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Togo Collection

Background imageTogo Collection: Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. St

Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Aneho, Togo, West Africa, Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: Flag of Togo

Flag of Togo

Background imageTogo Collection: Queen Alexandra & Dogs

Queen Alexandra & Dogs
ALEXANDRA QUEEN TO EDWARD VII Shown here in a garden, possibly at Sandringham with her two Japanese Chin dogs, Haru and Togo

Background imageTogo Collection: Muslim woman praying, Lome, Togo, West Africa, Africa

Muslim woman praying, Lome, Togo, West Africa, Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: The Russo-Japanese War - Japanese Naval Admirals

The Russo-Japanese War - Japanese Naval Admirals
The Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) - Japanese Naval Admirals Date: circa 1905

Background imageTogo Collection: Japanese pre-dreadnought battleship Mikasa - built in the UK

Japanese pre-dreadnought battleship Mikasa - built in the UK
The Mikasa - a pre-dreadnought battleship built for the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) in the late 1890s, and was the only ship of her class

Background imageTogo Collection: Voodoo sacred tree in Togoville, Togo, West Africa, Africa

Voodoo sacred tree in Togoville, Togo, West Africa, Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: Tsushima (Schon - 2

Tsushima (Schon - 2
BATTLE OF TSUSHIMA STRAIT The Japanese Admiral Togo steams into action in his flagship Mikafa, inflicting an overwhelming defeat on the Russian fleet

Background imageTogo Collection: Christian couple praying, Togoville, Togo, West Africa, Africa

Christian couple praying, Togoville, Togo, West Africa, Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: Africa, Togo, Koutammakou. Sacred old baobab tree

Africa, Togo, Koutammakou. Sacred old baobab tree

Background imageTogo Collection: Africa, Togo, Koutammakou area. A village of the Batammariba people built in the

Africa, Togo, Koutammakou area. A village of the Batammariba people built in the traditional tata somba style

Background imageTogo Collection: Vector colored map of Africa

Vector colored map of Africa
Art Illustration Maps, 1903380603

Background imageTogo Collection: GHANI, GHANA - JAN 14

GHANI, GHANA - JAN 14, 2017: Unidentified Ghanaian girl in dirty clothes carries her little sister on her back in the Ghani village

Background imageTogo Collection: GHANI, GHANA - JAN 14, 2017: Unidentified Ghanaian little girl carries a baby on her back in the Ghani village

GHANI, GHANA - JAN 14, 2017: Unidentified Ghanaian little girl carries a baby on her back in the Ghani village

Background imageTogo Collection: Jewelry vendor grand market Lome Togo West Africa

Jewelry vendor grand market Lome Togo West Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: West Africa region, political map

West Africa region, political map. Area with capitals and borders. The westernmost countries on the African continent, also called Western Africa West Africa region, political map

Background imageTogo Collection: Prestigious cotton wrapper for a Male, from the Togolese Republic

Prestigious cotton wrapper for a Male, from the Togolese Republic
UIG2909989 Prestigious cotton wrapper for a Male, from the Togolese Republic; ( Prestigious cotton wrapper, a colourful garment, for a Male. From the Togolese Republic, West Africa)

Background imageTogo Collection: Prestigious cotton wrapper for a Male, from the Togolese Republic

Prestigious cotton wrapper for a Male, from the Togolese Republic
UIG2909988 Prestigious cotton wrapper for a Male, from the Togolese Republic; ( Prestigious cotton wrapper, a colourful garment, for a Male. From the Togolese Republic, West Africa)

Background imageTogo Collection: The African explorer and German Imperial Commissioner Gustav Nachtigal acquired Togo

The African explorer and German Imperial Commissioner Gustav Nachtigal acquired Togo and Cameroon through treaties with indigenous chiefs, Historical

Background imageTogo Collection: German speaking teacher couple in Ho in 1910

German speaking teacher couple in Ho in 1910, Togo, German Togo, was a German colony from 1884 to 1916, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of an early 20th century original

Background imageTogo Collection: Lome in 1930, capital of Togo, Africa

Lome in 1930, capital of Togo, Africa, Historic, digitally restored reproduction of an original from the early 20th century, exact original date unknown

Background imageTogo Collection: Adolf Friedrich, Duke of Mecklenburg

Adolf Friedrich, Duke of Mecklenburg, 10 October 1873 to 5 August 1969, full name Adolf Friedrich Albrecht Heinrich was an African traveller, governor of the German colony of Togo, Historic

Background imageTogo Collection: Square of palaver in the woods near Bismarckburg in Adeliland

Square of palaver in the woods near Bismarckburg in Adeliland, West Africa, today known as Togo, historical illustration, wood engraving, about 1888

Background imageTogo Collection: Der schiffbare Ballon, entwickelt von Stanislas Charles Henri Dupuy de Lome

Der schiffbare Ballon, entwickelt von Stanislas Charles Henri Dupuy de Lome, einem franzoesischen Schiffbauingenieur, 1872

Background imageTogo Collection: Series of warship types, Dupuy de Lome

Series of warship types, Dupuy de Lome, France, digitally enhanced reproduction of a Liebig collector's picture from ca 1900, Europe

Background imageTogo Collection: Aviation: The Navigable Balloon Developed by Dupuy de Lome in 1872

Aviation: The Navigable Balloon Developed by Dupuy de Lome in 1872, Aviation, digitally restored reproduction of an original 19th century artwork, original date unknown

Background imageTogo Collection: Western Black Tree Snake (Thrasops occidentalis)

Western Black Tree Snake (Thrasops occidentalis)

Background imageTogo Collection: African burrowing python (Calabaria rainhardtii)

African burrowing python (Calabaria rainhardtii)

Background imageTogo Collection: African Shovel-nosed Snake (Scaphiophis albopunctatus)

African Shovel-nosed Snake (Scaphiophis albopunctatus)

Background imageTogo Collection: Muller's sand boa (Eryx muelleri)

Muller's sand boa (Eryx muelleri)

Background imageTogo Collection: Peters's dwarf epauletted fruit bat (Micropteropus pusillus)

Peters's dwarf epauletted fruit bat (Micropteropus pusillus)

Background imageTogo Collection: West African water skink (Cophoscincopus simulans)

West African water skink (Cophoscincopus simulans)

Background imageTogo Collection: Northern Green Bush Snake (Philothamnus irregularis)

Northern Green Bush Snake (Philothamnus irregularis)

Background imageTogo Collection: Northern Green Bush Snake (Philothamnus irregularis)

Northern Green Bush Snake (Philothamnus irregularis)

Background imageTogo Collection: Western green mamba (Dendroaspis viridis)

Western green mamba (Dendroaspis viridis)

Background imageTogo Collection: West African Gaboon Viper (Bites rhinoceros)

West African Gaboon Viper (Bites rhinoceros)

Background imageTogo Collection: African Burrowing Python (Calabria reinhardtii)

African Burrowing Python (Calabria reinhardtii)

Background imageTogo Collection: Western bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

Western bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

Background imageTogo Collection: Western bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

Western bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

Background imageTogo Collection: Western bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

Western bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

Background imageTogo Collection: Western black tree snake (Thrasops occidentalis) juvenile

Western black tree snake (Thrasops occidentalis) juvenile

Background imageTogo Collection: Western black tree snake (Thrasops occidentalis)

Western black tree snake (Thrasops occidentalis)

Background imageTogo Collection: West African Gaboon viper (Bitis rhinoceros)

West African Gaboon viper (Bitis rhinoceros)

Background imageTogo Collection: Western black tree snake (Thrasops occidentalis)

Western black tree snake (Thrasops occidentalis)

Background imageTogo Collection: Savannah monitor (Varanus exanthematicus)

Savannah monitor (Varanus exanthematicus)

Background imageTogo Collection: Ocellated carpet viper (Echis ocellatus)

Ocellated carpet viper (Echis ocellatus)

Background imageTogo Collection: Banded leaf-toed gecko (Hemidactylus fasciatus)

Banded leaf-toed gecko (Hemidactylus fasciatus)

Background imageTogo Collection: West African water skink (Cophoscincopus simulans)

West African water skink (Cophoscincopus simulans)

Background imageTogo Collection: Blandings Tree Snake (Toxicodryas blandingii)

Blandings Tree Snake (Toxicodryas blandingii)

Background imageTogo Collection: West African Gaboon viper (Bitis rhinoceros)

West African Gaboon viper (Bitis rhinoceros)

Background imageTogo Collection: West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

Background imageTogo Collection: West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

Background imageTogo Collection: West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

Background imageTogo Collection: The Central African Egg-eating Snake (Dasypeltis fasciata)

The Central African Egg-eating Snake (Dasypeltis fasciata)

Background imageTogo Collection: West African Gaboon viper, Bites rhinoceros

West African Gaboon viper, Bites rhinoceros

Background imageTogo Collection: Crested chameleon, Trioceros cristatus

Crested chameleon, Trioceros cristatus

Background imageTogo Collection: Lineolate blind snake, Afrotyphlopinae lineolatus

Lineolate blind snake, Afrotyphlopinae lineolatus

Background imageTogo Collection: Blandings tree snake, Toxicodryas blandingii

Blandings tree snake, Toxicodryas blandingii, Blandings tree snake, Toxicodryas blandingii, is a large nocturnal rear-fanged venomous snake species found across West to Eastern Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: Giant African Olive millipede (Telodeinopus aoutii)

Giant African Olive millipede (Telodeinopus aoutii) The Giant African Olive millipede (Telodeinopus aoutii) is a large armored arthropod

Background imageTogo Collection: Chocolate millipede (Pelmatojulus ligulatus)

Chocolate millipede (Pelmatojulus ligulatus) The Chocolate millipede (Pelmatojulus ligulatus) is a large heavily armored arthropod found in West Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: Giant whip scorpion (Damon medius)

Giant whip scorpion (Damon medius) The Giant whip scorpion (Damon medius) must come out of some horror film. They are not

Background imageTogo Collection: Western tree hyrax (Dendrohyrax dorsalis)

Western tree hyrax (Dendrohyrax dorsalis) The Western tree hyrax (Dendrohyrax dorsalis) is a solitary mammal species found in Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: Edible bullfrog (Pyxicephalus edulis)

Edible bullfrog (Pyxicephalus edulis) The Edible bullfrog (Pyxicephalus edulis) is a common frog species found in sub-saharan Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis)

West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis) The West African bush viper (Atheris chlorechis) is actually prefectly camouflaged between the rain forest leafs it lives in

Background imageTogo Collection: Fire skink / Lepidothyris fernandi

Fire skink / Lepidothyris fernandi The Fire skink is a large, colorful skink species found in Western Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: Fire skink / Lepidothyris fernandi

Fire skink / Lepidothyris fernandi The fire skink is a large colorful lizard species found in West Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: Caecilian / Geotrypetes seraphini

Caecilian / Geotrypetes seraphini Caecilians are worm like amphibians found across the tropics. Their skin contains toxics to deter any would be predator from eating them

Background imageTogo Collection: Fat-tailed gecko / Hemitheconyx caudicinctus

Fat-tailed gecko / Hemitheconyx caudicinctus The African fat-tailed gecko is a large terrestrial gecko species found from Senegal to Nigeria

Background imageTogo Collection: Fat-tailed gecko / Hemitheconyx caudicinctus

Fat-tailed gecko / Hemitheconyx caudicinctus Fat-tailed geckos are large terrestrial eyelid geckos (one of the rare gecko species that do have eyelids) that inhabit Central Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: Jameson's Mamba / Dendroaspis jamesoni

Jameson's Mamba / Dendroaspis jamesoni The Jameson's mamba is a large, fast, agile and deadly tree snake species found in Central Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: Green mamba / Dendroaspis viridis

Green mamba / Dendroaspis viridis The green mamba is a highly venomous, agile, alert and fast tree snake found in West Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: A Fisherman at Peace

A Fisherman at Peace
Florent Dirk Thies

Background imageTogo Collection: World Flags - Ultimate Collection - 287 flags - Volume 6

World Flags - Ultimate Collection - 287 flags - Volume 6 World Flags - Ultimate Collection - 287 flags - Volume 6

Background imageTogo Collection: Close-up of hands of African Muslim man praying with Islamic prayer beads (tasbih), Togo

Close-up of hands of African Muslim man praying with Islamic prayer beads (tasbih), Togo, West Africa, Africa

Background imageTogo Collection: Sylvanus Olympio with Ralph Bunche

Sylvanus Olympio with Ralph Bunche
Photograph of Sylvanus Olympio with Ralph Bunche. Sylvanus Olympio (1902-1963) a Togolese politician who served as Prime Minister, and the President of Togo

Background imageTogo Collection: Africa, Togo. Koutammakou, Tamberma. Unesco World Heritage site

Africa, Togo. Koutammakou, Tamberma. Unesco World Heritage site. Fetish at the entrance of a village

Background imageTogo Collection: Africa, Togo, Kloto, Kpalima area. Fruitbats flying in a forest

Africa, Togo, Kloto, Kpalima area. Fruitbats flying in a forest
Africa, Togo, Kloto, KpalimA area. Fruitbats flying in a forest

Background imageTogo Collection: Africa, Togo, Aneho. Palms on the shores of the Togo Lake

Africa, Togo, Aneho. Palms on the shores of the Togo Lake

Background imageTogo Collection: Africa, Togo. Koutammakou, Tamberma people

Africa, Togo. Koutammakou, Tamberma people. Unesco World Heritage site. Entrance of a traditional fortified dwelling with the phallic fetishes of the ancestors

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Togo, a land of diverse cultures and rich history, holds many fascinating stories within its borders. From the Holy Trinity to Queen Alexandra's love for dogs, this West African nation is full of intriguing hints. In Togoville, amidst the vibrant landscapes of West Africa, you can witness both Muslim and Christian communities deeply immersed in their faith. A Muslim woman praying with devotion showcases the religious diversity that thrives here. Meanwhile, a Christian couple seeks solace through prayer as they embrace their spirituality. As we delve into Togo's past, we encounter an unexpected connection to Japan. The Russo-Japanese War brings forth Japanese Naval Admirals who played pivotal roles in shaping history. Among them stands Admiral Togo Heihachiro - a legendary figure whose leadership during this conflict earned him great acclaim. The ties between Japan and Togo extend further with the pre-dreadnought battleship Mikasa. Built in the UK but serving under Japan's flag, it symbolizes international collaboration and technological advancements that transcended borders. Venturing deeper into Togoville reveals another captivating aspect – Voodoo practices intertwined with local traditions. The sacred tree standing tall serves as a focal point for rituals performed by devoted followers seeking spiritual guidance. Moving away from Togoville towards Koutammakou area unveils breathtaking landscapes inhabited by the Batammariba people. Their unique village architecture reflects their deep-rooted cultural heritage while harmoniously blending with nature’s beauty. Even beyond its shores, Togo leaves an indelible mark on history books worldwide. Burrell General Purpose Engine number 2706 Admiral Togo represents one such example – a testament to engineering prowess bearing homage to this esteemed naval hero. Marshal-Admiral Togo himself remains etched in memory as one of Japan's greatest naval heroes; his legacy continues to inspire generations even today. His strategic brilliance during times of war solidified his place in history and earned him the respect of his peers.

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