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Romans Collection

"Exploring the Magnificence of Romans: From Emperors to Empires" Bust of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD

Background imageRomans Collection: Bust of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD)

Bust of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD)
Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD). Roman emperor. Roman bust. Marble. From Kandilli, Lamunia (Bozhoyuk). Archaeological Museum. Istanbul. Turkey

Background imageRomans Collection: Map of the Roman Empire

Map of the Roman Empire
A map showing the extent of the Roman Empire

Background imageRomans Collection: Garden Paintings from the so-called Villa of Livia

Garden Paintings from the so-called Villa of Livia, Primaporta, Rome, c.20 BC. Roman art. Fresco

Background imageRomans Collection: Roman Empire (4th c. AD). Scale model of the

Roman Empire (4th c. AD). Scale model of the city of Rome

Background imageRomans Collection: Hannibal winning Battle of Cannae

Hannibal winning Battle of Cannae
SECOND PUNIC WAR : Hannibal, the Carthaginian leader, though outnumbered by the Romans, wins a decisive victory at the Battle of Cannae thanks to his superior cavalry

Background imageRomans Collection: Queen Boudicca inciting the Britons to revolt

Queen Boudicca inciting the Britons to revolt
Queen Boudicca of the Iceni tribe inciting the Britons to revolt against Roman domination. circa 60 AD

Background imageRomans Collection: Roman art. Boy with horse (possible CastorI. Marble. Relief

Roman art. Boy with horse (possible CastorI. Marble. Relief
Roman art. Bas-relief. Boy with a horse, probably Castor taming his horse, acompanied by a dog. Found in the pantanella of Hadrians Villa at Tivoli. 125 AD. British Museum. London. England

Background imageRomans Collection: LIBYA. TRIPOLI. Leptis Magna. Forum of Septimius

LIBYA. TRIPOLI. Leptis Magna. Forum of Septimius Severus. Forum built after the rise to the empire of Lucius Septimius Severus in 193. Sculptural detail with Gorgons head. Roman art. Early Empire

Background imageRomans Collection: Development of the English alphabet

Development of the English alphabet. The Old Greek alphabet derived from Phoenician and was in use by 900-800 BC

Background imageRomans Collection: Boadicea (As Forrest)

Boadicea (As Forrest)
BOADICEA (or Boudicca) Queen of the Iceni, encouraging the Britons to defend their country against the Romans

Background imageRomans Collection: Romans in Britain 54Bc

Romans in Britain 54Bc
Following his preliminary expedition of 55 BC, Julius Caesar and his 5 Roman legions (25, 000 men) and 2, 000 cavalry land again in Britain between Deal and Dover

Background imageRomans Collection: Hypnos, God of Sleep

Hypnos, God of Sleep
HYPNOS is the Greek god of sleep, known as SOMNUS to the Romans; he lives in a cave in the Cimmerian country where the sun never shines

Background imageRomans Collection: Charlemagne, King and Emperor

Charlemagne, King and Emperor
Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus. Karolus Magnus, Charles the Great), King of the Franks from 768, King of the Lombards from 774, and Emperor of the Romans from 800

Background imageRomans Collection: Reconstructing Ancient Pompeii by Fortunino Matania

Reconstructing Ancient Pompeii by Fortunino Matania
In front of the magnificent temple of Apollo: a reconstruction of Pompeii before the terrible eruption of 79 A.D

Background imageRomans Collection: Arch of Titus. Rome. Italy

Arch of Titus. Rome. Italy
Roman Art. Arch of Titus. Erected in the year 81 to commemorate the conquest of Titus against the Jews. It features carved scenes of the conquest and subsequent destruction of Jerusalem (AD 70)

Background imageRomans Collection: Temple of Vesta. Rome. Italy

Temple of Vesta. Rome. Italy
Italy. Rome. Temple of Vesta. Roman Forum

Background imageRomans Collection: Gallo-Roman low-relief. Ferrying wine barrels

Gallo-Roman low-relief. Ferrying wine barrels and amphorae. Roman art. Early Empire. Relief on rock. FRANCE. PROVENCE ALPES CԔ E D AZUR. VAUCLUSE. Avignon. Mus饠 Calvet (Calvet Museum)

Background imageRomans Collection: Roman art. Statue of a young athlete. National Archaeologica

Roman art. Statue of a young athlete. National Archaeological Museum. Madrid. Spain

Background imageRomans Collection: Jerusalem / Model 1st C

Jerusalem / Model 1st C
A reconstruction of JERUSALEM at the time of the second temple before the town was ransacked by the Romans. The model was made between 1964 and 1967 by Hans Kroch. Date: 66 AD

Background imageRomans Collection: Visigoths and Romans defeating the Huns at Chalons

Visigoths and Romans defeating the Huns at Chalons
Thorismond proclaimed king of the Visigoths on the battlefield near Chalons after defeating Attila, 451 A.D. Hand-colored woodcut of a 19th-century illustration

Background imageRomans Collection: Droitwich Spa

Droitwich Spa
The Brine Baths at Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire; they were first discovered by the Romans

Background imageRomans Collection: Scythian armour and weapons

Scythian armour and weapons
Scythian breastplate, shield, helmet and maces from the Column of Theodosius in Constantinople (Istanbul)

Background imageRomans Collection: Roman mosaic. 4th-5th century. From roman villa of Pacs. Cat

Roman mosaic. 4th-5th century. From roman villa of Pacs. Cat
Roman mosaic. Geometric. 4th-5th century. From roman villa of Pacs. Catalonia. Diocesan Museum. Barcelona. Spain

Background imageRomans Collection: Roman mosaic. Fish and octopus. Spain

Roman mosaic. Fish and octopus. Spain
Roman mosaic. Scene Marina. Fish and octopus. Archaeological Museum. Albacete province. Castile-La Mancha. Spain

Background imageRomans Collection: Taming horse. Roman painting. Domus. 4th C. Merida (Augusta

Taming horse. Roman painting. Domus. 4th C. Merida (Augusta
Taming horse. Roman painting. Domus. 4th C. From Merida(Augusta Emerita). National Museum of Roman art. Merida. Spain

Background imageRomans Collection: Colossal statue of a goddess. 2nd century AD

Colossal statue of a goddess. 2nd century AD
Roman colossal statue of a goddess. 138-161 AD. The head is latest. Marble. From Egypt. Neues Museum (New Museum). Berlin. Germany

Background imageRomans Collection: Appius Claudius the Censor (340-273 BC). Engraving. Colored

Appius Claudius the Censor (340-273 BC). Engraving. Colored
Appius Claudius the Censor (340-273 BC). Roman Censor. Engraving by Sabattini after a fresco by Cesare Maccari. The Iberian Illustration, 1898. Colored

Background imageRomans Collection: Temple of Athena, Paestum, Campania, Italy

Temple of Athena, Paestum, Campania, Italy

Background imageRomans Collection: Scene of wild boar hunt, mosaic uncovered in Merida (Augusta

Scene of wild boar hunt, mosaic uncovered in Merida (Augusta
Scene of wild boar hunt, mosaic uncovered in Merida, Spain. Roman, 4th century. National Museum of Roman Art. Merida. Spain

Background imageRomans Collection: Menander (ca. 342-ca. 292 BC). Portrait

Menander (ca. 342-ca. 292 BC). Portrait
Menander (ca.342-ca.292 BC). Greek dramatist, representative of the athenian New Comedy. Roman copy of a Greek original. Glyptothek. Munich. Germany

Background imageRomans Collection: Titus (39-81 AD). Roman Emperor. Bust. Marble

Titus (39-81 AD). Roman Emperor. Bust. Marble
Titus (39-81 AD). Roman Emperor. Flavian dynasty. Bust. Marble. 70-80 AD. From Utica, near Carthage. British Museum. London. England. United Kingdom

Background imageRomans Collection: Surveyors sitting in a circle during a meeting. Miniature of

Surveyors sitting in a circle during a meeting. Miniature of the 14th century

Background imageRomans Collection: Druidess / Vercingetorix

Druidess / Vercingetorix
A Druidess of the Ile de Sayne reveals the destiny of Gaul to Vercingetorix, who leads his countrymen to defeat by the Romans Date: circa 60 BC

Background imageRomans Collection: Charlemagne, King and Emperor

Charlemagne, King and Emperor
Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus. Karolus Magnus, Charles the Great), King of the Franks from 768, King of the Lombards from 774, and Emperor of the Romans from 800

Background imageRomans Collection: Cannae Battlefield

Cannae Battlefield
19th century view of the battlefield of Cannae, where Hannibal routed the Romans : they lost 50, 000, he lost only 5700 though greatly outnumbered

Background imageRomans Collection: Romans Pillage Athens

Romans Pillage Athens
Athens is pillaged by Sullas invading Romans

Background imageRomans Collection: Events / Ancient Rome

Events / Ancient Rome
The Romans admire the works of art they have looted from Greece

Background imageRomans Collection: Hannibal in battle with his war elephants

Hannibal in battle with his war elephants
SECOND PUNIC WAR : Hannibal, the Carthaginian leader, goes into battle against the Romans with his war elephants

Background imageRomans Collection: The Forum of Roman London

The Forum of Roman London
Artists impression of the Forum of Roman London, located in what is now the City of London. Date: 1926

Background imageRomans Collection: Bust of a Roman woman. Roman art. Early Empire

Bust of a Roman woman. Roman art. Early Empire. Sculpture. SPAIN. CATALONIA. BARCELONA. Barcelona. Archaeology Museum of Catalonia

Background imageRomans Collection: Greek triremes. Engraving. Warship appeared in

Greek triremes. Engraving. Warship appeared in 6th c. BC: It was used by Phoenicians, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans and Carthaginians

Background imageRomans Collection: Rome Centenary

Rome Centenary
Patriotic Romans celebrate the 26th centenary of the founding of their city by Romulus and Remus

Background imageRomans Collection: Pyrrhus fighting the Romans at Beneventum

Pyrrhus fighting the Romans at Beneventum
Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, fighting the Romans, led by the consul Manius Curius Dentatus, at the Battle of Beneventum, near Benevento in southern Italy

Background imageRomans Collection: Horsemen 3 - Thessalonia

Horsemen 3 - Thessalonia
THESSALONIANS : renowned for their horse-breeding and their equestrian skills, these people of eastern Greece are depicted here defending their country against the Romans

Background imageRomans Collection: Gauls defeat Romans on the River Allia

Gauls defeat Romans on the River Allia
The Gauls defeat the Romans in battle on the River Allia

Background imageRomans Collection: Battle of Actium / 31 Bc

Battle of Actium / 31 Bc
CLEOPATRA VII Ruled 58-55 BC The Battle of Actium, Cleopatra directs her fleet against the Romans commanded by Octavian

Background imageRomans Collection: Funerary monument, shaped as a stone altar, of

Funerary monument, shaped as a stone altar, of Tatianos, son of Euenos and Antiocheis. 2nd-3rd centuries AD

Background imageRomans Collection: Portrait of a woman. 1st-2nd centuries AD. Found

Portrait of a woman. 1st-2nd centuries AD. Found in the Roman Villa of Milreu. Faro, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Portrait of a man. 1st century AD. Unknown provenance

Portrait of a man. 1st century AD. Unknown provenance. Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Sarcophagus of the Grape Harvest. White marble

Sarcophagus of the Grape Harvest. White marble
Sarcophagus of the Grape Harvest. In the shape of a bathtub or grape press, its decoration depicts a vineyard. The central medallion shows a bust of the deceased, apparently a young girl

Background imageRomans Collection: Sarcophagus of the Grape Harvest. White marble

Sarcophagus of the Grape Harvest. White marble
Sarcophagus of the Grape Harvest. In the shape of a bathtub or grape press, its decoration depicts a vineyard. The central medallion shows a bust of the deceased, apparently a young girl

Background imageRomans Collection: Sarcophagus of the Lions. Decorated with lion

Sarcophagus of the Lions. Decorated with lion heads and strigils. Marble. 2nd century AD. External dimensions: 2.45 m. (length), 0.90 m. (width) and 0.55 m. (height). Detail. From Evora, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Sarcophagus of the Grape Harvest. White marble

Sarcophagus of the Grape Harvest. White marble
Sarcophagus of the Grape Harvest. In the shape of a bathtub or grape press, its decoration depicts a vineyard. The central medallion shows a bust of the deceased, apparently a young girl

Background imageRomans Collection: Sarcophagus of the Lions. Decorated with lion

Sarcophagus of the Lions. Decorated with lion heads and strigils. Marble. 2nd century AD. External dimensions: 2.45 m. (length), 0.90 m. (width) and 0.55 m. (height). From Evora, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Funerary monument, shaped as a stone altar, of

Funerary monument, shaped as a stone altar, of
Funerary monument, shaped as a stone altar, and respective socle, of Caius Servilius Claranus. 2nd century AD. Inscription: Dedicated to Gods Manes

Background imageRomans Collection: Covering of a prismatic pillar. 1st-2nd centuries

Covering of a prismatic pillar. 1st-2nd centuries AD. From Povoa de Santo Adriao, Loures, Lisbon district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Head of Dionysus. 1st and 2nd centuries AD. From

Head of Dionysus. 1st and 2nd centuries AD. From
Dionysus (Bacchus). God of wine. Head of Dionysus. 1st and 2nd centuries AD. From Mertola, Beja district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Prismatic pillar, of Galla. 1st-2nd century AD

Prismatic pillar, of Galla. 1st-2nd century AD
Prismatic pillar, of Galla. 1st-2nd centuries AD. Inscription: Dedicated to Gods Manes. Galla, of 35 years, is buried here

Background imageRomans Collection: Bust of Dionysus. 2nd century AD. Found in

Bust of Dionysus. 2nd century AD. Found in
Dionysus (Bacchus). God of wine. Bust of Dionysus. 2nd century AD. Found in the Roman Villa of Milreu. Faro, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Sleeping Silenus statue. 1st century AD. Lisbon

Sleeping Silenus statue. 1st century AD. Lisbon
Statue of a sleeping Silenus. Marble. 57 AD. Lisbon. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel

The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th centuries AD. Detail. From Torre de Palma Lusitan-Roman villa, Monforte, Portalegre district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum

Background imageRomans Collection: The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel

The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th centuries AD. Detail. From Torre de Palma Lusitan-Roman villa, Monforte, Portalegre district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum

Background imageRomans Collection: The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel

The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th centuries AD. Detail. From Torre de Palma Lusitan-Roman villa, Monforte, Portalegre district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum

Background imageRomans Collection: The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel

The Indian Triumph of Bacchus. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th centuries AD. Detail. From Torre de Palma Lusitan-Roman villa, Monforte, Portalegre district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum

Background imageRomans Collection: Apollo and Daphne. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th

Apollo and Daphne. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th centuries AD. Detail. From Torre de Palma Lusitan-Roman villa, Monforte, Portalegre district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Apollo and Daphne. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th

Apollo and Daphne. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th centuries AD. Detail. From Torre de Palma Lusitan-Roman villa, Monforte, Portalegre district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Apollo and Daphne. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th

Apollo and Daphne. Roman mosaic panel. 3rd-4th centuries AD. From Torre de Palma Lusitan-Roman villa, Monforte, Portalegre district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Roman clay oil lamps. Portugal

Roman clay oil lamps. Portugal
Roman clay oil lamps. The ones on the left and right are decorated with a depiction of a Muse. The central one depicts Selene. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Head of a Nymph. 2nd century AD. Unknown provenance

Head of a Nymph. 2nd century AD. Unknown provenance, possibly from Alentejo or Algarve, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Head of a Nymph. 2nd century AD. Unknown provenance

Head of a Nymph. 2nd century AD. Unknown provenance, possibly from Alentejo or Algarve, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Fragment of a statuette depicting Eros riding

Fragment of a statuette depicting Eros riding a dolphin. Dated to around the 2nd century AD. Found in the Roman Villa of Milreu. Faro, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Statuette of the goddess Fortuna. 1st century

Statuette of the goddess Fortuna. 1st century
Statuette of the goddess Fortuna. Bronze. 1st century AD. From Lameirancha. Torres Novas, Santarem district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Small statue of Tyche/Fortuna. 1st century AD

Small statue of Tyche/Fortuna. 1st century AD. From Quinta das Antas. Tavira, Faro district, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Colossal head of Augustus. 1st century AD. Mertola

Colossal head of Augustus. 1st century AD. Mertola, Beja, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Stone altar consecrated to Endovellicus, by Marcus

Stone altar consecrated to Endovellicus, by Marcus Licinius Nigellius

Background imageRomans Collection: Stone altar consecrated to Endovellicus, by Marcus

Stone altar consecrated to Endovellicus, by Marcus Licinius Nigellius

Background imageRomans Collection: Two-faced Herma of Dionysian nature. Two-faced

Two-faced Herma of Dionysian nature. Two-faced Hermes. 1st century AD. Quinta do Muro. Cacela, Faro, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Two-faced Herma of Dionysian nature. Two-faced

Two-faced Herma of Dionysian nature. Two-faced Hermes. 1st century AD. View of one side. Quinta do Muro. Cacela, Faro, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Two-faced Herma of Dionysian nature. Two-faced

Two-faced Herma of Dionysian nature. Two-faced Hermes. 1st century AD. View of one side. Quinta do Muro. Cacela, Faro, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Statue of a young man carrying an offering (a)

Statue of a young man carrying an offering (a)
Statue of a young man carrying an offering (a bird). Dated around the 2nd century AD. From the Roman temple of Endovelicus at Sao Miguel da Mota. Terena, Alandroal, Evora. Portugal

Background imageRomans Collection: Female figure dressed. 1st-2nd centuries AD. Statue

Female figure dressed. 1st-2nd centuries AD. Statue from Sao Miguel da Mota. Terena. Alandroal, Evora, Portugal. National Archaeology Museum. Lisbon, Portugal

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"Exploring the Magnificence of Romans: From Emperors to Empires" Bust of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD): A glimpse into the stoic wisdom and power that defined one of Rome's greatest emperors. Map of the Roman Empire: Unveiling the vast expanse and influence of an empire that shaped Western civilization for centuries. Garden Paintings from the so-called Villa of Livia: Discovering ancient Roman aesthetics through vibrant depictions of nature, offering a window into their appreciation for beauty. Roman Empire (4th c. AD). Scale model: Marveling at a miniature replica showcasing architectural wonders, reminding us how advanced and grandiose their cities were. Development of the English alphabet: Tracing back our language's roots to Latin script, highlighting Rome's lasting impact on modern communication systems. Queen Boudicca inciting Britons to revolt: Witnessing a fierce warrior queen rallying her people against Roman oppression, symbolizing resistance in history. LIBYA. TRIPOLI. Leptis Magna - Forum of Septimius Severus: Immersing ourselves in ruins that once thrived as centers for politics and commerce during Rome's golden age. Boy with horse (possible Castor I): Admiring a delicate marble relief capturing youthful innocence amidst equestrian prowess, reflecting artistic mastery in ancient times. Boadicea (As Forrest): Commemorating an iconic Celtic leader who defied Roman rule, embodying bravery and defiance against imperial forces. Hypnos, God of Sleep: Delving into mythology as we encounter Hypnos - personification of sleep - revealing Romans' fascination with divine beings governing every aspect of life. Roman mosaic depicting fish and octopus in Spain: Appreciating intricate artistry found underfoot, showcasing the Romans' attention to detail and love for marine life.

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