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221 Items
King George VI and Clement Attlee, Buckingham Palace, 1945Photograph of King George VI (1895-1952) and Clement Attlee, 1st Earl Attlee, (1883-1967) in the grounds of Buckingham Palace, 1945
Earthrise as seen from above surface of the moonEarthrise as seen from above the surface of the Moon, photographed by astronauts on board the Apollo 8 spacecraft as it orbited the Moon in 1968
Launch of HMS Ark Royal, Birkenhead, 1937Photograph showing the aircraft-carrier HMS Ark Royal being launched down the slipway at the Cammell Laird Shipyard, Birkenhead, 13th April 1937
Liberal Party Poster, We Mobilised for War - Let us MobilisA Liberal Party Poster with Lloyd George, Liberal Leader, depicted above the slogan We mobilised for War - let us Mobilise for Prosperity! Vote Liberal
American Indians. Sitting Bull, Chief of the SiouxPortrait of Sitting Bull with elaborate feathered head dress reaching to the ground. Sitting Bull lead the resistance against the Americans which culminated in the defeat of General Custer
Liberal Party Poster; Attack PovertyA Liberal Party Poster telling the electorate to Attack Poverty by voting Liberal, from the 1920 s
Neville Chamberlain PM, 1938Portrait of (Arthur) Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940), British Prime Minister, photographed in 1938
American Indians. Billy Bowlegs and his suite of Indian ChieBilly Bowlegs (Holata Micco) was a leader of the Seminole people, he went on to serve as a Captain in the Union Army during the Civil War
The Empire State Building, New York, 1945Photograph of the Empire State Building, New York. At 1250 foot high, it was then the tallest skyscraper in the world
SS Norman arriving at Southampton, 1903Photograph of the SS Norman arriving at Ocean Quay, Southampton, 14th March 1903. Joseph Chamberlain, Colonial Secretary, was on board the Norman arriving back from a foreign tour
American Indians. Sitting Bull addressing a meeting of braveSitting was an inspirational Sioux Chief, who together with Crazy Horse, defeated Custer and tried to prevent the American Indians being forced into reservations
American Indians. John Francis, chief of the Passamaquoddy IIndian chief dressed in embroidered tunic and trousers from Lake Utopia, New Brunswick, Canada
King George VI and Clement Attlee, at Buckingham Palace, 194Photograph of King George VI (1895-1952) and Clement Attlee, 1st Earl Attlee, (1883-1967) in the grounds of Buckingham Palace, 1945
Koala Mother & Young, AustraliaCAN-265 Koalas - Mother and young Australia Phascolarctos cinereus John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way.
Lugano, Switzerland - 9 July 2004: Pat Metheny on stage at Estival Jazz in Lugano on Switzerland
Benjamin Disraeli at a Carlton Club BanquetEngraving showing members of the Carlton Club toasting Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield (1804-1881) (seated centre), during a banquet held at the Riding-School, Knightsbridge
American Indians. The Modoc War in America. Lake Tule, withThe American army fought the Modoc Indians at the Lava Beds, California, after the Modoc had killed General Canby and the Rev Dr Thomas at a conference of Modoc chiefs and US Peace Commissioners
Lion. South Luangwa Valley National Park - Zambia - AfricaWAT-9269 Lion South Luangwa Valley National Park - Zambia - Africa Panthera leo M. Watson Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way
Hippopotamus - in water. South Luangwa Valley National Park - Zambia - AfricaWAT-9206 Hippopotamus - in water South Luangwa Valley National Park - Zambia - Africa Hippopotamus amphibius M
The forests of Grenada
American Indians. The Red Indian on show in London. Chief WhAmerican Indian father and son with bows and arrows
John Bright MP, (1811-1889)Portrait of John Bright, the English orator and radical politician, seated in his office, 1885. He also served as President of the Board of Trade and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
A DOLPHIN DIVES OFF THE COAST OF SOUTH AFRICAs KWAZULU NATAL PROVINCEA bottlenose dolphin chasing a shoal of sardines goes airborne off South Africas Kwa-Zulu Natal South Coast, July 9, 2004
Woman holding a plastering hawk and spreading plaster on to a wall with a trowel
Holding a plastering hawk and spreading plaster onto a wall with a trowel
American Indians. The Peaceful extinction of the red IndianIn all their war paint, Chiefs of the vanishing Sioux tribe. The Sioux were originally the principle tribe in Dakota. By 1851 they had lost nearly all of their land
Applying a second layer of plaster to a wall using trowel
Tdf2004-SunflowersCyclist ride past a field of sunflowers during the sixth stage of the 91st Tour de France cycling race between Bonneval and Angers, 09 July 2004. AFP PHOTO JOEL SAGET / AFP PHOTO / JOEL SAGET
Picture No. 10787129Lion - three attacking Crawshay's Zebra (Panthera leo) Date
Nude jigsawDNA jigsaw. Conceptual computer artwork of a DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecule formed by pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
The Empire State Building, New York, on Fire, 1945Photograph showing the Empire State Building on fire, between the eighty-fifth and ninetieth floors, as a result of a Mitchell bomber accidently crashing into the building, 28th July 1945
W. E. Gladstone and Queen Victoria, 1892Illustration of William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898) kissing the hand of Queen Victoria on the occasion of his return to office as Prime Minister of Great Britain, for the fourth time, 15th August 1892
American Indians, The Recent Wars with the Sioux Indians. QuSioux Chief negotiating with Quaker men
American Indians. Iroquois ChiefThe Iroqois, or Mohawks, are an Indian tribe of North America, formerly known also under the name of Mengwe, or six nations, inhabiting the country between Montreal and Lake Ontario
Benjamin Disraelis House at 19 Curzon Street, Mayfair, 1881Engraving of 19 Curzon Street, Mayfair, London; the home of Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield (1804-1881) and the place where he died
H. H. Asquith ambushed and captured by Suffragettes, 1908Illustration showing H.H. Asquith, British Prime Minister, being ambushed and captured by the suffragettes, Miss Jessie Kenney (on left) and Miss Vera Wentworth (on right), as he left Toynbes Hall
Joseph Chamberlain MP at Bingley Hall, Birmingham, 4th NovemIllustration showing Joseph Chamberlain MP, delivering a speech on Protectionism and Free Trade, at Bingley Hall, Birmingham
Sir (Joseph) Austen Chamberlain (1863-1937)Portrait of Sir Austen Chamberlain, the English politician and Nobel Prize winner
The Radziwill Palace, Berlin, 1878Engraving of the Radziwill Palace, Berlin; the place used for the Berlin Congress of 1878. Here, British, Russian and Turkish leaders met to discuss their conflicting interests in the Turkish region
American indians. The red indian on show in London. DomesticRed Indian babies, or papooses at Earls Court. Three Red Indian babies outside a teepee, with an Indian child and woman
African Civet. South Luangwa Valley National Park - Zambia - AfricaWAT-9199 African Civet. South Luangwa Valley National Park - Zambia - Africa Civettictis civetta Formerly Viverra Civetta M
Three Crosses On A Hill
The Cross On A Hill
Man standing, wearing overalls, mask, gloves and cap
The New Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert launched at Pembroke on May 9. 20 May 1899The New Royal Yacht " Victoria and Albert" launched at Pembroke on May 9. 20 May 1899
Picture No. 10787144Lions - killing Crawshay's Zebra (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10787128Lion - suffocating Crawshay's Zebra (Panthera leo) Date
Picture No. 10787143Lions - two feeding on zebra (Panthera leo) Date
Church on Spilled Blood (Church of the Resurrection), UNESCO World Heritage Site, St. Petersburg, Russia, Europe
Internet. Conceptual computer artwork of computer screens linked by a network
Random universe. Conceptual computer artwork of dice in space
Big Bang. Conceptual computer artwork of a man running towards a glow of light. This, along with the mathematical formulae, can represent research into the origin of the universe
SpaceShipOne re-entrySpaceShipOne private spacecraft. Image 3 of 3. Computer artwork of SpaceShipOne re-entering the Earths atmosphere. The design allows the wings to pivot, forming the correct alignment
SpaceShipOne above EarthSpaceShipOne private spacecraft. Image 2 of 3. Computer artwork of SpaceShipOne above Earth. The Milky Way is seen across top
SpaceShipOne firing rocketSpaceShipOne private spacecraft. Image 1 of 3. Computer artwork of SpaceShipOne firing its rocket engine. The Moon is at upper left
Fertility. Conceptual computer artwork of human sperm (male sex cells, white) as part of a board game
Overworked. Conceptual computer artwork of a man running from paperwork. This could represent a reaction to an overload of work
Window where Marconi transmitted radioMarconis window. The window from which Italian physicist Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) first transmitted radio signals from Villa Griffone at Pontecchio, near Bologna, Italy
Marconi birthplace and tombMarconis birthplace and tomb. Villa Griffone at Pontecchio near Bologna, Italy, the birthplace of Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), Italian physicist
Statue of MarconiMarconi statue. Bust of Guglielmo Marconi (1874- 1937), Italian physicist, located at Villa Griffone near Bologna, Italy
Claude Bernard, French physiologistClaude Bernard (1813-1878), French physiologist and pioneer of experimental medicine and physiological chemistry
Paul Joseph Barthez, French physicianPaul Joseph Barthez (1734-1806), French physician. Barthez was born in Montpellier, France, and was educated in Narbonne and Toulouse
Joseph Babinski, French neurologistJoesph Babinski (1857-1932), French neurologist
Two-headed sheep. Conceptual image of a sheep (Ovis aries) with two heads
Genetic research. Conceptual computer artwork of a DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecule surrounded by mathematical formulae
Genetic modification. Conceptual computer artwork of a DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecule with scaffolding for maintenance and repair
Repairing Earth. Conceptual computer artwork of scaffolding on the Earth. This could represent repairing the worldwide environment
Mountain lake formed from glacial run-off, water originating in mountain glaciers. Mount Mercator with a glacier can be seen In the background
Autumn Aspen treesAspen forest. American aspen trees (Populus tremuloides) in autumn colour. The aspen, a species of poplar, is also named the trembling aspen because it appears to tremble in the wind
Burning calcium (Ca) in oxygen (O2) gas. Calcium burns with an intense white flame, tinged with red at the edges. It forms calcium oxide (CaO)
Cutaway illustration of plant chloroplastCutaway illustration of a plant chloroplast, the unit within the leaf which manufactures the plants food supply - starch - during photosynthesis
Lord Dudley Stuart, (1803-1854)Portrait of Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart, leading advocate of Polish Independence, engraved in 1843
American Indians. Interview of Indians with the Great FathePortait of the pawnee warrior, Qu-u-aek, or Buffalo Bull
American Indians. Pawnees looking out for the enemy. From aPawnee Indian standing on his horse, looking out for the enemy; either the Blackfoot or Comanches
Joseph Chamberlain arriving in the House of Commons, 16th MaIllustration of Joseph Chamberlain, Colonial Secretary (centre with monocle), entering the House of Commons to loud applause from the Government benches, 16 March 1903
American Indians. The Sugar CampAmerican Indian camp, where Passamaquoddy Indians have been tapping trees, boiling maple syrup and trapping furs during the Winter months
American Indians. Sioux ChiefSioux Chief wearing beads and carrying a pipe
Lord Frederick Cavendish (1836-1882)Engraving of Lord Frederick Cavendish MP, the Chief Secretary for Ireland, who was assassinated in Phoenix Park, Dublin, 1882
American Indians. The American Indian Rising. Pine Ridge AgeView of the school house, the Agents house, office and police barracks, workshop and church on the reservation where the Sioux lived
Benjamin Disraeli and the Conservative Party at the CarltonEngraving of Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) (front right) in discussion with members of the Conservative Party at the Carlton Club
Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, and his FamilyPhotograph of Stanley Baldwin (1867-1947), Conservative Politician and Prime Minister (bottom left), and his family (clockwise from top left) Hon. Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Stanley Baldwin, Mrs
Catherine Gladstone, (1812-1900)Photographic portrait of Catherine Gladstone (nee Glynne), the wife of William Ewart Gladstone, the English Liberal statesman
Zulu war. Dinizulus slovenly kraal at Usutu. Dinizulu beingDinizulu was put on trial in Pietermaritzburg in January 1908