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3 Oct 2022 Collection54 Items
13 Oct 2022 Collection5 Items
17 Oct 2022A fall display of pumpkins at a fruit market. Saint-Gervais. France
18 Oct 2022Shadow of a christian woman praying the Rosary. Close-up
23 Oct 2022The ancient medieval dam at the small hydroelectric plant
Christian woman holding a christian cross at sunset. Close up on hands. Concept for religion, faith, prayer and spirituality
Bench under the snow in winter. Landscape white in winter season, mountain alps, tree full of snow. Switzerland
K Hof- und Staatsdruckerei Otto Barth Wocheiner BahnK. K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Otto Barth, Wocheiner Bahn, lithograph, total: height: 104 cm; width: 66, 4 cm, signed: bottom left in the stone: OTTO BARTH
Graph Anstalt J E Wolfensberger Emil CardinauxGraph. Anstalt J. E
Shadow of a christian woman praying the Rosary. Close-upFord Crown Victoria of the Miami Beach (Florida) Police Department. Miami, Florida, USA
A catholic cross in winter. La Forclaz. Switzerland
Pope Francis during the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) torchlight procession at the ancient Colosseum (Colosseo)Pope Francis during the Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) torchlight procession at the ancient Colosseum (Colosseo, Colisee) on Good Friday. Vatican
A fall display of pumpkins at a fruit market. Saint-Gervais. FranceIndian Hindu Elephant God Ganesh (Ganesha or Ganapati). Singapore
Cup of black coffee with heart. Uong Bi. Vietnam
The ancient medieval dam at the small hydroelectric plantIn the municipality of Pitigliano (in the province of Grosseto, central Italy) there is an ancient medieval dam serving a mill, now used for the small hydroelectric plant
Jules Cheret Imprimerie Jules Cheret Concert-promenade de L HorlogeJules Cheret, Imprimerie Jules Cheret, Concert-promenade de L Horloge, paper, lithography, total: height: 57, 7 cm; width: 41 cm, signed: u. r
Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen Imprimerie Ch Wall & CieTheophile-Alexandre Steinlen, Imprimerie Ch
Henri Meunier Casino de Blankenberghe paper lithographHenri Meunier, Casino de Blankenberghe, paper, lithograph, work: height: 89 cm; width: 125 cm, signed and dated: lower left: in print: HENRI MEUNIER 1896, below handwritten: Henri Meunier, posters
Kurt Lowengard 11th exhibition Hamburg SecessionKurt Lowengard, 11th exhibition of the Hamburg Secession: paintings, sculpture, watercolors, graphic arts, woodcut, total: height: 68 cm; width: 48, 5 cm, signed: im Druck u. r
Heinrich Lefler J Weiner Vienna Flower paradeHeinrich Lefler, J. Weiner (Vienna), Flower parade, paper, lithography, Total: height: 125 cm; width: 91 cm, signed: bottom right in printing form: H
V Neubert Smichov Jan Preisler Manes XXI VystV. Neubert Smichov, Jan Preisler, Manes, XXI. Vyst. Sp. Vytv. Um
V Neubert Smichov Jan Preisler Manes XXV VystV. Neubert Smichov, Jan Preisler, Manes, XXV. Vyst. Sp. Vytv. Um. Manes. L. v
Johann van Caspels Lankhout & Co Cacao KarstelJohann van Caspel, S
Adolfo Hohenstein Calderoni Gioielliere old stockAdolfo Hohenstein, A
Istituto Cartografico Italiano Giovanni Maria MataloniIstituto Cartografico Italiano, Giovanni Maria Mataloni, Societa anonima per la incandescenza a gas, paper, lithography, total: height: 149 cm; width: 99, 5 cm, signed: u. li
Charles Gesmar Imprimerie H Chachoin MistinguettCharles Gesmar, Imprimerie H. Chachoin, Mistinguett, Lithography, Total: Height: 120 cm; Width: 77, 5 cm, signed and dated: recto u. re. in print: C
Piero Todeschini X Internationale Mailander Mustermesse 1929Piero Todeschini, X
Caleb Althin Konstnarliga Affischer Generalstabens Litografiska AnstaltCaleb Althin, Konstnarliga Affischer Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt, Samtidens novelist, paper, lithography, total: height: 58 cm; width: 44, 3 cm, signed and dated: in print u. r.: C. ALTHIN
Christian Koren-Wiberg John Griegs bogtrykkeriChristian Koren-Wiberg, John Griegs bogtrykkeri, The International Fishing Exhibition, Bergen, Norway 1898, paper, lithograph, total: height: 71, 1 cm; width: 49, 4 cm
K Court State Printing Office Otto Barth CarniolaK. K. Court and State Printing Office, Otto Barth, Carniola. K. K. -sterr
Maximilian Liebenwein Albert Berger Karlsbader Wasser-ZwiebackMaximilian Liebenwein, Albert Berger, Karlsbader Wasser-Zwieback, brand Sprudel, paper, chromolithography, total: height: 59, 7 cm; width: 37 cm, monogrammed and dated: in print: 19ML07
Graph Institution J E Wolfensberger Emil CardinauxGraph. Institution J. E. Wolfensberger, Emil Cardinaux, Rhaetian Railway. Grisons-Switzerland
Walther Kupfer H J Burger & Sohn VII Great Ski RaceWalther Kupfer, H. J. Burger & Sohn, VII Great Ski Race of Switzerland, St. Moritz 1911, paper, chromolithography, total: height: 105 cm; width: 74 cm, signed: im Druck u. l.: W
Walther Koch Gebr Fretz Graph Werkstatten Graphische Werkstatten GebrWalther Koch, Gebr. Fretz Graph. Werkstatten, Graphische Werkstatten Gebr. Fretz, Zurich, paper, lithography, total: height: 125 cm; width: 93 cm, signed: im Druck u. r.: W
Emil Cardinaux open-air theater Lucerne HertensteinEmil Cardinaux, open-air theater Lucerne Hertenstein, lithography, total: height: 102 cm; width: 73 cm, signed: recto u. r. im Motiv im Stein: E
Graph Institution J E Wolfensberger Walther KochGraph. Institution J. E. Wolfensberger, Walther Koch, Rhaetian Railway
Emil Cardinaux Emmenthalian Shooting FestivalEmil Cardinaux, Emmenthalian Shooting Festival in Sumiswald
Ferdinand Hodler Lithographic Institute Albert BergerFerdinand Hodler, Lithographic Institute Albert Berger, Secession. XIXth Exhibition of the Association of Austrian Visual Artists
Richard Teschner K u Hoflithogr Hse Wallenstein-FestspieleRichard Teschner, K. u. K. Hoflithogr. A. Hse, Wallenstein-Festspiele in Eger, paper, lithograph, total: height: 110 cm; width: 81, 8 cm, signed and dated: top left in the stone: R
Richard Teschner Graph Artist Ed Strache Bohemian Switzerland KRichard Teschner, Graph. Artist Ed. Strache, Bohemian Switzerland K. K. Austrian State Railways, lithograph, total: height: 100 cm; width: 70 cm, signed and dated: u. r
František Kysela Manes style Mĕsičnik pro ArchitekturuFrantišek Kysela, Manes, style
V Neubert Smichov Alfons Mucha P─øvecke sdru┼¥eni u─ìitel┼» moravskychV. Neubert Smichov, Alfons Mucha, P─øvecke sdru┼¥eni u─ìitel┼» moravskych, lithography, total: height: 106.50 cm; width: 81.00 cm, signed and dated: lower left in motif: Mucha 1911
Christoph Reissers Sohne Gustav Bamberger Kunstlerbund HagenChristoph Reissers Sohne, Gustav Bamberger, Kunstlerbund Hagen. VIII. Exhibition, lithograph, total: height: 55, 50 cm; width: 42, 00 cm, monogrammed: u. Mitte im Druck: G.B, u
Ramon Casas i Carbo Hispania- Literatura y ArteRamon Casas i Carbo, Hispania- Literatura y Arte. Cronicas Quincenales, lithograph, total: height: 77 cm; width: 110 cm, signed: u. r. in print: R
Eugene Grasset Imprimerie G de Malherbe Salon des CentEugene Grasset, Imprimerie G. de Malherbe, Salon des Cent - Exposition d une partie de l " uvre de E
G Ricordi e C Leopoldo Metlicovitz International IndustrialG. Ricordi e C, Leopoldo Metlicovitz, International Industrial and Commercial Exhibition Turin 1911, lithography, Total: Height: 100, 00 cm; Width: 69, 80 cm, monogrammed: top right in print: LM
Max von Esterle Wagner sche Universitats-BuchdruckereiMax von Esterle, Wagner sche Universitats-Buchdruckerei, Mutters near Innsbruck, Tyrol, paper, lithography, total: height: 106 cm; width: 69 cm, u. li. in the stone: M
Johann van Caspel Steendr Senefelder W Hoogenstraaten & Co. - Fijne GroentenJohann van Caspel, Steendr Senefelder, W. Hoogenstraaten & Co.- Fijne Groenten, Huishoudgroenten, Soepen en Sausen, lithography, total: height: 79 cm; width: 54 cm, signed: u. r
Arnold van Roessel Drukkerij Kotting Flesschenmelkfabriek Nieuw HollandArnold van Roessel, Drukkerij Kotting, Flesschenmelkfabriek Nieuw Holland, lithography, total: height: 110 cm; width: 80 cm, signed: in print lower left: Arn. v
Lit Gual Santiago Rusinol Teatro Artistico Interior por Mce MaeterlinckLit. A. Gual, Santiago Rusinol, Teatro Artistico. Interior por Mce Maeterlinck, paper, lithography, total: height: 86, 3 cm; width: 59, 1 cm, signed: in print and left: S
Ch Didier Henri Montassier L Heure decouvert La Machine a finir la guerreCh. Didier, Henri Montassier, L Heure a decouvert La Machine a finir la guerre, paper, lithography, work: height: 160 cm; width: 120 cm, signed: im Druck u
Utrillo & Rialp S. C Santiago Rusinol L Alegria que passaUtrillo & Rialp S.C, Santiago Rusinol, Santiago Rusinol - L Alegria que passa. Musica d Enric Morera, paper, lithography, total: height: 88, 3 cm; width: 62, 2 cm, signed: u
Georges Gaudy Affiches D Art O De Rycker Automobile Club de BelgiqueGeorges Gaudy, Affiches D Art O. De Rycker, Automobile Club de Belgique - Course Bruxelles-Spa 25 26 Juin. Fetes et Concours, paper, lithograph, total: height: 128.50 cm; width: 93.00 cm, signed: u
Dr E Chappuis Adolfo de Karolis International IndustrialDr. E. Chappuis, Adolfo de Karolis
Imprimerie Lemercier Eugene Grasset Exposition Internationale de Madrid 1893-1894Imprimerie Lemercier, Eugene Grasset, Exposition Internationale de Madrid 1893-1894, paper, lithograph, total: height: 149 cm; width: 109 cm, signed: bottom left in print: E
Henri-Gabriel Ibels Imprimerie Edouard DelanchyHenri-Gabriel Ibels, Imprimerie Edouard Delanchy, Mevisto, paper, lithography, total: height: 173 cm; width: 123 cm, signed: in print and left: H G
Albert Berger Johanna Meier-Michel SecessionAlbert Berger, Johanna Meier-Michel, Secession. Die Kunst der Frau
Imprimerie Lemercier Pierre Puvis de ChavannesImprimerie Lemercier, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, Centenaire de la Lithographie, paper, lithography, total: height: 148, 5 cm; width: 109 cm, signed: im Druck im Motiv u. r.: P
Alfred Roller Ver Sacrum Albert Berger Lithographic InstituteAlfred Roller, Ver Sacrum, Albert Berger Lithographic Institute, Secession. IV
Johann Victor Kramer Ver Sacrum Lithographic Institute Albert BergerJohann Victor Kramer, Ver Sacrum, Lithographic Institute Albert Berger, XI. Exhibition of the Association of Austrian Visual Artists - Secession. Works by the painter Joh. Vict
Impressions Artistiques Pajol & Cie Theophile-Alexandre SteinlenImpressions Artistiques, Pajol & Cie, Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen, Mothu et Doria - Scenes impressionistes, Paper, Lithography, Total: Height: 129 cm; Width: 92, 5 cm
Christoph Reissers Sohne Alfred Keller Kunstlerbund HagenChristoph Reissers Sohne, Alfred Keller, Kunstlerbund Hagen. IX. Exhibition, lithography, total: height: 56, 00 cm; width: 42, 00 cm, signed: u. r. im Druck: GEZ
Christoph Reissers sons Joseph Urban HagenbundChristoph Reissers sons, Joseph Urban, Hagenbund. Fall exhibition and collective exhibition Max Liebermann, lithography, total: height: 55, 50 cm; width: 42, 50 cm, and center in print: LITH. U
Society Graphic Industry Gustav Bamberger Kunstlerbund HagenSociety for the Graphic Industry, Gustav Bamberger, Kunstlerbund Hagen. Die Kunst im Leben des Kindes, lithography, total: height: 54, 00 cm; width: 39, 00 cm, signed: u. li. in print: G
Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen Imprimerie Charles VerneauTheophile-Alexandre Steinlen, Imprimerie Charles Verneau, Motocycles Comiot, paper, lithography, total: height: 138, 5 cm; width: 95, 5 cm, signed: im Druck unten rechts: Steinlen
Vilh Soborgs Eftfs Etabl Svend Fischers KunstforlagVilh. Soborgs Eftfs. Etabl, Svend Fischers Kunstforlag, Paul Fischer, Ethvert Barn Bor Eie den! Alfabetet Billedbog For Born, lithograph, total: height: 84.3 cm; width: 59.5 cm, signed: u. r
Adrien Barrere N embrassez pas votre bonne Max LinderAdrien Barrere, N embrassez pas votre bonne - Max Linder, paper, lithography, total: height: 159, 5 cm; width: 119, 5 cm, signed: bottom right in print: A. Barrere, film posters, Moral
Graph Institution J E Wolfensberger Emil CardinauxGraph. Institution J. E. Wolfensberger, Emil Cardinaux, Langenbruck
Jan Theodoor Toorops Lankhout & Co Delftsche SlaolieJan Theodoor Toorop, S. Lankhout & Co, Delftsche Slaolie (Nederlandsche Oliefabriek Delft), lithography, total: height: 100, 10 cm; width: 71, 00 cm, monogrammed: lower right in print: J
Theophile-Alexandre Steinlen Imprimerie Charles VerneauTheophile-Alexandre Steinlen, Imprimerie Charles Verneau, Affiches Charles Verneau La Rue, Paper, Lithograph, Total: Height: 139 cm; Width: 102 cm