016 / 9726

Zeta Ophiuchi bow shock, infrared image C016 / 9726
Zeta Ophiuchi bow shock. Infrared image from NASAs Spitzer Space Telescope (SST) of the bow shock in the interstellar medium caused by stellar winds from the fast-moving star Zeta Ophiuchi

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Hourglass Nebula

The Hourglass Nebula
The Lagoon Nebula centered on the bright young cluster NGC 6530. The brightest part of the nebula is known as the Hourglass Nebula

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 6523, the Lagoon Nebula

NGC 6523, the Lagoon Nebula
Stars, dust and gas combine to create an interstellar industrial zone of astronomical proportions

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: IC 2177, the Seagull Nebula

IC 2177, the Seagull Nebula. IC 2177 is a bright H II region located on the border of Monoceros and Canis Major

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Center of the Milky Way through Sagittarius and Scorpius

Center of the Milky Way through Sagittarius and Scorpius
The Milky Way in Sagittarius (bottom) and Scorpius (left and top) including the Galactic Centre area at centre frame

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Mosaic of the southern Milky Way from Vela to Centaurus

Mosaic of the southern Milky Way from Vela to Centaurus
Mosaic of the southern Milky Way from Vela (right) to Centaurus (left) taking in Carina and Crux (center)

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Panorama view of the center of the Milky Way

Panorama view of the center of the Milky Way
A panorama of the center of the Galaxy portion of the southern hemisphere Milky Way, from Crux at right to Aquila at left

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 1499, the California Nebula

NGC 1499, the California Nebula

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Pelican Nebula, an H II region in the constellation Cygnus

The Pelican Nebula, an H II region in the constellation Cygnus

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: A dark nebula in Cepheus

A dark nebula in Cepheus

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Our Sun may have formed from a protostellar nebula like this one

Our Sun may have formed from a protostellar nebula like this one

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 1973, The Running Man Nebula

NGC 1973, The Running Man Nebula. This image captured with a telescope and a scientific CCD camera

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 2264, the Christmas Tree Cluster and nebula

NGC 2264, the Christmas Tree Cluster and nebula. This image captured with a telescope and a scientific CCD camera

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Christmas Tree Nebula, Cone Nebula and Fox Fur Nebula

The Christmas Tree Nebula, Cone Nebula and Fox Fur Nebula
NGC 2264, the Christmas Tree Nebula with Cone Nebula and Fox Fur Nebula

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Orion Nebula with reflection nebula NGC 1977

The Orion Nebula with reflection nebula NGC 1977
Messier 42, the Orion Nebula with reflection nebula NGC 1977

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Tarantula Nebula

The Tarantula Nebula
NGC 2070, The Tarantula Nebula

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Voyager 1 leaving the solar system

Voyager 1 leaving the solar system

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Artists concept of a supernova explosion

Artists concept of a supernova explosion. A supernova is a stellar explosion that is brighter than a galaxy for a short time as it fades from view, leaving dust and particles to form other stars

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Orion Nebula Region

The Orion Nebula Region
The Orion Nebula, M42 and M43, with surrounding associated nebulae and star clusters, such as the Running Man Nebula above (NGC 1975) and blue star cluster above it, NGC 1981

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Rosette Nebula

The Rosette Nebula

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 3293, the Gem Cluster and Gabriela Mistral Nebula

NGC 3293, the Gem Cluster and Gabriela Mistral Nebula
NGC 3324 and 3293 are sparkling star clusters at the northwest corner of the Carina Nebula. NGC3293 is a small but very bright open cluster, called the Gem Cluster

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Eagle Nebula in the constellation Serpens

The Eagle Nebula in the constellation Serpens
M16, the Eagle Nebula in the constellation Serpens

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Scorpius with parts of Lupus and Ara regions of the southern Milky Way

Scorpius with parts of Lupus and Ara regions of the southern Milky Way
All of Scorpius, plus parts of Lupus and Ara regions of the southern Milky Way

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Spiral galaxy M74

Spiral galaxy M74
November 29, 2007 - Spiral galaxy M74. Bright knots of glowing gas light up the spiral arms, indicating a rich environment of star formation

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Dusty Nebulae in Cepheus constellation

Dusty Nebulae in Cepheus constellation
This field contains the dusty nebula vdb 150 in the Cepheus constellation

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Large Magellanic Cloud and bright star Canopus

The Large Magellanic Cloud and bright star Canopus

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Widefield view of nebulae in Sagittarius

Widefield view of nebulae in Sagittarius

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Rosette Nebula with nebulosity complex in Monoceros

The Rosette Nebula with nebulosity complex in Monoceros
The Rosette Nebula (bottom), with open cluster NGC 2244, and complex of nebulosity in Monoceros (above), including the Cone Nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster, with Monoceros dark nebula complex

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Heart and Soul Nebulae in the constellation Cassiopeia

The Heart and Soul Nebulae in the constellation Cassiopeia
The Heart Nebula (at right, aka IC 1805) and the Soul Nebula (at left, aka IC 1848, and also the Fetus Nebula), in Cassiopeia. Just right of upper centre is the open star cluster NGC 1027

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: A star forming region in the constellation of Sagittarius

A star forming region in the constellation of Sagittarius
This image displays a major star forming region in the constellation of Sagittarius and features the Lagoon Nebula (M8) and the Trifid Nebula (M20)

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Protostellar Disk

Protostellar Disk
Stars form from whirling disks of dust and gas

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Cigar Galaxy and Bodes Galaxy

The Cigar Galaxy and Bodes Galaxy
Messier 82, the Cigar Galaxy (left), and Messier 81, Bodes Galaxy (right)

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Vela Supernova Remnant

The Vela Supernova Remnant

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Orion nebula in the infrared overlaid with XMM-Newton X-ray data in blue

The Orion nebula in the infrared overlaid with XMM-Newton X-ray data in blue
This is a Spitzer image of the Orion nebula in the infrared overlaid with XMM-Newton X-ray data in blue

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Widefield view of the Large Magellanic Cloud

Widefield view of the Large Magellanic Cloud

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 6188 is an emission nebula in Ara

NGC 6188 is an emission nebula in Ara

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 6188 emission nebula in the constellation Ara

NGC 6188 emission nebula in the constellation Ara

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Angel Nebula

The Angel Nebula

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 6357, the Lobster Nebula in Scorpius

NGC 6357, the Lobster Nebula in Scorpius

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Constellation Cygnus with multiple nebulae visible

Constellation Cygnus with multiple nebulae visible
Constellation Cygnus showing the North America Nebula, Pelican Nebula, Cirrus Nebula, Crescent Nebula, Tulip Nebula, and Butterfly Nebula

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 2174, the Monkey Head Nebula with IC 2159 nebulosity

NGC 2174, the Monkey Head Nebula with IC 2159 nebulosity. NGC 2174 is an emission nebula located in the Orion constellation

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Widefield image of narrowband emission in Cygnus

Widefield image of narrowband emission in Cygnus

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The southern Milky Way and the extensive Gum Nebula complex

The southern Milky Way and the extensive Gum Nebula complex
The southern Milky Way from Canis Major to Carina, including Puppis and Vela and the large Gum Nebula complex, an interstellar bubble blown by stellar winds

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Artists concept of a protoplanetary disk

Artists concept of a protoplanetary disk. A system is forming

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: An artists illustration of the Cygnus X-1 system

An artists illustration of the Cygnus X-1 system. Cygnus X-1 is a so-called stellar-mass black hole, a class of black holes that comes from the collapse of a massive star

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Pearl Cluster and Lambda Centauri complex in Centaurus

Pearl Cluster and Lambda Centauri complex in Centaurus
The Lambda Centauri complex, also known as the Running Chicken Nebula, IC 2948, (at left) and above it the Pearl Cluster (NGC 3766)

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Artists concept of Kepler 444

Artists concept of Kepler 444. It is currently the oldest known planetary system in our galaxy. All five planets are smaller than Earth

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: M17, The Omega Nebula in Sagittarius

M17, The Omega Nebula in Sagittarius

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 6960, Veil Supernova Remnant

NGC 6960, Veil Supernova Remnant

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Visible light-infrared composite of IC 2177, the Seagull Nebula

Visible light-infrared composite of IC 2177, the Seagull Nebula. IC 2177 is a bright H II region located on the border of Monoceros and Canis Major

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Galactic dust cloud NGC 6726 in Corona Australis

Galactic dust cloud NGC 6726 in Corona Australis

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 7380 Emission Nebula in Cepheus

NGC 7380 Emission Nebula in Cepheus

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Artists concept of an Earth-sized planet passing in front of a sun-like star

Artists concept of an Earth-sized planet passing in front of a sun-like star to show how part of the light from the star is blocked

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Cave Nebula located in the constellation Cepheus

The Cave Nebula located in the constellation Cepheus

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Western Veil Nebula

The Western Veil Nebula
The Veil Nebula, also known as the Cygnus Loop or the Witchs Broom Nebula, is a large, relatively faint supernova remnant in the constellation Cygnus

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Trifid Nebula and Messier 21 cluster in Sagittarius

The Trifid Nebula and Messier 21 cluster in Sagittarius

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 891, an edge-on spiral galaxy in Andromeda

NGC 891, an edge-on spiral galaxy in Andromeda

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Omega Nebula in the constellation Sagittarius

The Omega Nebula in the constellation Sagittarius

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Dark nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius

Dark nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius
The dark nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius and globular cluster NGC 6723

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Widefield view of the Tarantula Nebula

Widefield view of the Tarantula Nebula
Widefield view of 30 Doradus, spanning a width of 600 light-years, shows a star factory of more the 800, 000 stars being born

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: IC 2944, the Running Chicken Nebula

IC 2944, the Running Chicken Nebula in the Centaurus constellation

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Dark Shark Nebula in Cepheus

The Dark Shark Nebula in Cepheus
LDN 1235, the Shark Nebula in Cepheus, with two visible reflection nebulae, vdB 149 and vdB 150

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: IC 443 supernova remnant in Gemini

IC 443 supernova remnant in Gemini
The supernova remnant IC 443 in Gemini near the stars Mu Geminorum (left) and Eta Geminorum (right. Slight haze passing thru on some exposures added the star glows

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: A stellar nursery located towards the constellation of Monoceros

A stellar nursery located towards the constellation of Monoceros
This scene of a stellar nursery, located towards the constellation of Monoceros, features majestic flowing shapes of interstellar gas and dust domimnated by a vast dark column

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: IC 1805, the Heart Nebula in Cassiopeia

IC 1805, the Heart Nebula in Cassiopeia

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud

The Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud
The Tarantula Nebula (NGC 2070) in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Beautiful Nebulae in Gemini Constellation

Beautiful Nebulae in Gemini Constellation
This region in Gemini contains the famous Jellyfish Nebula, Monkey Head Nebula, and others

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: A stellar nursery known as R136 in the 30 Doradus Nebula

A stellar nursery known as R136 in the 30 Doradus Nebula
A massive, young stellar nursery known as R136, located in the 30 Doradus Nebula, a turbulent star-birth region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of our Milky Way

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Possible structures surrounding the star KIC 8462852

Possible structures surrounding the star KIC 8462852
An artists illustration of the possible structures surrounding the star KIC 8462852. The Kepler observatory has discovered massive objects in orbit around the star

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Artists concept of a massive planet in very close orbit around its star

Artists concept of a massive planet in very close orbit around its star
An artists depiction of a massive planet in very close orbit around its star

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Emission nebula NGC 6188 star formation region in Ara

Emission nebula NGC 6188 star formation region in Ara
Emission nebula NGC 6188 with the bright open cluster 6193, star formation region in Ara

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: The Crescent Nebula, NGC 6888

The Crescent Nebula, NGC 6888

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Nebulosity in Sagittarius

Nebulosity in Sagittarius

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: NGC 6888, the Crescent Nebula

NGC 6888, the Crescent Nebula in the Cygnus constellation

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Winter sky panorama with various deep sky objects

Winter sky panorama with various deep sky objects

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Galaxies M81 and M82 as seen through the Intergalactic Flux Nebula

Galaxies M81 and M82 as seen through the Intergalactic Flux Nebula
The galaxies M81 and M82 as seen through the Intergalactic Flux Nebula

Background imageInterstellar Medium Collection: Cygnus Wall, NGC 7000, the North American Nebula

Cygnus Wall, NGC 7000, the North American Nebula

All products are expertly crafted, using premium materials, tailored to your specifications and promptly shipped

The interstellar medium, a vast expanse of gas and dust that fills the space between stars, is a captivating realm that holds countless wonders. In the heart of Serpens lies M16, better known as The Eagle Nebula, where towering pillars of gas and dust stretch towards the heavens like celestial skyscrapers. Within these majestic structures, new stars are born, their brilliant light illuminating the surrounding cosmos. Venturing further into the depths of space, we encounter IC 2177 - The Seagull Nebula. Here, ethereal clouds dance in cosmic harmony as they give birth to yet more stellar marvels, and is within this nebula that Voyager 1 spacecraft made history by crossing into interstellar space, becoming humanity's first emissary to venture beyond our solar system. But it is not only grandeur and birth that awaits us in this enigmatic domain; destruction also has its place. The Vela supernova remnant at the center of Gum Nebula serves as a haunting reminder of cataclysmic events that shape our universe. Its remnants tell tales of ancient explosions and violent forces unleashed upon unsuspecting celestial bodies. As we journey through this cosmic tapestry, we come across breathtaking sights such as NGC 6523 - The Lagoon Nebula - with its vibrant hues painting an otherworldly canvas against the backdrop of darkness. Nearby lies The Fox Fur Nebula; its wispy tendrils resembling an artist's brushstrokes on a galactic masterpiece. In regions like Tarantula Nebula star formation takes center stage – a spectacular display where massive clouds collapse under gravity's embrace to form new suns amidst swirling gases and glowing embers. And then there are phenomena like Zeta Ophiuchi bow shock – an infrared image capturing the moment when fast-moving star Zeta Ophiuchi creates ripples in interstellar material around it akin to waves crashing on distant shores.

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